Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 19, 1855, Image 4

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10 an mam.»
r‘ u
ll *l‘llm ht” of prun—anh lho rich "roll
0! quirfln 301 th by. u son in (on.
[nmfw In the lonely doll,
fit" "my: gala: I loud in My: by-guno
lbw GI! bookpf truth, in whéso rum pago
M! Font“ VII, jnhlpplox hours. to rend ‘
lu‘ mu. whhg‘okly how am 3:011' '3 up
W [11! ”initial—tr: “in the Chgj‘: mu 1,
Mn“ Ki: fancy. kmll bmidn (by klwc,
M, m hummus! ~|hon I thought of the“ .
Luca] mg” the na‘ Mtg dual—and Umn ‘
"3‘ ~10“! Irlllnon at Hm Bnbbnth Xon, ’ ’
Wffluffi‘hgflifi‘lnm. (o bmalhe n prnyM‘ _
0 Ha "a a": bum bom's gnu, um] mlinn
Tm‘bzfluwgn. vii m none but aha cal” lull
Viww,‘loienu n! h hollncx'a fofixlhéhy_‘—
4M 1 '"fifi'qw', ‘10:! 4381.]; um] huwolk
. 8):! lo +bw Into RM her hMrL‘a (trunnion—l
And Mamn hat maxing ngony,
Tamawn’: my“! .m 1 (mm or flue. ~
M 1133“: isthmug ~h l-laéu mnflhg now.
'Lih tho Mm vision: of I {ninlulxhldn um; [‘mm 5
Within-m"! fin. ml o’or tho mounldn'§
“Th IQMM‘! finial“ (m tho gentle “nami-
Iflpflht Ain'o'n is dancing on the :hlm‘ ;
And I once more. am standing I! Hubbard).—
Thfi holy am! which I may I“) no new,
My Childhood's llama—ohm mane Afjuyon- mirth,
~ WM" 1h!“ "veiled in my quhh ppm.—
, \';s~Tߢgr~! qu I think 01' your but limo '
Ana «Mu [m sz-nuaima Ilaink. mu mu I hon.
at“!!! 1:11:37! far 1“"): helm-ml moth”)
Idlfll ho nightly In thy llxough! ; lbdylwn
m hnhm spawh. my blamcyml younger lumber
Dot. uk far one. who In M: mum your 4
01: fihvzhu beside m- coudh, thoh'lt mm Izlia
\I‘L betting hrrut, mul «NJ I (flaming lenr,
um" III: tried lo“I M "41- um e'or rcnuin.‘
$13.43qu within. my puro hrnrl'u mrmory ;
Ry,»mmher!—>lhnn thy lllon ;lx! will be hf me'
ginmo‘mus an}: fitntmt‘mns
Tm: Snonnm \\'.u.—-Somc twdvc yous
up. Nafidcdn,‘l:zdinm, \ru uchrau-d furl
(no things, our- for the cumming pmpcnsi- i
(205 of it: inlknbizanls, and Lt! other for tho'
513353111” of the cmunrocdsin its VlCl-l
fiffii‘Wan‘fffiflfi me! n EMlcrn collcrtor‘
”Lad slapped u Dnylon to 'bpcnd Hm nigh“
‘i‘fi'jiin pomc infurmn'lon r-.spcctm:; lm‘
[Mm counc. During tho (vcmng hc bc-l
figme'acqudntcd milk in: 0141 drovcr “In r. M ‘
pan}, “0!! posted I: to the geography of the !
’4};li md the eullcctor thought he might!
v} "I! inquire in mud to thc best route in
diam: poinus to \\ Inch hr was destined. '
‘ “l «m. to so w(;mmfiel.l,“s.ud the col.‘
lvctor. " now. which n the nearest way I"
‘ 4m fir." slid the (hover, “Von Ind
Wt 30 to tholum, and mkr t‘hc road
1:11st newly north."
The Invent-r mud it dawn.
"we“. lir. if I should wish to go to
Hamburg!" '
W than go to 81min”. and ukc thn md
.. vhn. i! x mm. to 50 m Vcrml I"
"Go to NlpolconJM rah Lhamdsmnh
Inst." ‘
——-“ 0t to‘lndimpoLi-s l" pddod the collector,
tyu'q the drove; ole-elf. and thinking be
m Exposing on him. ‘
“ Ct) to Nspoloon. Ind uh thy rood north
west." '
The collector looked at his note book.
evo'ty dirétion Ind Nlpolcou on it: be begun ‘
to“ Hal mt¢la_ 'r'ue. mad he turned one! ‘
glam to the drove! with—
“We, ‘lil', l "1!)th to 5» to tho
dwarf“ " '
111' time! nncr nailed,but scntchcd his
hill. M Ada n momm‘l hesitation aid:
‘ ~ «ran, my'dpnr lir, hlon‘L know of my
Wm“! {on could take Qua to go to NM
when.” ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
k 7“ (user in “33:.“ dgcznm that
fiffiwfl‘ inshhisfl uewhrgu u (,0
endanger lbc lift of his entire hmnohold
Adm flay: (pay one of In: family had by
means of I ropehddcr. chmbu} to £111; wp
Q‘ I tremendous squish, \\ hcu he was suizul
“Slim. ind {filing ol'. {#:9th
bag) hisfnrmg, brokt 111: kg. Ind hurt hit!»
it bald".
”0A Ylnkeo down cast. hns Invented 1
Initial kt eorkingvp daylight. wlxich‘ «m
“68M: ’39:?de cu. He caver; the im
Icriorplp flour band with shocnmkcx ‘s max
—hbldl It. open to fine run, then auddcxfly
11119” unmet. Thu ugh: «iguana;
wu. tad at night can be cut out m 1 sold in
'M «a suit printers."
37 “ Undo. his old Mr. Jane 5 )o]qu the
cam. 1"
f" I don‘t Know. indctd. Why do you All:
“that‘s. 1‘! ‘
" Bcclmo I tend him asks; plain lnu<
may: yum-y."
‘l'; What dicflae uy 1" -
_ 'fllo 9‘de another man :1 good-{or-uolhing
”'l9; map."
. GymMy dear." said Mrs; 00511711 to
kc? dgnghttr, "you should not hold your
(1.460;! 90' high in; arousing the street." ‘
N Then .1223.“ replicd ”w mnidrn, “how
$1311.! Grier show u» bennly of my flounced
”Mm that I have nhnoeruincd my 3} e
right to who? I'm sun: I don't cuc if
(110 ban: db look at me "
'm‘ Iniwycrs. xcpording to Marla, are
" man ‘3O Mre g 1: (heir words and Img" "
M Ward; :igc‘vyxy costly. although intrin
nifally ”MI-en‘hk the dtrkcy’u m:-
Cfim‘. which “ didn't. Amount (0-3;; partic-
W m." , ‘
{7‘3l} 11152: is very Ithutivc m the pigt“
n9d*:nfla§:h the other du.‘ in tho pru
uus tom-:1 ladies. . i
“m ”up“ for-that madam-m to
you'.’mpoudcd one of the m: (lunch. .
Maul: joking. thatw . .
. U’A very small pawn: of smm lutcly
3W lib. but! of I flno. buxom girl
,“ Whoz‘mid the N - lldy. 0 I can't think
of hirsbomt. [the {act is, Jphn, you!
”KIM“. “.70 big to put into n. cradle, Ind
HIM too Innltfro Like to bed." ‘
"Trims”? m :- may», numb,
'wifl that woman 50 to'flcqvcn Any. 536;”
m: ‘you, 'causc she's got u pew all to her;
self !" '
[uranium-lii, Sr 'néoutn.)
l’ddr‘eu 9f tho-Demon taming Com- 1
museum, County; ,
We call file auntie the Democtacy of
Centre County to the allowing Address of
the Democmnc Slnnd' g ('ommltlce of Berks
County, urging ‘npon the part the neccqsity
of m Immodinw and thorough o nn‘lznlion. !
The noxl mlnpnlgn will he one SIM great-i
ost imgorinncv, and it behooves ,Iho Dunne-l
may 0 (‘omm tu be up in annq mnl prepnrfll ‘
for the Content. ill. the ('onuly be thur-j
on My organizrd‘nnd vxvrt nll their monnszi
tofimnnonizo all confli’fiting vie“ a, and Hilly
themselves under the loriuns humor of ‘
Dcumwny, to fight for file inleresw of lhol‘
Cuunlry nml (he Conwlilufinn. "PM Add?!“
abnlnlns‘w-xrgood mggvstinnn, and we sub
mit it to lhc mmidomjluu of (he pnfly.
