Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, April 17, 1793, Page 368, Image 4

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    ——— ——— Ms. Cts.Dlls. Or.
rm ftUANTiT*.—Douah! 100 Cents each. Ditto balkets, 12 bottles 6
. Spermaceti pr. gall. 48
PHILADELPHIA, Af*il 17. Tr am r 6 21 »7
— Whale 25 33
A Ms. Clj. DU>. Cts. Porter pr cask) 5 33
NCHORS 7 10 I.andon, pr.doz. 1 60
Alluin, pr.cwt. 433 Amcncan ditto bot .tad. 3 4 *16° I
Ditto, Rocb pr. lb. 11 Pitch, pr. bbl. 173 2
Alhes,pot, perton, 120 Pork, Burlington, per barrel, 10 39
, "Pearl, "37 l 4° ? Lower county is
Arrack pr. gall. >33 Ilb Carolina p
Brandy, common, 80 5 Peas, Albany pr. bulhel is
Coniac 9° 100 Pepper, pr. lb. 38
Braziletto, pr. ton. 3 2 34 Pi mento lg
Bricks, pr. M. 4 7 „ ~ ,
Bread, Ibip. pr. cwt. 2 27 Ra.fins, best, pr. keg 633
Ditto, pilot , 36? °! 0 P r J" 253
Ditto, fro,ll water, per keg 36 40 Ditto p,.box 233
Beer, American, in bottles, lc * pr.cwt. 3
pr.doz. bottles included, , ,40 Rof.n pr. banel
Ditto pr. barrel, 4 Rum <.Jamaica, pr. gallon 112
Boards Cedar pr. M feet, 20 -£""§ ua J 1
New England 12 '4 Windward 86
Q ak ,4 16 isarbadocs 87
Merchantable pine 20 24 Country, N.E. 62
Sap, do. 12 *3 Salt petre, pr. cwt. M-33
■ Mahogany, per foot 10 SafTafras pr. ton 6 8
The above are the (hallop prices, Shot ditto 140 141
for the yard price, add l dol- Steel, German 9
lar 33 cents per 1000. pr. cwt. 10
Brimstone in rolls, pr.cwt. 2 67 American pr. ton 21 3 33
Beef, Boston, per barrel Crowley's pr. faggot 10 67
Country ditto 9 10 nake root P r * lb '
Fresh, per cwt. 333 467 Soa P> Brown per lb. 6
Butter *6 White 0
-in kegs 12 Castile
Candles, Sperm,, 47 Starch 7
.. Wax 53 Snuff pr. doz. bot. 4 5 oc
Myrtle Wax 13 Spermaceti, refined, 48
Mould, tallow 12 Sailcloth, Englifh,No.i,pr. yard, 28
• Dipped 11 Boston, No. I. ditto 30
Cheese, F.nglifli, pr. lb. >9 r No. 11. 29
Country 8 13 Sugar Lump, 24
Chocolate >3 20 Loaf, Angle refined 24
Cinnamon 2 40 2 67 Ditto, double do. 33
Cloves 1 32 Havannah, white 17 18
Cocoa pr.cwt. *7 Ditto, brown, 11 12
Coffee 15 1 * Muscovado, pr. cwt. 13 15
Coal pr. buihel 24 33 SpiritsTurpcntine pr. gallon 37
Copperas pr. cwt. * 6 7 Salt, Allum pr. buftiel 33
Cordage, American, per cwt. 767 8 Liverpool 33
Cotton 27 3? Cadiz 25
Cuirants 12 Lisbon 27
Duck Russia, pr. piece 12 >3 Shipbuild. W. O. frames p.ton, t 5
ZT-*?.™ , „ 9 67 Ditto Live Oak, .867
Dutch fail duck, 18 20 Dit(o rcd ccdari p£r foot g3 '
Feathers pr. lb. 4® Shingles, 18 inch, per M. 333 367
Flax ditto 11 12 Ditto 2 feet, 533 » 6
Flaxfecd pr. bufti. 9& o Ditto 3 feet, dressed, 13 15
Flour, Superfine pr. barrel 5 75 Staves, Pipe pr. 1000 32
Common, 5 5° White Oak hogftiead, 20 33
Bur middlings, bell 4 47 Red Oak do. 19 50
Meal, Indian 3 1 3 Leogan 21 33
ditto Rye, . 3 *3 Barrel "16
Ship-ftuff pr. cwt. 1 4° Heading 25 33
Fustic pr. ton, 20 Skins, Otter, best pr. piece 467
Gin, Holland, pr. cafe, 4 66 Minks 20 40
Do. pr. gall. 80 90 ' Fox, grey 40 80
Clue, pr. cwt. 20 21 33 Ditto rod 120
Ginger, white race, per lb. 7 Martins 54 »
Ditto, common 7 J"* 1 " 5 33 *1
Ditto, ground 10 Bears 3
Ginseng, 20 24 Racoons £7 6°
Gunpowder,cannon, pr. q.calk, 373 4 Musk-rats it
