The Free Lance. Published Monthly during the College Year by the Students of J. H. M. H. H. Mallory, G. J. Yund'j.', ’99. Business Manager —W. L. Aimur.mcß, ’99. Assistant Business Manager—J. N. Siikkku, ’99, One Volume (9 months) . Contributions of matter and other Information are requested from all members nr.d ex members of the College. Literary matter should be addressed to It. T. Stroiim, Kditor. Subscriptions, and all business communications, should be addressed to Wn.i.iAM h, Affjildku, Business Manager. Ontered at Slate College Post Office as Second Class Matter. NOW that the foot ball season has closed we are prone to look back over the record that we have made and criticise. The record of the season of ’97 is one of which we need not be in the least ashamed. True, we have lost a greater num ber of games than we have woii, but Princeton, U. of P., Cornell, and Lafayette on her own grounds are institutions from which we had not expected to win. There is but one blot on our record, and that is the little farce which our team put up at Sunbury on Thanksgiving day. The question is frequently asked, “ Why does our team weaken toward the end of the season?" The reason is apparent. It is not necessarily toward the end of the season, but, more properly The Pennsylvania State College. STAFF Editor: R. f, STROHM, ’9B, Associate Editors: Andrews, ’9B, F. T. Prams, '9B W. B. Dawson, ’99, j G. 0. Siiaad, ’OO. j B. C. Brady, ’OO, Pcrs. TERMS , . $l.OO | Single Copies Payable in advance. DECEMBER, 1897 15 cents,