The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, April 07, 1856, Image 4

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    Two : ' LOvs 2,7 I)
Atstli• raper.
IL/ iinesually iirgeasiortinent Wan pa
per, orevery ,slyie and variety. frail 123 to
40 allots a, piece. Hoosekeepert end Paper
Hanger. are Invited, t.ti earl' acid examine the
stock. vt bleb' la ailpyrkofto anything heretofore
offered in' ditti taaiket. OnlY.lgieerttO 4 piece s ,
1# cents airard,, tot Wall . PeOr ' -
Gettysburg. Feb. 25; 1856. ' •
Tin Waire l
Q Alan' G. COOK` lntornis his friends
0140,0 e polotie generally, that he has on
hand, at hia'Slioli 'nearly' opposite the Post=
Office, a very large and well-made assortment
of TIN-WARE, which he will sell at prices
which iiann.'it ra il ' to please.' He' wilt also
—execute to order, w ; ith,promptness, in, a %oat
man-like manner , and, wlth - the hest materials, '
ill kindief 410 ES PO rill NG. lq ETA L
Gettyabutg, Nov. 10; tf •
. „
Waodiingtokk, Ekrte'!;,
.ibbonstQwn, 4dwas (Iviutity,* Pint
publioihat he baskopened a Publiet•Fluuse
of Entortiinthent in - the borough of - Abbattar
town. 'ivitere'llit:Will by happy to entertain, all
who'ntaycil) with him. Having hell many
yearn . ' kriowtedie Of the business of toter
-keeping, Ito ustters himself. that his efforts to
pleaso will be satisfactory. Give the ',Wash
ington" a call.`
February 18, 1856. tf
New-Segar_dic Tobacco_
SAMUEL 'to A 8 Jr., would respectfoliV
inform the citizens of.the town and coml.
ty, that . he has opened a Seger and Tobacco
manufactory, in Baltimore street, next door to
Forney's Drug Store, Gettyshure, where he
will constantly keep on hand a large variety
of SEGARS, of the finest flavor, an& at-the
lowest living priced. Of CHIMING TO
BACCO he has the. choicest kinds,—also a
capitel,, article or SNUFF- » a11 of which he,
offers as low as. the lowest, lie only asks a
trial, convinced that he can gratify, every taste.
He hopes, by striet.attention to bosinese and
a desire tb pleaseoo merit and receive a share
of public-patronage.
May-7; 1855.
Hanoi H. iikaitirond..,
rpRAIN§ . over the Tianover Branch Rail.
road now run as , folluws:
First Train leaves Hanover at .91 t. Mol
with. Passengste, for_ York; Harrisburg, Co!.t
mbia and Philadelphia. This Train also
connects with the Express fat%Baltimore, ar
riving there at I. P. Mwetopping at Glenna:sk i
Parkton and, Cockrysvil • •
Second <Train leaves St 2, P. M., with Pas
sengers int Baltimore and intermediate places,
snd returns with passengers from York, 4310.
J. LIIB, Amt.
Jul 36 23.1855. &f
Franklin. Inn.
Collier of 'High & Billet's streets, Baltimore.
( . 101.. THOMAS '.1A1 4 11;80, N, (lately of
1.1 York, Pa..) has' leasrd the'
ivii, - eorner if IpArls' and Millen Ba
snit will entertain gaesti , on mod•
He hope to give entire sails.
factinn, ind will spare no etThrt to 'merit the
approimi . Of 'all who can' appreciate ,a well
regulated and home=like Hotel Give him a
trial. (91t:,'Ilee: IQ, 1850., 3m
su+9gUUehaigiiiai flOte.4
4 :lVAdftijeaks: s ert tittatton, t:tatttruere, Md.
ande,raigned, having leased the above
hotel and pacit incomplete order, is pre. ,
pnredto .secommodate his friends and the
travelling publie - 1 The proprietor will be
____pleattedee,his-eld—friends, r and—pronlises
to. make their "nay comfortable and' satisfac.
tory. - gaggage taken, to and from Calverl
Station_ frec.of charge,
• - 401:1N -B
2. -AIIR, (furincrly rf Penna., ) Juli , 9, 1855., ,fr, PROPRIETOR.
tabti~l►~ualt. •
rrH.g. undersigned respecittelly inform the
citizens of Gettysburg and the public
gene - nay, that they have openea a GRA NOTE
E-YARD. 'on South Baltimore Street,
opposite the reciidenie of Geo. Shryock, where
they are prepared to fUrnish , .Grattite Stone,
iessed in every style, for. ftionumeniS, Door
Sills and. Steps, and every kind of• building
and :ornamental .use. Alio, Cemetery Blocks
alwayi on hand,and a general variety of Dress
ed Granite.
The undersigned having' had considerable
experience in their business, respectfully in
- vita peivons7. - wishing - anythitirtinUirlhfe — to
give 136 a call-=—as.Nre are'prepared• to furnish
the same article CHEAPER than it has over
been heretofore offered in Goltyshurg,
• • PETER. 13 EITL ER.
