trolled himself, remembering that he, for the moment, was host. ‘ ‘ The wind blew your oration into the fire when I opened the door,” said Stanford hesitatingly, for he was unnerved by the look in Radcliff’s face. • “ I thank you for rescuing it,” replied Radcliff, with the coldest sarcasm. Furiously stung by the tone, Stanford was on the point of throwing the paper back into the grate. " Won’t you be seated? ” said Radcliff icily. Stanford dared not trust himself to reply, and, turning abruptly, left the house. Instead of giving up in despair, as might be expected, the out come of Harry’s unfortunate visit to Radcliff’s was to arouse a stubborn determination to live down the bad feeling against him, and he wrote a letter to Radcliff explaining fully the suspicious circumstances under which they had last met, but received no re ply. However, the annoyance seemed to cease, and Harry began to hope that he was to be let alone in the future; but three nights afterward he found that he was sadly mistaken. Tate in the evening he was hurrying home from a lecture which he had attended at the college. The streets were dimly lighted, especially in the part of the town where he roomed. As he was passing a dark alley suddenly he heard footsteps behind him. He turned quickly about, and the next instant was seized by a dozen strong arms, a handkerchief was tied over his eyes, and he was hurried rudely away. After a long, tedious tramp, which seemed to him to be miles, they stopped and the blindfold was torn away. He was standing upon a railroad track, surrounded by fifteen or twenty men with masks pulled low over their faces. After a moment of intense silence, during which Harry could almost hear his heart beat, one of them, in a hoarse and unnatural tone, began to speak. “ Sir, are you Harry Stanford ?” Harry was tempted to deny his identity, but replied as steadily as he could “ I am.” “Then you must die! Repent! And remember that the great est offence you ever committed was your cowardly, vile betrayal of Ralph Stewart. For every second you deprived of at tendance at college that noble man you shall spend qn eternity in The Free Lance. [Dbcbmbbk,