State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1904-1911, October 13, 1910, Image 1

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Penn State Warriors Pile Up a
Score of 61 Points Against Car-
negie Tech
Captain Gray's team bettered its
score against the Harrisburg A. C
by three points when Carnegie Tech
was downed 61;i'o 0 on New Beaver
field last Saturday afternoon.
Thus our eleven has scored )19
points with nothing for our oppon
,ents in the first two games of the
season, a record only eclipsed by
captain Ben Prsher's !9-1 aggieg,a
tion, which smothered Gettysburg
60 to 0 in the fast contest and fol
lowed this by administering a 72 to
0 humiliation to Lafayette one week
later. The truth of the matter is
that our opponents thus far this
season have hardly been worthy of
the name and, as Dr. Hollenback
warned his men, there is room for
overconfidence from gut triumphs
thus far and plenty o 1 roam for
football knowledge and football
plunging in the near future.
It was pleasant, eliciting; 'and al
most amusing to see the way Bar
rett and Miller stepped over, scram
bled under, and ran around` those
Carnegie Tech tacklers last Satur
day. Very, .too, got in some
'splendid • Wide end
, runs, and his
feat.of,making a touchdown from
the kickoff in the Ilanisburg game
was duplicated by "P'fitz following
the visitor's sixth kickoff and amid
a wave of exultant applause
Mauthe, Engel and ' Quirk made
gr..'rzi of from 10 to 40 yatds vn al
most' every attempt through the
line or off tackle and the Tech Vic
tory car hardly be considered ser
iously from' a football standpoint.
We may have to consider Satur
day's game with the Sterling A. C.
of Pittsburg in a different light
and the Penn and Pitt 'encounters
will surely be serious propositions,
as well as the Villanova and Buck
nell struggles in a ldsser degree.
The spirit of our football squad is
excellent this year and the co
operation of the students Will bring
our Blue and White team out on
top this year as usual.'
It is good' to see Burly Watson's
clean tackles and his aggressive
work at center. Catpain Gray and
Pete Johnson are invaluable at the
guards as ale Weaver,_ Harlow and
Riddle at the tackles. • The new
game just suits oury speedy pair of
ends,. Very, and Prollet, and the
combination of 'Miller at quarter- I
back, Lanett at fullback, and
Mauthe and En . gel' at the halves
seems an excellent One. - Hauser"
'Mauthe and Dad Engel , have been
especially strong m breaking up in-,
terferencethiS year, a' pretty sample
of their work being shown in the
Tech walk away
Engel scored hist in five plays I
just 1 minute 20 seconds after Baum I
had kicked off to Dad lat - t Satur
day. Pioliet made the second touch
down on a well executed o() yard
run and Barrett mad the third on a'
55 yaicl dash in which State't, in
terference was splendid and the',
Tech boys engaged in a free for
all tackling match Dyer, who had ,
been tacklini; brilliantly for the
visitors up to this time, had to be
be removed becati , ..e of a bad!
shoulder Before the' game was
over two more of the_
players is- rived tegletable mimics
but our heavier clet en came out
unscathed. `Eno fast quarter ender
shortly after Dad scored another
touchdown, the score for the period
being State 23 Tech „
The vat sity lineup temaincd in
tact dining the -second period,
Engel, Bairett and Vety crossing
the line for scores Coaches Hol
lenback and Golden wisely made
numerous substitutions after the
game: was half over ✓ and the score
stood 40 to 0. Quirk especially
was a consistent pound gainer and
Clarke handled himself well for a
youngster at the pivotal position.
Indeed, all the new blood proved
good so that our second string ma
terial looks almost as strong as that
of lust year.
A blocked kick , enabled us to
make the
,fast score in the third
period, a safety. This was fol
iov,-ti by a pictty iteld goal, from
1\11)11ci holding the
ball Ilauser has improved w , o:-
cletailly Of late in making goals
from placement and opponents wal
haxe to be on the lookout foi hir .
