——— ——— Ms. Cts.Dlls. Or. PRICE CURRENT Kn.fc.pr.box ,o % rm ftUANTiT*.—Douah! 100 Cents each. Ditto balkets, 12 bottles 6 . Spermaceti pr. gall. 48 PHILADELPHIA, Af*il 17. Tr am r 6 21 »7 — Whale 25 33 A Ms. Clj. DU>. Cts. Porter pr cask) 5 33 NCHORS pi.lb. 7 10 I.andon, pr.doz. 1 60 Alluin, pr.cwt. 433 Amcncan ditto bot .tad. 3 4 *16° I Ditto, Rocb pr. lb. 11 Pitch, pr. bbl. 173 2 Alhes,pot, perton, 120 Pork, Burlington, per barrel, 10 39 , "Pearl, "37 l 4° ? Lower county is Arrack pr. gall. >33 Ilb Carolina p Brandy, common, 80 5 Peas, Albany pr. bulhel is Coniac 9° 100 Pepper, pr. lb. 38 Braziletto, pr. ton. 3 2 34 Pi mento lg Bricks, pr. M. 4 7 „ ~ , Bread, Ibip. pr. cwt. 2 27 Ra.fins, best, pr. keg 633 Ditto, pilot , 36? °! 0 P r J" 253 Ditto, fro,ll water, per keg 36 40 Ditto p,.box 233 Beer, American, in bottles, lc * pr.cwt. 3 pr.doz. bottles included, , ,40 Rof.n pr. banel Ditto pr. barrel, 4 Rum <.Jamaica, pr. gallon 112 Boards Cedar pr. M feet, 20 -£""§ ua J 1 New England 12 '4 Windward 86 Q ak ,4 16 isarbadocs 87 Merchantable pine 20 24 Country, N.E. 62 Sap, do. 12 *3 Salt petre, pr. cwt. M-33 ■ Mahogany, per foot 10 SafTafras pr. ton 6 8 The above are the (hallop prices, Shot ditto 140 141 for the yard price, add l dol- Steel, German pr.lb. 9 lar 33 cents per 1000. pr. cwt. 10 Brimstone in rolls, pr.cwt. 2 67 American pr. ton 21 3 33 Beef, Boston, per barrel Crowley's pr. faggot 10 67 Country ditto 9 10 nake root P r * lb ' Fresh, per cwt. 333 467 Soa P> Brown per lb. 6 Butter pr.lb. *6 White 0 -in kegs 12 Castile Candles, Sperm, pr.lb, 47 Starch 7 .. Wax 53 Snuff pr. doz. bot. 4 5 oc Myrtle Wax 13 Spermaceti, refined, pr.lb. 48 Mould, tallow 12 Sailcloth, Englifh,No.i,pr. yard, 28 • Dipped 11 Boston, No. I. ditto 30 Cheese, F.nglifli, pr. lb. >9 r No. 11. 29 Country 8 13 Sugar Lump, pr.lb 24 Chocolate >3 20 Loaf, Angle refined 24 Cinnamon 2 40 2 67 Ditto, double do. 33 Cloves 1 32 Havannah, white 17 18 Cocoa pr.cwt. *7 Ditto, brown, 11 12 Coffee pr.lb. 15 1 * Muscovado, pr. cwt. 13 15 Coal pr. buihel 24 33 SpiritsTurpcntine pr. gallon 37 Copperas pr. cwt. * 6 7 Salt, Allum pr. buftiel 33 Cordage, American, per cwt. 767 8 Liverpool 33 Cotton pr.lb. 27 3? Cadiz 25 Cuirants 12 Lisbon 27 Duck Russia, pr. piece 12 >3 Shipbuild. W. O. frames p.ton, t 5 ZT-*?.™ , „ 9 67 Ditto Live Oak, .867 Dutch fail duck, 18 20 Dit(o rcd ccdari p£r foot g3 ' Feathers pr. lb. 4® Shingles, 18 inch, per M. 333 367 Flax ditto 11 12 Ditto 2 feet, 533 » 6 Flaxfecd pr. bufti. 9& o Ditto 3 feet, dressed, 13 15 Flour, Superfine pr. barrel 5 75 Staves, Pipe pr. 1000 32 Common, 5 5° White Oak hogftiead, 20 33 Bur middlings, bell 4 47 Red Oak do. 19 50 Meal, Indian 3 1 3 Leogan 21 33 ditto Rye, . 3 *3 Barrel "16 Ship-ftuff pr. cwt. 1 4° Heading 25 33 Fustic pr. ton, 20 Skins, Otter, best pr. piece 467 Gin, Holland, pr. cafe, 4 66 Minks 20 40 Do. pr. gall. 80 90 ' Fox, grey 40 80 Clue, pr. cwt. 20 21 33 Ditto rod 120 Ginger, white race, per lb. 7 Martins 54 » Ditto, common 7 J"* 1 " 5 33 *1 Ditto, ground pr.lb. 10 Bears 3 Ginseng, 20 24 Racoons £7 6° Gunpowder,cannon, pr. q.calk, 373 4 Musk-rats it Ditto, fine glazed 4 ® ravCT ' P'" lb " 67 133 Grain, Wheat pr. bulb 17 127 Deer, in hair 20 30 Rye 60 Tar,N. Jersey, 24 gal. p. l>bl, 1 Oats 35 Carolina, 32 gall. 2 —Indian corn 60 Turpentine pr. bbl. 2 33 Barley 1 13 Tobacco, J. River, best loolb. 