The mystery. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 184?-184?, April 16, 1845, Image 2

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have Osterutitted uover to be goverouti by Oa friv.
role 4 of forPa9lify, but 3zyrttiticlilA, tpitAtesto4 1)y
-ro.atisofe, atiti guiticd by the )ight of w•coutc 1 144 ,, .s t
beok but 4,l o `t o t dies,loo4,
We omit much waiter this wtlek, $ 9
f t y,,iv e to our dktmit reader the account of
the great and detitruetive tire which ko
laid the most valuable part of out cny
Several communications have eame to
hand, and some remittance, 1111 of which
will be duly a,;loowledgeti in ,)urnextfr
Ruh' vry
Wo ;aro tg)tyil t me o r th e
r(t)alers of events to i) , i)l, I() olir
Te,..Ners nbri)zlti
tic(!otllit f)ftlie (iestrortitql
I trd-.).r It4urti,l
Vittst6q; 1)y 4irel one fo‘ArtlA
tile citV of l'itt - ,ii)tirgh,Av I;iy in ;1
destrort)ve Ity.tss Ili) one
- ,
wfttiess kno
u$ it,em
Just escuped ealiumty by
relnoving on.Baturday bt4orc. et lire
from our former residence in 3(1 Si.,
to NVIPOrt) V. 0 noW littid
Ti . . Inc brtAit! OW ill ic4:11110
nig c.i)rtler of Scc:tirt,i anti Forry
libotti 141111)f - 1s. i'viotd . ; I ) . AT,. on
'l l l,ri(bly List tile inst,, :Ind
(t) Say that ill the his',ol.‘,.
there jdl9veia ho e\-
tent of simc,e cif` I)tirlit its the
,sari)v Itit)gth of tinlv. gren I NO ‘V
YOlk firy c)f '35, IA ;II days I)tirn
ing a si}ace ricre , , :iflui ;ON /UM
(ll*Cd ;Inc] lionse, , , and
th e bu l idings (iestropid
()Nibrt) i4en(rally
thudtheBp at (qtrs., it %vas 1 t tPT
short I+':;)48 , '.d. ()17/1 . 0 hlt?/-8, until Fa. 4 T
:• , IY Olt Sr% l'Y Affit Of the Cliy ‘V(,IT
voca tc t d , a tid " 13) v v( , 11111 ,,, it , say .
ji/Won Il?iptire(l houes ttut)l)l , c(l to the
l' ho fire, though inivello(,4 by the
hand of the I.)estroing Au 401 roliod
on. from kidding to buildin,l, it,ll the
of a fiery flying ..7,f_qpeitt, co
suming every bot)se Nvlth the ;awry
fury of a fepvcding ‘N
NVith awful and torilic progro , -;, thre;c
ming tile %A/11(4e city, miltibitatlts and
all, and only ceased its mad career
in the line of the river, because there
was nothing more for it to destroy,
having swept every thing in its wily
for one mile and a quarter!
Never did any event appear more,
like Judgment People running,
sonic screaming, c itherS a()Wing '
wariling the people to fly for their
lives, carts, drays, furniture wagolis,
omnibuses, horses, and all and ever''
kind 01* vorhicie, cr9l,vded the streets
tt) fin excess which made it ditlicult
for each to escape, nnd tlueatened
dewu t Aion to till! Nay we Ile,a
aunin witness such a scene, until tit
ia s t great conflagration of this terres
trial globe!
131310 w, we subjoin the more par
ticuiar discription from the, Gazetw
of►.iaturclay, and it partial list of the
sufferers iron) the Chronicle o f M on a
by last, with sonic udditions of our ,
TIIE tfi l ltrA 1 ,1
vjVcct 4 1314 S
:1i11.44 oNi)crily ot
NVQ are carufolly inquired of m an y o f
titir dettrest Itc„lded business mn, those,
towit titorotigh;y cottvcTsattt wtth the To
sourvtli t h city, Its to the probable (I*-
feet or this dis•iater upon its prosperity,
anti coupled Nvith our own kn ow l e d ge ot .
ritrength of the nit' 'Batts svho \vent
hqri f ti: out, the potli(ion their circuit).
Sze', we are fully convinced that
y• t
tliotigli the commercial pTuspects of the ;
tertsibly ( t;tiie:t,, yet it is ; -, t
fogoilll ;i.f.l in due titue wi!1!
rise :above it l a Oii r
torje et re
an). importtince !licit arcs I , nott beinz the
Gutit . .. , Factory. is the small
& Pears Glass works. Vari
ous other small estahlishrm.mts des
troyed but It is 'tvitit great satisn,tetiori
announce t t the gre:At lea4ig bzonches
• „
31'0 comptr;tuvwy unlouoteo, as kl. that
usiness, so far as they are conecrued,
will go 1)1 as usual,
"Vs for our wholesale Wt'r(hattts in the
Grocery, Q.ueensware, ond Dry Goods
Lsz-0 t 0tht , , , ,5 Nvho Nvere burnt. some number
of them will commence forthwlth.