Env] scored the last touchclown , ,of
the thild . period "and the score
stoou State 50, Tech 0.
The visitors came within and ace
of scoring in that period when they
intcrcepled a forward pass of MilA-
Elste secured the . ball on our
20 yard line and was headed for the
goal but Dexter Very got him hard
from behind.
Quirk and Barron made the final
tcruchdowns'and we had secured 61
points in 40 minutes of
, play. The
Tech boys were light and tackled
high but then showed commendable
pluck and "ginger" so that State's
older, heavier, and more experienced
team had mach .rcspect , for the
Pittsbuigers. Undoubtedly, our
eleven has started well ' and the
loyal, unfailing' sup Port of the' stu
dent bOdy will see an even better
I,l)lc.un,Leth fichuut NIL Akan, I 4: Crtlclddit
N, c.,(1 Rho o i, c Hiatt
, ,
hr ti I Caul' ) Gwdectte Vl 9 - tel r $., Gilliihson
lA'eai( r If f IlLi r t ', lfocirti.r
'if ) i 12, Li', rE. , DS lr, %I. , lllCkt.r
Nllll,cr Llcttc, . q Hatcher Kartt)
NI mill) li /, ,, n Archibald I li I - 11111 Elsta
btu i,l Quirk r h . Inylor
13airctt liarion - f b ' . If auln
Envel 4 Piollni 1, Parrett 2. Very
1 ()oak t 1-iai non 1 Goals from tinchilown -
M 'Harlow I Goals from
tVlautlie Safely -S. t.c Referee lictve
rrs and M Umpire 13 ism. Belln font. ACd(ll. -
m, e.oreir loud MeCkary, Middioni n and
Yount' hint_ 4 ten minute corutcrs, Timer -
IN tchon
The General Faculty Meets
"At the meeting of the general
- faculty, held Sept. 2'2, it was agreed
that the students incuning•deficien
cies" fhtough entering from other
colleges should not have , those' de
ficiencie.3 counted against than in
determining, their class standing.
The question of interpretation of
of the words, left "to gradtiate" in
Rule 21 was left to the committee
on graduation requirements. This
committee later 'voted that a student
who does not complete all his work
in the senior year in accordance
with rule 21 of - the revised regula
tions, will not be peimitted to grad
uate as of that class by the comple
tion of his work after commence-
Inuit, and that his diploma will be
, 23surd and dated as of the next fol.-
class, if the work is com
pleted within that time. It was
inthei it:commended by the com
mittee that this luting does not ap
ply to stucicuts of the class of 1910,
as the reused regulations did not go
into ctfect until the beginning of The
school year 1910-1911
Next Sunday's Speaker.
At the chapel service next Sun
day a plain, practical 'talk will be
n by Mi. W. A. Botv,, the As
setant 'Train Mastet of the Penn
sylvania railroad Mr. Bouse is
INalely known throughout the state
fot his ackhesses to young men.
Fast Willtinshorg , Aggregation Will
Combat the Blue and WhitE oii
Beaver Field
Next Saturday our footoall team
will line up against the Sterling
Athletic club of Wilkinsbuig This
team has been playing good foot
ball this yea' and an inteiesting
game may be expected on Satur
day. Maxwell, right guard, is the
old star from Swarthmore, who, ac
coiding to . "Bir liollenback, is
there with the goods. McChesney,
lef end, is also an experienced playci
of considerable, reputation. The
team will ariive on SatuWay retUrn
ing to Belletonte,after the,game.
The two teams will line up as
• , ,
STF.I2I:ING '''' s 51AT E
McChe•w•Y • , le I lob tt
.... M LIT& ck I t Widow ur Riddle
Munhall, - , , lg
Nat le , c IN,osota
Maxwell - Gray
C Murdock (Capt. ) r t YYLAyer
Wilburn Blair re Very
WallActq h , , Miller
McCall or Be,ll , 111 b Mautht or 12,trrou
liar tamp or Mayer r 11 b' • 1 I Ito IL
Roberts or 9 Murdock f b Barrttt.