DEMQL‘R\TS up Banxs kThc election in
nvm‘, and you have triumphed, gluriouul n—o
Ahulllinn'rpm,Know-Nollnnglsm, Mninc h'm'
inm, and all tho inms are mulod nm] ovrr-l
thrown l»: the lnvinnihlc Doiuncm‘ry and 3
their pnu‘mlic allim. You lm’vc overwhelm
od lht- enemies of the Co‘mtitul‘wn and tho
Union. You have llcfcuml l‘hcln in data“
und in fusion: nnd the glorious 6qu Koynlono
htulldfl onco mom’lml’urc ‘lho country regen
cratcdynpd rctlccmcd, lhc conservator of the ‘
Gulfilllulinn and the Unan‘ llcwqhns done
wall, but she pan 115114 'l‘: in {cw of (ho‘
mat hnltlu yet to ho ughlin NovemM-nl‘
“(56; the olbvlion of the rh (Oh-lulnr) nul.. ‘
i; hut n skinniuh. Your enemies: have nl"
unlly llkrn the field for that fivrce ruxnnlg
contest. You hm‘u no time to Imm; (0 ho
ready in (h'tohcr mnl Nmmnhor, "(56, you
mm! lwuin now. ‘l'lns «‘unnng cnnlcsl
“11] be our pnnly Ol' )nlnt'iglm xunl lan-M:
urcs; principles no lens nnporlnnl. thnn.tho
Constitution nnd its: gunman“ of n-ligiuun
l'olcrntion. md equal polmml rights to mry
Amnr'n‘an ciliznn, no matter whom horn :
tho failhl‘ul oxccullon nl‘ all law; unwed in
Accordance u ilhlln- pronuiunn of that sncrcd
instrumt‘rrag-z lo srcuw lln-thls of null, uilh
out regn lo sortinn or lowily’; the am
' - l ‘ In" 7
rt‘ignty of‘thc people in the Ktnttis nutl in tho
Tcrritoiws‘ in mlminislt-ling thrir mrn gov—
enuut-nt. ounntlng their nun lnus, {mining
And moulding thur own l'utitution. |l| tin-u
-on’n way. suhgoot only to the ('uzntltutton,
without tutcrl‘crcnw m ltlll'l‘u‘t‘llllml by ('uu
-1.55 at any time: anti thr‘ mlmistlun of NW
glut-. 5 into the Union. without mpnry by
that [unlit] nwa tnlo those institutions, beyond
the Mtnplv requisites of that (‘uustilutioxL
’l'hcw are some of tin» Irtuvtplw Involved
”becoming lump. Tlu-y Are to he rulin
taint (l by tlzr mtlounl Dvmor'mvy of thin
lln'mu. uuvln ltb‘ rcgulnrnrgnnintion mulled,
humour h_\' tlrl patrioti: Allitlt ofthv- r-nunv
try nml [L's otguuv‘ in“. atminst Abolition
scutionulmm nml Know Xutltinginn. To be
micct‘mful. Drinorzrnts ot‘ ltt-rlu you must
Imgin now; omnxtzr. at once. ll‘lw cant-Lu
being one of principl/‘t is to l)t' oonductul on
your part by fine, npcu discuwon, hefuru
the pcoplu, leaving to your nmniu to a»
range and man-go m the chmmhen of (lurk
nous, n midnight guthc‘rmgs. their mode of
313 mm. To insure h‘u' fn‘e illsmémon orthe
‘ priuctplcs ““01th the State Cununl Cunt‘
mittec “ill Bonn mltlrcu you In common
With your brethcrn of the Stnte, u we uni
linfi-nncd, on this sthtnt, making arrange
lmcnta for the complete public orgtmunuon‘
iot‘ LE: “hole State, and for mum)“ public
l speakers at mcrtmg. tobo held tn every nec
tiou of thr Stutt- iuuucvlmtlly after the open
-1 in" of the campaimn _
[ ‘Vho llwuld lead nil in thin noble cuter
‘ Rise, but Uw idomiuhlc Duuovrnry of ()1 l 1
. ‘r'u 1 You u rqn “ham the liopcs of the
' Détiopncy of tin Suntan so long luned
-—you from whom thc llrmorrmy of the
l Union have kn much to expect. Turn to
. 'our robe of 1852. :1! )ml mll me that.
ill-aka con poll in lfgfl, 15,000 volts: Hhc
icoulil, If «he uoultly :1 t more. Turn to your
vote 0(1855, gnd you till are lhnt the com
butcd fusion vote of y’ktr “with q anal tht'
cncmiw of tho ('Onsutlllllull and the Union
only roaches 3,261. tThix vote in patriotic
l Burks. In such fl‘tll‘S!)(‘rl\l\' Muir" u-on con
Iducted by the most Ilospvratv imam mum)
be SWcllt‘tl at lllt‘ OllUldt', lx‘} ond 4 250—0110-
l thoufinnvl mcnrnsc. Thu old Whig party
lcouhl domino“ but that party. ulth all Its
‘ errors. of expxdiL-ncy and of tut-usums, m I»
paulouc national putty: your pn‘m-nt cng~
i uu‘n are nuithur the one, nor Lhn other. By
‘ tlu ‘ culcul «Linn, llpr'u' can give a majority
in. 185 G, of 6,500. If she rum to do it, n
l'mll not. be became nhe mmwt, but became
ivlu.‘ llt't') nut will to do it’ I l
Tu nfir‘l an litmuimtmu of tln ('ouuty
l “111] n _\icw to [his rcwlt, the Smnduw
* will“ air your (‘Ganly mm; (MRI
l proper to whirl-51 to you thig tlrruhr.‘ a
itltlt- A it: t‘loufctl to t u‘ Confinhlun of 1855,
lax".- KZI-ahy hivptllllltd n Committed for “chi
tot' their horougln. \\ nrtli and to rmlnp —;
gm} m-a Inland by the Comma/:0. bongo
. they lmvc bcCILCIIU‘K‘H by you tolx ynurrep: l
<mscntattrvs for the Current Mar The du-1
ties rtspcctiwly Arc, (int. to give lulJlJt'l
pnotlco to all tho pcoplv of the townxlup to
i assemble It a tune ml place (the most con- l
} venitmt) to nix-mike a. Demor‘mti: Tow xmbl i
(nuts for thn Prt'nltl’lnllfll clmtlnn or 1350’”
ilwhich All mizvnfi should be hunted to IL~I
[tend who approve, of your )rnr‘tples; but.
with Knodethings and Allolitionihtu on
lean have our fullOWalllp. elect l l‘r. .irfi-‘mm
and Sucrelary.t'.'ml appoint Commute" W 1
ltnltc list of curry you-r in your township, col
lattend to nt‘cauuonts, .M‘. nml fitCllr.‘ u
'l‘ull turn out of the votvr; on the day of the:
slcction. This club «hall lnvc rntin‘ mural
oi" the documentu, w-rmnu and l-Ingliuh, or
diotrl‘lmtion dudmr tho can” n. and nlwl
:the sole pOH'Lr to (ix tlw times And plum-8‘
Ilfm- holding matting in tth n‘spcvtlvc disn
l tricL! : for wlii< h thin u‘omtmthw- will try tol
furnish llllll“ spoukrru afltr the comma}
TM. . rmlllctliltlly nflvr tlm nrgnulzntlon‘
o llll‘ club, you mil rl'port hy mail, to the‘
Chairman of thi~t ('oxuuultr‘v, (iv umo IV.
:Brucluunn, nt Hurling, your nllt. trs and
1 your Peat. oam.
In addition to tho ahovo orgfifimtmn there
i will be I. Drmovrntlc (‘lnh nrgnnin-‘d In thv
l city of Reading, the ohjt‘ci or nhivh “ill be
to procure a puitghle oluh Imm in Ute mtg
lppcu to all who choose to all, to prov:
Tupi-ken and (lorumcnu, tororrrsmnd With
oth“- clubsiout of the county, 4:3,, to. ln
ord'er to MIL-ct thw Mutation, the Demo
cnts oftbe city and county are invited to
ltwndn yublir meeting it Muller Ehncr'g;
Hotel, on lllturdny, (M. I‘7, at 7 o clockl’Jl.‘
l You will obsu'vc that MI “US admires: wd
‘lian‘sa‘xv! human about tltc’fiilqron Luv;
the reason for it is, that the pcoylc ot' Pennw
laylvmin hivo now twicv settled L mt. nation
M. the ballot. box; and although the Brat “as
utw'ly'dlxrcgnnlod by I Know Nothing lxg- ‘
Mature, the second will he fuitht'ullv obmr‘:
vodb a Dcmocmtic Assembly. The 0:.“
cu: fitg Law Will be rcpcnlcd, and in in
[ism A sound Ind rigorous Limnm law wig!
passed, coming; u? to the requirement» l
the times and 6.1 nu md to pnwcnt and to
punish the Asuuvz use of all beverages, ‘
without encroachment upon the Goultmv
tional righf ofthn citiwn, w rcgulnte N 9
own eating md drinking in his own wny.
AM’our organization. we will address
you “8““ from tune to time, and month:
douil. Let all your proceeding be public :
you have no want, no wnrcalmunts from the
maple. To evcty Dcmocmt innur noble old
County we now urged. Your, spufixtru “65¢.
bet fiery m’nn hen do his 'duty'. let: (1‘
grim rol up such a majority in 1856, :5 it ill
3 living toxin-or to) Know fithéngl dull
unohumento iotiamto -' .3 on '
tion and your Exam. l ‘ ' tilr
(iromu W. Bur'r'mu‘: t'hnirm'n: ‘
9 W 77,
'1; "My; Q‘mhr's vgigfiihncuf’.