4 33 ' Best (helled pr. lb. 7 — inferior 3 33 ———Buckwheat, per bufti. 40 old 4 67 Hemp, imported, pr. ton, 120 14667 Rappahannock 333 American, pr. lb. 4 5 Coloured Maryland, 533 8 Herrings, pr.bbl. 3 • r 240 Hides, raw pr.lb. 9 » £°n g 1 2 4 ° Hops ?7 Eaftern-lbore 2 2 23 Hoglhead hoops, pr. M. i 5 Caroline w 27 3 Indigo, French per lb. 120 153 Tea, Hyson pr.lb. 93 128 Carolina t i2O .-Hyson Ikin, co 6c Irons, fad pr. ton, 133 33 Souchong, 50 93 Iron, Callings pr. cwt. 3 4 —-Congo, 4, s c ■ Bar pr.ton, 84 Bohea, 33 36 P'g 2 4 Tallow, refined, per lb. 9 Sheet 173 33 Tin pr. box, j 3 33 1367 —Natl rods 106 67 junk, pr.cwt. 4 • 5 pr lb. 47 53 Lard, hogs pr. lb. 9 10 Verm.ll.on, do. 133 ,67 Lead, in pigs pr. cwt. 633 567 pcrgallon 33 37 in bars 7 Wax, Bees pr.lb. 25 27 white 10 10 67 Whale-bone, long pr.lb. »3 30 ■ ; red , 64° 667 Wine, Madeira,pr. pipe, 176 226 Leather,foal, pr.lb. 17 20 Li(bon , so 12g Lignum vitae pr.ton, 560 6 Teneriffe, pr. gallon 63 Logwood t 30 F j Mace pr.lb. 9 ■ ■ -Port pr. pipe liq ov Mackarel, best pr. bbl. 8 __ Ditto .n bottles, pr.doz. 4 f.cond quality 6 4 claret . 6 Madder, best pr. lb. t6 20 Sherry pr.gall. 00 120 Marble, wrought, pr. foot, ; 33 2 67 Malaga 77 80 Ma ft f pars ditto 33 MolafTes pr.gall. 44 47 ■ ———•flourfVn bottles, pr.doz. ,20 COURSE OF EXCHANGE. Nails, Bd. tod. 1 id. and nod. pr.lb. 10 ° n London . al 3° da ys. P" L - 100 43° Nutmegs pr. lb. 7 8 at 6o days 4«% , at 90 days 424 Oil, Linfeec, pr. gall. 66 Amsterdam, 60 days, pr. guilder, 37 ° llve 87 90 days, or Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, Wall-street, New-York. THESubfcriber intending to confine himfelf entirely to the PURCHASE & SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION, begs leave 10 of fer his services to his friends and others, in the line ofa Stock Broker. Those who may please to favor him with their business, may depend upon having it tranfa£led with the utmost fide- Jity and difpatth. Orders from Philadelphia, Boston, or any other part of the United States, will be ftriftly attended to. - (t.f.) LEONARD BjLEECKER. TO BE SOLD, A noted covering Horse, OF THE HUNTING BREED. HE was imported from England in Novem ber, feventet-n hundred and eighty-fix, and is now ten years old ; he is a bright bay, with a blaze,fifteen handsone inch high, is well form'd, has a great deal of bone and strength, afid his aflion equal to any horse. H s colts are well approved of in the different paits of the State where he haxftood, of which any.person inclinecj to purrhafe can inlorm thcmfcivcs. Enquire of the Printer. February rB, 1793, JUST PUBLISHED, By Thomas Dobfon, BookfcUcry at the Stone-House, in Second fireet t PhiLadelphiA, VOLUME VIII, or ENCYCLOPEDIA: or, A DICTIONARY OF ARTS, SCIENCES, AND MISCELLANEOUS LITERATURE, On a Plan entirely new BY WHICH Thi Different SCIENCES and ARTS arc digeftcd into the Form of Diftinft, TREATISES or SYSTEMS : THIS VOLUME CONTAINS AN Account of the Cape of Good Hope, Grafting, Univcrfal Grammar, Grades, Greece, Greenland, Guam, Guinea, Gunnery, Happinrfs, Harmony, Heat, Hepatic-Air, He raldry, Hindoilan, Hippotamus, History, New- Holland, Horse, Horsemanship, Hottentot*, Hunting, Husbandry, Hydrometer, with a great variety of Biographical and Miscellaneous Arti cles. Embellished with fixtcen Copperplates. CONDITIONS. I. The work is printing on a fuperfine paper, and new types, (cast for the purpose) which will be occafienally renewed before they com* tra£fc a worn appearance. 