OIIAIHJATION DAV Music. "Martha,” ..... Flntow' Oration, • • Tlie Formative Days ot the Union. Howard Walton Mitchell, Pittsburg. Oration, - Our National Temlcncy in liusincss & Politics. William Benjamin Jackson, Stale College. Mublc, “Oolttli," ...... j,cco 7 Oration, - - - - - HisninrkV Policy. Harry Husscl Leyden, Beech Creek. Oration, - College Influence on Political and Snciul Prob lems. Gilbert Adams Heaver, Betlefunte. Music, Piccolo Solo, By Mr C. S. Shields, ■ Le Thier. Valodictory Oration, . George S. Demining, Harrisburg. Music, Violin Solo, By Mr, Frank Stoubgen, • Dc Beriot Commencement Address, ■ By Hon. Stewart L, Woodford Conferring Degrees and Awarding Prizes. Candidates for Degrees and Certificates. B. S., Tn the General Science, Course .—Miss Ball, Mossrs. J. B. Walker and J, M. Walker. B S., In the. lutthi Sctentljlif Course Jones, Messrs Bea ver, Ellonburgur. Meek and Mitchell. B S., In the Advanced Course. in Chenis/ry: —W, 11. Walker. B. 8., In the Course in Civil Engineering .-—Messi‘o. Bryan and Humming B S.. In thcChnrse in Merhnniral Enyi neeri tty :—Me SSI'S Bran nenmn, Brew Gosslur, Hunter, Jackson Leyden, Mc- Lean and Mock. 8.A., In the,'General Coarse in Agriculture .'—Messrs. Brown and Watts. Special Certificate in Civil Enyinceriny W. E. Moore. First Honors—Gilbert Adams Beaver, Fred Azdoll Bryan Harry Kussoil Loydun. Second Honors—Antoinette D. Ball, George Stephen Deni' ming, William Benjamin Jackson. TiinsKs or Tint onAuuATina cii.abs. A liovlow of tlie Homology of tliu Anterior Members of Mammals and Birds. Antoinette D Ball. Iloncsdale. The Elective System in Amoriean Colleges and Universi ties. Gilbert Adams Beaver, Bcltefontc. Design of a Locomotive Boiler with Boiler Tests. Herbert Nell' Bronnemun, Strasbnry, The Dynamics of the Ido Stoam Engine compared with tlie mostunroveil Theoretical Principles William Patten Brew, Bcltefontc. The Experiment Stations of the United Statos. Potter Maulay Brown, Christ Chhreh , Neto Complete Design of a 250 foot Whipple Truss. Fred Azdell Bryan, New Lisbon, O, Designs for Wrought Iron Brnccd-arch Deok Bridge George Stephen Domming, iKtrrisburg. The Development of International Law. lru C. Mitchell Ellouborgcr, Cateshuro, Economic Expansion of Steam. Philip Gossler, Columbia. Tho Design of a Compound Pumping Engine to meet the conditions found at the Pennsylvania State College. John Andrew Hunter, Starmstown Steam Heating and Steam Heating Plant at tile Pennsylva nia State College. William BunJ Jackson, State Colteye. A Comparative Study of Taraxacum Dens, Leonls and Antcnnurln Planlfglnlfolla. Margaret Ileddow Jones, Mlnenellte, Multiple Cyliudor Engines, Harry Bussell Leyden. Beech Creek. , Theoretic and Experimental comparison of different Meth ods of Steam Beating. Harvey Burg McLean, Pittsburg. Tlie Growth of Amoriean Manufactures. George Reuben Meek, Bcllcfonte. THE FRfeE LANCi. Tlie Constitutional Development of tlie United Statos from tho Ist Continental Congress to tlie Convention of 1787. Howard Walton Mltohell, Pittsburg. Gas Engines, James C. Mook, Phlllpsburg. Thu North American Indian,—his Origin and Antiquities. James Blulr Walkor, Pittsburg. History of tho Development of Representative Govern ment, in England. J. M, Walkor, Emporium. ■'•The Nitration of curtain Bromine Compounds of Tolul illiio." William llultz Walker, Pittsburg. Ornamental Trees and their uses in Landscape Gardening. Ralph Levi Watts, Murray. TiiKsis ron cnimmoATis in bnqinbbmno. Bow String Girder,- Doublo Intersection. William Edwin Mooro, Pulaski, The following prizes were awarded : The Orvis prizes were taken as follows : First prize—$25, Willis McKee; second prize—$15, Charles H. Hile; third prize—$10, Raphael Keeslcr. There were two special prizes offered this year for the best rhetorical performances and these were taken by Russell N. Fitch and J. M. Small. Agricultural prize gift went to R. L. Watts. Honorable mention was made of D. L. Sommerville. The reception on Thursday evening closed one of the most successful, commencements in the history of the College. The guests began to ar rive early, as it was well understood how limited the time was in which they could enjoy the fasci nating pleasure’s of the evening. The special train from Bellefonte brought a large number of people up who were met at the station by car riages and coaches and conveyed to the scene of the evening’s pleasure. There were many visitors from a distance present. Among the distinguish ed guests present were Gov. Beaver and wife, Hon, Stewart L. Woodford, Ex-Lieut. Governor of New York, Hon. W. S. Kirkpatrick, Att’y Gen. of Pennsylvania. There were many fine and elegant costumes which were only surpassed by the youth and beauty of the wearers. The patronesses of the assembly were Mrs. Geo. W. Atherton, Mrs. J. Y. McKee, Mrs. Josiah Jack son, Mrs. D. H. Hastings, Mrs. John H. Orvis, Mrs. Charles W. Roberts, Mrs. John A. Wood ward. The committee were composed of Messrs. Philip G. Gossler, J, C. Mock, George R. Meek, H. B. McLean and Potter M. Brown.