'rnrz'. firmosr‘ CAPACITY OF 4N
’ ‘I ' - AUREU v: k
I How ssqu, nave M the purpose of
scouring I'prcmium, is the utmolt capaci
l’y‘ (if an acre‘u i 0 produclircnesn put :6
the lull Tho prevailing ambition wiih ‘
the mnjoriiy of farmer: it to go over my
much ground as fmssible or to put_ in, cvc~ I
rydyvur, n 5 runny acres of wheat, corn, nuts]
nn otlrcrilriligs nu lhcy possibly cans—'4
'l‘hisyrcvliling nnrhitiun und practice is
kopg up, hot on the ground nfuny rnlionol l
theory qr any prucliml dcryonsnutmn pf
rimaupcrimity, hut, nininly‘iu virtue of Lhn ‘
commmcuston, in agricultural u in album
matters, ofvduing as other pt-oplo do. 80 l
l'ur ns-ic claims any justifiozuion m supper; ‘
whatever, that. claim rests, in the last. to. ‘
sulr, in the position (but ii is cnsicr or l
more profitablu to skim orrr a good many l
ncrru than in culiii‘nlc n few in n rupcridr
manner. 'l‘his,ryg think will, lurn ourl
whonx‘xllnincdund rrflcglcdl nah”): ufixci
or n (rut/n, but a hunch-Es or false (mump
(r'ou. A few statistical lncls will help Ln
di'lorllllillfl this quotation. 1
According to the Slutihtj‘rnll View of the
Unit-1] Slums, or Cannpcudium'nf the SH
onlll Census, fur 18-50, the M‘rrngo m
ducb—uf,wheal lhronghoul‘lhc “'hulc anLlu-
Slulm dues not. (‘xcccd lwcli‘c lmslu-Is per
acre. Twolvc hushola per acre i 4, accord
ing to lhc some nulhmity, 'nnd mom 0. (if
the when! grop hl'lhc Shite: of New §Ujli
: and Ohio. ‘,'.l'hcso ‘calimulcrl nvvrngos uro
I plOlmlrly ralli- r «min the nzlqu‘l’ products
nl‘thc several Slates ”HID otherwise; luul
‘ the Hun averages ul' oilhcr of the States
ispogillcd did nut. probably I'xcved lifter“
lhuslu-ln pr r acro. Nolwrlhalandlng,,
lrhut in lhe but when; dmncu, and by
utra-culljyuiiou averages Imus been uh
1..: ‘ . . .
luucd olernmy-hvc bunlrclmuud Indl-.
l vl luul cram 0f furry‘hnslulx- or crcn morr;
‘nnll the evidence of Ihe amliflicnl return:
fir sumcivuz to prm‘o ”)0! tlm grunge of
ionlinury pinduct ol wheat in [lines Suites,
iL/rcrc ~1/w mode of culture has been only
}uzcr(rgr or ordinary—at 10!)“ not at ull
rnxnn-is only at. moat üboul" liflccu hush~
oh per acre. .
Nuw at. what may the cnsl of the ordinn
ly-modu of pultingln Larvcfling, (brcoh
ing and Marketing In map of when. he cl
tiumlcd ? ATM-r sever-[falimntes in (M'-
furcntjws, am] after comparing 1! number
of uhlimulcs by olhcrs, both pu “shrd und
unpubllchd, we have arrived at llm con
clusion llmt. ihé coat of ruining a crop of
u but. may b 3 estimated I'. len dullnn (810)
.pcr acre. In lho utiuntel by which lhr
above nvcrnge bu been urivcd at, the
mn- ills uuulliy been lulu-n u I act-0!!
against thcimercac ou'flm who of the
11nd. '
According to these estimatrn Ibo coat of
raisiu'g and grtling I" randy fur market. 'a
busln-I of “but "my be lmorngul at. 70
can”. This is I Mlnfitnmhnn of those
rough gum-tun, willmuv. lecurucy of calcu
lacinn, wlnch plus the cxpcnnuauf raising
m nwrdumr‘y wheat crop “"75 routs pct
ijn l
Now, in ordrr m «lolrrmino when)” ”11' l
urrllnnry mndo of cullivulinri, or Ilmt in
which axlrn palm am lulll n, uml by which
every Inn: is urged forward to ll: uuuusl
cnpncny, pamulho nmu prnfiublc ull lhut
Is nwdkury in La uku any Dumbtr «If cvr-
Llfin'd spomficaliona In pruremud lo (Ilium)-
“| State Huclbtiua which have uflcred pre-
HIIUIIIS fur llm best crops, and munparr
them will! lllc forcguing nvcragc‘ Lcltlm
'O3! of culuulmg an acre bu diudud b)
1.110 number of Lunhvlq named an anal: nut",
nud the rvnull wrll show ”In expense 0!
raising rich bushel, which Will nlllyl be
found less than ”no "\L‘rflge by nrqlnnry
L'JlllHlllOn. The (lull? remu balwccn el
pen'm and tho murkvt value, of course in
prnflr, and (In! amount hyy tho numb-4r (if
mare! which owl: rundur unuully put. into
what ouch your, will gin him the umount
-fpruflt. which he would make cnc‘h year
by urging rncll ncre m H: utmost. cqpncny
(If prndut‘llnm '
()1, let bun mko my price as an nor-
ago, my one dullnr, Ind all the mlm- of,
lln: cmp at llm mm, mcr the up mm of]
unlunuon, will be not prqfil. While u
mix price only five dollm per Icrc cnuld
lmoblmuud ll; culinary cultiuliuu, acv-l
«ralprrmium (rupa may he fluml on re
rord \Vlllcl] (gm: :1 prufib uf thirty-five dul
lxua and upwurtlv, ou-r 11l expenses.—
\\'nh the price of wlmut Ilmrc opr dullu;
the dull'vrvm'c Sn' fnvor of high culture
would be null rutcr.
Wm m fink l'uu, ‘rm‘rn WOOL .’—
()n this nuhjvél, n corrcapnlndenlnol; llno
ll Mun (mlh'vulor Inyn: One reason in,
thy .n'm llopl under com :09 much in
lmntrr; nnnllvcr is, Hm, are kept m large
ll who in two lulnll )nrdu, the hut causing
4|] unuliou of Ihs skm. Then Iguru, |l
they uc kn] r. pour null lillhy willwut lull
rlu‘y “11l pull their wnuL 'l‘lu'y should
bu pron-M inch uvnrm, wcll~lrtu ml shell
to go to M. urghl, will) u box unilud hf) iu
a corner one foot. from the floor, llml will
hold hull'u bushel; lbcu 111 l IL wuh null and
nulphur, at. lhu rule of three pnuudl of
nulyhur Lolbe bush-11, and N'plcnldll ll mI
ucuusmn Icqmrca. Fill yuur' box when
the slim“) Irrat come to the barn, in (Le
hll. Always {and [helm in boll‘ljfl thu
yard on early on: hay, rub a liulo eluw
uccnsiumlly. They do bashwhen fed ‘j'n
‘ a cool plucc. n
To (‘lmn Bnoxlm HonNla—nomovn
the mutilated born. and bmd the ode
whh n clnth we" (and fir pitr‘lu‘d; any
fibrin vi“ dd to bind with, if the wound
ml parz‘bo fiffl‘W‘c‘ll covered with warm
pitch: ‘ ‘1 ' ' _.
:3. Cabbigc, in its, w'IlJ amc, in >|ulen
«lA-r branching hcrb, filli‘lfn appouance of
n In Id. ‘ {
’l7 An impefljneut fellow wishes by know
u how if you in} VIM down to lot, when
31(1me mm: \st on tha “him, without, Im-l
ing ukcd “ Do‘you 1&0 mum 3"
{o' A Cincinnati ppor column: In Mur
tisemcnt of bounds Ind mucous for young
men's Fur, noon-magma Avid: the sly!!-
now so unlvu-ully worg.‘
027*.“8y their fruits ya IhIU know them?"
3.5 the firmer exclnirpod when he tuned hut
his golden pipplns to lbo pocket,- of 3 train!
“chqolw'w . .':v(» z , “I” I“
0:? 1:» tobm chawer in Ilka n goo-o in
p dutcli-ovan—nlmys on m 0 spit.
, g , *‘---r‘-~3
T 9 _ ._.; W 8 organza co»
.- . 3 1a ,
Tm: pg (£1353 WA TCIIJIIAN.’
" ' 10-11 mm. ms urn-nu w" I
THE bNiflfiomhififiwcnux pin
‘ 3.3-3 Tux'doun m’. _
v ' ~x- ‘u‘ .1 raw- |
T a MN I If nfomud u t e at.
nxlmqtérgaf‘fi'kmmg’rfiéd Kn r, (31“ bn cnfllrd
Tm: DEMOCRATIC WATCH 13%..111 bvimnul
‘ in Bollefoutu about RIO ”m of Nurnmbcr.
. In oommoflhg an: nndulnling w-Um “mile
consideration of our mint-ch'mn-I, lml mom pur
liculmly (a the I ppm! of blurboumorgui» broll'xv‘n
or 00mm abuntx, 3 [Mt wonlnfnplnnmlnvyhf nui'
oomn, win nq Lomnidcmd we of plum lls 0-
mm; will’ i? 3&an! Lanvunu‘, ulvodutiu‘ Hm
[mull-them; 1 film pwmul ulcll l) \hu yum Nm
limuxl Dclnoomllcl'nrly, [Mining Jml Ila doohinu
fpruilh to tho wholl country..wllh(ml rmxpmt in mm
lmn, the sun: “and monlocrlnin llnllllllul' of fulnm
prnupél‘llyl'n'gg '11“ they uni blficdlmvd lo itmxrc
Elignilj, [mil Umll ohnnmcr (.0 our qum‘mncnt
Yudnr [his béllcf \vu almll bauln In (lolunm' nl‘ lhu
Domoenuc cum. wllh mug? and uncampmm‘llng
Mellti. ‘
In! n’Lito‘m and News dopmtmnnu 'vyo shall
endan‘vm— lo mum». our mlrbm wllh uueh'mnud‘u
a will tend to charm nm} divert, nn wall as instruol.
um chum and refined, lho nmmlng 'de mmnnllc.
We dull Elm nngunvnr tn fumi'h lllv Agricultural
community \vitli such llonn as may Mu'l. lhtir infor‘ ‘
ell! Ihddrmnnvla nl. llm prvwnl (luv ' ‘ 7‘
Ilolyihz upon a anumun and lllvornl publlq (or
compamllun, pmmlsin llml nulblng Mmll in In“
undono or unntlomplmf, m ulmll coma lm‘fore ynu,
nnd throw uuuolvol And tnr nnlcrpme upon your
libcnli'v. . ‘ ‘
The Wncnuu will ho prinmi awry- Wr-linea
day momlng. an I donblo-mndinm sham, on new
lypc. in the Imal atyiu of (ypo'grnphidnl ownllmvho,
M. [ln low price of SI 50 par numun, I! paid in Ml
\‘flnov. olhumL-o $2 00 mil he charm-4|.