-- ---
The Report of the Committee on the
Awarding of the Varsity "S" Un
der the New Rules. „ .
The committee appointed to re
vise azticle 8, section , B, of the Con
stitution and Ay-Laws of the Penn-'•
sylvania State College Athlc4,A's-,
sociation have recommended the ,
following. and -submit, the same to
the members to be voted on m the
near future:
The privilege of welting the foot
ball "S' , ' shall be granted to any
member of the team who has played
two full quarters in each of, six
regularly scheduled games, or who
has played two full 'quai txrs in each
C)f four regularly scheduled games
and two full quartets in either the
"Penn"" or "Pitt" game, or who has
played two full quaiteis in both the
' Penn" and "Pitt" games.
The' regulally elected manager
acting for the season shall be
awaided the Varsity
Signed; I♦. E, 'McEntire, J. E.
Watson. D. W. Lloyd, 'T, W. Piollet,'
Special Low Rates Secured for All
Who Will Follow, the Team to
A rate of $6.74 foi 100-150 fel
lows on a bloc'k ticket going and
and returning on same trainr'clesig
nated by the Railroad company,.
A rate of $6.15 for 150 or more
leaving Lemont, on Fiiday 110Q1) and
ieturnin,g from Philadelphia on
day night about 1. o'clock ,
Heie is an opportunity to take a
thousand men to Philadelphia and
convince / elle Quakers that we ale
there for a purpose—to win',
we take that many men, we will
Think it over, there arc but two
trips this year-and you want to take
one. 'How about this one? .
Tennis DoubJes
Tlamoiroo, .Miday, Oct. I , lth, the
tennis tournament in doubles will
begin. Quite a laigenuinbci of en
tries have already been handed in,
and some, exciting sets are'assnred..
The tournament of singles has
not yet been fmiclied, but it will
probably be completed by the end
of the week. These totnnaments
are indeed very inteic,ong and
eyery fellow who has any ability,
should enter up and make them
mole exciting
, A sp, . V.
Optional Gymnasium Work is Now
Offered to All Students , at Penn
Monday and Thursday nights of
each week. Mr. Lewis is instruct
ing a "Gym" class. The class has
so far had - two meetings and both
of them have been largely attended,
and many of the fellows seem to
be taking great interest in the work.
On these two nights the entire floor
is utilized for gymnasium work, no
basket ball being. allowed, then.
However on Tuesday, Wednesday,
Friday and Saturday nights basket-.
ball may reign supreme. / Any stu
dent at all has the privelege 'join
ing one of these classes and of
dei iving the benefits. At each of ,
the last two meetings there were
fifty or sixty men present: Most of
these men were , Freskinien". They
certainly have the right spirit.
Every one will agree that these
i l 'classes are con'cluciVe to health and
strength, and undoubtedly every
man in the institution wants to have
both, of, these assets; then, why
don't you come out and join one of
these classes? You need it just as
much as the fellow who sits beside
you, and in many cases even more
so. Why don't you come out and
give your poor body a chance once
in a while? Of what use anyway
is.a lot of knowledge with no body
.to carry that knowledge into prac
tice? Your life-work has not begun
yet. You are keeping your mind in
the best kind of training, why not
your body? There is not one tel
low in this or any other institution
who would not be benefitted by
some, good, wholesome systematic
I exercise. '
Winter will goon - swoop down up
on us and perhaps, it will feel much
more pleasant. to . spend our idle
hours, loafing in our rooms.- The
only. exercise will be that received
in going to and coming from classes.
Common sense will tell anybody
_that is quite insufficient, and if we
expect -to make good after being
graduated we must take good care of
our physical .as well as our spiritual
and mental being. , Let's get tbgeth
ei, fellows, and all turn out at the
next meeting of the class. .
