The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 17, 1959, Image 2

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Military Budget
Cuts Manpower
AUGUSTA, Ga. (dPI President Eisenhower agreed ten
tatively yesterday to a new 1962 military budget which pro
poses to trim manpower slightly while keeping defense
spending at about the present $4l billion level.
Modern weapons apparently will get the nod over per
Military manpower now is about 2 1 / 2 million. I-low much
Majority of
Are Cleared
tary of Welfare Arthur S. Flem
ming la , t night announced seiz
ure of 25 cases of canned cran
berues gi own in 'Wisconsin and
shipped to Nashville, Tenn.
But Flemming added in a pre
pared statement.
"The great majority of the tests
for the weed killer has shown no
contamination. This is encourag
ing and a trend that I hope con
tinue', as the testing proceeds."
Flemming said that to date
some 3 1 '2 million pounds of
cranberries had been tested by
Food and Drug Administra
tion chemists.
Of this total about 80.000
pounds were found contaminated
by the weed killer aminotriazole,
he said.
As of late yesterday, he said.
FDA laboratories had tested 337
lots of cranberries and cranberry
products, with 324 lots shown to
be free of contamination.
Only four lots were definitely
contaminated, with the others be
ing rechecked, he said.
Flemming said that of the
lots cleared to date, 159 were
shipped from Massachusetts, 53
from Wisconsin, 44 from New
Jersey and 27 from Washington
He said the origin of the re
maining 41 lots has not been de
In New York City, federal in
sppetot s gave a clean bill to 188,-
000 pounds of fresh and canned
cranberriec. Included were batch
es from Long Island, New Jersey
and Massachusetts.
Government Defends State Blue Laws
PHILADELPHIA (k')—The l Harrison, a chain discount house
federal government, speaking ‘vi'lPhebirradnedclie si s i on n in Al tr l i e li n s to t w es n t , c P as a e .
up for the first time in Penn-jis expected to have far-reaching
sylvania's Blue Law fight, ieffects.
I Rubin said the attempt, led
asserted yesterday that a bang by the Two Guys, to have the
on Sunday sales in no way+ Blue Law declared unconstitu
tional "was conjured up from a
violates a citizen's rights. variety of irrelevant circum-
To claim that It does, in the gov-I stances."
ernmeni view, is to indulge in 'a Those who are not Christians,
fairy tale of the first order." he argued, "are not forced to ob-
Harry J. Rubin, assistant U.S.
Attorney General, rose to the de
fense of the state's revised Blue
Law code in a brief filed with a
special panel of three judges.
The judges are considering a
key appeal by Two Guys front
Every place you go you'll be bearing about
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and where it might be pared was
not disclosed.
But Secretary of Defense Neil
H. McElroy, after his return to
Washington from a high-level
conference here, said the Air
Force and the Navy are sched
uled to take manpower cuts un
der the new budget. He added
that the Navy's second nuclear
powered aircraft carrier failed
to get approval.
At the same time, McElroy !
said the question of calling back!
some of the American troops now!
overseas is one that must be;
faced some time in the future;
iather titan immediately.
For something like four hours!
the Augusta National Golf Club'
was the scene of a conference be-;
Itween Eisenhower, McElroy and
!other top bracket defense and fi
nancial authorities on what to doh
!about the military budget for the,
1 1961 fiscal year starting next,
!July 1.
Some parts of the military
budget were pushed up some
down, McElroy said.
Again without spellirg out de
tails, he told newsmen tnat "we're
putting very sharp questions"
against some research programs.
In that connection, another
budget conference, now on tap
for Tuesday, took on special sig
nificance. The White House an
nounced that Dr. T. Keith Glen
non, head of the National Aero
nautics and Space Agency, will
,confer with Eisenhower Tuesday
New Baseball League
To Start With 8 Clubs
NEW YORK o'l The Con
tinental League's chairman of the,
founders group. William Shea,
said yesterday the embryo circuit
plans to open the 1961 baseball
season with eight clubs playing
a full 154-game schedule.
The new league currently con
sists of only five members. Shea
said seven qualified cities were
seeking membership but did not
say when he would be in position
'to announce the three additions.
serve any spiritual requirement of
Christianity simply because the
law compels them to remain at
rest on Sunday.
"Simply because such legisla
tion may bear religious connota
tions indirectly is not sufficient
2 Americans
Appointed to
Cardin late
John XXIII yesterday appointed
two new American cardinals,
bringing U.S representation in
that Roman Catholic body to six.
Archbishops Albeit Gregory
Meyer of Chicago and Aloisius J.
Muench of Fargo, N.D., are among
eight cardinals-designate who
will be elevated to the purple
at a secret consistory Dec. 14 and
receive their red hats at a pub
lic ceremony three days later.
