State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1904-1911, September 29, 1910, Image 2

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S'T'ATE' - - 'COLLEGIAN i leads him to wear colors,, will wear
eubilat....,!d on Thuritday of each week during the 1 the blue and white of which we ate
csil_ge tintr by the students of The Pennsylvania
Stara College in the interest of the Studenisr - Fac ISO pi oucl and the . feeling that will
uity. ftlumnt,and Friends of the colltge
come to him 'under 'the piotection
Entered at the Postoffice, State College, Pa, as
second class matter _
Editor in Chief
C. MacC. BREITtNGER, 'll
Assoblato Editors
,D. R. MASON, 'll
W. S. RRIEBEL, JR., 'l2'
W. .P. LITTLE, 'l2
Business Manager
C. F. PRESTON, 'll
E. A. JAMES, 'l2
Q. 50 per year or $1 25 if paid within 30 days after
Late of subscription.
THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, 1910
, The New Paper.
Along with.thp rapid growth and
advancement of the college and the
fiirtlaef deVelopment of the various
Phases of the more important
facto the college life, the Col-
legion is striving to mould itself into
Jan expansive ' publicaticin for the
exPlicit pUrpose . being included 'in
"this college era of general progres-
' The , Collegian has each year
„Added some distinct improvement,
,` Uritil.ndw.thetime.'seems to be at
•litiiiid:when it Is. praCticAy beyond
';ttie work of human hands to
..malee' htiY° °decided 'change for its
vbetterment. The fact stands,, how
-4 6
-ever i that in all of the , larger .uni
:',versities and colleges throughout
the United States, the college paper
' is i;ublished, not on 'the pamphlet
, style but in the regular newspaper
We feel that the hour is now
, born` to put our paper on equal
I, basis with those, of the best , institu-
'dons in the country, and to further
make it of such quality ' and 'ma
terial that it may share .excelling
Meritsivith the best of them.
What. the Collegian now needs
'most is your unfailing support.
The paper asks you for your hearty
6-operation for its perpetual ad-
Varicement and its general good,
'and farther assures you that the feel
ing is preeminent with the_ editors,
that the the request for your
'ance is not in vain. ,
'We are.' offering you the paper
just as it is and cordially invite your
most severe criticism;yet not without
the strong hope that it will find
'taw?r and , merit some . word of
praise from all into whose hands it
may fall.
Abolition of Class Colors.'
, Class colors are a thing of the
past. How gratifying it seems to
have shaken off the last vestige of
any thing that was not entirely
collegiate in every respect. The
class color idea has been a custom
that has grown up with an institu
tion from its earliest day and one
that usually clings 'until the college
has grown to such gigantic propor
tions that it no longer finds favor
and must necessarily be abolished.
Penn State has gained sufficient in
intercollegiate strength to adopt
,onl,y those ,features , and customs
that comprise a large university and
we cast this particularly disagree
one aside with 'no' feeling of
Henceforth, the man who eatns
Aame'rals or the man whose loyalty
of .this symbol will be one that
stands for college, clagg:and the best
, , New Men Wanted
' Asa result of circumstances un
forseen, W. H. Van Kirk, 'l2, and
C.' VII: Ulsh, 'l3, will not return to
college this year and the vacancies
made on the editorial staff of the
Collegian by these men will neces
sarily have to be filled in the near
future. All juniors and sophomores
who have had any literary exper
ience or feel that They could do col
lege college newspaper, work, are
urged to mail their applications to
the State Collegial:-
The business management will al
so have two open places to be filled
by competition and as these men
are to come from the ''class of 1912,
all juniors having a desire to be
connected with the college paper,
are reqUested send their names
to C. F. Preston, in care of the
State Collegian.
Freshmen Track Trials.
' Track trials were held last Satur
day for the purpose of seeing what
track material existed in the fresh-
Men class and some , satisfactory
events took place, A number of
men who Kaye done good work in
track athletics before entering here
were not out fol . this meet, 5o dur
ing the fall; • trial meets will be ar let the new men show
their ability in'this branch of, sport.
Summary of meet:
100 yard dash, Final—first, Craig;
second, Gerth; Giuntlhoeffel.
Time, 10 2-$ seconds.
220 yard dash—First, -Jenkner,
second; Gildersleeve; third, Coff
man. Time; 25 4-s,seconds. '
440 Yard 'd:lSli—Fitst, Rhinehart;
second, Ashbrook; third, Prince.
'time, 28 2-5 secollsis. ,
~ , '
120 yard hurdles—First, Cham
berlain. Only one man entered.
Time, 19 seconds.
220 yard hurdles—First, Cham
berlain; second, •Mays; third, Coff
man. Time, 28 2-5 seconds.
_Half, mile run—Fiyst,., Leyden;
second, Se ibert; third, Lewis. Time
2 minutes 11 1 - 5 seconds.,
One mile run—First, Savery; sec
Und,Seibert; third; Hershey. Time,
5 minutes 30 1-5 seconds.
Two ''mile run—Fiist, Keyset :
Time 11 minutes 59.2-5 seconds.
Pole vault—First, Hayes; second,
Carpenter. Height 9 feet 6 inches.
High jump—First, Chamberlain;
second, Palmer, Lewis and Leyden
tie., Height s,feet 2 inches.
_ .
Broad jump—First, HenneY; sec=
ond, Gundhoeffer; third, Adair.
Distance 19 feet 2 inches.
No weight' events were held
The Civic Club.
Hon. John K. Tener—the Re
publican nominee fat governor of
the Commonwealth, Mr. Reynolds,
the candidate for lieutenant gov
ernor, and Mr. Schener of Pittsburg
spoke to the student body on Sept.