Ditto, fine glazed 4 ® ravCT ' P'" lb " 67 133
Grain, Wheat pr. bulb 17 127 Deer, in hair 20 30
Rye 60 Tar,N. Jersey, 24 gal. p. l>bl, 1
Oats 35 Carolina, 32 gall. 2
—Indian corn 60 Turpentine pr. bbl. 2 33
Barley 1 13 Tobacco, J. River, best loolb. 4 33
' Best (helled pr. lb. 7 — inferior 3 33
———Buckwheat, per bufti. 40 old 4 67
Hemp, imported, pr. ton, 120 14667 Rappahannock 333
American, pr. lb. 4 5 Coloured Maryland, 533 8
Herrings, pr.bbl. 3 • r 240
Hides, raw 9 » £°n g 1 2 4 °
Hops ?7 Eaftern-lbore 2 2 23
Hoglhead hoops, pr. M. i 5 Caroline w 27 3
Indigo, French per lb. 120 153 Tea, Hyson 93 128
Carolina t i2O .-Hyson Ikin, co 6c
Irons, fad pr. ton, 133 33 Souchong, 50 93
Iron, Callings pr. cwt. 3 4 —-Congo, 4, s c
■ Bar pr.ton, 84 Bohea, 33 36
P'g 2 4 Tallow, refined, per lb. 9
Sheet 173 33 Tin pr. box, j 3 33 1367
—Natl rods 106 67
junk, pr.cwt. 4 • 5 pr lb. 47 53
Lard, hogs pr. lb. 9 10 Verm.ll.on, do. 133 ,67
Lead, in pigs pr. cwt. 633 567 pcrgallon 33 37
in bars 7 Wax, Bees 25 27
white 10 10 67 Whale-bone, long »3 30
■ ; red , 64° 667 Wine, Madeira,pr. pipe, 176 226
Leather,foal, 17 20 Li(bon , so 12g
Lignum vitae pr.ton, 560 6 Teneriffe, pr. gallon 63
Logwood t 30 F j
Mace 9 ■ ■ -Port pr. pipe liq ov
Mackarel, best pr. bbl. 8 __ Ditto .n bottles, pr.doz. 4
f.cond quality 6 4 claret . 6
Madder, best pr. lb. t6 20 Sherry pr.gall. 00 120
Marble, wrought, pr. foot, ; 33 2 67 Malaga 77 80
Ma ft f pars ditto 33
MolafTes pr.gall. 44 47 ■
———•flourfVn bottles, pr.doz. ,20 COURSE OF EXCHANGE.
Nails, Bd. tod. 1 id. and nod. 10 ° n London . al 3° da ys. P" L - 100 43°
Nutmegs pr. lb. 7 8 at 6o days 4«%
, at 90 days 424
Oil, Linfeec, pr. gall. 66 Amsterdam, 60 days, pr. guilder, 37
° llve 87 90 days, or
Stock Brokers Office,
No. 16, Wall-street, New-York.
THESubfcriber intending to confine himfelf
entirely to the PURCHASE & SALE of
STOCKS on COMMISSION, begs leave 10 of
fer his services to his friends and others, in the
line ofa Stock Broker. Those who may please
to favor him with their business, may depend
upon having it tranfa£led with the utmost fide-
Jity and difpatth.
Orders from Philadelphia, Boston, or any
other part of the United States, will be ftriftly
attended to. -
A noted covering Horse,
HE was imported from England in Novem
ber, feventet-n hundred and eighty-fix, and
is now ten years old ; he is a bright bay, with a
blaze,fifteen handsone inch high, is well form'd,
has a great deal of bone and strength, afid his
aflion equal to any horse. H s colts are well
approved of in the different paits of the State
where he haxftood, of which any.person inclinecj
to purrhafe can inlorm thcmfcivcs. Enquire
of the Printer.
February rB, 1793,
By Thomas Dobfon,
BookfcUcry at the Stone-House, in Second fireet t
On a Plan entirely new
Thi Different SCIENCES and ARTS
arc digeftcd into the Form of Diftinft,
AN Account of the Cape of Good Hope,
Grafting, Univcrfal Grammar, Grades,
Greece, Greenland, Guam, Guinea, Gunnery,
Happinrfs, Harmony, Heat, Hepatic-Air, He
raldry, Hindoilan, Hippotamus, History, New-
Holland, Horse, Horsemanship, Hottentot*,
Hunting, Husbandry, Hydrometer, with a great
variety of Biographical and Miscellaneous Arti
cles. Embellished with fixtcen Copperplates.
