‘v s: I." E 10 an mam.» r‘ u .1. _ ll *l‘llm ht” of prun—anh lho rich "roll 0! quirfln 301 th by. u son in (on. [nmfw In the lonely doll, fit" "my: gala: I loud in My: by-guno lbw GI! bookpf truth, in whéso rum pago M! Font“ VII, jnhlpplox hours. to rend ‘ lu‘ mu. whhg‘okly how am 3:011' '3 up W [11! ”initial—tr: “in the Chgj‘: mu 1, Mn“ Ki: fancy. kmll bmidn (by klwc, M, m hummus! ~|hon I thought of the“ . Luca] mg” the na‘ Mtg dual—and Umn ‘ "3‘ ~10“! Irlllnon at Hm Bnbbnth Xon, ’ ’ Wffluffi‘hgflifi‘lnm. (o bmalhe n prnyM‘ _ 0 Ha "a a": bum bom's gnu, um] mlinn Tm‘bzfluwgn. vii m none but aha cal” lull Viww,‘loienu n! h hollncx'a fofixlhéhy_‘— 4M 1 '"fifi'qw', ‘10:! 4381.]; um] huwolk . 8):! lo +bw Into RM her hMrL‘a (trunnion—l And Mamn hat maxing ngony, Tamawn’: my“! .m 1 (mm or flue. ~ M 1133“: isthmug ~h l-laéu mnflhg now. 'Lih tho Mm vision: of I {ninlulxhldn um; [‘mm 5 Within-m"! fin. ml o’or tho mounldn'§ “Th IQMM‘! finial“ (m tho gentle “nami- Iflpflht Ain'o'n is dancing on the :hlm‘ ; And I once more. am standing I! Hubbard).— Thfi holy am! which I may I“) no new, My Childhood's llama—ohm mane Afjuyon- mirth, ~ WM" 1h!“ "veiled in my quhh ppm.— , \';s~Tfl¢gr~! qu I think 01' your but limo ' Ana «Mu [m sz-nuaima Ilaink. mu mu I hon. at“!!! 1:11:37! far 1“"): helm-ml moth”) Idlfll ho nightly In thy llxough! ; lbdylwn m hnhm spawh. my blamcyml younger lumber Dot. uk far one. who In M: mum your 4 01: fihvzhu beside m- coudh, thoh'lt mm Izlia \I‘L betting hrrut, mul «NJ I (flaming lenr, um" III: tried lo“I M "41- um e'or rcnuin.‘ $13.43qu within. my puro hrnrl'u mrmory ; Ry,»mmher!—>lhnn thy lllon ;lx! will be hf me' ginmo‘mus an}: fitntmt‘mns Tm: Snonnm \\'.u.—-Somc twdvc yous up. Nafidcdn,‘l:zdinm, \ru uchrau-d furl (no things, our- for the cumming pmpcnsi- i (205 of it: inlknbizanls, and Lt! other for tho' 513353111” of the cmunrocdsin its VlCl-l fiffii‘Wan‘fffiflfi me! n EMlcrn collcrtor‘ ”Lad slapped u Dnylon to 'bpcnd Hm nigh“ ‘i‘fi'jiin pomc infurmn'lon r-.spcctm:; lm‘ [Mm counc. During tho (vcmng hc bc-l figme'acqudntcd milk in: 0141 drovcr “In r. M ‘ pan}, “0!! posted I: to the geography of the ! ’4};li md the eullcctor thought he might! v} "I! inquire in mud to thc best route in diam: poinus to \\ Inch hr was destined. ' ‘ “l «m. to so w(;mmfiel.l,“s.ud the col.‘ lvctor. " now. which n the nearest way I" ‘ 4m fir." slid the (hover, “Von Ind Wt 30 to tholum, and mkr t‘hc road 1:11st newly north." The Invent-r mud it dawn. "we“. lir. if I should wish to go to Hamburg!" ' W than go to 81min”. and ukc thn md wtfl',’ .. vhn. i! x mm. to 50 m Vcrml I" "Go to NlpolconJM rah Lhamdsmnh Inst." ‘ ——-“ 0t to‘lndimpoLi-s l" pddod the collector, tyu'q the drove; ole-elf. and thinking be m Exposing on him. ‘ “ Ct) to Nspoloon. Ind uh thy rood north west." ' The collector looked at his note book. evo'ty dirétion Ind Nlpolcou on it: be begun ‘ to“ Hal mt¢la_ 'r'ue. mad he turned one! ‘ glam to the drove! with— “We, ‘lil', l "1!)th to 5» to tho dwarf“ " ' 111' time! nncr nailed,but scntchcd his hill. M Ada n momm‘l hesitation aid: ‘ ~ «ran, my'dpnr lir, hlon‘L know of my Wm“! {on could take Qua to go to NM when.” ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ k 7“ (user in “33:.“ dgcznm that fiffiwfl‘ inshhisfl uewhrgu u (,0 endanger lbc lift of his entire hmnohold Adm flay: (pay one of In: family had by means of I ropehddcr. chmbu} to £111; wp Q‘ I tremendous squish, \\ hcu he was suizul “Slim. ind {filing ol'. {#:9th bag) hisfnrmg, brokt 111: kg. Ind hurt hit!» it bald". ”0A Ylnkeo down cast. hns Invented 1 Initial kt eorkingvp daylight. wlxich‘ «m “68M: ’39:?de cu. He caver; the im Icriorplp flour band with shocnmkcx ‘s max —hbldl It. open to fine run, then auddcxfly 11119” unmet. Thu ugh: «iguana; wu. tad at night can be cut out m 1 sold in 'M «a suit printers." 37 “ Undo. his old Mr. Jane 5 )o]qu the cam. 1" f" I don‘t Know. indctd. Why do you All: “that‘s. 1‘! ‘ " Bcclmo I tend him asks; plain lnu< may: yum-y." ‘l'; What dicflae uy 1" - _ 'fllo 9‘de another man :1 good-{or-uolhing ”'l9; map." . GymMy dear." said Mrs; 00511711 to kc? dgnghttr, "you should not hold your (1.460;! 90' high in; arousing the street." ‘ N Then .1223.“ replicd ”w mnidrn, “how $1311.! Grier show u» bennly of my flounced ”Mm that I have nhnoeruincd my 3} e right to who? I'm sun: I don't cuc if (110 ban: db look at me " 'm‘ Iniwycrs. xcpording to Marla, are " man ‘3O Mre g 1: (heir words and Img" " M Ward; :igc‘vyxy costly. although intrin nifally ”MI-en‘hk the dtrkcy’u m:- Cfim‘. which “ didn't. Amount (0-3;; partic- W m." , ‘ {7‘3l} 11152: is very Ithutivc m the pigt“ n9d*:nfla§:h the other du.‘ in tho pru uus tom-:1 ladies. . i “m ”up“ for-that madam-m to you'.’mpoudcd one of the m: (lunch. . Maul: joking. thatw . . . U’A very small pawn: of smm lutcly 3W lib. but! of I flno. buxom girl ,“ Whoz‘mid the N - lldy. 0 I can't think of hirsbomt. [the {act is, Jphn, you! ”KIM“. “.70 big to put into n. cradle, Ind HIM too Innltfro Like to bed." ‘ "Trims”? m :- may», numb, 'wifl that woman 50 to'flcqvcn Any. 536;” m: ‘you, 'causc she's got u pew all to her; self !" ' ViAtit4L, [uranium-lii, Sr 'néoutn.) l’ddr‘eu 9f tho-Demon taming Com- 1 museum, County; , We call file auntie the Democtacy of Centre County to the allowing Address of the Democmnc Slnnd' g ('ommltlce of Berks County, urging ‘npon the part the neccqsity of m Immodinw and thorough o nn‘lznlion. ! The noxl mlnpnlgn will he one SIM great-i ost imgorinncv, and it behooves ,Iho Dunne-l may 0 (‘omm tu be up in annq mnl prepnrfll ‘ for the Content. ill. the ('onuly be thur-j on My organizrd‘nnd vxvrt nll their monnszi tofimnnonizo all confli’fiting vie“ a, and Hilly themselves under the loriuns humor of ‘ Dcumwny, to fight for file inleresw of lhol‘ Cuunlry nml (he Conwlilufinn. "PM Add?!