y Collegian Tuesday, April 14, 1987 rr.i~~~.rrr.i~~ The Sentinel of Lewistown, our friend and neighbor, is wrapping up a special 100th anniversary gift for The Daily Collegian. The Sentinel is giving The Daily Collegian a truckload of computer equipment and spare parts. The equipment is a Compugraphic Unified Terminal System with 1210 Upgrade and 12 video display terminals. This equipment exactly matches our existing computer system in Carnegie Building. We will use this gift to expand our existing systems by 50 percent and to support the news editing laboratory of the School of Communications. Additionally, the gift of parts will help us to extend the useful life of our existing systems. The Daily Collegian and its staff says thank you to The Sentinel, Publisher Jim Dible and his staff. We also say thank you to the Buckner News Alliance, parent company of The Sentinel. We appreciate your gift. We appreciate your interest and support throughout the year. ollegian the ally enn State's morning newspaper Our thanks to 1 , ! . .5- . . i ,: , ..:•: , ....„'"'• -..- ' ••.. , ?....: -.. ..•:.0,%., '.',..-,..,.....,• • *ye .s:;::::,•'''.:i.'.. A .: - -1 ~• iiii .-.•-: , •qrallF, . - s_..io of Lewistown NEIE ~~ ~~ f,poli,kl.t i fpi 10. 3 . 7 iiiti ,f.,:114, 1 d , • - ifigiikV3 - *1?"-i'''' 1.4 : ' ::4 tit.,..t l fel:p9il4, , i.'':4 ZnittitTitt 1111M11111111r forraws:rl,77 : :,; .4% f I ,a ' 1 t e, ',., ' ' A 1.49147 r ii6alfAtCl " '' i a * ) *,: g l' g: 4 : 44; g;' • 10 . "es!'c.lo,lo4 0 4 45 , 124161:2!.. , .'" • .. t .‘ . • 1 if& • _431110110WW911?WWWW" I : • '.• ".:., _: ;.. ~:'.cl.j . s 1 .~': '`, ,'.~ 7 ,te' ~, ~' COLLEGIAN 1 0 0 anniversary section YEARS nut #tatr The Free Lance State Collegian. Published in the Interest of the students of The Pennsylvania State College Tip Elailll da th y e il oe la semi-lAJeekly Tottrgiatt i i )). " J 47 1 % \, ~ • I i i • , Tottrgiatt , ;•-;,k A,-I',-!;11,;‘ • P f 4 ;" 4 ' 4. t 'WI:. 1. 1 It's all for you In April 1887, a student newspaper was born at Penn State. The evolution to its present form was at times fast, at times slow, but always steady, moving toward improvement. This section has been prepared to show random samples of The Daily Collegian and life at Penn State. It does not follow chronological order. That is due, in part, to the nature of the news and news coverage and in part to the physical constraints of pulling material from early issues. We did our best to represent the way the material looked when it orginally was published. This section is dedicated to the staff members of all the publications that became The Daily Collegian. It's for the reporters and editors who took dictation over the phone, panicked at 5:30 p.m. because they didn't have an editorial to run, and calmed an irate caller out of a lawsuit. It's for artists who worked on graphics because editors asked for them, only to find, after three hours' labor, that there wasn't space for them after all. It's for photographers who dropped everything, tracked down a car and went to cover a fire, only to find the ashes cold and the police officers colder by the time they arrived. It's for the reporters who began to work on seemingly simple police log items, only to end up spending a whole afternoon (skipping classes again) in the police station, just trying to find out an age or a middle initial. It's for the office representatives who tried to explain that classified ad buyers can't get refunds because nobody responded to their ads selling those old roller skates or Beatle records. It's for the sales reps who made four trips downtown in the rain and clammy cold of late Happy Valley winter only to hear the potential advertiser say, "Maybe next year I'll buy a 1 x 3, but not right now." It's for the editors and managers who took the time to teach fellow staff members and to talk some out of dropping from the Collegian because they thought they weren't good enough. The daily routine of life at a student paper minus the imagined glamor of journalism can be found between the lines of the following pages. All any of the people behind the product did was try to put out a good newspaper every day and keep from flunking out. Without the help of the following people, this section would not have been possible: Patricia Hartranft, Candace W. Heckard, Kristine Sorchilla, Doug Popo vich, Tony Ciccarelli, John C. Boor Jr., Ron Yeany, Danna Antoine, Steve Knepper, Terry Matulevich, Todd Olson, Sally Heffentreyer, the staff of the Penn State Room at Pattee Library, and the staff of the Microforms Room at Pattee. Above all, this section is dedicated to the readers past, present and future who give the Collegian its reason to exist. We hope this material helps you better understand the past, or maybe just remember how it was. But most of all, we hope you enjoy it! s \ . A . ' : ' • • • F r o." '... 5. \, • " Z: —. A : -:.. ''gir, q.... - Y.: - . .., 70. c.s: • .-"' ~.. '.. '. .:,- N :raze ,..... •:.,. ,--5 e.... N. April 14, 1987