"£1127 "IlelY " \YS
:1- in: éHEAP 001 mm. - ,
Thu undunlgm-d lml jun: n‘ot-Ivml and ulmnml M
M! well known and clump Minn-r, n Monk or well
:r'lmctrll nml m-nlmmhlo 0011- M fnllnwr
’Drou SHk'l or x'miuus kinvh, I‘Ulon mvl‘ prion;
(‘Mhmcmm Alpv‘r'ul, Ilmnlnxing't, ll qnhazults,
Mnuu Do Lama, (‘Jhcnuv llamlkvuhicfl, Shank,
Smrfa, éc , ‘ku , m uwlc-mh' uivns. -
.'* (a ll!\ ("L”T’HS _ ‘
(‘nn-M‘ nf'l‘rmag, English aml .hmrhnn mnnufnn
lulrn,.of nll huts and vnlur‘, mm! of nlulnm lo (NIL
Fen-hm nml Dnmvfiv—hc luul A superb nxiicln, mm
pfillm‘; HIP Ink-ll flvlv! Mun
- Vl'mmls.
Of B‘mkSanhfinnr-y MIL. \‘ohr'. .h.
, ‘ H "I'h AND CAI’H,
Crnvnln. Bv'nfm l‘lnin Ind I'Xgurwl fi-mn Shela,
Blink Silk and anvv Hmlh‘mlllnfl
"Wm Ammumw
For anos, mum and mama" KIM ’ \
ANN“ assortment. of COATS (If mxinul fiuhlnm.
l‘fl mum] YERTR tn mil lhn Pusan Ind rnrl'ms
lute» cuulumcn Come uzd «lamina {or yam-
Iwha ‘
Chm. any", Muimwl. Tm. Chov vlnll‘. Spicvs nf
all k dl and 0! ml unlilv. Salt. «in , kn. .
N Mfr, Lind and Hunt], u-lrczc'l am, much ram
h) ImoM’dcmmd “I a mi 'hhorllnol like mm
“ llAnhwfluc.
0f sll'kind-I and dumplwun, bumlvs mar) oihor
article found in n utnrr
‘I hope by I'm! numm nf‘lo hulinru. honesty in
ghinl full womb! and manure, and furniahln?
flow} d cheap nr‘ivh'a m mush. tho p‘nflnnn‘e 0
no Edwin I realm-Wu") 'quA All to cumm: my
5a In)“ hull" hr lhunsvhcl
‘ C mum,
1 Corner of Um Dmmmnl And Allflv'hcny alrco’.‘
mvzti—ll ‘ Th‘llL-fonle
Tho undemgnu! mull n er mtquy call the n:-
hndonol’ llilhlll fnonvls and 1510 public gaunt-Ill:
to 1d- ucw linck of
which he has lowly rcmvuvl. “in Dun-k Son-lull ul
pm :- follow-
LNDLE? Dill-:56} GOODS
Punch Melina, Punnn Tuna. nghmural, Du
Lanes. Mohmr Lux’rv, ml!“ 1'! mm &\l.
. STAPLE (mobs
"a In. A ml! malt cl nah}- m nanny
hm In I munlrgs‘ no
RH)“ N 5. 'I‘KLIMMI'NGS, to
Ho bu Au ondlux \uln'v
lmrrrs AND SHOES
ivory largo 1‘04: 0! (ho must "tall-sun] kind.
uv Mlowpdou.
For nun uul Luyn, uni of cur, vuia'y, vary
dump. m,
A In, excellent DIM-"(mum
Alwnyl nu him! I“ kind 0! alumna, M u 10'
prmra u can he Ind Ola-bore.
‘ mumum-z, ovenswmu.
And in {Act everything ulunlly Rem in - u'nra
Lr I’nwhnm-rn Ire 10")chtu huh-d (n cwll
Ind m the new Good! Every nun-nun“ vull be
paid to main manna-«um . _ . .
,Arrmmon mums, AND ALI;
(‘UILV A\lll.‘l.l.l'.‘l(S '
The nnll«~ni um! rrlwnfull ml’unm the Farm
erl and tho pufilio gum-mny of’Cunlre county, tlml
hm in now unuufmtuna; lbo ~ ~n ’\
0.10 of (Inn '10!" mol: Manninm, durum", Idlll nl
mu umo Uluc, the [my mu ruun'n,‘ she-Hun :m r
‘ nffored In In» puhlln It “({I shul gnu-n Ind dry
Gun, chi-nib; Um cal): from and lo and, find upl
uliu lhcm [mm Um Cm].
LafiWnrran'ml h. run cmmr Hun an othershnl
-1.: n tho Uullud Stat" M fi‘rnhcm. dr the tuna
Lity of Com Ihcllrrl penny. Jigs \zuulruclcd \Hlll
‘ lwu ornnh, I! ”In! hm permu- oau mm It. and
‘ IhI“ fin-mil» (o 300 lmlhuh pm An] I: tun Ill!)
be ”who: to hum Twat. ..
‘ (31" and sun [hum wfuro pumhuln Any olhcr,
Is I an contmm vull b. In Mud wfth thin.
hm?! Hollbllnntn
NEH n! [he llLuuuml, Bulb-I‘m)“, Centre ()0 ,
P.‘ ~Tlxla Inga Md conwnianlly Mum! Mum
lamina keen mnplowly mnoddkd. napalm! And
human" | in now opcnurl {Ur the n'tr-umxnudnllun ur
the public The pm )rictm o! "I!" (Mahlla'lumnt
rcrwvfihlly Inform- hL-‘llwdn And the publu (Inc
In: Lu figlrul witlmrusninl n'n xponsc‘, to render
it I dcunhh‘rc‘mat all wb‘: 1:1? flwr Mm with
I on“. u ha’lsdmhnlnod u. do ll k: M: ”up; w
promnio lhur comfnl am! cunvuuieuos. _.- ‘
' HI: Table will nhnyibc luppuod \vllh' tho‘bcst
llnuhu counlry “lUIMI , ,~
Tho Room: m lugs and well Vcntilln'c'l
Tho Stnbl'ahg cannoémd am: the umblinhmo L in
larg- rnd onullmkyuxd in chins? ogmflfl’nnml
egfim unveil holders
‘ Ind» bu stud?! Ihqda hr the “so or urriagos
Sumo: :my lurid-f owl do an: daily
In alert nothing I no" he hawk“! m glvu omim
udafm'lonwflwu [lnnin‘ Min with 131 £
‘ 1L 1). CUMMf GR
_- ‘ Helloh‘ub, b-
0!, fund, Pun Knives, can be pa"
oh 0‘ ‘
mloly. Jun eru[ and [or ulo by
nova :n V , ~ mum.
1313;111me 131? ”Wis;
Run 0’ 11l klnéldnst rvcciyeq All" far mic by
“37 ' . " "HUSH“.
W“ AM—woon 317139“
at” \ --KEM.BH.'B.
of (Marita brand-9; nhwmmfl, l‘ '
mv's‘r . ‘ r I'RUNERH
_.._ __,.,__~. ..n—u.
A” ' [ii-300111“) YIHRA ICT I.
r: em 1|: fur! a (Second nnun ol eoton
ofllfimw :I’ld popuhr ingfitullon for the difipalun
‘ of. thrnmrnmnd Art, huo ha‘fifiWhu Imm.
,Mlcmhe unle. , .
i Amnugnmmarksstrand;ongngodjuhernr-fumcd
”GENOA C(U 11‘3“." "
‘vgilc‘l; originally cool T'EN ‘T OUSAND DOL-
L n . , ' ‘ '. H .
} In {firming um nbw uhlloclion, um difl'fipio'u n!
work-fut Aml'rimm Art, and "In muuuurngmn‘en! of
LAllll‘liO‘Hl (wring, hum: not lvvrn 'nvqflw-kmL Cum
mizwim u lmw [mun guluul In umny of flu» Irrngt'llix
' (lnguiwlu'd ,Alui‘liunn 'M'ans, who will umhiblllc
mum of lltq‘umum prpdnulluxn Mn'nng lhvm am
thru- Mmhhv Ihm‘n. excoulbd by my gncnlual living
:m-ulytvr—Hnuu 1'0“ “15' " ' V4‘
turn qu “,Afinns‘crmx, .
'I u 'l’lm fir'llur of pin (‘mmlryt \
”_‘ ..A '1 bu Phgluluphorf ’
n mun. “Ensnm, ‘ . \ 4
' " ‘ The Btuh-aqmm
‘ ‘A avers! lam h‘nu vhdtod mmpn and who
{ vulvfu nndflu uious ualenlimm 9") Foreign work: of‘
An, Ith nJ'mhxo and 1M!” Jr, Slum-r} tin!
Choice T'Hnl‘ngm, , '
I 'l'lla \Hlblo fimnlng n Mrgo um] mhwblo collvcr
[inn 0" l‘uhnl a: mu! Statuary, turbo llhuihulm’.
’ ruler hmdng JL- Int-ml)": oflho A‘smcluliou {Ol-th
Hocmul Yunr ~ .'I I
. TERMS 01v nummmsmp ..
