The mystery. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 184?-184?, April 16, 1845, Image 3

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    • end of the town. The watest loss was
la the Donlas Iron ‘vorks', WWI very'
few . exceptions, rill the inhabitants were
operatives in, or dependent on, the Xll iiis
aria Founderies; and by this calamity,'
bundieds of them are houseless
'rim Second, lur sovatfr Ill' fl'[
f 1
It t dettrit( , tioti in this ward, nearly
the oldest part of the city, and one of the
inost populons of the live %yards., is corn,
plete aid over %w helming. It is telt almost
WithOtit inhabitant.
.only two or thrte
dwellings remainig. -Ithe omitting,
and at Mioll, the titi'VetS,Of this ward were
thronged with a crowded and busy popu
lation, numbering some 6Lr thousand'
cmisi—vin the evening not u single inhab
tnt was left on its de4 l 3/ii streets and
' bquares, and ruin stalked supreme.—
IN'arly all th,3 goods and houi,chold pro -1
perty in this ward were Iti'st, The lire
i - a4ed - With such uncontrollable fury and 1
the dist'dnce necessary to movo was so!
great, that the frightened and flying in
lizibitanti had only time t divart with one I
load upon their backs, or in bud' conveY.
411 Ce as they, euuld procure it4oiliclit'S
wurning, and to return ;lad dad theft
houses 111 dames and inaccisible! '4'he
More complete destruction of try ward
we think ivas never known.
From the Chrwdel6
Below vve h;lve given a list or the
efferors by tho iire, so i;ir wc v e
eell able to oseertam them. VVe do
not give the wnouat ()flosses, ai it is
itopossible as yet to ascertilio thoi n
with any de, reo or correctneFis.--
The lozifies or difierent iti(hvldtiors
an -4y v,otiipafites vary from a
il u t ount 1.0 .$200,01)0. IViaily 11;k Ve
t53c20,000, ,530,000 anti su on to
$60,000 and - 6130,000.
The Alotion4uhela Bridgc,
was built at u cosl of more iinw
.9030,000, wv.t; totally (]2stroyed in
ten minutes anti some who watched
it say in even less Ikon ihis ihort
the largest ;Ind most spienditi hotel in
west —with :tlf its furniture
(buiitiing and lurniture costing at !east
t$200,000.) is in aih2s. The.. est
ern Uni versi4 - , a large tAofte struc
ture on Third st. was totitHy destroy .
ed. The Globe Cotton Factory, own
ed by J. ‘Vood and Co. The Flre
muds Insurance thrice. The 'May
oris thrice, Tombs, 'Merchants and
Board L) Trade Itt.mding Rooms, ll'
Ides and valuable library, Philo Hail,
ail in olio Bank of Pitts
burgh, Chronicle office., Exchange
()al o es of Messrs. Sibbett and Jones,
Alien Kramer, and \VIII. ik.
I\lvrdialits' !Jowl, Wood strem.
Eagle Third zitreet. Glass
Works of Bakesvell and Pears,—
I , \ A iri t ir* w s ofAlessi's. I. Anjerson
Ind Son, J. Li vingt.4ton, (and Seale
eactory nlso.) N - clw and extensive
'keel ‘serofsks and coach spring maim
actory of Alessi's. Jones Quigg,
ust about going into op e rati o n,..,...
and Nail Factory of
idessrs. Freeman Co., Kensing-1
on, called ihe"Dailais Iron Viork"
lass ‘Vorks of Messrs. Aliller Co.
unerican corner of Third
orner of Socond and Bwithtield sts.
'unlock's, Hughe' and Wilson's
"t' 'z anti the Will, Tell tavvrn
Vaterst. ikssociate I , l , A . ol`med church
U Fourth st. Baptist Church cor
er of Gram anti Third sts. NVood's
rv‘vvry. “ouerison and Reppart's
Mill. Arrican Meihodist Church
rout st. Scotch Dill 'Market House,
niton's lid and Brass Foundry.—
listom Douse. Chvyr4.:,'',-,E(ley's
ard Oi! Factories. Rubber
actory ofJ. a. Morgan.
Vhoksak Groceis and Commission
Abrch a n ts
AL, Arlen& Co., ‘Vater. At‘vood.