I. The work is printing on a fuperfine paper,
and new types, (cast for the purpose) which
will be occafienally renewed before they com*
tra£fc a worn appearance.
11. The work is furnifhed in boards, in volumes
or half-volumes, a* fublcribers chufe; the price
of the whole volumes, five'dollars each, of the
half-volumes two dollars and two-thirds of a
dollar each. Ten dollars to be paid on sub
scribing, the volumes or half-volumes finifhed
to be paid "for when delivered, the price of one
volume to be paid in advance, and the price of
each succeeding volume to be paid on deliver
ing the volume preceding it. No part of the
work will be delivered unless paid for.
111. In the courfc of the publication will be de
livered about five hundred copperplates ele
gantly engraved in Philadelphia : which by
far exceed in number those given in dny other
fcientific dictionary. At the close of the pub
lication will be delivered an elegant frontif
piece, the dedication, preface, and proper ti
tle pages for the different volumes,
It isexpe&ed the work will be comprised in
about eighteen volumes in quarto.
(J3 5 * As fcvcral gentlemen who have honored this
undertaking icith early fubfcrif<tions y have only re
ceived a [mall part of the work, they are earncjlly
rcquefled to complete their Jets, as Jar as publijhed y
immediately, while the publisher flill has it in his
power tofupply them with the parts which have not
been furnifhed. As the fubjeription will very pojfi
bly be clofcd by the firfi of July next, the puilijhcr
cannot undertake to complete jits after that period ;
and'thoje who wish to became pojfejfors of this truly
valuable and important work, wilt pleaje apply before
the expiration oj that time, that they may not be dis
The very heavy expence necejfarity incurred in car
rying on this work, makes it tndifpenfably reifitifiti
for the pubhfher to adhere more Jtrialy than he has
dorft to the original condition, of delivering the vo
lumes only on being paid for therh.
April 6, 17Q3.
War De
January 28, 179.3.
INFORMATION is heteby given to all the
military Invalids of the United States, that
the sums to which they are entitled for fix
monihs of their annual pension, from the 4th day
of September 1792, and which will become due
on the sth day of March 1793, will be paid on
the said day by the Commiflionera of the Loans
within the dates refpedlively, under the usual
regulations, viz.
Every application for payment must be ac
companied by the following vouchers:
lft. The certificate given by the Hate, fpecify
ing that the person pofTefling the lame is io fait
an Invalid, and ascertaining the sum to which,
as such, he is annually intitled.
2d. An affidavit agreeably to the following
form :
A. B. came before me, one of the Justices
of the county of in the state of and
made oath that he is the fame A. B. to whom
the original certificate in his polTeHion was giv
en, of which the following is a copy (the cer
tificate given by the state to be recited) That
he served (regiment, corps or veflel) at the
time he was disabled, and that he now resides
in the and coomy of and has rcfided
there for the last years, previous to which
he resided in
In cafe an Invalid (hould apply for payment
by an attorney, the said attorney, betides the
certificate and oath before recited, must produce
a special letter of attorney agreeable to the fol
lowing form :
I, A. B. of county of state of
do hereby constitute and appoint C. D. of
my lawful attorney,«to receive in my behalf of
my pension for fix months, as an Invalid
of the United States, from the 4th day of Sep
tember 1792, and ending the 4th day of March
1 793-.
Signed and Sealed
in the Presence of
Acknowledged before me,
Applications of executors and administrators
must be accompanied with legal evidence of
their refpe&ive offices, and also of the time the
Invalid died, whose pension they may claim.
By Command of the PreGdent
of the United States,
H. KNOX, Secretary at War.
WHEREAS a BRIDGE is 10 be built over
Raritan River, at the city of New-Brunf
wick, in the ftate'of New-Jersey—to accompli (b
which, will require the service of many carpen
ters and masons of experience ; Notice is there
fore hereby given, that any perton or persons in
clining to undertake the whole, or anv part there
of, by applying to the fubferibers, on or before
the hifl day o.t Mav next, may have an opportu
nity oi contra&uig for the farm-.
Srvnfivick, March 24M. , c p^ w
Ef quires, '
Com MI ss 10 Nt, , appointed by Gotcrnn-tnt .0
prepare the Public 80,1 d,.,*,, Ac. w„ hlll £
Ci v of Aafningtan, for the reception of Con
grefs, and for iheir permanent retid-nce iher
inc year 1800— "
50,000 Tickets >t 7 dolbrs arr 350,000 dollin
1 Superb Mote), with
our houses, 4cc.&c.iocoft C
1 CafW Pr
1 ditto
2 ditto
jo ditto
20 ditto
too ditto
200 ditto
400 ditto
1,000 ditto
15,000 ditto
16,737 Prize*
39,263 Blanks •
By this scheme at leajl the amount of the ti c |t.
cts will return to the fortunate adventurers, and
yet the federal City will gain its object thereby
in a magnificent buildingdefigned both for pub
lie and private convenience.