‘ 'l'lw pnymcnl (rf'l‘hrep Doll”?! cnmUtuMl any
‘ mm In mcmer 01‘ ”gm [Rsrxcilhflumfnnd iulllllim Mm
‘m ruin-r (me o 1 n 01 u h Agni: no: or‘mm
um, um] 'III'In L tin-“m hygxgo dlahibullan of thu
fitulunrfv qu'l I'niuling), ' ‘
I TM Jimem‘e {lined tupulnrvrlbr‘rlbomh'a of (ho
l fullnuin r Munllrl Maguiws: Hm )cr'n. I’ulnnm‘u,
Knlnknrimkor, {Shulmond’m (Imimm‘l, Gudcy‘l
r [nuby'l Bonk. nnrl Hnmchnm Words . ‘
' ' I'l-HImHHLiIIz Gm nwrnbmlhlpl am undflnd (n
on) flux of the Mnguinoa flvr onu yt‘m, mid to SIX
‘ TH‘KETH hillm lllnmhuth'n 4‘ ‘
'1 1m nrl [uur‘wdadvrhml {lqu Hm‘uh- of mm“-
lnors‘..||H, are devoted to Ilm l‘uwhnu" mum or \rl
fur Hm cumin: \uur. '
“) Iw‘on‘nng n momhr‘t u! V‘llil .\ HVH'HUi'HL me ~ ‘ ‘
h! All nut-mf- “HGT" \‘E THE FI‘LL VALUE ‘
0]" 'II”th{‘UHSURII'TIUNS A'l‘. 'l lll'.| ”TART,
in Ihe rh. ehyr a’nfllng Mfignzipv (.itcrptuln.‘ 1
24 ENE? mrlnhor in rnnhlhming luwunln pul
chasing cllnxcv:‘\\uiks uf Art, whh‘h m 1! (0 hn (lis
lvibuluvl among Hum-fives, and an It thn “mm
lmw'vu'mnmghg Hm Arum, dlflvul‘ing Umpnaudfl
4f «Mum mruuglp in ngcnuy.
l’crrom 1h ram/(mg nnulv for mcmhvrnhip, will
plmn givnlflirpnvl-nflin adv/nu nu lull, muting
\he nnnlln y vinh lbo anmino lo cummcnci',
and haw tho lutkvr ycginiumd at the lmulmfl‘mu 10,
prm‘pht Imm. on Um rwvipt of “high, In corliflcnm
nflw'lnhouhip, (oythtr mm (M M‘g-lenvdl flrcti,
will In: huwnnlt l!n any Inn of tha mnhutr‘f. -
Those who pumhm ..lnzminn u ”wk-«turns.
\uil ohm'nl‘ Hm! luv Juwlng llnn I‘“3vh‘lfl'ilnh lIACI/
zrrcn-r I/u Mung/m :v'ml fur Tfr’ml in the (m-
I aninlzlidulmzinu. Ix' Hm NM)» miJ‘o th'y no“ pa)
Dr Hm Munzum alum-
Rmnm'uhy :llnr’rntrlCd-tlnFlu-s shin; full «Iv-m
mi Minna. m‘n! fun on smflLmhnn (
g‘ur Moullm \lnip. ml hvu \ .
. Cs!“ DERBY. C A A.
M Mllwr or [he plinvllmlnmwl -
" Km «why-ML: . Mu‘xulnn“ MHM, 3” nm \«lrny,
New \'mL or, \Ewiurnvomzo, 156 thr “mot.
ql:l4o"thme lwvlT—Gl
{ 3, Thu Mghus' Plul1lil;;;li’lr.'iullbV‘llflFl’lllkul)
[ln Hull- ll lino I“. Exhlbilwu‘
11:0»! Ahuuibrr. nfu-r Inn; And Im'lenl It)»: und
I-xpuimuut. H mm enabled to ofinr to (In) public I
new my!» Ul‘ l’murl-s. (Ar «media; In beauty ma
dun-Milly nnyllnng mcr bvlurr‘ Innis. ’l‘hcsu pm
hzrvll no noL rowan-d, II Unfuormmypu um, And
may be Men in My hghl be] Alla pong-a lhu
ram yrnpcrly of in mg ‘ ’
mi. hermetic uly n nu} how can glut [l|le
«In»! auul'mg in manor] h; Lunar! Fungal m ur.
(mum H.lles.(irqnt{s|hmu and Fr mac, and June
luul i n I‘Mludclphl.\ vy Mr ROOl, I’M-h And (.nt'al
nun I‘rooiu‘ and
. or Tlll’. '
NH 12} ARCH Stun-l, nlxmc Sum Plnl ul‘n I.
Thu “rum sum-cu l hum LU nlnovl'm thu prudno
turn of tlueu [nature- luv u unula'x-J tho emy. jar.
an? uyul cum in; u[ cormu nicmuun. who not only
dc mull lha puhllc by selling ”a e mullrfclb. bufl
who mon'ov. um my lnrle math, ‘ Amhruly cl."
m furlbo: their dilhonnnbio cu‘l', uud 11m! dufilud
mo. Thu mun. In urlglnnmd by Mr. Guiding Ind
Hula" (nflr-ugute our dunh‘n 3L. hummus“)-
ouaonlcsl yummy and m oihut. Bibs» pcnou
make Iplcturc on lung!" ghu, and tho blue: rub
ubb lulu; ilnmmlh‘oly in am! ml. with |ho plum.
must in I lhofiJhy‘u‘yk, and thereby unrrlydvp
Italy iL Th. p 451.) us‘auuauwl mph»- llu‘au inn
lal um. a: lhcy will luro‘y h) dluppanmd In (hclr
pannnmncy I will “he yluML'n h: lhunin‘ to
those who msh, Um natum “I the mo kind: of [my
Larva and 1h") can 'u 13.) Dr llmmwlvu ‘
I Invo no" oqxnvjvh'l nn- nzungumcnvl fur LllO
Pm'luvv’xun of D‘JUHLE I‘AL'H "ICI'UHILi, must
The“ pi lur‘ . [Mud many mm, am! “we elmrv
luleuuun, and A" tcunumy u "all u u pottnm.
'l'hvh \lnbmtyp 1 1117 pru'umu H‘d by competent.
jmlgv I to ho Uw graudun‘ arm-"uncut. in lb. Pha
mgiaphic An. hnuug I nlwl‘ sud «Inquest um. II
hn { ta ouslung ‘
T )c prognumr n. mnnarcl. enabled by grant!)
u-pnmul lwiliu’u, m product: may Am'uutymu
hum xhn wry Amman-4c to ~ . -
l-‘l‘H. LIVE fi11i7~25 I. ' Winch“, A
“'i'h all ”no uulh or Mum. and the pomunmuy
ufi‘Um fun 1‘ plgzc (has, {Lu lung nu‘ln. {at and In
I‘ otnnnpm. [ntku'uuv u ‘
AMBWH‘H’E STEIkfiusCOPLS mun. be new
In lu-r 3“)ququ my nhnzf bun“; fully u pufuci
u h a
Ly'lhgucnuvznn C‘Tldiph Ambrmnu, and
n “(1‘ HI I" rm mum. l
Th! r- w 'Luxci of?” an NIH; mom «a Ilmv “Joh
mg [4) lan-J piaturuo m Hump", as they I" pm!
”mus: xlw a 'L'qu u‘wu- r M U. dun-to or gaunt
Mum. and may Lo luin In un‘ur fvr mum nth
um: (I my» tr. Huhbguomunus In nuko ~’
.‘ll.££4)‘HLH’lH FROM LIFE. , '
Marni unpmxumwl mun the CJMAumgp. flo
uzv. l: n). ‘ piciucu JIC Lawn hum luau lb.
n !'|‘ 111-1 w” gA I) mucnuuly wnl mm' In; dam:
“uh lhl-Unsulluy ‘pr‘l'l H All un~ uu‘ul l'lw
lu‘lnlvhflll unfit), lri‘ pro-v “ Thu: M. ”u‘rnphg
urn wlnd m Um was; ongoing. and monr‘ouunm
In din |l| Au) numbn- Iwyl :- num'm lilun . {rum
um 11 Ilmv xud, umdmui-lwr plum, rum-tutu], or
vulle‘ l m nut: r or oil.
(‘mzmza run] s'mngcu Iru Innis] fin 0.111 at U o
HAHN] nn! 4 x unnm 1p- “11' :J of 110']: of lhu Ahab
bnumhtl M An bufun: they prwura phtumi alw
uhcre, u they nun nuuxud ul' pul'lm LLmuou tad .
m rinrphmrn ‘ “
{my‘hairufiium ml mm. to IR’nxrti‘tfln both
«he anw ”gem”, in Min) 10 w.x y opn'unns.
I “RUN. I‘hnlnglny-hw,
No 12) Arc‘) Sun-:1, nbuvu :aux'h,
nm 27>“ ' PM] Id‘dphn
Th" lzl slun’g llowms “.11: From mu [IL v
Yuuuffh‘qiuf‘i‘cj mix-“71y; ‘
Hut Bachh Ln'l )n’MulCl avw’ bloom,
Tn'muk 4L Tlmo'l dncny'
Thu Unlxmy i 1 mm‘ opened tu Ills public. under
(ha control of
Wnb {ucihucs for Dlgurrruulyping vmly uqlullel
or Pump. lever ourpxmd In llm country. A ma,
mmlmx Ivmx,!)'ilully blended in}: rhluflflmdo;
a ”Jun dulmnmlm. «r fonlun-s an!" :IrApCry, and
tho planning emu" mule-l. U) a udi Ima unuhgn
mum of mu algtudc,uuuuly olv wlsuorlhy of no
small mu :M‘ mum. Inks many auxr'r brawl-cur.
swlnnne, Ihn run“ impnrrnm requisite: can only be
nJlquud hy yuan of mum-A] L-xprrinnaa and 0103»
üblwvnliun 0! lung; to huh hid the mummy».
