STATE COLLEGIAN Published on Thursday of each- week during the college year by the students of The Pennsylvania State College in the interest of the Students. Fac ulty, Alumni and friends of the college. Entered at the Post Office, State College, Pa., as second class matter. EDITORS T. F. FOLTZ, ’O6, Chief. F. R. BREWSTER, ’O7. F. B. GARRAHAN, ’O7. H. D. MASON, ’O7. A. K. LITTLE, ’O7 R. B. MECKLEY, BUSINESS MANAGERS, W. J. DUMM, ’O6. W. A. SLATER, ’O7. B. W. SCRIBNER, SUBSCRIPTION. $l. 50 per year or $1.25 if paid within 50 days after date of subscription. THURSDAY, NOV. 9, 1905 EDITORIAL, The results of the ‘‘cider scrap ” last Wednesday night bring up be fore the college body once more the inadequacy of the rules which were recently adopted by the upper classes to govern inter-class contests. In every contest of this or any kind some loop-hole will be sought and found until the rules have been so amended that they will seem alto gether different from the original draft. What must be capacity of the Freshman cider barrel ? This should be decided at once by the upper classes so that there may be no dis pute on this point next year. The decision of the upper class presi dents and Prof. Leete stands _this year but the classes that passed the originial rules should insert a clause stipulating the size of the barrel. There are just nine days left be fore the football team goes to Wil liamsport to battle with our old enemy, Dickinson; and every stu dent in college should be thinking about going to the game. If the fellows will turn out and support the team this game will undoubtedly be THE STATE COLLEGIAN the best State has ever played with Dickinson. We have as good a team this year as has ever been sent to Williamsport, and it deserves the lively support of every student. Every one who can should go to the game; and every one, no matter whether he can 'go to the game or not, should turn out to the mass meetings and help with the songs and cheers. Don’t let the other fel lows do all the practicing —turn out and help. We can’t all play football but we can help to win the game. Every student who is proud of the team should be willing to do some thing to make the Williamsport game the greatest success State has ever won. If every one in college will do his duty, there is no doubt but that this game will be the greatest victory that State has had in years. It will be just what the students make it —it is up to them. The awarding of the Varsity “P” to members of the debating teams is a question that is being discussed at the University of Pennsylvania. This same subject came up at State last year and immediately fell flat and rightly, too. For years it has been the custom to present the varsity initial to only such men as play in so many games and consequently the latter has become peculiarly in terwoven with athletics. To award this symbol to debating teams would destroy this exclusiveness and not only cause confusion but also weaken the value and honor of the letter. General opinion is in favor of leaving things as they are. If the suggested innovation should be brought about in any college, what ever, it will not be long until we find glee clubs, orchestras, bands and all other organizations clamoring for the same privilege. The fellows who removed athletic material from the track house prob ably meant to borow it but they do not realize the great inconvenience in which they are placing the Varsity football men. Up to date there are missing five head-gears, three pairs of shoes, several sweaters besides an assortment of other athletic material in fact enouge to equip a full team. It is the belief that the articles were wanted by students to partici pate in the section games but this practice is certainly to be condemned. It is imperitive that the men return the material at once. COLLEGE ORBIT Amherst has dropped basketball from her athletics. Princeton students are compelled to attend morning chapel only two times a week, Arthur Duffey the noted George town athlete has confessed that he is a professional The Dickinson freshmen eluded the Sophs and held their banquet last week instead of during the winter term as has been customary. Illinois is playing baseball this fall in order to have her men in train ing for next spring. All but two of last year’s team are again on the diamond. The upper classmen at Michigan inaugurated a new custom during registration week. All freshmen on Main stieet were informed, that ac cording to an old Michigan custom all freshmen found on Main stieet were expected to furnish refresh ments for upper classmen. In al most every case the coup was suc cessful. —Ex. The following is a list of the col leges and universities with the num ber of times they have been repre sented on the All-American football team from 1889 to 1905, selected by Walter Camp of Yale: Yale, 57; Harvard, 43; Princeton, 39: Penn sylvania, 28 ; West Point, 5 ; Col umbia, 3; Chicago, 3; Michigan. 3; Cornell, 2; Carlisle Indians, 2; Dartmouth, 1.