“ abnlnlns‘w-xrgood mggvstinnn, and we sub mit it to lhc mmidomjluu of (he pnfly. DEMQL‘R\TS up Banxs kThc election in nvm‘, and you have triumphed, gluriouul n—o Ahulllinn'rpm,Know-Nollnnglsm, Mninc h'm' inm, and all tho inms are mulod nm] ovrr-l thrown l»: the lnvinnihlc Doiuncm‘ry and 3 their pnu‘mlic allim. You lm’vc overwhelm od lht- enemies of the Co‘mtitul‘wn and tho Union. You have llcfcuml l‘hcln in data“ und in fusion: nnd the glorious 6qu Koynlono htulldfl onco mom’lml’urc ‘lho country regen cratcdynpd rctlccmcd, lhc conservator of the ‘ Gulfilllulinn and the Unan‘ llcwqhns done wall, but she pan 115114 'l‘: in {cw of (ho‘ mat hnltlu yet to ho ughlin NovemM-nl‘ “(56; the olbvlion of the rh (Oh-lulnr) nul.. ‘ i; hut n skinniuh. Your enemies: have nl" unlly llkrn the field for that fivrce ruxnnlg contest. You hm‘u no time to Imm; (0 ho ready in (h'tohcr mnl Nmmnhor, "(56, you mm! lwuin now. ‘l'lns «‘unnng cnnlcsl “11] be our pnnly Ol' )nlnt'iglm xunl lan-M: urcs; principles no lens nnporlnnl. thnn.tho Constitution nnd its: gunman“ of n-ligiuun l'olcrntion. md equal polmml rights to mry Amnr'n‘an ciliznn, no matter whom horn : tho failhl‘ul oxccullon nl‘ all law; unwed in Accordance u ilhlln- pronuiunn of that sncrcd instrumt‘rrag-z lo srcuw lln-thls of null, uilh out regn lo sortinn or lowily’; the am ' - l ‘ In" 7 rt‘ignty of‘thc people in the Ktnttis nutl in tho Tcrritoiws‘ in mlminislt-ling thrir mrn gov— enuut-nt. ounntlng their nun lnus, {mining And moulding thur own l'utitution. |l| tin-u -on’n way. suhgoot only to the ('uzntltutton, without tutcrl‘crcnw m ltlll'l‘u‘t‘llllml by ('uu -1.55 at any time: anti thr‘ mlmistlun of NW glut-. 5 into the Union. without mpnry by that [unlit] nwa tnlo those institutions, beyond the Mtnplv requisites of that (‘uustilutioxL ’l'hcw are some of tin» Irtuvtplw Involved ”becoming lump. Tlu-y Are to he rulin taint (l by tlzr mtlounl Dvmor'mvy of thin lln'mu. uuvln ltb‘ rcgulnrnrgnnintion mulled, humour h_\' tlrl patrioti: Allitlt ofthv- r-nunv try nml [L's otguuv‘ in“. atminst Abolition scutionulmm nml Know Xutltinginn. To be micct‘mful. Drinorzrnts ot‘ ltt-rlu you must Imgin now; omnxtzr. at once. ll‘lw cant-Lu being one of principl/‘t is to l)t' oonductul on your part by fine, npcu discuwon, hefuru the pcoplu, leaving to your nmniu to a» range and man-go m the chmmhen of (lurk nous, n midnight guthc‘rmgs. their mode of 313 mm. To insure h‘u' fn‘e illsmémon orthe ‘ priuctplcs ““01th the State Cununl Cunt‘ mittec “ill Bonn mltlrcu you In common With your brethcrn of the Stnte, u we uni linfi-nncd, on this sthtnt, making arrange lmcnta for the complete public orgtmunuon‘ iot‘ LE: “hole State, and for mum)“ public l speakers at mcrtmg. tobo held tn every nec tiou of thr Stutt- iuuucvlmtlly after the open -1 in" of the campaimn _ [ ‘Vho llwuld lead nil in thin noble cuter ‘ Rise, but Uw idomiuhlc Duuovrnry of ()1 l 1 . ‘r'u 1 You u rqn “ham the liopcs of the ' Détiopncy of tin Suntan so long luned -—you from whom thc llrmorrmy of the l Union have kn much to expect. Turn to . 'our robe of 1852. :1! )ml mll me that. ill-aka con poll in lfgfl, 15,000 volts: Hhc icoulil, If «he uoultly :1 t more. Turn to your vote 0(1855, gnd you till are lhnt the com butcd fusion vote of y’ktr “with q anal tht' cncmiw of tho ('Onsutlllllull and the Union only roaches 3,261. tThix vote in patriotic l Burks. In such fl‘tll‘S!)(‘rl\l\' Muir" u-on con Iducted by the most Ilospvratv imam mum) be SWcllt‘tl at lllt‘ OllUldt', lx‘} ond 4 250—0110- l thoufinnvl mcnrnsc. Thu old Whig party lcouhl domino“ but that party. ulth all Its ‘ errors. of expxdiL-ncy and of tut-usums, m I» paulouc national putty: your pn‘m-nt cng~ i uu‘n are nuithur the one, nor Lhn other. By ‘ tlu ‘ culcul «Linn, llpr'u' can give a majority in. 185 G, of 6,500. If she rum to do it, n l'mll not. be became nhe mmwt, but became ivlu.‘ llt't') nut will to do it’ I l Tu nfir‘l an litmuimtmu of tln ('ouuty l “111] n _\icw to [his rcwlt, the Smnduw * will“ air your (‘Ganly mm; (MRI l proper to whirl-51 to you thig tlrruhr.‘ a itltlt- A it: t‘loufctl to t u‘ Confinhlun of 1855, lax".- KZI-ahy hivptllllltd n Committed for “chi tot' their horougln. \\ nrtli and to rmlnp —; gm} m-a Inland by the Comma/:0. bongo . they lmvc bcCILCIIU‘K‘H by you tolx ynurrep: l |ulen «lA-r branching hcrb, filli‘lfn appouance of n In Id. ‘ { ’l7 An impefljneut fellow wishes by know u how if you in} VIM down to lot, when 31(1me mm: \st on tha “him, without, Im-l ing ukcd “ Do‘you 1&0 mum 3" {o' A Cincinnati ppor column: In Mur tisemcnt of bounds Ind mucous for young men's Fur, noon-magma Avid: the sly!!- now so unlvu-ully worg.‘ 027*.“8y their fruits ya IhIU know them?" 3.5 the firmer exclnirpod when he tuned hut his golden pipplns to lbo pocket,- of 3 train! “chqolw'w . .':v(» z , “I” I“ 0:? 1:» tobm chawer in Ilka n goo-o in p dutcli-ovan—nlmys on m 0 spit. =l= , g , *‘---r‘-~3 T 9 _ ._.; W 8 organza co» .- . 