Bob stood still a minute in deep perplexity, when he heard his sister’s footstep on the stairs. “ Oh, Edna ! ” he cried, drawing her into the library, “ I’m in an awful scrape ; ” and he told her the whole story, knowing that she would in some way console him. “Robert!” she exclaimed, tears of reproach and sympathy for their victim springing to her eyes. “If he goes to the hospital there’ll be an investigation ; Oh, what shall we do? ” he cried in a tone of anguish. Edna’s sympathetic nature couldn’t bear to see Bob suffer. “You must bring him here,” she answered. “ But mother says I can’t.” “I’ll go and see her myself,” and Edna ran to find her mother. She says you may bring him,” she said, returning after a few moments, “ and we’ll take turns staying out of school to take care of him until he is well.” “ Oh, you darling girl!” said Bob, clasping her in his arms and kissing her affectionately. An hour later an ambulance stopped before the Radcliff house, and a very pale boy was carried up to Bob’s room. As soon as he was neatly arranged in Bob’s bed, Edna came in. Fortunately Mrs. Radcliff was hot in the room, for the instant Edna saw the white, yet handsome face on the pillow she burst into tears, thinking of the awful calamity which had been so narrowly averted. The eyes were closed in a kind of stupor, as they had been all the morning. But as if affected by a magnetic impulse from her deep blue ones, they opened sud denly and gazed at her. She stopped crying in astonishment, and the tears on her soft cheek only made her the prettier. The morning sun was stream ing in upon her yellow hair, and as she stood for a moment motionless the- patient wondered if he had not awakened in fairyland. In this, his first clearly conscious moment since the sublimely terrible headlight of the engine had borne down upon him, he found himself in a beautifully furnished, bright room, but "the girl—no, surely it must be a dream, and he closed his eyes again. After a day or two of worry lest brain fever should ensue, the patient passed the danger point and began rapidly to re cover. It was Edna’s turn to attend him the first day after he The Free Lance , [December,