Jones St Co, ‘Vater. A. lieelen,Frout
Joint Boil, Smithfield. J lintivr,
.I.('roht st. II Campbell Viz, Co,
Front St. Geor4e Cochran, \Vood
st. .8 Ctifithert, \Vood st. . li
(fl & co, Water st, datrwed.
i ug 4 S L Jklmes, \\rood st.
liffichison & Go, Water st. &
st. Peter l'etesoti
iiirtint and Smithfield sts. Poll)
dexter S 2-. Co., \Vale ' , St ,. J\V
britt fe Zt Co. \V•iter Church
Carothers, Water st. IVot Y o ur w
\Valet' St. Isaiah .1)1cley Co,ovood
st. I Foilman, J.onning:i Co,„ ‘vood
st. Joshua Lunna, \vater st. Witt
t)IUU & corner :Market atid
Front \V Howard Co,
‘vood Si, a 3 11 ithe \Vatvr
st. IZobertso!l ,11„oppert, f., 7 ,41t1 st.
S I , ‘ on Borthoust, rout st,
.1 4
D \Vick, cur. wood arid mtter sts,
\s, )0 worth. Nvoi)d st.
Vin \Vilso, ‘vood st. Ilerry
Black, wood st. Oliv o r
ithicklattrn, wttter and Smithtiold sts.
liavis, water st. English, Gal
1,4.'001,1 41.11(Wri
firnssey li, ' I, wood st.
1) 1111111 a, WOOki t;to Kel.l
ler, Front Parho 21RI
if) Market st. (lark
1:elail Grocers,
Irma and ;Smithfield
st„ iifluders„ Solithßld st. 1' t'
Alartiti e ‘vztter st. V;ot Kirk Coa,
wa tor st. ,Streof t . ieor r yst.;
. 11 Galk.,4llor Jones. irk\vouti
J Nliauswatt 7 John Forsyth Itatt
in SC th3ltart, PCliiiroil ‘‘). "kr
strung, OFt y Sous Blitek—
lex Do iv, 4th stp iZoss
t. ri ! tv SeLtiet , ‘Vood
Iffetor. hoss and sitd. J. ihtgan,
cur. Grant and Qiul;
Grant and Tffird st. o. , nnoti
211(1 und Cherry Alley, I ()bort
Oran, cur. 3(1 st, sit d Cherry Alley,
E. Upstil, Solithtiold st. Veter
%vuy, cur. Perry and st. John
awton, Market st.
b ruggis ts,
Ogden Si. Snowdoi, ‘‘'ood vmd
sts. Fendrick, wliter and
tield sts. jona Kidd 8L - Co, wood
4th sts. 1 INicetillotigh wood &r,
4!h sts. Schoonathkvr
%vow! st. E Selivrs,%%rood st,
Vhoiesak rind Dry GotHLY
G Arthurs, cot'. (lrat t and 2nd
st. Be znal Sous wood st.
:Murphy Jonvs ‘Viisou, wood st.
Semple and Barker v„'uod st. Jairws
I * ;
wood st.
mid Cherry Alley. Mrs, (.Ire e r
Grant st.
Oil Maiih:factu rieN.
AI ivy, Market st. St: 4
211(1 st.
.111rdware MerchanlN.
Vtiocni st—Janies Cooper,'* —. :4).
anti Cainvron, A rson anti
Nelson anti Morgar.. Matititachirvrs,
Curtwriglit, liValker i Wood
r I al iy
QueenBware .‘ ereli ti MN
Henry Iligby, %yowl and Front sts.
James Park and co., 2nd zitreet.
, e 4 N„/ Stare 4.
Johuston (S.:, Stockton, Market
gay. 14Vood toreet. .J cook i r ig,
cal °trice, FOllllll z3treet.
11 , (7)01 Merchants . ,
J. J. 0 ray, Wood zoreet,
raper Stored.
iloldship and ittowne, Wood street. .)
Howard & Co., Wood street.
Conftetioners and .Baker s ,
a. Lalery, Water street, J. Wolf, Grar
street. J. Illaek, Fourth' and Smith!lett!
J. & 11, Carless, Water street. Joh
M'Cortniek. Second street and Cherry a!
A. Fog!e, Seeond street, Davie Johnsav
Market street.
iron ( V Nail ihnizefacturrrs,
Stockton & Co, First street Sp it & C o .