Thou: \rlm lmvu [fiends lhuy hudly ulauwh,
should rnmnnbordimhn may non In in withering
hand upo- lhom. ’J'hn \ilul Hp’ll’k of life, lhlc M‘
day impuu bxl ht Anlhipnllou uf lbs futuru. 10-
mon’nu may ‘m‘zmninjv amid the lad flowing on;-
bvn or mun-m, WLy not wanna your phmrr:
who“ if in both “podium. And Coonomlcnl w do Io?‘
We “1.11 not to by undu- tho‘uomslcy a Lander-1
xln'sg your im 1,10 to .1 mulled Inrh’cn‘ in tho hy
ammo-s of (mm, do an “non odd-mm“ io
Forlorn lhla m 1 ml. In rum/Ix of {ln dußthod.
mchorrnnar iu cull will our amuse ¢ [us
Unu SIO. nor lem, vla'urcl qr buck nu mu! Iliad
orcontngnnuud mot w mum fork yinducmqn
whmem. A ‘ ' - A
Putun'a Snnérféa 1n ave: 0! Ilm II cv 1471qu
of Him. ulna» or "nigh. Ajio, 08M.) m‘uzm
LOCK ETH apt nonltlntly on lmml. ‘
Inapmuwo glvon Iml App-run! fumhhod on
r-uomblq anm. ' > » . .
I flaws“, Dnukorlu-E'n Row, second Amt: Mlle
funk), I". nm ‘27-?!
W. new ITIIHU) rurl CHESTNUT Uueou.
Still continue-s In manurmlnr'l MI find: 01‘ BOOK
JOB and FANCY 13:133. 3 a" mu qumx, uni
a: LESS PRICES F Uh ASH. um: any 00.1 w
Pou'hdry In the Union I: [bug ”parlance In tho
practloixl prm. of Ihp bullucu, and In tho mlxinx of
nuwls, warrant him In “Jamar“? um tho Up»
of his manufnmu «mm hing! mun: on ) IQI’, an) pa
«lhrnhlo m the mng: ‘ulkod o Cuppnr 95cc 'lr‘lpu
Ha hru ou hnml, and can nupnl at I. vary tho no
the, ovary mien: upd in l Priming 0m”. luoh u
Tvypo, Preach Rum. Cnmpoflng mm, mm and
\ ooden ()nllcyl, Bodldm, Lay Unullcl; Una:
Chain. Put-flu". “J‘Old I!” Ilka?!- Imhwga
fur no: II lppclmvnymiou It I: ’lO «en 1 per punnd
“UV. ‘ ' '
‘AZINI-2.~—A NEW VOLUMl‘L—Duxlng‘lho
«1“! gl'x mmmnl lhu‘o bmeboen lygcd of ll \lll‘Mlfl’
an Munnu Myuinn over [Ull'l‘ HUND
l‘uhllsl: I may Aurel: n gpcnl 1x this [not In ul
d'oncu oldie “Hyman lul and o natanlly increasing
mm" wltll whr-h llmlr Moria lo Eflhllsh n “all:
[lullxuollvoY and onmruinlng mun! Iy lava bean I
landed. 'lhe n‘now lho oxprculon of tin]: llmnlu
tn the publiu in lllpll‘ Ytnulnn}. oonlldonoe and up
porl. nml ”Racially to l m Frees for lhc Eubfltunllnl
lid llhu o u'ul In making lhclr ufl'urll and publi
cation knuwn la llm Amexluou’wplc.
It cnn laurel-l} bu nrvuun) In will the (Insurance,
lllnHllc ple nfcumlucllnf; lhc Magulyc. which hnl
prorrd nu Bncuusml. will n-vanlluuell wllh inumnp
yd quldnily Ind cum: film \vnnls ltd mm of lho
that nmsgnf Iho pouplu “ill honiinno to bu cunnu|~
l‘c'nl; am! no übr‘rr m ”‘s‘“ Eu 1“ 11l bo‘fimnul (u gim
mm, amy nihmh, nu ‘m-gcst "mm! to! (human
mmruuru; Ind h-Ilmodvo llwmry‘ mum-r lotlgln-l
and, I.‘ culcd‘ In the I but .fuun find a :11: 9|;an l
c'lll ‘ riup. Sppulnl nud incwunzd ullcutlon wll 1
magma ghmmo llln noveml uc'rlcs ar‘brlglnnl‘
mun-mod: lurlnles. dmllptlm of Amulom noun 1
.nd lmmx‘mn ,luuldenu. pmpaud by this molt, poly
ulnr \ullnrn 6T! necomsulnodlby engrayin by the
lvchnrlla’s in I m Ulrllo Staten. In os-eryvd'oput
mantlofxlhu Mngnzlnb'ronohod cll’nrlu Mll~bdmndo
tuinoronm ll: uhllily, ila ulilily. and in nut-alive. ‘
no" fur [fone'ljn'l loud”). ~ ~ X
Tlumg I it has nm yet rumplolerl tho nixlh your ol'
m ulnonco. Ilmmkb‘hlmumz bus 5 clmullllon
great". by mmyllmnmndl, llmnwu uvur Mtnlnod
y an) other ultullnr publiunliun over iuuud In any 1
{mil orlho wnlld. It. is lhu delcrmlnnllunol lbo
’uhllshnnl lhul il lhnllvnnlluuo lo lncrillhls Imp“
ullelod and allll lncroniing prosperllv
linch nulnlwrol llu Magnum: will conlnin l“
mlnvn rum, In thuhle culunns.cncb yum lluxu
comp)hungmurle’lwolhmmnml page: of the oholucnl
Mhmllnaeons l. lnrnmru of tho day Every Num
bor wlll cantnhl nnmnrcun l’iulurlnl lilua‘rnuom,m
ourulu l’lulcs only; l’llvlliixnn, a 00 ion: Chronicle of
('uuolll Evcnls, nml Impartial «Ilium of tho lll‘
lw-rltmt Bmllanl‘ llw Month ’l'lm \'nl\'mvn com
munce wllh lhn Numboll fully: and Dm mum;
hnl lilhwrlplmnn Inuy nouumn u will; Any number.
Tunnn ——'l‘hc Aluxnzinc nu bo obtulnedol' ilook‘
”Hm, Prrlodicnl Agent-1,0: flow the Fulfil-hull nl
$3 00 nun-Ir, or 26 cent: n number The Semi-rm»
1111 l Volumu n; colnplulcnl, nonly bound in Cloth,
nrv sold M $24)" c nah. Ind Muslin ()mrln ma {ur-
Imlued to llmw who “111 l lo have lhuirh‘mk uumlmrs
1n ilinulllyhuuml at 2."! cull! onch. l-Ilcvcn Vol
ume! nrunpw m'uly lmnnd ‘Hnrpcn' .‘llmynooha'
and “ llarpom' anuinu" will be um to one Ad
dlcu, lur ono ynar, lur $5,00. ’ ‘
‘llm lluhlxslurl will supply Specimen Numbora
aruluiluunly ln Aguiln and l‘us'mnllrra, nml will
Innkn lllwml nrrnnmmnnuwllh (ht-m fnr oimulnllng
'lho Mug-mm 'l lmy “11l nlso supply Clul-s. oftwo
you n s «13.1.00 nynur. or five pqnmu n 4 $10,00.-
h mymun nul- ll‘ :l at $2 00 n vvnr
"A (g'l‘ll h llllOTlll’llß l’llhlinllnl
UAIIY) NUMBER, (1850,) will commence
(hv Hull) \‘olumn nl' ‘
.\ Mnnlhly l’niwlmnl of Thirgplnu “clam PAKI'I,
Ignp'r'l t‘xclmiml ‘ In llm luul inh‘rmin of Illa
tum-r. ”we (lunfonor lho I’nxit waor and
s-m Hrvmlv-r ‘ “m ‘
L’y'A {r-w hank Volumcs hundnmoly lvlyund. as
Sl a!) Null.
Amnng the lulvjl‘cll trnmed In the Journal will bu
rnm’m‘hunm'd m fiflkfifig— " '
'l' w ('ulllmllnn of the ball. Manurca And their
Appllmlinn llnwzriplmnn of nll nuw and impxurrd
lmp'enmnuof llunhnndry, tlcsl‘nml to manna: Ind
übrldgn Ihn lnlmr at (ho hum; Ila-exipdonn nl’ nll
m-w Yuma, Flow.” and Trees; I’mning null (Infl
iv 5:. llxr‘rimyn u (If Funnel: ' llurnlAmlnt-mlnre;
Mnrknl lopmla; Plowing, Sowlnfinnd llnnullng,
Dninlng‘, (hair: and (haunts; Inulcnt [[ools M
fowl fur Cllhlc‘, linrdoning, Live S‘ovk or cvrry
lIFI'W'iPHQH. he‘d . xnmlos nl‘ {‘Jlfl‘nht'vy kc , Tho
Dally; lime" 0! Agrlt‘ullurnl and I’lnrlicnhunl
Hooks; lluml “Imm, Mmulcl nwl Cmmml and
n‘hu lukje-‘h whlrh are calculated [(0 inu-yrl' and
infmm lhu alas: fur wlmn W? M: :ulmvlv 1 The
HMVorhl Dl'rnrtml-nl will then he munmt'fi by A
M SPAVOLTIMJM ml ghnl litlllur and I’wpllclnr
of HM .ln.unll, "uh (-I by n nnmlmr of mnlnonl.
Agfloullumlk'n and pruaz‘lml anm, making It
m the limo lvmc, n \rimnry nhjv-vl to lump lhn
Jmmml clur {rum n“ collnlcral Interns I, And lo
rt‘lulvr il in 1111 Hunt “I. n rvlinlfln pupor
3‘. It 1: Aaron! funny to suppose llml when In in-
vlhixlunl lmeumu Una ulivur of am A {noullurll
[Mp'm be new; u‘u'r 0 mm uh : lawn If n dlcumr
of 0 ii M ll :1 [lnc I: MM! 101 x In" "
' “‘Vizlmm Il‘o nucmmgonmnl of Agriculture, Any
caunlry, Hortflrrflnxwl by nalun, mm mminu'n
pour ,
“’0 [ml IRmimv-n uumbarl to All applicum,
mafia-am! Iv I In!!!" pmpdy r“ I'm-n M in
juiry, km, rrlminv; tn mnurra contained In Ibo
ournml—nm 00mm”; oven lhmo “IM- have I pelt:
:1 re a'nmp rnch «ml l x I"! for the mply,
(fur Tum: of S,u'rrrv‘}tlau plum {ln Jonnml
will-1141M rear/- of all “
31.00 per annul
-4.00 “
7‘50 ”
Finflo mph
The combs,
Tux cuphm, .