Jan. 7 1856.. 3113
77M.. T. KING respectfully announcer to
hts friends and . the public generally
that --he Continues the ,TRThoRING
BUSLYESS in the room adjoining the'
store of:P. Lawrence Schick, at d. front
ing on•tbe Re has made arrange
thetas to receive . regularly the LATEST PAM'.
SONS, and it will be his constant aim to giie
entire satisfaction to those who may favor hi in
with their custom. , • -
,Country produce will he taken, in ex-
Change for work... _ WM. T. KING.
Gettysburg, Dec. 17. 1855. 1y
C. 11.1!ifeedies,
LISHMENT,. S.W.' tor: of Twelflh and Race
filreets, Philadelphia, bleparsa of fine 'FRENCH
Tausitaa, combining extreme lightneas, tase
and durability with correct' constructiwt,,
Hernial or
, ruptured patients can b. =cited
by . remitting atnounts, as
immheint.tachei iuund the hips, and
side affected:: Cost of Single Truss:
64, 85. SG, $8 and r lif. to.
stmctions as to' wear, and bow to effect a cure,
when possible. sent with the Triin,s.
- Also for sale. in'great variety, Or. nanning's
Improved 'Patent Body Brace, for tbs cure of
Protapsus Uteri ;'Spinal Props and Supports,
Patent N. boulder , B stens, Chest Ex panders RI!
Erector Braces, adapted to all with Stoop
Shotilders arul. Weak Lungs; Enltlish Elastic
Abdominal "Belts, Saspensoovi.,
male - end' fidt):"Ladiess Rooms, with
Ladrittendante. [A ug. 6, 1855. y
- tißiiitidyamtide Clothllllg.
ClLOTH.,Quating, Cassinuerea, Cassineta,
larzPst variety
hind and coastiutfy makino. up. The
barguicot,in town at the Plothing Eakporii,:n
Attu sand stone ,fromt of, -
N0v.19.. 6EO. ARNOL9,
Dec. 10, 155.5.
IMES, if vem wart handsome and'ciinapnew Article of SILK and - •
DLLI .1y GOODS. call at
1. 4 ,r()01. 1-10•NI.1. and silk lined ' COAPS:—Fanc-y—ai—)d—C—orn xl2l`(' .I El? 1, - ^t!IC. larrre.“ kit [Tient in ,
mon Snapkt, in t,kkvki will he fwmil NCI-11 ( 'N's
BROTHERS. for „die at IA OsT0(71; Eiftyrif pa:o4, L,7 end iess variety, to be had cheap at stock Pratir.te• Is ea...rt• article in the' c 7
' 4549.(:1: 14 e Rai - root. 051, bign9f the Bia - F6lll. • turnery Will sell ehetp. '
-Gettylsltlpurg_Foupdty. 1 Wm,: lA. MTlel fan,
' d 11 7 4'W FIRM. -, 1 . ' 4T7'O It IVE Y .E l' L. , 1 TV.
r_. FA-FF.IO :on:the- a tir e - Publicouth—thie-of—
Hl; undersignedAavingentered into.part..
nership to carry on the Foundry business • ‘--- 1
• -/ Square, two doors west of the Sentinel
under the firm of WARREN &SONS, hereby offices. - Aug. 22. , 1653.
naske . known to the citizens of Adams and ad.
Joining counties, that we are prepared to make
everything in our line of business. - We have
- constantly on hand, the HATH AW A Y and
other Cooking Stoveri, the Parlor air
tight and ten Vale Stoves, of various - styles and
sizes, POIR, Pules and Pans, and all other
Iron ,Cooking Utensils, Waffle Irons, Wash.;
ing Machines, Ash-plates, Boot.sorapers, &e.
Castino - s for Mills and other Machinery,
PLOU ,, GIi C ASTINGS of every description,'
40. We make the Selllar, Blucher, and differ
ent kinds of Withrow Ploughs. 'We have
also got different patterna_arenelnicand
Railing for Cemeteries,Yards and Porches,
which clan% lie beat for beauty lifiiheapness.
6:7•All the above articles will be sold cheap
for Cash or Country Produce. ~(0
irr at'AcKsmilrlONG still eontinued.'
13RAS ,
!n oAsTiNcis . and every thing in,
1, , ,
our line' od e to °Wt.: ,
VifiT,STI/NO MICEfINES 'repaired at
shortest notice. Being Moulders outselves,
we WI
co - ou; war' R, UHT.
- rrium .
MA - ••*'
Gettyaburg, May 14, 1855. if
GRocEnies, &V.
?lAN EL.• ZIEGLER has just returned
from the city with the largest lot of
GROCER! ES he has ever before opened. to
w frich he invites the attention of all, convinced
that he can offer ARIZ BARGAINS. He_has also
a fine lot of HAMS, SHOULDHRS, &c;
FISH of all kinds ; Oranges, Lemons, and
i f titer fruits t Crackers, Nuts, Confeetions ;
rpm, Tobacco, Snuff, and a general variety
°V everything, 'a6from a 'needle to an anchor,
almost.' Give him a' call, 11l ou want to Loy
what's cheap and good.