3 1a , Tm: pg (£1353 WA TCIIJIIAN.’ " ' 10-11 mm. ms urn-nu w" I BRLLEFONM QEN TILE; CODE 'l' Y, PAL THE bNiflfiomhififiwcnux pin ‘ 3.3-3 Tux'doun m’. _ v ' ~x- ‘u‘ .1 raw- | T a MN I If nfomud u t e at. nxlmqtérgaf‘fi'kmmg’rfiéd Kn r, (31“ bn cnfllrd Tm: DEMOCRATIC WATCH 13%..111 bvimnul ‘ in Bollefoutu about RIO ”m of Nurnmbcr. . In oommoflhg an: nndulnling w-Um “mile consideration of our mint-ch'mn-I, lml mom pur liculmly (a the I ppm! of blurboumorgui» broll'xv‘n or 00mm abuntx, 3 [Mt wonlnfnplnnmlnvyhf nui' oomn, win nq Lomnidcmd we of plum lls 0- mm; will’ i? 3&an! Lanvunu‘, ulvodutiu‘ Hm [mull-them; 1 film pwmul ulcll l) \hu yum Nm limuxl Dclnoomllcl'nrly, [Mining Jml Ila doohinu fpruilh to tho wholl country..wllh(ml rmxpmt in mm lmn, the sun: “and monlocrlnin llnllllllul' of fulnm prnupél‘llyl'n'gg '11“ they uni blficdlmvd lo itmxrc Elignilj, [mil Umll ohnnmcr (.0 our qum‘mncnt Yudnr [his béllcf \vu almll bauln In (lolunm' nl‘ lhu Domoenuc cum. wllh mug? and uncampmm‘llng Mellti. ‘ In! n’Lito‘m and News dopmtmnnu 'vyo shall endan‘vm— lo mum». our mlrbm wllh uueh'mnud‘u a will tend to charm nm} divert, nn wall as instruol. um chum and refined, lho nmmlng 'de mmnnllc. We dull Elm nngunvnr tn fumi'h lllv Agricultural community \vitli such llonn as may Mu'l. lhtir infor‘ ‘ ell! Ihddrmnnvla nl. llm prvwnl (luv ' ‘ 7‘ Ilolyihz upon a anumun and lllvornl publlq (or compamllun, pmmlsin llml nulblng Mmll in In“ undono or unntlomplmf, m ulmll coma lm‘fore ynu, nnd throw uuuolvol And tnr nnlcrpme upon your libcnli'v. . ‘ ‘ The Wncnuu will ho prinmi awry- Wr-linea day momlng. an I donblo-mndinm sham, on new lypc. in the Imal atyiu of (ypo'grnphidnl ownllmvho, M. [ln low price of SI 50 par numun, I! paid in Ml \‘flnov. olhumL-o $2 00 mil he charm-4|. "£1127 "IlelY " \YS :1- in: éHEAP 001 mm. - , NEW, CIIEAI' AND DEFI‘RAHLE GOODS. Thu undunlgm-d lml jun: n‘ot-Ivml and ulmnml M M! well known and clump Minn-r, n Monk or well :r'lmctrll nml m-nlmmhlo 0011- M fnllnwr FOR [uUHfiS APPAREL ’Drou SHk'l or x'miuus kinvh, I‘Ulon mvl‘ prion; (‘Mhmcmm Alpv‘r'ul, Ilmnlnxing't, ll qnhazults, Mnuu Do Lama, (‘Jhcnuv llamlkvuhicfl, Shank, Smrfa, éc , ‘ku , m uwlc-mh' uivns. - .'* (a ll!\ ("L”T’HS _ ‘ (‘nn-M‘ nf'l‘rmag, English aml .hmrhnn mnnufnn lulrn,.of nll huts and vnlur‘, mm! of nlulnm lo (NIL (EABSIMHRS, Fen-hm nml Dnmvfiv—hc luul A superb nxiicln, mm pfillm‘; HIP Ink-ll flvlv! Mun - Vl'mmls. Of B‘mkSanhfinnr-y MIL. \‘ohr'. .h. ‘ “‘WIEIH ”V ALL KINDS , ‘ H "I'h AND CAI’H, Crnvnln. Bv'nfm l‘lnin Ind I'Xgurwl fi-mn Shela, Blink Silk and anvv Hmlh‘mlllnfl "Wm Ammumw For anos, mum and mama" KIM ’ \ HKADYnHADE (‘LO'I'IIINU ANN“ assortment. of COATS (If mxinul fiuhlnm. l‘fl mum] YERTR tn mil lhn Pusan Ind rnrl'ms lute» cuulumcn Come uzd «lamina {or yam- Iwha ‘ (IROPERHIE‘ Chm. any", Muimwl. Tm. Chov vlnll‘. Spicvs nf all k dl and 0! ml unlilv. Salt. «in , kn. . _ i” QUEENSWVAIN Mn PUTLEILY, N Mfr, Lind and Hunt], u-lrczc'l am, much ram h) ImoM’dcmmd “I a mi 'hhorllnol like mm “ llAnhwfluc. 0f sll'kind-I and dumplwun, bumlvs mar) oihor article found in n utnrr ‘I hope by I'm! numm nf‘lo hulinru. honesty in ghinl full womb! and manure, and furniahln? flow} d cheap nr‘ivh'a m mush. tho p‘nflnnn‘e 0 no Edwin I realm-Wu") 'quA All to cumm: my 5a In)“ hull" hr lhunsvhcl ‘ C mum, 1 Corner of Um Dmmmnl And Allflv'hcny alrco’.‘ mvzti—ll ‘ Th‘llL-fonle CALL AND SEE THE NEW GOODS” N. W. CORNER 01‘ Till} DIAMUVD, SECOND DW'R. BLLIJ‘IE‘UETI'E, PA. Tho undemgnu! mull n er mtquy call the n:- hndonol’ llilhlll fnonvls and 1510 public gaunt-Ill: to 1d- ucw linck of FALL A5l) WINTER GOODS, which he has lowly rcmvuvl. “in Dun-k Son-lull ul pm :- follow- LNDLE? Dill-:56} GOODS Punch Melina, Punnn Tuna. nghmural, Du Lanes. Mohmr Lux’rv, ml!“ 1'! mm &\l. . STAPLE (mobs "a In. A ml! malt cl nah}- m nanny hm In I munlrgs‘ no RH)“ N 5. 'I‘KLIMMI'NGS, to Ho bu Au ondlux \uln'v lmrrrs AND SHOES ivory largo 1‘04: 0! (ho must "tall-sun] kind. uv Mlowpdou. MATH AND CAPS. For nun uul Luyn, uni of cur, vuia'y, vary dump. m, READY-MADE CLOTHING 3 A In, excellent DIM-"(mum GROCERIBS. Alwnyl nu him! I“ kind 0! alumna, M u 10' prmra u can he Ind Ola-bore. ‘ mumum-z, ovenswmu. And in {Act everything ulunlly Rem in - u'nra Lr I’nwhnm-rn Ire 10")chtu huh-d (n cwll Ind m the new Good! Every nun-nun“ vull be paid to main manna-«um . _ . . novN JOHN n AWL ,Arrmmon mums, AND ALI; OTHERS INTKKEh'I‘EI)‘ (‘UILV A\lll.‘l.l.l'.‘l(S ' The nnll«~ni um! rrlwnfull ml’unm the Farm erl and tho pufilio gum-mny of’Cunlre county, tlml hm in now unuufmtuna; lbo ~ ~n ’\ lUJUVHI AND READY (lOIIV FIIEIILIIH, 0.10 of (Inn '10!" mol: Manninm, durum", Idlll nl mu umo Uluc, the [my mu ruun'n,‘ she-Hun :m r ‘ nffored In In» puhlln It “({I shul gnu-n Ind dry Gun, chi-nib; Um cal): from and lo and, find upl uliu lhcm [mm Um Cm]. LafiWnrran'ml h. run cmmr Hun an othershnl -1.: n tho Uullud Stat" M fi‘rnhcm. dr the tuna Lity of Com Ihcllrrl penny. Jigs \zuulruclcd \Hlll ‘ lwu ornnh, I! ”In! hm permu- oau mm It. and ‘ IhI“ fin-mil» (o 300 lmlhuh pm An] I: tun Ill!) be ”who: to hum Twat. .. ‘ (31" and sun [hum wfuro pumhuln Any olhcr, Is I an contmm vull b. In Mud wfth thin. ' DANIEL DEIU‘ hm?! Hollbllnntn PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, 8. W. GOR NEH n! [he llLuuuml, Bulb-I‘m)“, Centre ()0 , P.