—....-..... 1 , The Winter Coutises inL i Dairy Husi - ' 1 ' - 1 Grahan's Tonsorial Pa for bandry Begi Nove ber 30. • Th'e public be pleased 1 The regular winter Catrses in the . ' . is the policy of the ' lon the corner: i . I s , , - dairy l husbandry depar tinenti begin E. moi re Laundry : ....... j 30 and Nov. close Fel:4 5 ' Prompt s6i.rice: Courteous treat ' l' Three - arid ' courses are ,offered in dairying: ment: Firstclass lirork ,Tfie public is pleased • dairy husbandiy, bottermaking and 1 .............- Paul Work 'lO ?gents W. H. Sill 'll A complet line of . - cheeseinaking; The gen ral dairy - husbandry curse is desig ed to fit , Leave you address at 24 Sin . kers' 'Supplies . I ' PEARCIE BROTHERS 1 I , men to ma n se dairy farms, the s td - - 1 • 1 , . , A• A -" - ' l l, • ( dents being given training in the -, • i 1 - - - - - -----jimin feeding and handlingt Of dairy cows, 1 . 1 - I I the managem ntl, of the dairy. the 1 _ sit m m,h, l,kkte l iNtotRIF aluT keeping of i re orris and the 'Making ' , a and 'dealer In bbt,Thlka fiimikkes , , Also agent for 1 i and handling f dairy pro ctsp on the farm. , 1 , 4 „, The courses in bu i er an c liteese- eok)i,4l,a Sm - Ikoicouts making are for men, who i end to 1' 1 - I work in'hutter or cheese olctoris. ' IA 1( i 45 trattkkikti S•Peaftis The stue.nts receive'', , lin li I the ps i I cipleil of 1 buttermaking. ' tat i s" 1 , e. " 4" 3""m. I) This course is • espjially. Yalttable ! I 'Stitt` !reps fps buttermakers w (11 Wish to mke - i f a special study of , starters;l' cr m ripening, moisture, :cOnrbi ,or ny i it other special phase atm termaking. ;The students work every forenoon ,i • 1 lin the larejcoMm, tidal creamery !where he work is e trely practical tCheesemakers who ' ish instruction in the handling of s tarters for cheesimaking, the y eld iof cheese, mdisture, curd and , ennet tests, or in the use of I acid t s s, will have opportunity of givin these subjects special study in I the ;well equipped cheese laboratory . acpd at their disposal. , Sttidents taking ei br cheesemaking ci receive instruction i - ice cream and cottag ing. ' Last year there w in the winter course indications paint to enrollment this yeai. _„. Cape of oocl HOP( Cape p - I,a tte r y , tr CapeLdokout, tin Cape "'ear: thirtyil Cape Farewell, fix !- The Firat Natiinal :ank :State' Coleg , Paj.; , 1 _ ~.., i 3 c/ , inter 1 ox time deposits, pa 1 semi-anntally ' AccountS solicited , , 1 Ilestrman and M RESTAURANT arid , i Confectio li tery 1 Sod Catering a speclliy , Oysi !. d.l . sfiri c z ana POST CARD.* COLLEGE JEWEIi.RY I doill i'ali; ii make s . igna Let ering of trunks and sm c l ues) my salty. Poster. trio 4 and di play curls CHAS. A, WOMER, State )6011: et6+r - ii maw, , fol ktittiy at ' h a mare Ingle BA: ers in Z THE STATE C 4 I; l ter the b u t ter arse will ai practic in r irteheese :re 90 students s, f l and present 21uch larger e. Sweet sixteen, nty. l rity 7 fiye. rty.—Ex. The;i% . ' ark . --* t - : Hotel , • . Williamsport, Pa. Headqurters lor 211• State' r teams Located pposite the:P. RI R. station Free t. i . bus to ID I 4 4. R. R. R. station. 9 Rateso per day and up-i t ward [ ', 5 . I, .i. ' D. KANrANAuGH,lldandge \ , J MARKLE , -, All Kilicils4 Choice Meats sh in ieuon 138 vmie , i PopL ROOM H 't and. l RBER SHOP t I 4 123 Allen Street W. 'C. 1 ,e, doctor of men's,women'S children's shoes Allen street ‘J , Patronize those /vho Over- I tise in The State Collegian, ._ PAGE *SEVEN Both phones,