Country Produce taken in exchange for
. Goods. [May 7, 1855.
Read y•na ad e Clothing.
ARCATS" , SAMSON has just returned
tV from New York, Philadelphia; and
Hal thnore, with the largest and host assort
ment of 1it.91.1Y.111.31)E CL92llll.VG,'"ever
brought to Gettysburg, made up in magnifi
cent styles, and most approved fashions, ,In
regard to workmanship, they can't be excelled
by any customer tailor,
Having enlarged my place and stoel:, I am
able :o sell Ready-made Clothing of-every de
scriptioli, Cheaper than ever offered before in
,this or any other plane this.sice of the Atlan-
My:stock' consists - part of COATS,
of all sizes, prieesi, colors and kinds, made up
.in a superior-manner.PANTS & VESTS,
of the latest and most fashionable styles, and
every kind of goods suitable for winter wear ;
also HOOTS & SHOES, and, a large assort
ment of Gentlemen's and. Boys' 'Furnishing
Goods, corwasting in extra quality linen-bosom
Stispenders, Gloves, Half Hoso; Col
lars, Neck and Pocket Handkerchief, and an
extraordinary assortment of black satin and
fancy Self.adjusting
. Stoeks,' nod_ various other
rd nay articles; together with Umbrellas,Ti unks;
Carpet Ilags,'Llats; Caps, Boots and Shoes. My
:Goods are 'selected and purchased under the
most favorable cirournstances.
4. Small Pryits,",is always the motto I am
determined to 'carry out, at the Money-saving
Clothing- Enipciriunt in York street.
A personal examination can alone satisfy
customers of the comprehensiveness of my
stock, which I am selling at least 20 percent,
!owe, thin can be fond at any of my cow
patters. •
31414' , 1 am.elso prepared 'to sell wholesale - to
-eottni-ry--mercha-nts—tlesiringto sell — again,
Heady • Made Clothingat CI:TEAM RATES TITAN
CAN SE SOUGHT IN THk CITIES. ' If you .dou - bt
it cal; and examine for yourselves.
N. Goods bought of me will be ex.-
ch»nied if they do not prove satisfactory.
Gettysburg. Oct. 1, 1855.
Holloway's pills.
- vg H y 4 u.;.N:_ IYE; SICK.3--It has been
the tot uf the 'human race to be weighed
dnwrii by disease end suffering. HOLLO
WAY'S PILLs are specially adapted to the
relief of the WEAK, the N KAYO US, the
ELIO ATE,atid the INFIRM, of all climes,
ages, 'sexes,. and. constitutions.. Professor
Hnllaway personally superintends the manu
facture of his medicines in the United States,
and offers thein'te a, free and enlightened peo
le, as the , best remedy the world ever haw
or t r of
;e removal of disease,—
These Pills Purify (he Blood.
, These famous Pills are expressly combined
to cipeptte on the stninaoli, the liver, the .kid
neys, the lungs, .the skin, anti the bowels,
correcting any derangement iri their fUnctinns,
purifying the blood, the very fountain of life,
IlyesPePila and Liver Complaints.
Islarly half' the human race have taken
these Hills. It has been proved in all parts of
the world, that nothing has been found equal
to theta in cases of disorders of the liver, dys
pepsia, and stomach complaints generally.—
They soon give a healthy tone to these organs,
however much deranged, and when all other
means have failed.
Vretteral Debility. 11l Health.
Many of the most despotic Governments
have opened their CostoM Houses to the in
troduction of these Pills, that they may be
come the, medicine of, the maases. Learned
Colleges admit that this is the best medicine
ever known for persons of delicate health, or
'where the system has been impaired, as its
invigorating pioperties ver fail to afford
Female Complaints,.
, No female, youn2 or old, should he without
this celebrated medicine. It corrects and re;;-
Oates Me monthly courses at all periods, act.
int , in many oases like a charm. It' is also
the heat and safest medicine that can be given
to children of all ages; and for any complaint ;
consequently no family should he without it,
Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known in
llte_ warldfor the following Diseases :
Asthma Debility Liver Complaints
Bowel Complaints Fever and Ague Lowness of zvirits
Coughs Ferrule Complaints Piles
o.lill lici.eiaehus - Stnne and G ravel
Ctle.t. fle 41•41 sell 1 tiige.itioia been adary Symp. ,
cost Lye (Lars / nJuenta tom %
by 41,v1,14 1 litiattliffilt iOn Venereal Affection
Di ce , the , l , Driipxy I nward Weakness , Wnrms, of ail kind
* * *Sold at the Establishment of Professor
Floi..i.owAv, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and
24-1 Strand, London. and by all respectable
Drugleigts and Dealers in Medmines throngh
out the United States, and the civilized world.
iu Boxes. at 25 -cents, 626 cents, and di! 'each.
reirThere is a ennsiderable saving by wk.
lug the laroer
N, B.—Directions for the g,uidanee of pa
tlentsin every diAorderare affixed Loeileh Box,
Jot Li; IS5r.