Tm-m cupi't - - HOO “
All lllhwnplluul mu!‘ Ln m \(hh Nu m or ”I!
number of Um whmu MALT: nummnccs with Un
_\l~nr , M d in; nuyLnau lhc Journal will be rapped
nc Iln‘ rxphnjnu (f the lime paid {on uuhu Ihe
«uLLuEnun Is chnuus! Ruched.
uAMUIuL XMLé‘l .1 00.. Publinhcn.
N. I: come: of chcu'Jx unlNurku Sun‘s,
‘ . X‘hilndolphio
Tn nlmm nn P')mYYllllli“'|‘illl I “bother udimnnl 0r
hll"|H_§) “I'm“ In- nllrhessml. luv ‘l7
,‘iryi‘iuui LHGLLAVISGS A 211) Pllllw
“Y m .lum‘h Annual Voil‘m'} of Um uaful pub
llnllun c mum-men on the 17th I! q «f Srp‘vlnber
13‘1“: “ 64x mum Anxenmu.” I: nn'lllunruod Pe
niu' gainnpm'rd Clara! 190 m pgnmd!‘ Li n of in
l'nmgfiun rrYniing In \bo unuu A mluuiu and
(hvmx: Ar’l, hdra'rial Mxmzrmmn-I. Agricullmc
Puhmu, Yunminx I. Emma-ring Mxllmrk, nml nfl
“Harm: “ma lhc- light at l‘nqunl Salome in all
‘Jllllffi‘l tunlnv ‘5 1
lll'pm‘n hf 1 mm] H nus Pan‘unla gmnlcd, nlm‘
yuhhrhqd ru-r’v wuL-k, mclu-ln-g oflm ll co ric: or all
bl'elll (315 mm, Inzntlmr vu'h ncWI Ind lnlunnallun
upon tho-m mds 0f udn-r-mhj um. *'
’Lho ounmbutuu to flu: bad-Minn; Amado“ uc
amour Ihu must, vnnnrnl mimln‘lc unl prmlicll
menu? the llmm ’l‘lu‘ lldl'onul depnnnmnt ‘u unl
‘vofi :lly nakuowlcllznd 19‘ Ba mnductvd with gnu!
ability, had to he (Indium-had not only fur th- u‘
comm.) and UulMulnc- of I's dismal-ml, but for
tlm {mule-any.“ Ki [1 whi :1: arror ll cum]: med and
his" (humion urn rxphhlnd
Ml“:l|'mwl,lnvluunn Englhucxl, ('hvmlnl, Mim
:ylm‘lun u. AKYir‘ulllllhllavl, and l’uTlu in ernry
W 105?" In "re, wm Ind m. 803 cm fiamuioim
(u e muv no l ' \g' V ' It, , u
eq‘liai‘wi‘aa‘aféaralfisi‘fifl .33 (hum mfimm
donut “mnnffiwan. nu’orcflng (hm: ncrmllnuml
mum. of knu- odgc. [he expnxlnuce of Ihlc‘d Is he.
yum! pagunl’u lalxnnia '
‘ Tlm SUV-lulflv; Amerl ‘an is üblilhl‘d oncnuwnuk.
ovary numlrer containing ti Kt qnnrtn mg“, (arm.
lug nun“ Illy n com )laio “If I‘lleudld volumo Illul-
Lute], with sureml Hmndmtl or ("all Engraving
‘B‘ Slimum'n (")an mm $lll. > A
' gull s «rliintglo lu‘bui’T ‘n‘l 81 l' on", orsl
‘ for six nluulha, nu; COplCl PM ah mumga Sl, for n
1M: 33. , l .
For further Clul; ulna, nmlfur linhmonl of the
fonflcen largo C nu l'rlm nflvrad by (he publlthon.
u. Bulanllflu Amoriun ‘“
Soullum. Wu'rm And Can-ail. monoy and P
0030 c Shun m (nkun at par fur luhlnlpLiouA -
Latter: Aflnuld he dlmc‘vl‘ [ml-pull, lo
~ Ml NN .t m, l
novTI-flt IZR Ful'un h‘lrrm, New ank
. 0 FANN Y PERN'S 1.000.000 READ
]. us '-A NEW uoox coMlNu.—\vu hug
the pleasure of unmuuoing 11w. no have In will.
und ahvfll-rmmlah abrmt u:- m of Dooombor, a new
wad! of nation, onlilgm‘ '
110. ‘ls‘ CLARK.
The In" *6 k, Ind an“. coullnunul we a; sd!
mm Ind ruminu‘lng “chore“. “Rulh' lull,"
üblovod u Immu uncnmpled In the nunnlo orlol-
Ivrx. In tho lunglngo of I hiding pcrlodlaal, It
“cxcn'rll more xnl'uund lalAuhlon Hum any whlnh
hm been WWII) (Ind-I n quarter of n canlury."
Hu‘. I! I: “um-nanny Sr) unudo It) thd moril. of
”Ruth ll 11L" ‘Judeng Mam llw mfibor "(copin
w. have :s“,er ju‘lgl) that every body‘ In Iho
Unllwl Sink-I hu will I! A! roupoofl (1m lurk wq
Inna nov.‘ In prMI, now. CLAIIK. we can on ya,
um}. \lo' hgqrd it n, In every Mpnuf, n mom“,
lmuar work; nnd .nro wufl‘lenl It "in not onl III!-
”In. hut own hmmuu tho rgpnmflun of In «TVlMln
guis‘ml nullmmu “’0 have roman: fur lthklng
3km) (Jlgrrfl’ ylll nuke agre-Icr lon-Mimi “Ill!
th “Rum my." ‘
It will fonnfm ulcpn! 12mm vnhnna or Mot-1M
B 150! Plimsulé. a) mulm olr .w'Moh cow ml.a
9”“ ’” m“ W"‘K#§,‘§o§'h’x'£b‘r“fiy£~fis
anvil-4t ~ * New York. ‘
- ~oMrnful {or lho patronage an libcmlly ba
nlnn-od upon him by ll gancmul wmmuuhy Ind
hopes, bf l'flql Vatwnlion to bulincu, w .nlnyl
continua a mu" tho npprobnllon of an npmouln’lng
Wm: Jh innmnn hisf‘lovlnds, ell-mun. I'm] 1h:
nu uI-n . db“. , rpm” to um I
thug, n'zhiu wgrkrwn ltund liflrfwsry vnrldy o!
(m 01',le Um. may he callm fur Per-rm:
Mommy; to Win le plan-u cull nu] uzlbol mah
flmnrlpa 01‘ run, as I am dotamlnod to gin MU.-
{mflon to all. ~ ~ ,
, ' -.. W.
WWW ficfifif “W"- 22433"
FROM 1:000 'm 2,000 ‘Agnmg ;,
, wmtrmgm "3an all mi nrum Unll a
sum. A mow EXTRAORBINA Y naux‘
lion now land) of 1‘ , .I:
Female Lry‘c among the Harmony, .
nnnnnlh-o ol'mnn ur- raoinlli ' '
“I!" {my :fl'n niqaérényiifl‘gz. "ohms-’33:!” (9",:
lunvcwu 1 " ~ ‘
umo.‘ PM}! 11. a n o n" Oa "m ”“3
' . , cqutmun <. .x ,
Curmlily Awakened. Allimofl'by Indunu.
'l'hu I ormovn Meeting. Wumafllpllo Cloluvod.
The Midnlghl Aucm- Strange Adv'iva for a
> ‘ Mags. ' Womdnfl, v ' ‘
Amunl u! 100 Smith. Dioappoimett Mbgrmm
'tho mb and 11l Victim. I hm“ “In ‘
Frumlo‘llumitm. Law In gawWikhmou,
h arm n 0 Allan]. 'onrling 0 ‘nm 165.
,\ Stu-Shay; sroposio|on.‘x Wnfio‘q'i‘r nfil .p‘ .
MLWurHoflm h‘w llnfld A New Flafi'l Iffilen‘uc.
'I‘Ho Ymmg Wife nu ' m. ‘ "
'Fexuis.‘ ' ~. ‘ «Scan. IHMo-l-Tlm."
Spil'ulml WWII. ‘ loiflk ‘lslfliilu . ‘
A Mormon Heroine' > Prcphoy and lay-a w..
Tho Abduction ol'flun- Iwn ,‘
mall. AnO ‘f‘uolnndQ‘Xu‘un.
Ellen'mN-rmiu. ‘ 'Fl‘m. ‘ "
Alll’mlnn lnmlhgunu. l-Zvil'lfuult-nrl'oto‘bm!‘
Arunl who l'rofnuod Th. I'mphe‘udmm V,c.
Laud. . ~ - liln. . ,
Sunni-n Mcvdmionl. A Fulhqr Hills hip Daug-
Mrl Mgnny duclmu la".
~ Scum-p ’ The Fomlum' Wiro.
Pour-h- nl‘ Mormon A Dnmutiv- Smile
Eldon, )1 Youlhlul Vlruml.
Mr. Wurd'u El" 0, Mormon! Kpll dining.