11. The work is furnifhed in boards, in volumes or half-volumes, a* fublcribers chufe; the price of the whole volumes, five'dollars each, of the half-volumes two dollars and two-thirds of a dollar each. Ten dollars to be paid on sub scribing, the volumes or half-volumes finifhed to be paid "for when delivered, the price of one volume to be paid in advance, and the price of each succeeding volume to be paid on deliver ing the volume preceding it. No part of the work will be delivered unless paid for. 111. In the courfc of the publication will be de livered about five hundred copperplates ele gantly engraved in Philadelphia : which by far exceed in number those given in dny other fcientific dictionary. At the close of the pub lication will be delivered an elegant frontif piece, the dedication, preface, and proper ti tle pages for the different volumes, It isexpe&ed the work will be comprised in about eighteen volumes in quarto. (J3 5 * As fcvcral gentlemen who have honored this undertaking icith early fubfcrift 7 dolbrs arr 350,000 dollin LIST OF PRI7IiK vu ' 1 Superb Mote), with our houses, 4cc.&c.iocoft C 1 CafW Pr 1 ditto 2 ditto jo ditto 20 ditto too ditto 200 ditto 400 ditto 1,000 ditto 15,000 ditto 16,737 Prize* 39,263 Blanks • 50,000 By this scheme at leajl the amount of the ti c |t. cts will return to the fortunate adventurers, and yet the federal City will gain its object thereby in a magnificent buildingdefigned both for pub lie and private convenience. Although some expence mull occelTarily at. tend the conducing of the lottery, (which ex pence will be taken from the principal prize) the Coinmiffioners having agreed to present in' re turn a fufficjent quantity of excellent free-Hone, togethai with th« best « E IT REMEMBERED, That on [Seal. ) -D the thirteenth day of March, in \ / the seventeenth year of the Indepen v y dence of the United States of America, Thomas Dob son, of the said Diftrift, hath de posited in this Office, the Title of a Book, the Right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in the words following, to wit. 44 An Enquiry how Jar the Punijhment of Death 44 is necessary in Pennsylvania. With bote! and 44 IHuJlrations. By William Bradford, Efy. 44 To which is added, an Account of the Gael uic 44 /hallfind that they proceed from, the Impunity 44 oj Crimes, and not from the Moderation of Pu -44 nifhments.** Montefq. In conformity.to the Ast of the Congrcfs of the United States, intituled, 44 An Ast for the Encouragement of Learning, bv securing 'he Copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the Au thors and Proprietors of such Copies, duxing the Times therein mentioned.'* SAMUEL CALDWELL, Clerk ot the Diftrift of Pennfylvnnia. (fcT* The above work is fold in Charkfton by William Price Young Richmond t by Archibald Currie : Baltimore, bv James Rice : New-York," by Thomas Alien : Bofton y by David Wejl. A LOTTERY FOR TOE IMPROVEMENT OF THE Federal City. i ditto 1 ditto 5.000 ire x,ooo fiOO io» 50 ' *5 ao 10 Post-Road TO THE GENESEE COUNTRY. General PoJl-Q][ice % April 6, 1793. S°»CQ6 25>°0& 20,000 *5; co* 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,009 10.000 20.0«0 15°,000 Dollars 35>,ock»