Viitat-r street I3rown & \Va.
ler Fitreet. & Stephetl3,
street. Edward Hughes, Wood
orenz & Sterling, %Vood street, :Shoen
berger & Co., Wood street. Lyon, Short)
6z Co„ Wood mid %%r user, Ken , ington
\\ l ood, Ethvards &
%Vood street, 3, Stockton. Front street,
Johfl Anderion & rSou, \timer street W.
T fkl'Ulorg, Wood street, Robinson &
\lints, Wood tgrect„ CAithbert, Wood
W, Liviriott,
Nelson (iL Morgan, V(ood Street,
.Jac o
lierger and So Wood
Colion "'lief tirit'N
Wools, Poindexter Co,, Globe Facto
ry Ferry andB4:eond,
Chandlers untl Soap Boilers.
Sawyey & \rood street
st‘l4,4on, cor„ ...iveimu anti 1;,0,5i,
,Vhcet ,bsolz
Johti ,l 1. Ilms-ard &
ogers, ‘Vod street, ji.:e,m K v uer
stre,et. Socond s t
john 1,4""1104tos, trevi„ Vim, IL
NVootl ,s/reelb, S%vriirOrk.
Alarket street,
11oi4 Sa/i! 11ltitut,filettirer4.
olrtonoiog, Tiw - d trQct. Consta.bief&
itteWe“. ) , T ooti W., 4. 4 ,4 htteth.
Cur llobertsno & Front ez , Mar
ket.Ssveeny, liftlood strcot.
Hinioct,'Phird etreet. Ar Kee & Co.
2d strco.
a ; '
Vond etreet. J. is..ennedy
& Co t , VVooti etreet. Geo. fleate, ctn.. 2d
and Ararket streets. Geo. ileate, Wood
etreet. Gilletspie &.; Co., \Yowl etreet.
Alorgan, t.'ourtit etreet NV.m. C. Wail.
Fourtit atrect. IColm Grieveti, NVoad
WhOksale (Ma -1100 t (U Shoe
Ueorge Allen, Wood street. AI Curdy
Loomis, Womi street. J. Bpies, 'Wood st.
t;;; , ori r rt., Miacan, Virpier vreet. IL Perry.
Fourth street. 11. Perry. Wood street. J.
I?olekige, Wood F,treet. I.:shnend
Third %%reel. J. Findley, Grant ztreet.
Kinzer, Grant street. J C \V Ll t t: r
sticet. C, Koehler, Front Street.
ler, Third kitteet. I).° i\l'Giol4e. Grant
street. JaMes FrOitt and Ferry sts.
N. 611 aw, Smithtielii ttrect. Ck..,tcy
Fourth ttrvet, 4). Clurk Atakei titrect
IVm. Nrenwcm, Market 3treet T. Gra
ham, Smithfield atreet, Itoz4i. NV. Steel
fttb etreet. \3 in. Dunn, street
KellY, '.!'lord street. u 'i
Third titreet, --Tertian, Fmitth street,
P. Waider, Wood tor e:O4 V. Young
Secmpi $t eel. J. Phi p, Third torecit.
Malonf.t Grant ::,trt-Qt.
Hoteh and Cfy i 4e. loti3Ps.
Mollonga;:ek House, ‘Vait.r awl Smith'd
Nierchante Hoici, Third ami 141Tood.
All vrican lintel Thlt(l mid S11110)60(1
Gravt Sweet. South
Weld Ilnuse, Sc‘reet. SVIn. *Cell
FintlAc t Water v" , et. i'vntoyivania Hotel,
fiecond and Rose. Western Exchange
Niarket street. F. liughes' Tavern, , kVater
street. Bull's Ift-!ad tavern Secs od Wee'.
tirtion L. ''vier so cat, American Stiir,
Third street. t,,ogle ifotcl, Third street.
Saht's 'Wo()d titrect.
Ponkling )1 se Third street. titni . .l);
W. C arr 01 1A 7 ;3417 s t ree t,,
per, Water strtet. ‘V, Davis Smithfield
street. IV Land wher, i‘larket street.
()co. e. M.aket kitrvet fjel.,
Marko; stree;. J. G, 04riioo. Water sts
Bell and Brass ,nunders.