14 under the auspices of the ° Civic
club. The gubernatorial candidates
of the Democtatic, Keystone and
Prohibition parties have stated their
desire to speak here during the fall
The Civic, club is a link in a chain
of similar , student organizations
extending throughout the colleges of
the country. It aims to create a more
general, interest, among the students
of Penn State regarding the prob
lem's of good citziens life. To
further this Qb)ect, men of 'practical
experience in public affairs are se
cured to address the club, and
- -
member!, take part by talk and dis.:
Regular meetings ai e held mOnthly.
Spccial)nceungs, open to the pub
lic, will be announced from time to
time. The 'first regular meeting will
be held in room ,20 Engineering
building at 8 p. m. Friday, Spt 30
Membership is, lirriited to upper
classmen and total members ip to
sixty. Juniors and seniors esiring
membership , should have their
names proposed' at the time stated
The Penn State Froth is 'now an
accepted fact, due largely to the
fact that the students so readily fell
in with'the idea of a comic publica
tion and gave financial as well as
moral aid. This year we purpose
to give a bigger and better produc
tion to be published quarterly. We
have secured the services of more
literary, men and cartoonists, who
can ably handle the comic' Side of
our college existance, However,
there is room, for more witty
writers and cartoonists, One man
is to be chosen from each the senior,
'junior arid.freshman ... 6lasieg respec
tively, and two from the sophomore
class. Now, iethe time to get that
funny story out of your system; put
it on paper and mail to J. M.
Spangler, 608 W. College avenue.
We also need a business manager to
be chosen from the soPhomore
class. All men who wish to com.
pete for this position see •E. O.
Arthur, Beta Theta Pi house. All
Manuscript t 6 be in before Oct: .sth.
Get busy wits. Let us,4ear, from
, ,
Whereas, the Almighty God in
His infinite wisdom ha. 4 found it
befitting to take away the kind and
beloved father of our , most loyal
and esteemed classmate, Harry G.
Bickley, be it.
,ws the class of
1912 of Mt' rennsylttYnia State Col
lege do hereby extend our deepest
sympathy to our 'classmate and this
family in this, their hour of grief;
and be it fuither. ' '
Rescilved, that copies of these re
solutions be sent to the bereaved
family, published 'in. the S!nte•Col- ,
legian, and entered ppon the min
utes of our class, • , •
' ELF'. o.llgen,'
Theo. Leuchner.
- •'' H. E. Davis.
Be Economical
When yOUr Collegian subscription
becomes due after the initial issue,
pay for it before the expiration of
the special $1.25 privilege, . '
. Every man subscribes for the
paper and if you want a detailed
chronicle of your college events
you will file every issue and at the,
end of the year have them bound
in , book form. This you cannot
afford to do without, so to insure
the proper delivery of the paper
every week, make certain that we
have your correct address and pay
your subscription promptly. All
checks should be made out to C, F.
Preston, Mgr. , ' ,
' •
L. E. Schwartz Resigns.
L. E. Schwartz 'll, of the busi
ness staff of the Collegian has
handed in his resignation as a result
of having too many duties to
assume and properly carry his regu=
lar work. It is not without a feel
ing of regret that we ' accept it as
Mr.'Schwartz was a loyal worker to
to the interests of this paper, and
gave' his undivided attention to it
during the past year.
Sunday Chapel Service
Owing to the large enrollment, it
has been necessary to assign all the
seats in the Auditorium to the stu
dents. Visitors will be admitted at
the north side door only and seats
will be provided for theni.
We carry a
full line of
Students' Supplies
4 •
The p ar r ,,
Williamsport, Pa.
Headquarters (UM! "Slate':
,teams',* ..Located opposite
the P. R. R stationC Th Eree
bus to P & R. AR.. station.
Rates s2' 50 per day an up- •
—ward • • •
17. KAVANAUGH. Manager
A P.l Me of Soostvre Etacy Artklec
The First v kCiertSUSteXc l °
National - Bank,-
capital $lOO,OOO ' Surplus $1.00.(0)
Headquarters for
1.1) a.kk.em es
Cral33lolll. 5 7 4.0 ES
Meek 13laak Iltkevt Street
0. F. SHAW, Haraesamaker
•• •
J.• B. 'MINGLE, Shoemaker
Allen Street
G. E. ,Sficie
r Optician
• . _
F. P. BLAIR & 00.
Cor of Brockerhoft House All mail order.
promptly attended to Fins watch and jew
elry repairing a specialty Both phones
,J., C, MARKL.E , '
All Kinds of Choice Meats
- Fish in season
13i College 'Menne ' Both phones
Headquarters for ,
Choice Meats of All Kind's
Frazier Street Both phones
Tonsorial Artist
Your patronage solicted Firetc,lats,work guar
123 Allen Street
Zattk Z3ellefonte
Both 'Phones
C. D. CASEBEER, Sheffler's Restaurant
Jeweler and Optician
All lands of rispeir Nsorlc prompt , v.,dorie Opposite Hotel
Ryes exatolned hot. Prir.tte opt Ira! pet lor
Pies Sandwiches Soups
nei.i,rv ,, ri Per, hsvi.v 041 A •
The Athletic Store
Sheasly & Gentzel
, Dr,y,Goods, Groceries, Notions
Furniture and Carpets
„,Heakpartpr, for
' Nos. 200-206 College Avenue
The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co.
trerytliing in hardware
DlBtribuiois ter the
complete line
our specialty
B%ktl a, the, 'Phototravhet
alai dealer in Ettatmat, &grates
Alsoagent for
ckp.m ) 3ka STalkoThones
and Snetestructklike 'ltecoills
212. bast Wegt, 'Ammo
State Cattalo
The First National Bank
State College, Pa.
3 iirite_ret
on time deposits, payable
Accounts solicited