1911 Scholarship Men.
The following is a list of the class
of ,1911 who have been- chosen for
scholarships :
For the. White Scholarships--
Rhoades,. Smith, B G. Watsoii, Le-
Fever and Kwtzing.
For the Louise Carnegie 'Scholar
ship - Briner, Meade, Bowman, H.
App, Metzger,] E. ; Leicy,
Wallace, Chubbuck, M. -E. Zerby,
Van Keuren, Butler, Davis, E. F.,
Heisler, Mcßride, Yaney, Boag,
litinberger, Pelton and Dickey.
The Thespians.
Last evening the Thespians held
a meeting to elect a Secretary and
to consider a new, play for next
year. Several shows of other col
leges were looked over and discus
sed but nothihg definite - was decid
ed upon. In a short time, however,
work will be begun on the new play
and any one with any dramatic
talent at till should "get in shape"
and be ready for the 'trials when
they are announced.
Civic Club
Thole will be an important meet
ing of the, in loom 23 of
the,' building to-night
at 7 ri m.
;I I V
What is Being Done by 'Prominent
Alen In the Various Engindefing
The iefiigerating plant and heat
ing apparatus for the new thermo
testing laboratory erected this sum
mer have arrived and are being in
The seniors in M. E. Railroad
Option, have arranged to spend
Thursday, Friday and Saturday of
this week: in Altoona, running tests
on the locomotiVe testing plant of
the Pennsylvania RailrOad com
Mt. Phidean, manager of "The
Technical Millei," the recognized
'journal' of 'the ' industry,
visited college Friday and Saturday
for the purpose of , 'studying the
work which is being done here
along that line, and to advance the
milling interests of the country., .
, Mr. S. B. Marks; manager of the
of the Westinghouse Airbrake com
pany gave an interesting illustrated
lecture upon -History, of Transpor
tation arid Brakers last FridaY ,in
the Old Chapel. On Saturday
morning, before the senior section
in Mechanical engineering, he gave
a technical discussion .on the mod
ern high speed air brakes.
The first Bulletin of the Engi
neering Experiment station 'is .now
being distributed, This bulletin
contains a general description of the
wait which° is planed for ,this
a very practical and. well, pre
'Pated vet of instructions by Prof.
Elton D. Walker for laying concrete
floors and walks, and the ,results of
experimental lamp tests by Prof.
Prof. C. L. Kinsloe. The sur
prising results - obtained by .Prof::'
Kinsloe's experiments, which were
along lines heretofore untouched by
investigators, are of vital interest to
incandescent lamp manufacturer's
and users.
All Out *midi 'Afternoon.
On ,Monday afternoon, Oct, 17,
Hon, Webster Grimm, Democratic
nominee for Gonernor. of .Pennsylva
nia, will address the fellows in front
of the Auditorium at four o'clock.
The hour may possibly be changed,
and if so the new arrangement will
be posted on the walks.
Mr. Grimm is a very entertaining
and fluent speaker and we are in
deed fortunate in having the oppor
tunity- to hear him. The Civic
Club is to be commended in bring
ing Mr. Grimm to address us.
Don't forget this. Watch the
walks for any change in time.
Track Trials.
Last :Sattuday the track` trials
were held for the purpose of get
ting a line on all ,track material.
Each event ,was watched with in
terest and very creditable showings
were made by some of the new
men. Craig in the 100 yard dash
'and Keyser in the two mile looked
especially good. Not enough fel
lows reported for the meet and a
good many that were out running
did not seem to he doing their best.
Several hack trials will be held this
Fall, let every 'man who has any
back ability come out and at least
make some-other man work harder/
Informal Dance at Sigma Chi.
The Sigma Chi Fraternity held an
Informal Dance on Friday evening,
October 7, in their Chapter house
on the Campus, and the affair wi'S
most thourghly enjoyed by all who