PAGE -MORT ALUMNI John Ryan 'OB, ik construction of a s Elizabethtown, Pa.l by Murray Africa,fr Civil and Mining el J. J. Morgan 'O5 has resigned his position as profeSsor of Chemistry i t the college of Hawaii and has cepted a positio ' as instructor, in engineering chemi try in the Stevens Inst Ltute of Techn logy. H. I. Smith 'O7, Gold Mining and at Wenden, Arizo gineer and, metall ' F.H. Beyer '0 ed fitst assistant' Products Coke' co L. 'B. Schlee t dei graduate work 'ii University of Wil Let Us , pone So. ot own frot h her ' luxurious limousine the 'fair girl had lain in sensible for many hours. Now, however, the o eratiOn was ' over. consciousness ha returned, and she spoke faintly in t e darkened room. "Yvonne." ''Yes, ,Mademoiselle" bent over her. "Yvonne, tell me—" An anxietY i I almost sickening 'trembled in the low, weak voice. "-did I. i of did I not, have oa=r , my new $8 silk stockings?" Scandal! Infamous! Men Only! If there's anything worries a woman It . something she ought not to limm4; But You bet she'll find out'somehow If 4he gets the least kind of a show Now We'll wager 10c to a farthing '. Thj r s i poem she has already read. We ow she'd get at it some how— If -she had to stand on her head. —Miami Studen . Pennsylvania has hVenty gam s on their baikethall schedule. Th -y planus at . Philadelphia on Dec. 1.. iorii: --- -'7— . working on the eet car line at He is employed Huntingdon, Pa., gineer. is with the Burn Milling company a, as 'mining en rrgist. ' 1 ', his been appoint emist = i for the By 'party in Chicago. 'O6, is pursuing 1 4 chemistry at the consin. The maid lbotr, ***g o : I i ..... s' S i rr !MI a ~ s l f 1 A .61 11 • 01 I :1 odo I '4•A ! 1 1 1 , 1 I' 1 ,f il I 1 , 1 . alliiw Month'ti T 11 II • it I i ~ . i ...] IN i I. I -4 1 'l ii , I+ Ea 1 1 L hletiic, lei I N, the POstoffice ~~~~~ s 1 liP,iot-.: 540 Fl iC4 I6ring