‘ ~Tlxla Inga Md conwnianlly Mum! Mum lamina keen mnplowly mnoddkd. napalm! And human" | in now opcnurl {Ur the n'tr-umxnudnllun ur the public The pm )rictm o! "I!" (Mahlla'lumnt rcrwvfihlly Inform- hL-‘llwdn And the publu (Inc In: Lu figlrul witlmrusninl n'n xponsc‘, to render it I dcunhh‘rc‘mat all wb‘: 1:1? flwr Mm with I on“. u ha’lsdmhnlnod u. do ll k: M: ”up; w promnio lhur comfnl am! cunvuuieuos. _.- ‘ ' HI: Table will nhnyibc luppuod \vllh' tho‘bcst llnuhu counlry “lUIMI , ,~ Tho Room: m lugs and well Vcntilln'c'l Tho Stnbl'ahg cannoémd am: the umblinhmo L in larg- rnd onullmkyuxd in chins? ogmflfl’nnml egfim unveil holders ‘ Ind» bu stud?! Ihqda hr the “so or urriagos Sumo: :my lurid-f owl do an: daily In alert nothing I no" he hawk“! m glvu omim udafm'lonwflwu [lnnin‘ Min with 131 £ ‘ 1L 1). CUMMf GR _- ‘ Helloh‘ub, b- nov27-tf 00 ENE. CANDLE Wu“, CW 0!, fund, Pun Knives, can be pa" oh 0‘ ‘ WV Luau!” QUILTB. SPLENDID mloly. Jun eru[ and [or ulo by nova :n V , ~ mum. 1313;111me 131? ”Wis; Run 0’ 11l klnéldnst rvcciyeq All" far mic by “37 ' . " "HUSH“. W“ AM—woon 317139“ at” \ --KEM.BH.'B. TOBACCO OF ALL, KINDS, 3mm of (Marita brand-9; nhwmmfl, l‘ ' mv's‘r . ‘ r I'RUNERH _.._ __,.,__~. ..n—u. COSMOPbLITAN ART; ASSOCIATiON. A” ' [ii-300111“) YIHRA ICT I. r: em 1|: fur! a (Second nnun ol eoton ofllfimw :I’ld popuhr ingfitullon for the difipalun ‘ of. thrnmrnmnd Art, huo ha‘fifiWhu Imm. ,Mlcmhe unle. , . i Amnugnmmarksstrand;ongngodjuhernr-fumcd ”GENOA C(U 11‘3“." " ‘vgilc‘l; originally cool T'EN ‘T OUSAND DOL- L n . , ' ‘ '. H . } In {firming um nbw uhlloclion, um difl'fipio'u n! work-fut Aml'rimm Art, and "In muuuurngmn‘en! of LAllll‘liO‘Hl (wring, hum: not lvvrn 'nvqflw-kmL Cum mizwim u lmw [mun guluul In umny of flu» Irrngt'llix ' (lnguiwlu'd ,Alui‘liunn 'M'ans, who will umhiblllc mum of lltq‘umum prpdnulluxn Mn'nng lhvm am thru- Mmhhv Ihm‘n. excoulbd by my gncnlual living :m-ulytvr—Hnuu 1'0“ “15' " ' V4‘ turn qu “,Afinns‘crmx, . 'I u 'l’lm fir'llur of pin (‘mmlryt \ ‘BENJAMHN PRANKLTN,‘ ' ‘ ‘ ”_‘ ..A '1 bu Phgluluphorf ’ n mun. “Ensnm, ‘ . \ 4 ' " ‘ The Btuh-aqmm ‘ ‘A avers! lam h‘nu vhdtod mmpn and who { vulvfu nndflu uious ualenlimm 9") Foreign work: of‘ An, Ith nJ'mhxo and 1M!” Jr, Slum-r} tin! Choice T'Hnl‘ngm, , ' I 'l'lla \Hlblo fimnlng n Mrgo um] mhwblo collvcr [inn 0" l‘uhnl a: mu! Statuary, turbo llhuihulm’. ’ ruler hmdng JL- Int-ml)": oflho A‘smcluliou {Ol-th Hocmul Yunr ~ .'I I . TERMS 01v nummmsmp .. ‘ 'l'lw pnymcnl (rf'l‘hrep Doll”?! cnmUtuMl any ‘ mm In mcmer 01‘ ”gm [Rsrxcilhflumfnnd iulllllim Mm ‘m ruin-r (me o 1 n 01 u h Agni: no: or‘mm um, um] 'III'In L tin-“m hygxgo dlahibullan of thu fitulunrfv qu'l I'niuling), ' ‘ I TM Jimem‘e {lined tupulnrvrlbr‘rlbomh'a of (ho l fullnuin r Munllrl Maguiws: Hm )cr'n. I’ulnnm‘u, Knlnknrimkor, {Shulmond’m (Imimm‘l, Gudcy‘l r [nuby'l Bonk. nnrl Hnmchnm Words . ‘ ' ' I'l-HImHHLiIIz Gm nwrnbmlhlpl am undflnd (n on) flux of the Mnguinoa flvr onu yt‘m, mid to SIX ‘ TH‘KETH hillm lllnmhuth'n 4‘ ‘ '1 1m nrl [uur‘wdadvrhml {lqu Hm‘uh- of mm“- lnors‘..||H, are devoted to Ilm l‘uwhnu" mum or \rl fur Hm cumin: \uur. ' TUE‘AIH’ANTAUES SECUIQ h. “) Iw‘on‘nng n momhr‘t u! V‘llil .\ HVH'HUi'HL me ~ ‘ ‘ h! All nut-mf- “HGT" \‘E THE FI‘LL VALUE ‘ 0]" 'II”th{‘UHSURII'TIUNS A'l‘. 'l lll'.| ”TART, in Ihe rh. ehyr a’nfllng Mfignzipv (.itcrptuln.‘ 1 24 ENE? mrlnhor in rnnhlhming luwunln pul chasing cllnxcv:‘\\uiks uf Art, whh‘h m 1! (0 hn (lis lvibuluvl among Hum-fives, and an It thn “mm lmw'vu'mnmghg Hm Arum, dlflvul‘ing Umpnaudfl 4f «Mum mruuglp in ngcnuy. l’crrom 1h ram/(mg nnulv for mcmhvrnhip, will plmn givnlflirpnvl-nflin adv/nu nu lull, muting \he nnnlln y vinh lbo anmino lo cummcnci', and haw tho lutkvr ycginiumd at the lmulmfl‘mu 10, prm‘pht Imm. on Um rwvipt of “high, In corliflcnm nflw'lnhouhip, (oythtr mm (M M‘g-lenvdl flrcti, will In: huwnnlt l!n any Inn of tha mnhutr‘f. - Those who pumhm ..lnzminn u ”wk-«turns. \uil ohm'nl‘ Hm! luv Juwlng llnn I‘“3vh‘lfl'ilnh lIACI/ zrrcn-r I/u Mung/m :v'ml fur Tfr’ml in the (m- I aninlzlidulmzinu. Ix' Hm NM)» miJ‘o th'y no“ pa) Dr Hm Munzum alum- Rmnm'uhy :llnr’rntrlCd-tlnFlu-s shin; full «Iv-m mi Minna. m‘n! fun on smflLmhnn ( g‘ur Moullm \lnip. ml hvu \ . . Cs!“ DERBY. C A A. M Mllwr or [he plinvllmlnmwl - " Km «why-ML: . Mu‘xulnn“ MHM, 3” nm \«lrny, New \'mL or, \Ewiurnvomzo, 156 thr “mot. ql:l4o"thme lwvlT—Gl PROGRESS «PATENT AMBROTYPES { 3, Thu Mghus' Plul1lil;;;li’lr.'iullbV‘llflFl’lllkul) [ln Hull- ll lino I“. Exhlbilwu‘ 11:0»! Ahuuibrr. nfu-r Inn; And Im'lenl It)»: und I-xpuimuut. H mm enabled to ofinr to (In) public I new my!» Ul‘ l’murl-s. (Ar «media; In beauty ma dun-Milly nnyllnng mcr bvlurr‘ Innis. ’l‘hcsu pm hzrvll no noL rowan-d, II Unfuormmypu um, And may be Men in My hghl be] Alla pong-a lhu ram yrnpcrly of in mg ‘ ’ IMI’LKISHAnLB'J mi. hermetic uly n nu} how can glut [l|le «In»! auul'mg in manor] h; Lunar! Fungal m ur. (mum H.lles.(irqnt{s|hmu and Fr mac, and June luul i n I‘Mludclphl.