E. B. Buehler,
.127'TORNEY .41 1
WILL faithfully and promptly attend to,
all business entrusted to biro. Ile
speaks the German. inugunge. Oirkee st the
same place, in South Baltimore street, near
Forney's Drug Store, and nearly opposite
Danner & Ziegler's, Store. [Mare42o.
ft. llVlDonaughy,
(Office-reinoved to one do r West of Puebler's
_ _Drug&Book;store,Chara ersburg street,_)__
Attorney & Solicitor for katentit
and penodons,
BOUNTY Land Warrants, Back - a Pay sus.
pended Claims, and al other claims
againet.the Government at Washington, D. G.:
also A merican claims in England. Land,Wir
rants located and sold, or bought, aikthighest
prices given.
-,Ndrioq_e t im_l_oentintants
lowa, Illinois, and other Western Statei; and
n • a_ .r_sa e_t tete.
Oz:r Apply to lam personally or by letter.
Gettysburg, Nov. '2l, 1853;-
David A. Buehler,
1. X TILL promptly attend to collections and
V all business entrusted to his care.
fOrOffice in the Diamond, adjoining store
of, A. IL KURTZ. •
Gettysbarg; Feb. 4,1856. Iy '
J. Lawrence URI, 11L
.7 11 111(
B[AS his Office one door.weetof the Lutheran
church, in Chanthershurg street, and ap
posite Grainuter's store, where those \visiting
to have any Dental Operationperforined
are respectfully invited to call.
• Dr. D. Gilbert, Dr. C. N. Berjochy, Dr. D.
Horner, Rey. C. P. Kranttt, - D.D., - Rev. H. L.
Bangle r. D. D., Rev. Prof. William M. Rey-
Aolit‘,Rev. P u rf.Nl.incobs, Prof. M.Letittever.
Gettysbur , April 11, 1853. tf
FORCE and Henry Wampler will make
House Spouting; and put up the same low,
for cash or country produce. Farmers and all
others wishing their flouses, pains, &e.
spOUted, would do well to (=lye theni
G. &. H. WAIIPLEIt..
April,lB, 1953. - • • •
Hay Wanted.
PERSONS having Hay to sell,willdowell
by calling on the subscriber, in Gettys
burg, who is d'esirons of purchasing. The
highest market price will be raid at all times.
Kr-As he intends having the Hay,' after
being packed. hauled either to Hanover or
Baltimore, the preference to haul %vitt be given
to those from whom he may purchase,
Dec. 6, 1852: tf
Bounty Land Claints.
THE undersigned' will attend promptly to
the collection of clai:ns.for BOUNTY
LANDS under the late act of liongress.
Those who have already received 40 - or 80
Acres, can now receive the bald ace, by eatlinz
on the sub s criber and making the nveessary
application. ;10 Eli B. DANNER.
Gettysburg, March 1855. tf
• Hard-ware Store.
E subscribers would respectfidly an.
nounce to their friends and the public that
Alley-- have—opened -a-,1-KW-1-1A It ()WAR E
STORE, in Ballinwre S/reel, aeljaninz, the
residence qf David Ziegler, GeV yslnirg,in which
they are opening a large and general assort
- went of
Hardware, Iron, Steel, Groceries,
55 L . 2) M IL 1.11, 1 Z° 9
• (Erbar-ware, Sipe Sint rote,
Paints, Oils, and Dye.stuffs,
in general, inclnding every description of arti
cleti in the above lines of business, - to which
they invite the attention of Coach-makers,
Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Cabinet -makers,
Shoe-makers, Saddlers, and the public gen-
Our stock having been selected with great
care and purchased for Cash, weguarantee (fur
the Ready Money,) to dispose of any part of
't — on - s - reasonable terms as they can be pur 7
chased any where.
We particularly request a call from our
friends, and earnestly solicit a share of public
favor, as we are,determined to establish a char
acter for selling Goods at low prices and Bo
ng businesi on lair principles.
ii" . '-- - -- 1 :7
Gettysburg, June 9, 1861. ti
Stauffer & Barley.
Wholes* & Retail, at the Philadelphia
Watch and Jewelry Store, No. 96 North
Second street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia.
Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 caret
cases, $2B 00; Gold Lepines, 10 caret, $24 00;
Silver Levers, full jeweled; $l2 00; Silver
Lepines, jewels, s9'oo; Superior Quaruers.
$7 00 ; Gold Spectacles. 67. 00; Fine Silver
do., $1 50 ; Gold Bracelets, $3 00; Ladies'
GAII Pencils, $1 00 ; Silver Tea Spoons, set,
$5 00; Gold Pens, with 'Pencil and Silver
Holder, $1 00
Gold Finger Rings 37i cents to SPIO; Watch
Glasses, plain, 12i cents, patent 184 ; Lnnet ;
23; other articles in proportion. All goods
warranted to be what they are sold for.
On hand, soma Gold and Silver Levers and.
Lepities, still lower than the above prices.