Although some expence mull occelTarily at.
tend the conducing of the lottery, (which ex
pence will be taken from the principal prize) the
Coinmiffioners having agreed to present in' re
turn a fufficjent quantity of excellent free-Hone,
togethai with th« best «<lapted foisfortfie hmei
and for Ihe out-hoafes, the value of the lotr-ry
entire may be fairly rated at fom,thing more thin
far: In this important inftatice it will be found,
on examination, to exceed all the lotteries thii
have ever been offered to the Public in this or
perhaps in any other country. The keys of the
Hotel, when compleat, will he delivered to the
fortunate polTcllor of the ticket drawn aagainft
its number.—Ail the other prizes will he paid,
uiith<fut deduflion, in one month after the deeming, by
the City Treasurer it Walhingtori, or at luch
Bank or Banks as may be hereafter announced,
for the conveniency of the fortunate adventurers!
The drawing will commence on Mi»nd<iv the
9th of Septembei next, at the City ofWaftnng-
Tickets may be had of Col. H'm. JMclms, City
Treasurer of Washington ; Thayer £# Bfrlitt, of
Charleston, Sooth-Carolina ; Gideon Denijen t Sa
vannah; MeflTrs. James Weft £? Co. Baltimore;
Nfc Peter Gi/man, Boftonj and at such other
places - hereafter publilhed.
N. B. ONE TONUkrnicujiit w v\i
be given for the bed Plan ol an elegaal and coiu
venient HOTEL or INN, with hot and cold
Baths, Stables, and other out hmifes, if prefentti
on or before the toth «f April next-, and a pre
ference will be givi-n to the Artilt for a Con
tra£l, provided he be duly qualified to
compleat his plan. The ground on which
the Hotel and out houses are to be rrefted, wilt
be a corner lot of about go by 200 feet, with a
back avenue to the stables, &c. Sections and
eClimates of the expense will be expend
with the elevations, &c. compleat ; and 50,000
dollars mu(l be regarded by the Architect as the
utmoll limit in the expense intended lor this
purpose. S. BLODOtET,
Agent for the affairs of the City.
March 6, 1793.
THE public are hereby informed, that the
Post-Road from Philadelphia to Reading,
is continued to Sunbury and Northumberland;
thence up the Weft Branch of the Sufquehannah
as far as Licoming; thcnce to the Painted Post
(iq New-York ilaft, near the forks of the Tioga)
thence to Bath (a town laid out on theCoho&oa
Branch of the Tioga) thence to Witliamlbu:
aC the forks of Genci'ee River.
Letters for this new route will be sent from
the Philadelphia Poft-Office every Wednesday
morning, at eight o'clock, with the mfcil lor
A weekly mail will alio be carried from
Bethlehem to Wilfkelbarre., ill the county of
District of Pennsylvania, to wit.
' —n T> E IT REMEMBERED, That on
[Seal. ) -D the thirteenth day of March, in
\ / the seventeenth year of the Indepen
v y dence of the United States of America,
Thomas Dob son, of the said Diftrift, hath de
posited in this Office, the Title of a Book, the
Right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in the
words following, to wit.
44 An Enquiry how Jar the Punijhment of Death
44 is necessary in Pennsylvania. With bote! and
44 IHuJlrations. By William Bradford, Efy.
44 To which is added, an Account of the Gael <wd
4 * Penitentiary House oj Philadelphia, and of tk*
44 interior Management thereof. By Caleb
44 Lowncs, oj Philadelphia.*— Ij we enquire
'* into the Causes of all human Corruptions> uic
44 /hallfind that they proceed from, the Impunity
44 oj Crimes, and not from the Moderation of Pu
-44 nifhments.** Montefq.
In the Ast of the Congrcfs of
the United States, intituled, 44 An Ast for the
Encouragement of Learning, bv securing 'he
Copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the Au
thors and Proprietors of such Copies, duxing the
Times therein mentioned.'*
Clerk ot the Diftrift of Pennfylvnnia.
(fcT* The above work is fold in Charkfton by
William Price Young Richmond t by Archibald
Currie : Baltimore, bv James Rice : New-York,"
by Thomas Alien : Bofton y by David Wejl.
Federal City.
i ditto
1 ditto
5.000 ire
' *5
General PoJl-Q][ice % April 6, 1793.
*5; co*
Dollars 35>,ock»