at ' t Mr. FRANCIS TAKFS cw Theatre) T T X7 thanks t0 Ws i on his return from Marvknd, 'to o^T^hfc^ demy for dancing i,™ , , P llc aca " T Sr v dt tl[t ;s.£ •! therto renders any promises of conduflu.g hU future priWt^ 6 m ° ft 3nd ftri I P n -ty, totally unnecefTary. * if A'. 3. Private tuition as'ufual. June 3 , v i No. 154. I _ °f Peruifylvania, to • •'?T£2S* .. country ft*- . rto f the efiate of Ifrh . " ; j i ■ , • Surviving Executor. I Oa. 9' » &l ■' ' ■j —No. U9 - • -c H*«w'V i r? sT ** 8 T * i C p ric c Eight » oJirt p