'Oct. 1, 18.55. ly
China, Glass and Queiensware
Geo. M. Bukee, Successor to J.l fec 4,
MPOR.TER and Dealer in CH IN A,
Howard Street, (between Fayette and Lexing•
ton street.s.) Baltimore. Md., respectfully in
vites the attention of Dealers to an exattiimaion
of his well assorted stock before purchht , ini;
elsewhere. [Feb. 19, 1855. ly
Caledonia Iron.
- IAIiNESOCK BROTHERS.. havinz the
exeln%ive sale of CALEDONIA ROLL
ED IRON i'nr Gettysburg,. would call the at
tention of buyers-to this—mtrke of Iron—the
hest in the niarket=w ilia will be sold at the
lowest rates.
We keep a lame supply of HAMMERED
IRON constantly on hand. ( - :ail at the sign
- " •
or the•
Frazer'M Cheap Wald' & Jew- !
ALEXII. FRAZER respectfully informs
the public, that he has - ju - st•receivo a
large and splendid assortment of rich and new
:style GOLD JEWELRY of-all kinds, inclu'•
ding Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Ear Rings,
of the most fashionable styles; lob. vest and
guard Chains, Cuff Pi.ns, WatclL_Keys,__&c._
Albata Spoons, Fancy -Vases, Watch
, Guards, Keys, and Chains ,
Got.n & Smvsn:WATCH
together with a large assOrt----
ment of ' Mourning Goods, snitahin for
persons in mourning, and numerous otner ar
ticles in his line—all of, which will be sold
at the lowest cash prices.
F-have u rch aged- a ‘r,„ ood-s -fro rn
regular Jewellers, I will WARRANT them
to be what pronounce them.' Of this pur
chasers may rest assured. • .
PAIRED, as heretofore. Give me a call,
in Baltimore street, a /few doors from the
diamond; if you want good Jewelry-, and the
genuine article, lower than the same can be .
•urchased an 'lace out of -the cit .
C e tty Myet.-7 Nov. 5, 18
Lost- and Found
Fan- SE, *Winter Goods,
O , every description, will be sold very low
for cash. Also a varitity of SHAWLS,
and iterill y. MADE' ChOTIIING-, very
cheap. -Call and see,
Gettysburg, Oct. p,-1855. -0
iN the Court of Common. Pleas of Adams
county—No. 2, January term, 1856. •
Whereas JACOB TatWass did file his peti
tion for Divorce a vinculo matritisonii, against
ANtlk M Aar, tested the 27th day of
September, A. 1)., 185.1, and made returnable
the 19th -- day of November, A, D., 1855 And
whereas an, Alias Subpoena issued in said case,
returnable the 21st day
,of Jammu, A. D.,.
1856;thelerm of .said CoUrt: - YOU, the said
Anna Mary Trimmer, are requested to be and
appear in your proper "person; in the_said
Court, on the 21a1 day if .Ipril next, to answer.
the petition of your husband, said Jacob Trim-'
mer, and to show cause, if any you have, why
he shoiild not be divorced. 'from the bonds of
Court; Proclamition.
A H ER.EAS the Hon. ROBERT .
V President of the several Courts Of Com:
mon Pleas,in the Counties composing the-19th
District; and Justice Of the Courts orOyer and
Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the
trial of all capital and other offenders in the
said diStriet,and S:tatuEL 11.42ussEr.t. and JOHN
M`GINLEY, tisqrs., Judges of the Courts of
CommOn Pleas, and Justices of the. Courts of
Oyer and Terminer,and General Jail Delivery,
for the. trial of all-capital and other offenders
in the County of Adams—have issued their
precept, ,bearing date the =2 , lth. day of Jan.,
in the year of cur Loins one - thousand eight
hundred and fifty-five, and to nicdiremed, for
holding a Court of Common Pleas, and Gen
eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Gen
eral Jail Delivery, and Court of Oyer and
Tettniner, - at GettyOurg, on iloploy, the.2lst
of ntal-4-N mce is HERESY GivEs to
all the Justices of the Peaces the Coroner and
Constables within the said county of Adams,
that they he then and there in theii . proper per-
Sims, with their Rolls, RecordS, Inquisitions,
Ex'atainatiOXlS, and other Remethbratices, to do
those things which to their offices and in that
behalf appertain to be. done; and also, they
who will prosecute against the prisoners that
are or then shall he in the Jail of the said
Goinity"-Of-Adams,are-t-o-4)e then and-there-to
prosecute against them as shall . be just.
Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg,
March 17, 1856. -
W. H. Smith,
TURER, N. /1, 7 . cur. Fourth 4- Chesnut Sts.,
Phi lidelplifa s _always on hand a large and
varied'assortment or
Port. Monnas, Work Boxes,
Pocket. Books, Cabas,
Bankers Cases, Traveling Bags;
Note. Holders, Backgammon Boards,
Port Folios, Chess Men,
Portable Desks,. Pocket'Mem. Books,
Dressing. Cases, Cigar Cases, &c.
