Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, October 14, 1796, Image 4

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    at ' t
TAKFS cw Theatre)
T T X7 thanks t0 Ws i
on his return from Marvknd, 'to o^T^hfc^
demy for dancing i,™ , , P llc aca " T
Sr v dt tl[t ;s.£ •!
therto renders any promises of conduflu.g hU future
priWt^ 6 m ° ft 3nd ftri I
P n -ty, totally unnecefTary. * if
A'. 3. Private tuition as'ufual.
June 3 , v
i No. 154. I
_ °f Peruifylvania, to <wit ;
\ (Kf ,^ remerafr,;dtha;onthe26thday<'f^p
y EPK&ers:
• {2
claimsiiiauthorin theworda4ollowi,,gtowjt,' ' »
« ' L / Stat " exhiMting the fituatiom •
a c ° nne<a .ons & durances ef the Poft-Oficts, Stage-reads) i
Counties, Pons of Entry and Delivery lor Forci,;- vef
Kls, and the principal rivers, ' 1
In conformity to the AS of the Congrels of the Krited
; Statfs intituled « All a?, for the encouragement of learn- v I jf
I 'Jig Dy fecurmgthe copiesof maps, ch.rt*, and books to ' J \
rite authors and proprietors of such ctfpies durinc the
j times therein tuentioned.*'
! Samuel Caldwell, cterk,
, Dijlria of Pennfylvc.nia.
The above map may be had of the author at the General
Poft-Office, next door to the War-Office in Fifth-Street,
and at his houf., No. 78, corner of Crown Street and
Brewers Alley between 4th and sth, and Vine and Cal- «
lowhill Sreets. Prices from 3 d«llars each, accord
ing to r the manner in which they are finifhed. The«re
grefs (or arrivals and departures) of the Mail 1 011 the Main
Line may be had fcparate for ceents.
3- iaw6w.
W J A r T E~D,
An APPRENTICE io the Printing Business.
' Enquire atthis Office. Aug. 9 tj
Waflungton Canal Lottery, » ■
I. ~~~ ;im —.~t. —. ii ; -
T[ Y7"HEREAS the State of Maryland has authorifel
VV the underwritten, to raise thousand, ,
two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting
a Canal through thfi City' nf Wafliington, froxi th Po;
tomacto theEaflern Branch Harirour.
. , The followii.'g is the SCHEME of No. 1.
Viz •-1 Prize of ao,ooo dollars, ao,ooo
1 ditto 10,000 10,000
714 ft drawn")
Tickets, each j - U °° o 35,000
6 ditto 1,-500 . 6,000
'10 ditto 400 4,000
ao ditto 100 a,OOO
55 ditto JO 2,750
'5750 ditto i a 69,008
To be raised for the Canal, 26,250
5850 Prizes, 175,000 T *
11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.]
17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,060
The Commiflioners hive taken the Securities re
quired by the aforefaid a<3 for the punilual pay ment of
the prizes.
The drawing ef this Lottery will commence, without
dilay, as soon as thf Tickets are fold, of which timely if
notice will be given. § '
• C..-1. j—:—.. orum HrmanrfpH in fir mnnfb< nftpr th®
drawing is finifhed, shall be conudcrcd 119 relinquished for
the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
Wm. m.duncanson,
City of Wafliington, Feb. 11. $
At a /fecial meeting of the Board of Di- { '
reSors for ejlabll/hing ufeful Manufacture!, ho/iltj
at Paterfon, 'July 8, 1796,
D ESOLVIiD, That a special meeting oS the Storit
(K holders of the Society be called on the firft Mpdday,
: being the third .ay of Odober next, at PateiToP, by ten
of the clock of the fame day ; then and there to tike
■ into consideration the propriety of diffoiving the said
corporation, agreeably to the law m such cafe Riade and
provided—and the Stockholders are carneftiy rcqusiled
to attend the said meeting in perfoi. or by
August a - » ■ ■ —
FOi SALE. j .!
ABOUT ti miles from this City, situate in Abn^-
ton Townfhip,'Montgomery County ; containing
floor, fire places in eac , water, a barn, flables,
house, overs" «"' le } J J)e orchard, and a varictyof
(heds, barracks, &c. A g P d we |l watered,
otherlruit, about .2 acres of good p c!rcfU .
and wood fufficieot for 11c, J p roptr t v in this c'«V
on may be had the ifl of mORRIS"and NICHOLSONS (
I will he taken in '
Notes in payment. Enquire at « (t6f S
Pniladdphia, Sepiember 13, »79°-
F 0 ~R~SA L E,
A very Valuable Eitate ;
pAIXED 1 Dertf fnd ci/of 4
Ci township of y, a mi)e frwn
I j miles from P ' acres of excellent land.
■ ' v Wefterii road: cOTt^";" g dow g0 n f prime
'whklvare good 9 ality There are
. !and, and the reft s story brick house, with 4 rooms ,
I of Ciccll"" witer m ' ■ ■'; J lloDC >
• •'?T£2S* ..
country ft*- . rto f the efiate of Ifrh .
" ; j
i ■ , • Surviving Executor.
I Oa. 9' » &l ■' '
■j —No. U9 -
• -c H*«w'V i r? sT ** 8 T * i
C p ric c Eight » oJirt p