\ vy Mr ROOl, I’M-h And (.nt'al nun I‘rooiu‘ and I REHN, OVLY, . or Tlll’. ' AMERICAN GALLERY 0|" PHOTOGRAPHY NH 12} ARCH Stun-l, nlxmc Sum Plnl ul‘n I. Thu “rum sum-cu l hum LU nlnovl'm thu prudno turn of tlueu [nature- luv u unula'x-J tho emy. jar. an? uyul cum in; u[ cormu nicmuun. who not only dc mull lha puhllc by selling ”a e mullrfclb. bufl who mon'ov. um my lnrle math, ‘ Amhruly cl." m furlbo: their dilhonnnbio cu‘l', uud 11m! dufilud mo. Thu mun. In urlglnnmd by Mr. Guiding Ind Hula" (nflr-ugute our dunh‘n 3L. hummus“)- ouaonlcsl yummy and m oihut. Bibs» pcnou make Iplcturc on lung!" ghu, and tho blue: rub ubb lulu; ilnmmlh‘oly in am! ml. with |ho plum. must in I lhofiJhy‘u‘yk, and thereby unrrlydvp Italy iL Th. p 451.) us‘auuauwl mph»- llu‘au inn lal um. a: lhcy will luro‘y h) dluppanmd In (hclr pannnmncy I will “he yluML'n h: lhunin‘ to those who msh, Um natum “I the mo kind: of [my Larva and 1h") can 'u 13.) Dr llmmwlvu ‘ I Invo no" oqxnvjvh'l nn- nzungumcnvl fur LllO Pm'luvv’xun of D‘JUHLE I‘AL'H "ICI'UHILi, must IJEALTHFULLY 'I’WLULU-ll‘ The“ pi lur‘ . [Mud many mm, am! “we elmrv luleuuun, and A" tcunumy u "all u u pottnm. 'l'hvh \lnbmtyp 1 1117 pru'umu H‘d by competent. jmlgv I to ho Uw graudun‘ arm-"uncut. in lb. Pha mgiaphic An. hnuug I nlwl‘ sud «Inquest um. II hn { ta ouslung ‘ T )c prognumr n. mnnarcl. enabled by grant!) u-pnmul lwiliu’u, m product: may Am'uutymu hum xhn wry Amman-4c to ~ . - l-‘l‘H. LIVE fi11i7~25 I. ' Winch“, A “'i'h all ”no uulh or Mum. and the pomunmuy ufi‘Um fun 1‘ plgzc (has, {Lu lung nu‘ln. {at and In I‘ otnnnpm. [ntku'uuv u ‘ AMBWH‘H’E STEIkfiusCOPLS mun. be new In lu-r 3“)ququ my nhnzf bun“; fully u pufuci u h a Ly'lhgucnuvznn C‘Tldiph Ambrmnu, and n “(1‘ HI I" rm mum. l Th! r- w 'Luxci of?” an NIH; mom «a Ilmv “Joh mg [4) lan-J piaturuo m Hump", as they I" pm! ”mus: xlw a 'L'qu u‘wu- r M U. dun-to or gaunt Mum. and may Lo luin In un‘ur fvr mum nth um: (I my» tr. Huhbguomunus In nuko ~’ .‘ll.££4)‘HLH’lH FROM LIFE. , ' Marni unpmxumwl mun the CJMAumgp. flo uzv. l: n). ‘ piciucu JIC Lawn hum luau lb. n !'|‘ 111-1 w” gA I) mucnuuly wnl mm' In; dam: “uh lhl-Unsulluy ‘pr‘l'l H All un~ uu‘ul l'lw lu‘lnlvhflll unfit), lri‘ pro-v “ Thu: M. ”u‘rnphg urn wlnd m Um was; ongoing. and monr‘ouunm In din |l| Au) numbn- Iwyl :- num'm lilun . {rum um 11 Ilmv xud, umdmui-lwr plum, rum-tutu], or vulle‘ l m nut: r or oil. (‘mzmza run] s'mngcu Iru Innis] fin 0.111 at U o HAHN] nn! 4 x unnm 1p- “11' :J of 110']: of lhu Ahab bnumhtl M An bufun: they prwura phtumi alw uhcre, u they nun nuuxud ul' pul'lm LLmuou tad . m rinrphmrn ‘ “ {my‘hairufiium ml mm. to IR’nxrti‘tfln both «he anw ”gem”, in Min) 10 w.x y opn'unns. I “RUN. I‘hnlnglny-hw, No 12) Arc‘) Sun-:1, nbuvu :aux'h, nm 27>“ ' PM] Id‘dphn EMPIRE moumuumx GALLERY Th" lzl slun’g llowms “.11: From mu [IL v Yuuuffh‘qiuf‘i‘cj mix-“71y; ‘ Hut Bachh Ln'l )n’MulCl avw’ bloom, Tn'muk 4L Tlmo'l dncny' Thu Unlxmy i 1 mm‘ opened tu Ills public. under (ha control of J S DARNHART, - Wnb {ucihucs for Dlgurrruulyping vmly uqlullel or Pump. lever ourpxmd In llm country. A ma, mmlmx Ivmx,!)c.lu'ilully blended in}: rhluflflmdo; a ”Jun dulmnmlm. «r fonlun-s an!" :IrApCry, and tho planning emu" mule-l. U) a udi Ima unuhgn mum of mu algtudc,uuuuly olv wlsuorlhy of no small mu :M‘ mum. Inks many auxr'r brawl-cur. swlnnne, Ihn run“ impnrrnm requisite: can only be nJlquud hy yuan of mum-A] L-xprrinnaa and 0103» üblwvnliun 0! lung; to huh hid the mummy». Thou: \rlm lmvu [fiends lhuy hudly ulauwh, should rnmnnbordimhn may non In in withering hand upo- lhom. ’J'hn \ilul Hp’ll’k of life, lhlc M‘ day impuu bxl ht Anlhipnllou uf lbs futuru. 10- mon’nu may ‘m‘zmninjv amid the lad flowing on;- bvn or mun-m, WLy not wanna your phmrr: who“ if in both “podium. And Coonomlcnl w do Io?‘ We “1.11 not to by undu- tho‘uomslcy a Lander-1 xln'sg your im 1,10 to .1 mulled Inrh’cn‘ in tho hy ammo-s of (mm, do an “non odd-mm“ io Forlorn lhla m 1 ml. In rum/Ix of {ln dußthod. mchorrnnar iu cull will our amuse ¢ [us Unu SIO. nor lem, vla'urcl qr buck nu mu! Iliad orcontngnnuud mot w mum fork yinducmqn whmem. A ‘ ' - A Putun'a Snnérféa 1n ave: 0! Ilm II cv 1471qu of Him. ulna» or "nigh. Ajio, 08M.) m‘uzm LOCK ETH apt nonltlntly on lmml. ‘ Inapmuwo glvon Iml App-run! fumhhod on r-uomblq anm. ' > » . . I flaws“, Dnukorlu-E'n Row, second Amt: Mlle funk), I". nm ‘27-?! I I'O PRINTERS AND PUBLIRH BEE-w I'EIPDELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY. N, W. new ITIIHU) rurl CHESTNUT Uueou. "' x L YE'LOUZE Still continue-s In manurmlnr'l MI find: 01‘ BOOK JOB and FANCY 13:133. 3 a" mu qumx, uni a: LESS PRICES F Uh ASH. um: any 00.1 w Pou'hdry In the Union I: [bug ”parlance In tho practloixl prm. of Ihp bullucu, and In tho mlxinx of nuwls, warrant him In “Jamar“? um tho Up» of his manufnmu «mm hing! mun: on ) IQI’, an) pa «lhrnhlo m the mng: ‘ulkod o Cuppnr 95cc 'lr‘lpu Ha hru ou hnml, and can nupnl at I. vary tho no the, ovary mien: upd in l Priming 0m”. luoh u Tvypo, Preach Rum. Cnmpoflng mm, mm and \ ooden ()nllcyl, Bodldm, Lay Unullcl; Una: Chain. Put-flu". “J‘Old I!” Ilka?!- Imhwga fur no: II lppclmvnymiou It I: ’lO «en 1 per punnd “UV. ‘ ' ' PR UNER HARPm'EEW MONTHLY MAGA ‘AZINI-2.~—A NEW VOLUMl‘L—Duxlng‘lho «1“! gl'x mmmnl lhu‘o bmeboen lygcd of ll \lll‘Mlfl’ an Munnu Myuinn over [Ull'l‘ HUND RED AN? FIFT \TIIUUHAHD numb"... The l‘uhllsl: I may Aurel: n gpcnl 1x this [not In ul d'oncu oldie “Hyman lul and o natanlly increasing mm" wltll whr-h llmlr Moria lo Eflhllsh n “all: [lullxuollvoY and onmruinlng mun! Iy lava bean I landed. 