Also,. a g eneral assortment of ENGLISH,
Fine Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Razor Strops
and Gold — Pens . -- Wholesale, Second and
Third Floors. F. H. smiTH,
N. W. corner Fourth & Chesnut Sts., rhilarin
N. B:—On the receipt of $l, a Superior
Gold Pen will be sent to any part of the
United States, by mail;—describing pen, thus,
medium, hard, or soft. [A pril 2, 1855. ly
JOHN W. TI PTO N , Fashionable Bar
ber and Hair Dresser, can at.all times
be found prepared to attend to the calls of the
people,at the Temple, in the Diamond, adjoin
in: the County Building. From long expe
rience, he flatters himself that he can go
through all the ramifications of the Tonso
rial Department with such an infinite
degree of skill, as vVil! meet with the entire
satisfaction of all who ,nay.subinit their chins
to the keen ordeal of his razors. }•. He hopes,
therefore, that by his attention to business,
and a desire to please, he will merit as well
as receive, a liberal share of public patronage..
The sick will be attended to at their private .
Gettysburg, Jan. 8.1855. tf
1856---Spring Stock of New , Goods.
F . A B S , 1 : ! lo Ns
E of
Shawls—Dress Goods do. do.—Linons of
strong fahric—Nluslins of best lon,r
Sta 'c liousehrenin(r Goods. :1 e *.
Wear of all the new styles,
Fortrlit and Arch st;t..Philadelp4ia. -
P. S.—Storekeepers, Families and all Good
Nett ('ash Buyers are respectfully invited to
examine this Stock of NNW Goods before nur
cliasinq, as we prefer low and sellin,iz
all the Inure goods. f5...,` - v-Storelteepers niriv
often find g reat jobs froin Auction.
as we at
tend the -Anction Sales of New York and
1.-3 in
Fancy Stationery.
CI CHICK keep% all binds of Fancy Station
ery. and sells it as cheap, if not cheaper,
tkan Anybody else in the town nr
the CM/ illy
It you don't believe it, call is and see for you
selves. Jan. 7.
rrill E &um prs: DOMESTI C GOODS ever
hrono•ht to Getty-icta. Conte and see,
and jutlae for yourselves.
Juror' for April.,
Huntingifinn—T4anies Davis, — (Vererna n .)
Icyrrov—Jacob Pitzer, Jatnes A. Miller, Wm.
Mountpleasant--joseph.Heicrian, John Haup t,
- •
Menallert—Joseph Cline.
Germany—Wm. Dottera, Gee.. Palmer,' John
Byers, David Weikert.
Berwick—Cyrus Wolf,—Henry Bittinger.
Oxford—Mashington Schwartz — , Alexander
S. Himes.
Butler—Michael Dietrich.
Reading—Samuel Overholtzer.
Curnberland- , —William Currens.
Borough—Solotnnn Wel ty,Henry Cul p,(of P.)
Harnitton—Geopie Baer.
Hamiltortban—John J. Witherow.
Conowago—Jaeoh Little.
Franklin—Chas. W. Lego.
Borough—John H. Culp,John L. Geiselman,
John Gilbert. .
Huntington—Leonard Delap, Alexander Hei
kea, John :Bream. Anthony, Deardorff.
Monntjoy—Peter Orndorff, Jacob - Batiblitz,
Baitzer Snyder.
Jtatuilion—John -Snyder.-Miehael---McS berry,
Jacob Baker Charles Behert2 _
Wm. Gitt, John Bucher.
Mountpleasant- - -- , David Dietrick.
Frankliree--Wm. Paxton,James Mickley, Ja
cob F. Lower, Jaco Deardorff, Henry
Latimore—Jacob Chronister, Moses Vans
Menallen—Wm. B. Wilson, Christian Cash
Straban—Ceorge Boyer.
Liberty--Henry McDivit.
Freedom—Abraham Kruse. •
Reading—Curnelins Smith, Joseph J. Kuhn.
Cumberland—Henry B. Cromer.
Butler—Daniel D. Gin.
Union—Wm. Sickel.
Great` Attractionat the Sand tone Front.
R eadysmade Clothing'.
GEORGE: ARNOLD has juste finished
making= up, and has on hand, as targe a
suitable for the' gall and. Winter Season, as
has ever been offered to the Public-in this
place. His CLOTHING is all of his own
manufacttirini, and well made. of - the very
best materials, and none of your CITY-MADE
TRASE4 which has _been put together in a
hu.Pry by crushing the poor seamstress with a
mere pittance for her labor, or done with tho
loop-stitch Of a Sewing Machine, which Hone
stitch gives way the whole seam is gone.—
We give fair wages, have our Wort% well done,
and made of the hest materials, and our youpg
ladies come in with the gaiments with smiling
countenances and cheerful hearts. We have
now - on hand
Coats of all grades & colors from 1 to 20$,
Pants , " " '5O cts. to 10$,
Vests 64 • 64 • '
62k cts. to 7S,
amide of all 'colors, and in every variety of
style. We have experienced workmen em
ployed constantly cutting out and making up
all kinds of Black, Blue, Olive, Claret, Green,
Brown and Drab Cloths ,C oatings,Cassimeres,
Satinetts, Jeans,
,Vestings, Drawers, . Shirts,
&c. &c.