RCflul-Ilun take Rim:- qun
gmnoo.‘ The Nu‘: Wife. , ‘
Mn. [lrudv-h in a Drum Mor'mnn'DlnnanlUln.
icon. . Mumrnlm nd Mummy.
oan: «who Prophet. JIM" ~--
Delcrltllull of lha New Mu. Bndilh Revull Se‘
cad". " crell.
Mm anduh‘t Advcn- Myllouigul Diuppoay
lure-u. and“, '
Mode 01‘ Making Con- Mun!" of Gunnllon‘l
mm. Put]. ' ‘
'l'he‘l’ruphl I'l Favorila. Dnnlm Ind 70”.. ‘
l'olwamy Encounpd. littnponl [he Aullwi.
'J‘lm book u now rm the tint um. luau m pron.
mrnll hrrulu lhu pubhc Mtlmughil q." been
puhh-{ml [mi a few wookl. no‘ In. lhan Inn 94..
hunt Imm been unit-d ll bu! nlm {Nun n'puh.
lirhcd In England. wuh .un Iran!" like... The
Loudun 'l‘amen and lnndnn Uhurvcr out: dunk
|WI| IO'IUIIn‘ ‘0 111 YOVIO\V. ‘ ‘
Sfl)fi lhr‘ Clniuquuurnnl and Mealtime}, Ciu
Clllllflll : ‘ ‘
"I‘lm lmokmll serum nnllemnlinl lift-Minn
mm all qnnnon—will he unlvau-Ily mm} m Ru.
vopoul we-ll nI Ammifinmml we doubt um wull
lwromo Nnr of II“: mun important; If um Iha mm!
“Hy-mm. inugqum-lui' «m enjgghmnm; JIM
vmiM un Mnr‘mnnhm‘ an “in h’x‘lnyuK m hm! up.
my u Hm ‘MIIIHC oymmn m urrennq m :Inv'g n u
an nbmnlllllmn luun (he cull: It will poulo pun
hrul-Ily um Amcncan peopla “ " ‘ ‘
any Iho Bonn" Dauly 'l‘rnnu-vipt ~—
, "h m)! nwl Mann Munk'l Revel-Ilia” inllw
fi-vlmg n I! dulch in nu up 'l'evmlu m. A
muug Itm Mnrm._mu‘ ‘u no hum-[y rrpnunrm. bnl
Ilmc-nu‘nmummm ucordol’ n ndlvldlul Ilpcn
encr ' .
JA U. DERBY. P Ell-Inn. 119 Nunn IL. N. Y.
And lo: uln b, gunk-cue” and Aunt. Emu
when. r ‘
Slur‘h' cap!" mm by mm}, malpmd, on receipt
0! vnue ‘ ‘
I nrmglhl'r pnruculul I 41', 11l nbuvd
I I tip
The Cheapest. Muguiuc in the World.
n\l.0l1'!l DOLLAR MONTHL‘Q
Dmg‘ncdfirr (my Ammcnn'llama.
FNCOURAGED hy the unprvu-d: mud
J mun- wnh vi!”- h Hnl pnpnlnv Innulhly Lu
mu “unkind lhe vnpndny wnh wlnrh n hu In: re”
«I m cmnlman. Hue yrupnelor 1m nmhnl to
make 11 mil mom unnhy thc palmmgo ol Ihu
.u .m 'l'lnl Ihm ndluulbln work ll
u admiuad In only one. cnnlnmmg u udnumu
ulnhlnn wig" ul mulml mull" 111 Huh numb”,
hem; mun‘ Ihuu nu} uflh- .‘1 mmuuounu Inn»-
I“! qu \olumu n )cnrol‘nl l-undlcd gngu nvh,
m 7““!!! llunnnru page! u[ Hildlnx mzillcl rel
.umu n. for ‘ - -
mu mrn ouch: Murrnu i- pvlniod 'ilh new;
UN» "pull imp whm- piprr. Ind m mam-r n (am
fully vumJu‘M um! unnngrd by Ihr hnnvlu "(the
mluur hn [mpncmn who hu- man knuwrp In Iha
publu .15 «01mm ud mn- Hm Houun um fur nut
(cunt-. 1". 11l pug” 1 onlnn
burs, TALI'J‘. Paula, STOIHE‘ of “nut an,
“nuns. lAN-nun. (hummus,
mucumurwn AND numm,
from Ihr hell and man pnpulu wnlor- ofllm rmm
'r, H ”also .pnod WM: :1 vumd ul the nmnbic
“cm- "I Ihe lunc- 01 ‘l‘." c and w". ol dm In"
“‘7, n ..' MHIIDVIIIICIHI om umug In time! hl-nun
phrw lurmmz 'xn {lfn'flhlfl cnmpamnn{“74l9ng
mmul'lll m hm" nnywhmo. «I hdmc or abroad tuck
numbrr Lang camp/Ur In ”11/j.
m. no man ".19. cu are admin-dune In paw.
'IIF'P .m- l‘nuu'l» n muncvzrnnl Panl'lllnnfl mrh
u..~mnnlumhg um quumqu :-
Inlrmhd to! ‘\ \ ‘ I, w .5 -
. “rm; 5114 mm xu.
nonlx w mun" an or wul.‘ I: am...» an
mun c' n h umulh qllh 1 Nu". m , n 4 yum
m‘vu H my Jun! such an my Huber. Inn nr Int“
wunM pin a m 1110 lnmh Hf a "fill". I'm LI a
In all In Aopulmrnu I'vr-h nhd_h ‘ Mluh , ‘1!
u puma": lo be. Mu lhupm'gl‘lflii fl lhc
wwld. ' '
A .n ,uwn ehl‘lnullc In"! Ihl’ur (n thorruvflflol,
"- In luw. Hull u-rcnvc Hw Mngunne lb: any!”
or any tmnnn Inndmg ud ell/aloubu'ubgn. .ny ,‘hl
(lull-1:1. ui mw limo. uI-nN vI-rn‘vn n rh‘w In“.
M M II \Ill‘"l‘, l’uNa'ubar an’l P'ryrlllar
- Cullllf M 'l‘rcmnnl no Brut-h” N... Mud.
I)“ “anl 5. [Ball—.l]. '3ln
Sula'maiidcr Sales:
EVANS a WA'l‘sbw.
No ‘26 South“ Fonrlh‘St., Pbfiu
Kl3l- _ ()rul nm on Che-luul nnl
"3 ‘ 1 . J' . ~ FIN: buuu. Fud- mommy
372-“ afg- -.\l member mu. tie: w
. Hg, ”.2: .- ms f) WATriOA's 7W“;
.U 549%,; MAA EN HA ‘m 'r I'M
T my: I? .3 n PIIAN'I'. A 3 Tun m,
L W ' ’ - ..'" nuns Mar. wmm I‘L‘l
: ~. ~ -. g: ‘ ’I‘O 'l‘lll‘l'l'Lh'l‘
Pllll—A uuuun. D". 15.1861.
Mc le|_E[lnl 6s Wulwm No 25 SOulh Fourth
3! . l’lnlarlqlphlu.
(iv Vin-um —Wo uh mm D: [uh-inn In "NH"
nuwdludnuu yam buuuudu 8-o}.- \« Momhuuu
md minn- Iu mom of n mama men n. «Minimum!
their haul". pwcu du' . {mm 6“,}!6k0" N
pnnhl-nfi l'uuu )Im nlmvl wan llufllllh‘ullflm 1m!
pn-u-rvrd mu lmnku. pupil‘s. and cnh In u L'Ol'd'
:omiinnn an ”my “on: then pull huo ‘l. below the
man fin- ol Hm mnrmnu, win: In duuoym Mn- N“
un block "I lmlldmg- rum" 0! Che-mun nml hub
drum. The "bun ule wu m nu In on! “[5".
nu ma Ic-rnml "an: of ulur luul-Imp. [rum “huh
phra II In” mm the cr‘llar, and rcnumed then: H“
In! Hm 1n- Wll um. Tho.Slll wnp [Ev-n “wow?
and nlmm-d m IMpn-eufirnl‘n luu «00’;th I.
wlm wunrlud the gum] Ipndulon ol llm coma"
VW»)! you (Janu- bm 1.- Nu: Hal‘s m d (Mll- 10,)“:er
m uu mlcnd to put 1! all ma 15mm, hulng pmnu
confidence"; u- firo nmnrqquhnu. .
J ' You", llelpocufuny. '
Ronni dz Wumn tnlm pll'llurn In réfévrlnh in W
mummy amun Ihbmnn, hundrod- wholuwellfl'”
Hams m um» I} 2f Mm: O'lula.; Farmnumi Mr
Lilanu‘l'pUluk. P’llh‘; [dam-gal Allen, flu} l ”I?!”
Shun . hlhr "limit" , «lon m'a .UIIIIN“
In: gnléb Pnfld, B’, (70.. No. lflfl'gi‘urttqg-SL; {in h'
"d annl & Lam. Locnmouvn bul'lfhll. l'hil-H" ‘
lhnutm l: Milan. MlmMnml toner lf-Ih am.
Jumu s|! I Pmnklin Fur. 111-yum a '25.) . I‘hnlm! x.
I‘cnnnylmnlu nadmuu'o. PMst I lur)‘: Plullw‘i
. nine! {uh und‘Mim-r 81:48))"qu “Im. N" J}
Snulh Ho-nrul Sm : Juulcl. Koul & Hun. N 0 1"
Rum“ 'l‘hlm 80.; \V. 11. .llnrnlmpn 51. Sum. Nu 51.
oth Thud 8| ; Smlth. “hm-am GACo . Nu In
Mmkno flu : d: I.) 9mm PM. I“ 0wn...” SI
: ctr A largo umumcm or"). nhovouuhn (alwayl
nu hum] (ulnnurd to Hand M lam Hymn-fl!”
mnw fim lll‘n ‘vmy 111-"ing- Rafe low [Vb-«)4
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