'lhe n‘now lho oxprculon of tin]: llmnlu tn the publiu in lllpll‘ Ytnulnn}. oonlldonoe and up porl. nml ”Racially to l m Frees for lhc Eubfltunllnl lid llhu o u'ul In making lhclr ufl'urll and publi cation knuwn la llm Amexluou’wplc. It cnn laurel-l} bu nrvuun) In will the (Insurance, lllnHllc ple nfcumlucllnf; lhc Magulyc. which hnl prorrd nu Bncuusml. will n-vanlluuell wllh inumnp yd quldnily Ind cum: film \vnnls ltd mm of lho that nmsgnf Iho pouplu “ill honiinno to bu cunnu|~ l‘c'nl; am! no übr‘rr m ”‘s‘“ Eu 1“ 11l bo‘fimnul (u gim mm, amy nihmh, nu ‘m-gcst "mm! to! (human mmruuru; Ind h-Ilmodvo llwmry‘ mum-r lotlgln-l and, I.‘ culcd‘ In the I but .fuun find a :11: 9|;an l c'lll ‘ riup. Sppulnl nud incwunzd ullcutlon wll 1 magma ghmmo llln noveml uc'rlcs ar‘brlglnnl‘ mun-mod: lurlnles. dmllptlm of Amulom noun 1 .nd lmmx‘mn ,luuldenu. pmpaud by this molt, poly ulnr \ullnrn 6T! necomsulnodlby engrayin by the lvchnrlla’s in I m Ulrllo Staten. In os-eryvd'oput mantlofxlhu Mngnzlnb'ronohod cll’nrlu Mll~bdmndo tuinoronm ll: uhllily, ila ulilily. and in nut-alive. ‘ no" fur [fone'ljn'l loud”). ~ ~ X Tlumg I it has nm yet rumplolerl tho nixlh your ol' m ulnonco. Ilmmkb‘hlmumz bus 5 clmullllon great". by mmyllmnmndl, llmnwu uvur Mtnlnod y an) other ultullnr publiunliun over iuuud In any 1 {mil orlho wnlld. It. is lhu delcrmlnnllunol lbo ’uhllshnnl lhul il lhnllvnnlluuo lo lncrillhls Imp“ ullelod and allll lncroniing prosperllv linch nulnlwrol llu Magnum: will conlnin l“ mlnvn rum, In thuhle culunns.cncb yum lluxu comp)hungmurle’lwolhmmnml page: of the oholucnl Mhmllnaeons l. lnrnmru of tho day Every Num bor wlll cantnhl nnmnrcun l’iulurlnl lilua‘rnuom,m ourulu l’lulcs only; l’llvlliixnn, a 00 ion: Chronicle of ('uuolll Evcnls, nml Impartial «Ilium of tho lll‘ lw-rltmt Bmllanl‘ llw Month ’l'lm \'nl\'mvn com munce wllh lhn Numboll fully: and Dm mum; hnl lilhwrlplmnn Inuy nouumn u will; Any number. Tunnn ——'l‘hc Aluxnzinc nu bo obtulnedol' ilook‘ ”Hm, Prrlodicnl Agent-1,0: flow the Fulfil-hull nl $3 00 nun-Ir, or 26 cent: n number The Semi-rm» 1111 l Volumu n; colnplulcnl, nonly bound in Cloth, nrv sold M $24)" c nah. Ind Muslin ()mrln ma {ur- Imlued to llmw who “111 l lo have lhuirh‘mk uumlmrs 1n ilinulllyhuuml at 2."! cull! onch. l-Ilcvcn Vol ume! nrunpw m'uly lmnnd ‘Hnrpcn' .‘llmynooha' and “ llarpom' anuinu" will be um to one Ad dlcu, lur ono ynar, lur $5,00. ’ ‘ ‘llm lluhlxslurl will supply Specimen Numbora aruluiluunly ln Aguiln and l‘us'mnllrra, nml will Innkn lllwml nrrnnmmnnuwllh (ht-m fnr oimulnllng 'lho Mug-mm 'l lmy “11l nlso supply Clul-s. oftwo you n s «13.1.00 nynur. or five pqnmu n 4 $10,00.- h mymun nul- ll‘ :l at $2 00 n vvnr "A (g'l‘ll h llllOTlll’llß l’llhlinllnl W ITH THE FIRST MONTH. (JAN: UAIIY) NUMBER, (1850,) will commence (hv Hull) \‘olumn nl' ‘ 'UULFAILM JOURNAL. .\ Mnnlhly l’niwlmnl of Thirgplnu “clam PAKI'I, Ignp'r'l t‘xclmiml ‘ In llm luul inh‘rmin of Illa tum-r. ”we (lunfonor lho I’nxit waor and s-m Hrvmlv-r ‘ “m ‘ L’y'A {r-w hank Volumcs hundnmoly lvlyund. as Sl a!) Null. Amnng the lulvjl‘cll trnmed In the Journal will bu rnm’m‘hunm'd m fiflkfifig— " ' 'l' w ('ulllmllnn of the ball. Manurca And their Appllmlinn llnwzriplmnn of nll nuw and impxurrd lmp'enmnuof llunhnndry, tlcsl‘nml to manna: Ind übrldgn Ihn lnlmr at (ho hum; Ila-exipdonn nl’ nll m-w Yuma, Flow.” and Trees; I’mning null (Infl iv 5:. llxr‘rimyn u (If Funnel: ' llurnlAmlnt-mlnre; Mnrknl lopmla; Plowing, Sowlnfinnd llnnullng, Dninlng‘, (hair: and (haunts; Inulcnt [[ools M fowl fur Cllhlc‘, linrdoning, Live S‘ovk or cvrry lIFI'W'iPHQH. he‘d . xnmlos nl‘ {‘Jlfl‘nht'vy kc , Tho Dally; lime" 0! Agrlt‘ullurnl and I’lnrlicnhunl Hooks; lluml “Imm, Mmulcl nwl Cmmml and n‘hu lukje-‘h whlrh are calculated [(0 inu-yrl' and infmm lhu alas: fur wlmn W? M: :ulmvlv 1 The HMVorhl Dl'rnrtml-nl will then he munmt'fi by A M SPAVOLTIMJM ml ghnl litlllur and I’wpllclnr of HM .ln.unll, "uh (-I by n nnmlmr of mnlnonl. Agfloullumlk'n and pruaz‘lml anm, making It m the limo lvmc, n \rimnry nhjv-vl to lump lhn Jmmml clur {rum n“ collnlcral Interns I, And lo rt‘lulvr il in 1111 Hunt “I. n rvlinlfln pupor 3‘. It 1: Aaron! funny to suppose llml when In in- vlhixlunl lmeumu Una ulivur of am A {noullurll [Mp'm be new; u‘u'r 0 mm uh : lawn If n dlcumr of 0 ii M ll :1 [lnc I: MM! 101 x In" " ' “‘Vizlmm Il‘o nucmmgonmnl of Agriculture, Any caunlry, Hortflrrflnxwl by nalun, mm mminu'n pour , “’0 [ml IRmimv-n uumbarl to All applicum, mafia-am! Iv I In!!!" pmpdy r“ I'm-n M in juiry, km, rrlminv; tn mnurra contained In Ibo ournml—nm 00mm”; oven lhmo “IM- have I pelt: :1 re a'nmp rnch «ml l x I"! for the mply, (fur Tum: of S,u'rrrv‘}tlau plum {ln Jonnml will-1141M rear/- of all “ 31.00 per annul -4.00 “ 7‘50 ” Finflo mph The combs, Tux cuphm, . Tm-m cupi't - - HOO “ (‘Afi'lfv INVAKIABLY IN ADVANCE _ All lllhwnplluul mu!‘ Ln m \(hh Nu m or ”I! number of Um whmu MALT: nummnccs with Un _\l~nr , M d in; nuyLnau lhc Journal will be rapped nc Iln‘ rxphnjnu (f the lime paid {on uuhu Ihe «uLLuEnun Is chnuus! Ruched. uAMUIuL XMLé‘l .1 00.. Publinhcn. N. I: come: of chcu'Jx unlNurku Sun‘s, ‘ . X‘hilndolphio Tn nlmm nn P')mYYllllli“'|‘illl I “bother udimnnl 0r hll"|H_§) “I'm“ In- nllrhessml. luv ‘l7 THE EUIENTI'FIC AMERICAN.— LM‘VHAVI 1! YEAR - ,‘iryi‘iuui LHGLLAVISGS A 211) Pllllw “Y m .lum‘h Annual Voil‘m'} of Um uaful pub llnllun c mum-men on the 17th I! q «f Srp‘vlnber 13‘1“: “ 64x mum Anxenmu.” I: nn'lllunruod Pe niu' gainnpm'rd Clara! 190 m pgnmd!