ALUMNI Arthur G. McKee, '9l, has opened a constructing and contracting en gineering office in Cleveland, Ohio. Robt. D. Greer, M. D., ’9l, was recently elected a member of the consulting staff of the Cottage State Hospital at Mercer,- Pa. Geo. J. Yundt, ’99, is engineer with the Southern Bell Telephone Co., at Atlanta, Ga. C. B. Keiser, '9S, is assistant master mechanic at the shops of the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wil mington R. R. Co., at Wilmington, Del. F. E. Knoch, '96, superintends the work of the great Western Oil Refining and Pipe Line Co., at Erie, Kansas. G. B. Snyder, '95, occupies the position of instructor in Algebra at the Pittsburgh High School. Wm. Hutchinson, '9B, is special agent for the Penn’a. Department of Agriculture at Jeannette, Pa. A. H. Trautman, ’99, is engineer for the borough of Homestead, Pa. D. E. Wentzel, 'OO, is a member of the firm of Patton and Wentzel, lumber dealers at Bellwood, Pa. B. W. Hamilton, 'O5, has a po sition as car inspector at the Stand ard Steel Car Work, Butler, Pa. Wm. H. Walker, '9O, has been made full Professor of Industrial Chemistry at the Massachusetts In stitute of Technology. Mr. Walker has retired from the firm of Little & Walker. T. A. Swartz, 'O5, has left his position at Buffalo to go with the American Nickle Works, of Cam den, N. J. This concern has in its employ three other State graduates ; F’. F. Bierbaur, ’O2, D. W. Stiayer, 'O2, and F. H. Lowe, 'O5. Mr. Strayer was recently transferred from Bayonne, N. J., to Camden, together with his department of work, which is the recovery of the precious metals. THE STATE COLLEGIAN W|- iy| STANDARD PORTABLE CL O I UIN * direct reading - Weston Standard Portable Voltmeter IVL. Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines and Musical Instruments Bellefonte, Pa. YEAGER 8c DAVIS SHOES THAT ARE RIGHT Bellefon te S.E. KIMPORT Dealer in Choice Beef, Pork, Veal, Lamb and Poultry in Season. State College. H. GRIMM MERCHANT TAILOR STATE COLLEGE. PA Thirty years’ experience in Tailoring. Samples ol the finest Imported (•cod's always on hand. DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY. PALACE RESTAURANT Go there for a full line of Sand wiches and Quick Lunch We use our own homo-boiled Ham In Sandwiches. Oysters served in all styles Boarding by the week, day or meal. W. G. CALDWELL, Prop. GEPH AlR'!' Dealer in all Standard Makes of NITTANY LIGHT & POWER GO. STATE COLLEGE. Voltmeters, Ammeters, Ohmetters and Portable Galvanometers For Laboratory, Testing and Smith-board use Our Portable Instruments are recognized, as STANDARD The semi-portable Labora tory Standards are still better. Our Station Voltmeters and Ammeters are unsurpassed in point of extreme accuracy and lowest consumption of energy Weston Electrical Instrument Go Main Office and Works Waverly Park, NEWARK, N. J. New York Office, 74 Cortlandt St. Pa. WILLIAMS & ROAN Furniture Dealers FOLDING BOOK CASES CHEFFONIERS STUDY TABLES SPECIAL FOR STUDENTS LEMONT, PENN. JOSEPH MARKLE STATE COLLEGE. PA All Kinds of Choice Meats AT THE MEAT MARKET on PUGH ST. Special Inducements to Clubs. TELEPHONE.