plant which requires higher priced coal, it is much cheaper than any other gas. As has been said, a non-luminous gas is bet-. ter adapted for heating purposes than illumina ting gas. Yet, in most. cases where this gas is used for fuel, it, would be very convenient at times to obtain light from it. This result seems in a fair way to be accomplished, practically, by the use of an incandescent burner, in which a re fractory material, unaltered in the air at a white heat, is heated to vivid ir.candescence by the non luminous flame of fuel gas, thus yielding a much whiter and steadier light than ordinary illumina ting gas. . Should this burner fulfill its present promise, this cheap 'gas will doubtless be extensively dis- tributed in the cities for both heat and light ; while it is not improbable, that isolated plants may be widely used to heat and light large build• ings, or small groups of buildings. FIZZZ^: THE USE OF THE 1111,4GINATION IN STUDY. The imagination vitalizes whatever we study. A fact or a definition is barren until the imagina lion transforms and pictures it for us as a glowing thought or emotion. Learning that nourishes the mind, and gives, emotion and aspiration, can only be had through the transforming power of the imagination. We a•re apt to think that it is the faculty of the poet only. To every student, and to him with a longing to become a student, I wish to declare that this is a fatal mistake. There can be no worthy scholarship in any line of study without the constant suffusing power of this faculty. Food without digestion is scarcely less useful to the body. True, formulas may be learned by rote that will be of service in various walks of life—just as a hoe or spade is serviceable—but such knowledge is not educa tion, for even.the bee and the beaver learn well to perform a certain daily routine of labor. Milton's noble conception of education is : "The light THE FREE LANCE. we have gained was given us not to be ever star ing on, but by it to discover other and onward things more remote from our knowledge." But no light is gained, in gaining knowlege, until it is vitalized and fused by our imagination or spiritual forces. Even mathematics which has ever been regarded as one, of the dryest subjects in the college curriculum, may have • its "dry bones" warmed into life by being breathed upon by the imagination. Simple germinal principles in its warmth 'are realized as the source of preg nant laws which control the minutest and the greatest objects and phenomena. A feW primary definitions and fundamental theorems, for instance, lead by constantly ascend. ing steps to the determin . ation of the areas and volumes of all magnitudes, whether those of plane geometry or the infinite number of those expressed by the higher and transcendental equa tion, as the cycloids or spirals. But this harmo ny of procession clearly reveals , itself only to that student,' who frequently forgetting himself in thought, bends "a pinion for the deeper sky." The oftener the student shall free himself from the fetters of the text, and brooding in im• agination upon what he has learned, till it be• comes pictured in his mind symmetrical in form and parts, (as the statue in the sculptor's thought e'er his chisel strikes a blow), the more clear and perfect will his perception be, and the more the "imprisoned splendor" of the thought will come to view. It is only when science, in any of its nu, merous departments, is approached thus with the ''open vision" of the imagination that• it blooms and blossoms for us; otherwise approached it is a desert of. dry and unrelated facts. It is because of this spiritual and imagina tive faculty that poetry has been the most endur ing and pervading influence in the world. This is why Homer sings to day in men's ears the "Watch narrowly The detnonstration of a truth, its birth, And you trues back the influence to its spring And source within us, where broods radiance vast, To be elleted ray by ray."