Having just returned from the East, we
have now on ha:nd, in connection with our
Clothing Store, a Very large stock of cheap
C loths,Cassimeres,Cassinets,Ccatings,Jeans,
&e. &c. of every variety of color. We have
just received the Fall" arid Winter Fashions,
and if we. a you in a garment
made up w ,can at all times take your mea
sure, and make up a . garment that will please
on short notice. VS e will not make the bold
assertion that we will sell 25, percent. cheaper
than anybody else, hut that we. will sell, any,
article, in our. ine as cheap as the cheapest,,and
a little cheaper, and a good deal better. tThie
U :3' a call, examine and judo - Et for vourSelves.
C - oin - von - e - c - o - rtte — tilloothe — CLOTAlNG - El
PORI ri M, a: the
Sand•slone Front of GEO. ARNOLD.
Oct. 15, 1855. tf .
RKS of fiction are now considered as
part and parcel of all intelligent house
holds; and scarcely a' family wilt be without
our new novel entitled "The Fireman !"—the
most intere,.ting work of fiction from the press
of 1856. The reader's - attention is caught with
the first chapter, and "finis" stares him in. the
face before the interest lessens. The book is
like a movitnr panorama of ever varying, al
ways admired succession of new and pleasing
scenes and exciting incidents, each chapter
being more interesting, than its predecessor.--
A feature that adds to its lasting•merits,'is the
fact of its high moral tone—not a single senti
ment being inculcated that the most fastididus
moralistcould object to.
"The Fireman" will be a large Unit).
volume of over 400 pages; beantifully illustra
ted—price sl—mailed post free on receipt of
price. Sold by all booksellers, and agents in
the cars.
Editors giving this entire advertisement ,a.
few- insertions, sitall receive 'a copy free' of
posture. ROSS, JON ES & TO USE Y,
Feb. 25, 1856.
GEO. ARNOLD has just returned from
the Cities with a large lot of DRY,
DRESS GOODS, &c. ; among which are
English and French Cloths, Coatings, Cassi
metes, Satinetts, Jeans, Blankets, Flannels,
and an endless variety of LADIES' DRESS
GOODS, together with almost every article
in his line of business—all of which will be ,
sold as cheap, if not a little cheaper, than any
other establishment here or elsewhere. And
as to Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts, and
Ready-made Clothing, we challenge corn
petition. Having now furnished you with
-Goods for upwards of .10 years, I have at all
times endeavored to pursue a straight-lanyard
course, and furnish any and every article in
my line of busi ness upon the very best terms,
an d will continue to do so.—Give us a call.
Oct 15, 1855. If G. A.
1555. New Goods! 1555.
ripHE subscriber tenders his fielinowledg
_,l mentA to his kiends and the public for
the liberal patronage heretofore extended to
him, and respectfdlly informs them' that he
has just returner; from :he cities with a splen
did assormont of N GOODS. comprising
in part a fine stock of Delaines, Shawls,Gi
hatos, Gloves, Stockinos, CollArs,
Muslim:. Irish Linens, &c..' all of which will
be sold at the lowest cash prices. "He deems
it unnecessary to enumerate the ditTerent arti•
des which comprise his stock. He would, - 1)120 e ESHAWLS--a splendid and
earnestly invite all to call and examine before I ) fashionable article--justhrmit. , :ht from the
ptirchasimz elsewhere.
Oct. [5. tf
Corn Dryers.
rutiiE atter,tion of MILL ERS is invited to
a very superior article for drying. CORN,
c.iti be had at all times at
___.l.._________L..::______::._ 1 lot of Lori, and Square - sll-11V LS evet
Piaster 01 Pari‘. , b row thi to this town can be seen nt
Ste, 11 Ir K'S.
?VIII': usf.itit article can he had in any , -----=____
j quantity of BROOMS and cedar w.,re. for stile at
Fet,t.-23. COBEAN & PAXTON. ' FA liN Es-roc:Ai
Anothei. New Novel!
I „ auil N
New Goods.
city by SCHICK. Ladies, call and examile
J. S. GRAMMER. : th;in.
AlivErsarstmtNT. •
Evans' Fire &Thief_Prottr iirtrtm!
Folt -, memiont., , Lawyers, Faeroe rs and
otheis, having 800 k.,, Paper,~ B,r ~tiu,r
valicablea i to preserve from FRU; or U
Day & Newell's (Hob b's) BANK LOC' E. 5::
A CARD.—Tue haz PRonv &FF.:" that
preserved our ...73,00k5, Papers, doring• the
4 'Great Eire at Hart's Buildings," was par
ett..Sed of OLIVER EV ANS, 61 S. :21ad St.,
Philadelphia.—Getz cy Buck.
Refrigerators & Water finders.
EVANS' Premiiim Ventilated Refrig,er , !tors
for cooling and preserving meals, butter,
water andall'articlei for culinary purposive.
WAtER. FILTERS, for purifying binek;sli
or muddy water, whether affected by ruins.
limestone, marl. or other, causes; can he Ini(1
separate or attached' to the Retrtgerators—a
small quantity. of Ice cooling the whole. in the
warmest weather. PORTABLE SlioW'Eß n ATit
for the use of warm or crud water. NNATc,Ft
Coo Leas, for Hotels, Stores and Dwellings.
