THE FREE LANCE. VOL. I. THE FREE LANCE. Published wuniehlt, (lar.'ng the college year' by the Studente rti The Pennsylvania State College, STAFF. EDITOR, (EO. M. DOWNING, 'BB ASSOCIATE immons : \V T. M. PORTI?.R, 'BB. CAROLINE R. HuNTER,IBB. CURTIN G. ROOP, 'B9. W. B. N. HAWK, •'B9. JAMES C. MOCK, '9O Business Manager : H. WALTON 'MITCHELL, '9O Assist. Business Man-ger : WM: H. WALKER, '9O: Onc l'ultano (0 mon.) TIMMS :ISinglo Copies, l'ayaldc in. Advance. Contributions of matter and other information are re• quested from all members and ex•mcinbers of the College. Literary matter should be addressed to the Editor. Subscriptions, and all businegs communications, should he addressed to the Business Manager. Entered nt Slate Coltego l'osl Office on second class matte, ANTE have had very few, if any, com munications from persons not directly connected with the college. Let us hear from you. THE opening of the term is always more or less attended by.disturly: ances of different kinds, which tend to distract the attention of the student from his studies. Let us endeavor to make this beginning one of compara tive quiet, and let each one do good work in the start, for as a man does then so will he do throughout the whole STATE COLLEGE, =E=2 JOHN S. WELLER, 'B9. GEO, R. MEEK, '9o. =EI A., JANUARY, 1888. Don't say, term. on," but get clown to it now. WHAT has happened the new gym nastic apparatus which was to be placed in our gymnasium ? The ap paratus we had is almost all worn out., and a stranger entering the room would be tempted to ask what that room was used for. "These things ought not so to be." With a very small expense the old apparatus could be repaired or re placed, and the gymnasium would be a place appreciated by the boys as a place of pleasure and profit. • COASTING has taken precedence of all other sports at P. S. C. A hill opposite the college furnishes enough sliding space and inclination for a good run, and every clay we can see a black line of sleds making their way at great speed towards the terminus of the slide. There seems to have been, for some years back, an inertness among the students during the winter terms, as little interest was taken either in coast ing or skating, and we feel it our duty to say that the present interest in coast ing is due mainly to the Sophomore Class, .who "started the ball a-rolling" by buying a neat double-runner sled. How would it do for all the other classes to follow suit? No. 7. "I will work later