Two : ' LOvs 2,7 I) Atstli• raper. riolimitx,-&,,PAXTON-have-Opened--an IL/ iinesually iirgeasiortinent Wan pa per, orevery ,slyie and variety. frail 123 to 40 allots a, piece. Hoosekeepert end Paper Hanger. are Invited, t.ti earl' acid examine the stock. vt bleb' la ailpyrkofto anything heretofore offered in' ditti taaiket. OnlY.lgieerttO 4 piece s , 1# cents airard,, tot Wall . PeOr ' - Gettysburg. Feb. 25; 1856. ' • Tin Waire l Q Alan' G. COOK` lntornis his friends 0140,0 e polotie generally, that he has on hand, at hia'Slioli 'nearly' opposite the Post= Office, a very large and well-made assortment of TIN-WARE, which he will sell at prices which iiann.'it ra il ' to please.' He' wilt also —execute to order, w ; ith,promptness, in, a %oat man-like manner , and, wlth - the hest materials, ' ill kindief 410 ES PO rill NG. lq ETA L UC ROOFING, HYDRANT WORIC,-&c. Gettyabutg, Nov. 10; tf • . „ Waodiingtokk, Ekrte'!;, .ibbonstQwn, 4dwas (Iviutity,* Pint publioihat he baskopened a Publiet•Fluuse of Entortiinthent in - the borough of - Abbattar town. 'ivitere'llit:Will by happy to entertain, all who'ntaycil) with him. Having hell many yearn . ' kriowtedie Of the business of toter -keeping, Ito ustters himself. that his efforts to pleaso will be satisfactory. Give the ',Wash ington" a call.` FRANCIS J. WILSON. February 18, 1856. tf New-Segar_dic Tobacco_ 3.I4NUFACTOWY. SAMUEL 'to A 8 Jr., would respectfoliV inform the citizens of.the town and coml. ty, that . he has opened a Seger and Tobacco manufactory, in Baltimore street, next door to Forney's Drug Store, Gettyshure, where he will constantly keep on hand a large variety of SEGARS, of the finest flavor, an& at-the lowest living priced. Of CHIMING TO BACCO he has the. choicest kinds,—also a capitel,, article or SNUFF- » a11 of which he, offers as low as. the lowest, lie only asks a trial, convinced that he can gratify, every taste. He hopes, by striet.attention to bosinese and a desire tb pleaseoo merit and receive a share of public-patronage. May-7; 1855. Hanoi H. iikaitirond.., rpRAIN§ . over the Tianover Branch Rail. road now run as , folluws: First Train leaves Hanover at .91 t. Mol with. Passengste, for_ York; Harrisburg, Co!.t mbia and Philadelphia. This Train also connects with the Express fat%Baltimore, ar riving there at I. P. Mwetopping at Glenna:sk i Parkton and, Cockrysvil • • Second