STotts'TsucKs, for movino br..Tes, boles. &c.—
oLtvErt EVANS.- -
No. 61, South - Seeond Si., 2 dOoTo below Chesnut.
sart. - 18,35;)
Feb. 11, 1856. ly
- Now is the Time, •
WEAVER respectfully annou'rMeq - to
o. s thaLadies and Gentlemen of Geilysbmg
and vicinity, that hams resumed the Daguer
reotype business, at the old stand, in Cham
bersbnrg street, where he will he happy to re.
ceive• visitors desirous ;of securing .perfect
Daguerieotypes of themselves or friends.,
Being furnished with an entirely new and
costly apparatus; limis prepared lo . take'pietures
every style of the art and Insure perfect
C harges from 50 cents to .SIO.
Iter'Hours of operating from B . A. M. to 4
P. '
I°'ln dress avoid light, red, blue, or pur
ple.. Dark dress adds. much to the beauty of
the picture.' Feb. 4, 1856. tf
Stacks of New Goods L
The Cheapest the Pretties' the Best!.
T L. SCHICK has returned from the city
• with the lamest and best selected stock.
of FALL & WINTER GOODS'he has ever
had.the pleasure of offer' no. to this community.
He will not pretend to enumerate his large
and attractive stock—the limits of an adver
tisement will not admit ofit. Bittif You wish
to select from the choicest lot of Ladles'
and Gentlemen's , Dress .Goods,
your eyes ever beheld, go to Schick's.
October 15, 1855.
Removed aFew Doors• South of the Old Stand.
,respectfully, informs his
t) • old customers and the public generally,
that he continues the' T3ILORING BUSI
NESS, near his old stand, in South Baltimore
street, where he will be happy to accommodate
all who may patronize him.
• All work en•
trusted to his care warranted to fit and be of
Most substantial make. Thankful for past
favors, he solicts a continuance of public pa
tronage. -
.Neta York Spring and Summer
Fashions are received. Call and see them.
Gettysburg, April g, 1855.
To Those, Who Wish Farms.
?To' have fertile LAND at a cheap price on.
I easy terms, your attention is called to the
PANY. Twenty-five .Rcres or more -in pro
portion, are given fur $.200, payable in instal- -
meats of $1 per week or 4 per month,' It'
is located in Elk county, Pennsylvania, and :
has oneof the beSt markets for its produee in
the State. The soil is a rich /vain, and' is not
to he surpassed for farming, as examination
will show. It has the best elements of pros- .
perity, being underlaid by two rich veins of,
Coal, and will, shortly be intersected by fou n t
railroadi. The timber is of the most valuable.,
kind. Title unexceptionably good, and war-'
rantee deeds are given. It presenf.s a good
and substantial opportunity to commence:
farming; providing tor one's children or mak
ing an investment. Further particulars can:
be had from the pamphlets which are sent to
inquirers.. Letters answered promptly. Ap-;
ply. oraddress ,W. CATFELL, Sec
retafT,l3s - W r ALN UT Street, •nort h 'side be
tween Fourth and Fifth sis.,
informatiortis contained in the pamphlets.
Feb. 11, 1856. 3m '
THERE is to be had at the drug stores of
S. H. Buehler, Gettysburg, and James,
Elder, in Its!) tug, a most - efiectual remedy n
fur the Toothache, which w ill, ktf properly' ap
plied, according to ditections,) cure the most
violent Toothache instantaneously. Should the ,
pain in course of time reappear, the sante ap
plication has to be made aga;n, and after two
three appl- -- .e cn. 11 . 1:- e tr -1:
or three applkeatlonF the - cure ettectua.
Please call for A. Ferger's Toothache Balsam..
se-,Price 25 cents'per phial.
August 27, 1855. l.y_ _
THE undersigned continues the Flour ints
iness as heretofore. He sells by the
barrel or any smaller gnantity. - By taking
SMALL PROFITS he can buy as high and sell as
low as anybody else, and by always endeav
orinv, to keep note but the best, be hopes to
merit and receive a continuance of liberal pao . .
trona ge. - AM. GILL ESP I
Oct. 8, 1855. At the Post Office.
,IrrllE l undersigned informs, tile puMic that
I. he still removes the remains of the dead,
and is prepared to go to any distance to bring
them here. His charges are lower titan. ever
—and as low as the lowest.
Gettvsburr, Sept. 10, 15;55.
x'o. 4 230. Market st., above Stir st., Pkila
delphia. Terms, c sl,...;s per day.
.June 4, 1355. ly C. T. 1.31.J51-1.
JUST received, a lame arid splendid assort
ment of QUEENswAnE at
IRON. and a Lire asiortment of MARD
WARE. cheap at
FAHNEsTocK (MOTE - lEln. •
CIALL and .v-n- F.l FIN EsTo e cheap
CLOTHS, Casinnerei, tiassinets, &c.,
if you want Bargain,.
Tailoring . .
Flour! Flour!
eg . eny C ouse,
us • S