‘ Li n of in l'nmgfiun rrYniing In \bo unuu A mluuiu and (hvmx: Ar’l, hdra'rial Mxmzrmmn-I. Agricullmc Puhmu, Yunminx I. Emma-ring Mxllmrk, nml nfl “Harm: “ma lhc- light at l‘nqunl Salome in all ‘Jllllffi‘l tunlnv ‘5 1 lll'pm‘n hf 1 mm] H nus Pan‘unla gmnlcd, nlm‘ yuhhrhqd ru-r’v wuL-k, mclu-ln-g oflm ll co ric: or all bl'elll (315 mm, Inzntlmr vu'h ncWI Ind lnlunnallun upon tho-m mds 0f udn-r-mhj um. *' ’Lho ounmbutuu to flu: bad-Minn; Amado“ uc amour Ihu must, vnnnrnl mimln‘lc unl prmlicll menu? the llmm ’l‘lu‘ lldl'onul depnnnmnt ‘u unl ‘vofi :lly nakuowlcllznd 19‘ Ba mnductvd with gnu! ability, had to he (Indium-had not only fur th- u‘ comm.) and UulMulnc- of I's dismal-ml, but for tlm {mule-any.“ Ki [1 whi :1: arror ll cum]: med and his" (humion urn rxphhlnd Ml“:l|'mwl,lnvluunn Englhucxl, ('hvmlnl, Mim :ylm‘lun u. AKYir‘ulllllhllavl, and l’uTlu in ernry W 105?" In "re, wm Ind m. 803 cm fiamuioim (u e muv no l ' \g' V ' It, , u eq‘liai‘wi‘aa‘aféaralfisi‘fifl .33 (hum mfimm donut “mnnffiwan. nu’orcflng (hm: ncrmllnuml mum. of knu- odgc. [he expnxlnuce of Ihlc‘d Is he. yum! pagunl’u lalxnnia ' ‘ Tlm SUV-lulflv; Amerl ‘an is üblilhl‘d oncnuwnuk. ovary numlrer containing ti Kt qnnrtn mg“, (arm. lug nun“ Illy n com )laio “If I‘lleudld volumo Illul- Lute], with sureml Hmndmtl or ("all Engraving ‘B‘ Slimum'n (")an mm $lll. > A ' gull s «rliintglo lu‘bui’T ‘n‘l 81 l' on", orsl ‘ for six nluulha, nu; COplCl PM ah mumga Sl, for n 1M: 33. , l . For further Clul; ulna, nmlfur linhmonl of the fonflcen largo C nu l'rlm nflvrad by (he publlthon. u. Bulanllflu Amoriun ‘“ Soullum. Wu'rm And Can-ail. monoy and P 0030 c Shun m (nkun at par fur luhlnlpLiouA - Latter: Aflnuld he dlmc‘vl‘ [ml-pull, lo ~ Ml NN .t m, l novTI-flt IZR Ful'un h‘lrrm, New ank . 0 FANN Y PERN'S 1.000.000 READ ]. us '-A NEW uoox coMlNu.—\vu hug the pleasure of unmuuoing 11w. no have In will. und ahvfll-rmmlah abrmt u:- m of Dooombor, a new wad! of nation, onlilgm‘ ' 110. ‘ls‘ CLARK. A nOthNcliJlY FANNY KERN. The In" *6 k, Ind an“. coullnunul we a; sd! mm Ind ruminu‘lng “chore“. “Rulh' lull," üblovod u Immu uncnmpled In the nunnlo orlol- Ivrx. In tho lunglngo of I hiding pcrlodlaal, It “cxcn'rll more xnl'uund lalAuhlon Hum any whlnh hm been WWII) (Ind-I n quarter of n canlury." Hu‘. I! I: “um-nanny Sr) unudo It) thd moril. of ”Ruth ll 11L" ‘Judeng Mam llw mfibor "(copin w. have :s“,er ju‘lgl) that every body‘ In Iho Unllwl Sink-I hu will I! A! roupoofl (1m lurk wq Inna nov.‘ In prMI, now. CLAIIK. we can on ya, um}. \lo' hgqrd it n, In every Mpnuf, n mom“, lmuar work; nnd .nro wufl‘lenl It "in not onl III!- ”In. hut own hmmuu tho rgpnmflun of In «TVlMln guis‘ml nullmmu “’0 have roman: fur lthklng 3km) (Jlgrrfl’ ylll nuke agre-Icr lon-Mimi “Ill! th “Rum my." ‘ It will fonnfm ulcpn! 12mm vnhnna or Mot-1M B 150! Plimsulé. a) mulm olr .w'Moh cow ml.a 9”“ ’” m“ W"‘K#§,‘§o§'h’x'£b‘r“fiy£~fis anvil-4t ~ * New York. ‘ ‘P RUNERIB CHEAP GROCERY STORE - ~oMrnful {or lho patronage an libcmlly ba nlnn-od upon him by ll gancmul wmmuuhy Ind hopes, bf l'flql Vatwnlion to bulincu, w .nlnyl continua a mu" tho npprobnllon of an npmouln’lng Wm: Jh innmnn hisf‘lovlnds, ell-mun. I'm] 1h: nu uI-n . db“. , rpm” to um I thug, n'zhiu wgrkrwn ltund liflrfwsry vnrldy o! (m 01',le Um. may he callm fur Per-rm: Mommy; to Win le plan-u cull nu] uzlbol mah flmnrlpa 01‘ run, as I am dotamlnod to gin MU.- {mflon to all. ~ ~ , mv27’ ‘ ; " JVILLIAM PRUNEIL , ' -.. W. WWW ficfifif “W"- 22433" FROM 1:000 'm 2,000 ‘Agnmg ;, , wmtrmgm "3an all mi nrum Unll a sum. A mow EXTRAORBINA Y naux‘ ‘MARIA WARD'H DISCLOBUNBUI' 'l‘énlh . lion now land) of 1‘ , .I: Female Lry‘c among the Harmony, . nnnnnlh-o ol'mnn ur- raoinlli ' ' “I!" {my :fl'n niqaérényiifl‘gz. "ohms-’33:!” (9",: lunvcwu 1 " ~ ‘ umo.‘ PM}! 11. a n o n" Oa "m ”“3 ' . , cqutmun <. .x , Curmlily Awakened. Allimofl'by Indunu. 'l'hu I ormovn Meeting. Wumafllpllo Cloluvod. The Midnlghl Aucm- Strange Adv'iva for a > ‘ Mags. ' Womdnfl, v ' ‘ Amunl u! 100 Smith. Dioappoimett Mbgrmm 'tho mb and 11l Victim. I hm“ “In ‘ Frumlo‘llumitm. Law In gawWikhmou, h arm n 0 Allan]. 'onrling 0 ‘nm 165. ,\ Stu-Shay; sroposio|on.‘x Wnfio‘q'i‘r nfil .p‘ . MLWurHoflm h‘w llnfld A New Flafi'l Iffilen‘uc. 'I‘Ho Ymmg Wife nu ' m. ‘ " 'Fexuis.‘ ' ~. ‘ «Scan. IHMo-l-Tlm." Spil'ulml WWII. ‘ loiflk ‘lslfliilu . ‘ A Mormon Heroine' > Prcphoy and lay-a w.. Tho Abduction ol'flun- Iwn ,‘ mall. AnO ‘f‘uolnndQ‘Xu‘un. Ellen'mN-rmiu. ‘ 'Fl‘m. ‘ " Alll’mlnn lnmlhgunu. l-Zvil'lfuult-nrl'oto‘bm!‘ Arunl who l'rofnuod Th. I'mphe‘udmm V,c. Laud. . ~ - liln. . , Sunni-n Mcvdmionl. A Fulhqr Hills hip Daug- Mrl Mgnny duclmu la". ~ Scum-p ’ The Fomlum' Wiro. Pour-h- nl‘ Mormon A Dnmutiv- Smile Eldon, )1 Youlhlul Vlruml. Mr. Wurd'u El" 0, Mormon! Kpll dining. RCflul-Ilun take Rim:- qun gmnoo.‘ The Nu‘: Wife. , ‘ Mn. [lrudv-h in a Drum Mor'mnn'DlnnanlUln. icon. . Mumrnlm nd Mummy. oan: «who Prophet. JIM" ~-- Delcrltllull of lha New Mu. Bndilh Revull Se‘ cad". " crell. Mm anduh‘t Advcn- Myllouigul Diuppoay lure-u. and“, ' Mode 01‘ Making Con- Mun!" of Gunnllon‘l mm. Put]. ' ‘ 'l'he‘l’ruphl I'l Favorila. Dnnlm Ind 70”.. ‘ l'olwamy Encounpd. littnponl [he Aullwi. 