John Dixon & Co., Cherry alley. A. Fel
ton, Second street. 4 4, McDonald, Third
street. Sherd and Gallaher, First street.
117 the Lead Manufacturers.
Ogden & Snowden, Second btreet. Gregg
Eston,Pront and Wood. 11. & J. Phil.
tips, Wood toreot.
-Medical ilizencies,
Attlxaiuler Third street
Livery • Siablec.
3, & J. Howes, Thi r d oruet . T . Fen i an,
Front street. It & It II PLatersoll, Fourth
40.rcet. Hotly l'atterson, litattiand Al ly.
rslo:, - , , e,t., , Mastic', street.
Cab i't Chair,4lakerd,
Davitt (34: Asper, Second street, J.
Irwin, Fourth street. S. Milford, Second
Street 3, U. Fourth .street_. E.
JO% Fourth .ttreet, M, Kane Jr. hird
street. Lemon tkr, Powevi, Fourth street.
. Swithfield street John M e
Fathnui SCCOild strew. Mex. AleCurdr.
Thini strcet. Geo, in Fourth street.
& th,„ :Second 61reet. Hora.
tio. Young, Third street. 8. Aliintler, Se.
coed street J. Lowry, Second street, J.
and J. \V. ' oodwei 9 1i x strett.
Geo. J) 13ruce, toreel,
'1'11°111;11y , Tbirti street. t'i%lll)tiel
I)ikvortli :Second street. -.),,p4()i Din)nn(t t
tiecond :zorao. Etiriogtoi), Fotlrtit 81.
T. 11. Is'tis t, r, trot.t, Ge()rgu
Grant St i r et. 11., \Vrigl)l,, (frant r„
. it. Nceond tgrv.ti n bb ets
Second titrect,
liarben ctiul
John Curti ts, Third St!fet. A. I:)!rgfuson.
.?tiotiongahetal..iouse. Cbade§
.ttreet. J. 11 Vv.shion, Third A-itr t et, Z,
(an e Oravt street. C. Arcber Smithil v io
4oseet (.;eti. Gardner, J :Switltiled 41.,
I. Anderson. 8V(.)od
~ , treet 1 , , Blackson, kVood Street Jones
‘Vaier titreet,
Locr,,ixrrui , ----T Sanders, Fmithtield
3,1u40n, Front do, 'l' Arnold
STOUES -‘Vater st.,Cooles SL Laird
Slwycr, Fourth st., 'Wm. !teed It nil
Seel y NVOOd 1.).
I'l II S StOrIVI, NV 14 VOlVarti 46CC
oritist., David, Kinkewl, NV NVliitilkyr;
Smithfield st., “reen, rileFarlwal,
Fvrguson, I Williams, A Pvtrie,
Ulliklebrand, P Owensi Third st.
Wm. B. Roatt , ll 844 Son.
ExcilANG) , . -Wrflier
‘Vood nnd Third st., NV A Wood
st. Sibbett &rd Jones \Vood ztud 4th st.
IRF.,\VoRKERs-1. 0
NVlckerliam, Market st,
LAillils{; llousEs—Third F
r avo ,; Grant st.., A
tc rimy, ngokisly, Airs
Front st., Croiglieud; Secono
Airs Alothe WS, Mr Jorobs„ F
R o ok ; Fomthst., Airs. liotti ell, Mr
F vry AfrB
st, N Wut , .r st R J4ck , ;on
Third st.
r, ) bot s ierery--Wrn Noble P Ed
Tblll , !s , )li, WOOd Stk
.4Yeliosp,per (.)/lee,---' . Daily morn
ing Chrontele, Iron City, ('otmierfct
I)42 , tretor, st.; v,..,:uytertau
) T '
Adlocato„ rotestatit, Lnyrust, he
Preacher, Third st.
Literary Soeieties,--Ararshall
I.3aldwin inslitute,Mutvt st,
Frouhlin Institute, Tiightriun "60city
'cent' m st.
M 6 ac. o and Se,fr a 111 r
erB, WC; Akxander Ed INVGinley
Vater strccti E fj o v W oo d s t, i
F Front st.; leVrn V Diehl 4th
st,i WISH) Stv H C Mar.
thous Smithfield Sts