The consistory the second in
Pope John's reign of little morel
than a year, will increase the Col
lege of Cardinals to 79 members,
highest in history Only two na
tions, Italy with 31 and France
with 7, will have more than the
United States among the princes
of the Church.
For a brief time after a 1946
consistory called by the late Pope
Pius XII, at which four new
American cardirals were created,
the United States had five cardi-;
fi nals. But John Cardinal Glennon,'
archbishop of St. Louis, died on'
Ihis way home from the consistory.
The four present American car
dinals are Francis Spellman of
New York, James F. Mclntyre of
Los Angeles, Richard J. Cushing
of Boston and John F. O'Hara of
Vatican sources said all eight
of the new cardinals except Arch
bishop Meyer, 56, will become
members of the Roman Curia, the
central executive body at the
Vatican, to strengthen the group
in its preparations for the World
Ecumenical Council.
Teamster Monitors
To Speed Cleanup
sters monitors said yesterday they
will move soon to lav the basis
for ouster of James R. Hoffa as
president of the scandal-ridden
Teamsters Union.
Martin F. O'Donoghue, monitor
board chairman, said his three
man cleanup group will press
ahead harder than ever now that
the Supreme Court has refused to
interfere with monitor reform en
forcement powers.
The court Monday refused to re
view lower court decisions giving
the monitors sweeping reform au
reason for a court to strike it
Another brief, supporting the
government, was filed by the
Pennsylvania Federation of La
bor. It holds the law to be "an
essential regulation for the
health. morals and general wel
fare of society."
Harold Kohn, counsel for Two
Guys, reemphasized what he has
said before: That a ban on Sunday
sales violates a man's constitu
tional rights.
The case is being heard by
Judge William H. Hastie of the
Circuit Court of Appeals and Dis
trict judges John W. Lord Jr., and,
George A. Welsh.
Plane Plummets Into
Shark-infested Gulf
NEW ORLEANS, La. (PP) A 4-engine National Airlines
plane plummeted into the shark-infested waters of the Gulf
of Mexico early yesterday with 36 pasengers and 6 crew
members aboard.
Coast Guard rescue units
intensified the search for others,,
with little hope held for any sur-'
The big DC7B lost radio contact
shortly after midnight as fog
slipped in over the Gulf and all
but closed operations at Moisant
Airport, destination for the Miami
originated flight.
One of the pilots of the two
Coast Guard helicopters which
guided search vessels to the
scene said, "There probably will
he more bodies found, but it's
getting difficult because of
Lt. James L. Sigman, executive
officer of the Coast Guard air de-
Itachment at New Orleans, said he
couldn't miss seeing the sharks
as his helicopter swept low over
the 300-foot deep waters.
"They were so big," Sigman
said, estimating the sharks were
12 to 15 feet long.
Three Coast Guard vessels re
'ported picking up the nine bodies
amid the scattered debris. The
lbodies were to be taken to Gulf
port, Miss., the Coast Guard said.
• The plane left Tampa, Fla., at
11:02 p.m., and was due in New
Orleans at 2:20 a.m. Its last con
tact with a radio point was at
12:33 a.m.
The plane went down about 1001
miles southeast of New Orleans,'
about 25 miles from the marshy)
Louisiana coast near the mouth of
the Mississippi River.
Sigman said it was his opinion'
that the plane blew up when it
hit water. This, he said, was indi
cated by the clothing stripped off
the bodies, severe burning of the
bodies and peeling of the skin.
He discounted any explosion in
the air, pointing out the wreck
'age was spread over a compara
(tivelyj small area of two to;
three miles.
Fire Kills 3 Brothers;
Parents, Sisters Escape
PITTSBURGH (Th—Fire killed
three small brothers yesterday as'
they slept.
The boys' parents and five sis
ters escaped unhurt. Their grand
mother was hospitalized.
Masked firemen found the!
brothers in bed in a second-floor'
room of their home in Pittsburgh's'
Greenfield section.
Dead of suffocation and burns'
were James Jennings, 9; Nicholas,
7; and Gregory, 5 .
UN 5-2531
Letterpress a Offset
Commerciai Prihting
352 IL LI3I.LIGR AD 14711
picked up nine bodies and
Herter Reports On
Violence Warnings
tary of State Christian A. Herter
said yesterday he has reports
"which indicate the threat of fur
ther violence" against Americans
in Panama.
He told Panama's ambassador
Ricardo Mattes that he is "in
creasingly concerned for the safe
ty of American citizens resident
in the Republic of Panama."
Herter requested the precau
tions against rock-throwing dem
onstrations and clashes of the
' kind which erupted against Amer
licans Nov. 3 and 4.
basement of
The Corner Room
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