'J‘lm book u now rm the tint um. luau m pron. mrnll hrrulu lhu pubhc Mtlmughil q." been puhh-{ml [mi a few wookl. no‘ In. lhan Inn 94.. hunt Imm been unit-d ll bu! nlm {Nun n'puh. lirhcd In England. wuh .un Iran!" like... The Loudun 'l‘amen and lnndnn Uhurvcr out: dunk |WI| IO'IUIIn‘ ‘0 111 YOVIO\V. ‘ ‘ Sfl)fi lhr‘ Clniuquuurnnl and Mealtime}, Ciu Clllllflll : ‘ ‘ "I‘lm lmokmll serum nnllemnlinl lift-Minn mm all qnnnon—will he unlvau-Ily mm} m Ru. vopoul we-ll nI Ammifinmml we doubt um wull lwromo Nnr of II“: mun important; If um Iha mm! “Hy-mm. inugqum-lui' «m enjgghmnm; JIM vmiM un Mnr‘mnnhm‘ an “in h’x‘lnyuK m hm! up. my u Hm ‘MIIIHC oymmn m urrennq m :Inv'g n u an nbmnlllllmn luun (he cull: It will poulo pun hrul-Ily um Amcncan peopla “ " ‘ ‘ any Iho Bonn" Dauly 'l‘rnnu-vipt ~— , "h m)! nwl Mann Munk'l Revel-Ilia” inllw fi-vlmg n I! dulch in nu up 'l'evmlu m. A muug Itm Mnrm._mu‘ ‘u no hum-[y rrpnunrm. bnl Ilmc-nu‘nmummm ucordol’ n ndlvldlul Ilpcn encr ' . JA U. DERBY. P Ell-Inn. 119 Nunn IL. N. Y. And lo: uln b, gunk-cue” and Aunt. Emu when. r ‘ Slur‘h' cap!" mm by mm}, malpmd, on receipt 0! vnue ‘ ‘ I nrmglhl'r pnruculul I 41', 11l nbuvd I I tip IMMENSE SUCCPL‘NSH The Cheapest. Muguiuc in the World. n\l.0l1'!l DOLLAR MONTHL‘Q Dmg‘ncdfirr (my Ammcnn'llama. FNCOURAGED hy the unprvu-d: mud J mun- wnh vi!”- h Hnl pnpnlnv Innulhly Lu mu “unkind lhe vnpndny wnh wlnrh n hu In: re” «I m cmnlman. Hue yrupnelor 1m nmhnl to make 11 mil mom unnhy thc palmmgo ol Ihu .u .m 'l'lnl Ihm ndluulbln work ll A MIRACLE ()F CIIEAPA'ESS, u admiuad In only one. cnnlnmmg u udnumu ulnhlnn wig" ul mulml mull" 111 Huh numb”, hem; mun‘ Ihuu nu} uflh- .‘1 mmuuounu Inn»- I“! qu \olumu n )cnrol‘nl l-undlcd gngu nvh, m 7““!!! llunnnru page! u[ Hildlnx mzillcl rel .umu n. for ‘ - - ONE DOLLAR! mu mrn ouch: Murrnu i- pvlniod 'ilh new; UN» "pull imp whm- piprr. Ind m mam-r n (am fully vumJu‘M um! unnngrd by Ihr hnnvlu "(the mluur hn [mpncmn who hu- man knuwrp In Iha publu .15 «01mm ud mn- Hm Houun um fur nut (cunt-. 1". 11l pug” 1 onlnn burs, TALI'J‘. Paula, STOIHE‘ of “nut an, “nuns. lAN-nun. (hummus, mucumurwn AND numm, from Ihr hell and man pnpulu wnlor- ofllm rmm 'r, H ”also .pnod WM: :1 vumd ul the nmnbic “cm- "I Ihe lunc- 01 ‘l‘." c and w". ol dm In" “‘7, n ..' MHIIDVIIIICIHI om umug In time! hl-nun phrw lurmmz 'xn {lfn'flhlfl cnmpamnn{“74l9ng mmul'lll m hm" nnywhmo. «I hdmc or abroad tuck numbrr Lang camp/Ur In ”11/j. m. no man ".19. cu are admin-dune In paw. 'IIF'P .m- l‘nuu'l» n muncvzrnnl Panl'lllnnfl mrh u..~mnnlumhg um quumqu :- Inlrmhd to! ‘\ \ ‘ I, w .5 - . “rm; 5114 mm xu. nonlx w mun" an or wul.‘ I: am...» an mun c' n h umulh qllh 1 Nu". m , n 4 yum m‘vu H my Jun! such an my Huber. Inn nr Int“ wunM pin a m 1110 lnmh Hf a "fill". I'm LI a In all In Aopulmrnu I'vr-h nhd_h ‘ Mluh , ‘1! u puma": lo be. Mu lhupm'gl‘lflii fl lhc wwld. ' ' A .n ,uwn ehl‘lnullc In"! Ihl’ur (n thorruvflflol, "- In luw. Hull u-rcnvc Hw Mngunne lb: any!” or any tmnnn Inndmg ud ell/aloubu'ubgn. .ny ,‘hl (lull-1:1. ui mw limo. uI-nN vI-rn‘vn n rh‘w In“. M M II \Ill‘"l‘, l’uNa'ubar an’l P'ryrlllar - Cullllf M 'l‘rcmnnl no Brut-h” N... Mud. I)“ “anl 5. [Ball—.l]. '3ln Sula'maiidcr Sales: EVANS a WA'l‘sbw. No ‘26 South“ Fonrlh‘St., Pbfiu Kl3l- _ ()rul nm on Che-luul nnl "3 ‘ 1 . J' . ~ FIN: buuu. Fud- mommy 372-“ afg- -.\l member mu. tie: w . Hg, ”.2: .- ms f) WATriOA's 7W“; .U 549%,; MAA EN HA ‘m 'r I'M T my: I? .3 n PIIAN'I'. A 3 Tun m, L W ' ’ - ..'" nuns Mar. wmm I‘L‘l : ~. ~ -. g: ‘ ’I‘O 'l‘lll‘l'l'Lh'l‘ Pllll—A uuuun. D". 15.1861. Mc le|_E[lnl 6s Wulwm No 25 SOulh Fourth 3! . l’lnlarlqlphlu. (iv Vin-um —Wo uh mm D: [uh-inn In "NH" nuwdludnuu yam buuuudu 8-o}.- \« Momhuuu md minn- Iu mom of n mama men n. «Minimum! their haul". pwcu du' . {mm 6“,}!6k0" N pnnhl-nfi l'uuu )Im nlmvl wan llufllllh‘ullflm 1m! pn-u-rvrd mu lmnku. pupil‘s. and cnh In u L'Ol'd' :omiinnn an ”my “on: then pull huo ‘l. below the man fin- ol Hm mnrmnu, win: In duuoym Mn- N“ un block "I lmlldmg- rum" 0! Che-mun nml hub drum. The "bun ule wu m nu In on! “[5". nu ma Ic-rnml "an: of ulur luul-Imp. [rum “huh phra II In” mm the cr‘llar, and rcnumed then: H“ In! Hm 1n- Wll um. Tho.Slll wnp [Ev-n “wow? and nlmm-d m IMpn-eufirnl‘n luu «00’;th I. wlm wunrlud the gum] Ipndulon ol llm coma" VW»)! you (Janu- bm 1.- Nu: Hal‘s m d (Mll- 10,)“:er m uu mlcnd to put 1! all ma 15mm, hulng pmnu confidence"; u- firo nmnrqquhnu. . J ' You", llelpocufuny. ' .A LACY a: PHILLIPS Ronni dz Wumn tnlm pll'llurn In réfévrlnh in W mummy amun Ihbmnn, hundrod- wholuwellfl'” Hams m um» I} 2f Mm: O'lula.; Farmnumi Mr Lilanu‘l'pUluk. P’llh‘; [dam-gal Allen, flu} l ”I?!” Shun . hlhr "limit" , «lon m'a .UIIIIN“ In: gnléb Pnfld, B’, (70.. No. lflfl'gi‘urttqg-SL; {in h' "d annl & Lam. Locnmouvn bul'lfhll. l'hil-H" ‘ lhnutm l: Milan. MlmMnml toner lf-Ih am. Jumu s|! I Pmnklin Fur. 111-yum a '25.) . I‘hnlm! x. I‘cnnnylmnlu nadmuu'o. PMst I lur)‘: Plullw‘i . nine! {uh und‘Mim-r 81:48))"qu “Im. N" J} Snulh Ho-nrul Sm : Juulcl. Koul & Hun. N 0 1" Rum“ 'l‘hlm 80.; \V. 11. .llnrnlmpn 51. Sum. Nu 51. oth Thud 8| ; Smlth. “hm-am GACo . Nu In Mmkno flu : d: I.) 9mm PM. I“ 0wn...” SI : ctr A largo umumcm or"). nhovouuhn (alwayl nu hum] (ulnnurd to Hand M lam Hymn-fl!” mnw fim lll‘n ‘vmy 111-"ing- Rafe low [Vb-«)4 HNANS & VA'I‘SON’nI-o mnnuMlnm 51M “"3 Mr anla Iron BhumonJron Doon'tu’d I on 8‘1"» for making fir. wouf Vault: nu baninpl‘vufpl‘b‘ he and puma Inn-Hum . Seal-ml LourrCm-Y'W "nu-cl; Pnem SIM-21A 0d Ramimuuu. M f‘ I'll-mm mm M! a c.ull.nt R 95, 26 89th Few!!! m. I'hllmirl Ihh' ‘ ‘ - , Au-vilh. labs—.l, '= H I ZEPEY! WORSTRD.-Tnm .0 mm ”ma“*'°‘#':.z"a°‘“‘ I. . l‘ 91 M 79“! Perform a, and, F ‘ TV]: C n u mum“, Manamawrfifiqw~ “ ” NWT! 1 \ > READS 'EI wanna:- m‘hum.“ ‘ 7 \ «from? AT‘MW. , mwoum FEM .Ofl‘uy with [law Jan-gy- T. Hu e. am 2.!