,Some aro wholly 1.111111 L, twiny much
cripi)led, kit t behove th , , majority can
ov as usn.ll, autl yetel,lay they were
husy getting plaooi ufbusiness a offices.
it is lvith heartfelt pleasure we ob,erve
the Ifiriitude %vith which they hem' their
jo sses . 'rhere is vo repining—no Iles.
pair sullenneipi; but a calm, detertnin
ed epirit which flltlit earry them up
again, The effect will he to t.ct t back
for a moment but we never had alOre COnv
ridence tho strength ;mei eririt of our
mvrehtints overvomo it all ill time. It
must not be stipposeil kit all Ow busi
ness portions of tic: city are consumed ,
Al ost o f Ow Dry (outs j9hhers Dry mt.
toudwd $.O of the Hardware me rchnute, ,
auti a titonber t !wavy Itotv'ti ;Iry ont
of the hmits 411 the burnt titstrict. And
fortunatoly Iwprils. too, that a
umnt grocerits from die F,as,t, tor th
city, Itud not Lirrived. 'tVe repo..o, there
fore iir:J though Ow city 1a ivrOblY t 'h a '
4 en it is ut!ither ruined nor touOly pros
Thl? pgAe3ra ti,,CrS. thiMZS
*2.‘7:.'""V WOrnillg wall“ 11 around
the burnt I)istriet. The nppearances 0A
things is nwrkii—linthing but •.‘n imnwilse
It)rest of ‘valiti, And chimneys i$
(lcselate heaps of brick toortar.
tierc.c tire licked itlvery combustible
don up. Notltiog Coo, 'would knira es•
cape. Wharf Vt'aS covered With
Merchandise ()I' every description, furni
lure, &c., sad iminy piles which were
rolled out as it wao thought beyond she
reacts of the flames, went eonlumed
Piles of burnt and partially consumed
Coffee, Sugar,i ails, Iron, Cotton, Pa
per, Ink &e., &c., were scattered' along
it, On the Monongahela Blidge, nothing
remains but tettg line of burnt timber
across the rivvr, Oetwe, the naii.ed piers„
over the piles of furniture, bv(l
- (Ste., soattered. Aiong the
.tr'ac't; . th e on ly valuable things visiblo
were SCNA WhiCh the Merchants took the
pre et mtion h a il! out o tlwir ;Itores,
it was itoprudeot forvaight, voromuvli ;0.
many or tired; proved of very littitl
Among the r t ims, yrowds 1)1" people from
o ther parts vi the city = and the conntrY
wore wat - KieriNgi s gaziq upon 11w
bcene for oufselves, we, miAre than
once were lost t L ind had to look oround
for bourn v.l3lll,nown land--inavk to i tbe
Stittiactfis of gilt! riVe
Soor, aitcr the fire of under headway,
and the tilohe it'uctory began to burn, the
Third Presbytei'iml Church lvas iii most
imminent danger, The members of thllt
denomination ra!licd Proun( _bud bY
cutting away the end of the roof which
projected av er 1) , , Q "sal; 1“,, , , xt the iirv y nod
covered the roof ,viih Nv , ”. our.
eeeded saving it. We s; w clearly th;i
the sivation n dozen soirues
upon /tatii. hilt' it eaught, dt inimemw
steeplc would him! iwattereel clouds of firo
)ver n tmiztiiduraWo portionl of the city
which wholly t:scaped. -Any-Tie: lo
()trio, wad slved by throwing water upon
the roof with boeket.,;,
Thu block of bnildings in which our
office is 100ilted t Ali $aV Cd by the ort,rts
as the firemen in, keeping the roofs w et,
and particularly by zi single hese froul
Engine oil ibortb street, which saved Cie}
Pug, thrice and tql tqlved the block,
The rovidity with ‘rhirlk the tire spread.
( 1
xl` 1i niost remarkable. l'he wlwle
" 1/( ‘'di99l 2 lP '7
nc un;jli CREASE IN A
lows. (*con)
the tine the lire reag,:hed this Ward
twrost.4 Wood street, until it spread I
every it, covering about simeen
squares, then' wato scark:m an interval of
half an holt r.
Tho Tabela Britie took tire at
the North 1 next I° itt 4 burg h ' and
the flames ti roaring and crackling
through with radrond speed, and Irony the
time the tine commenced, until U waS
OnAtiftWlllit i o river, oniy TEN MIN UT a:ti
A i'SED!
The wind slnfted at various times find
created excessive dread in other parts of
bail city. All the store:s 4on , z Market
street, in the 3,Yramond, I)ilmond ailer
and Filth street, as %yell as along Wood
%V(1(' :itrippeil and plickeLl up, :Intl so
many of the gooth3 moved as lvas posbible.
A gentleman doing 1)1)8'411116S near the he:ld
of Liberty street, alit% 'Ale the Canal, - tells
as he would cheerfully ilave given
1,000, at one lime, to have .1)1 1 d
ranee from an ohm's OW of the city, on
titock 0fV25,000, although the tire
had not then got to Diamond tilley, This
is only a sample or the universal horror
and dread %vim+ tilkd the city, Al
tithe the wind New . due ea t, then
then veered bound towfird the North.
Stich NVOS the ertticid pisition of uor oflice
and tho block in which it !hat, had the
wind to one tithe veered tfi the North east
for one minute, it would have gone,
Messrs,Sibbett II
JOCS (fl d their
safe in the morning, but evcry book and
raper in it were ntrot Hp, pod the gold
anti silver welted tooethers
Harc lyoto safe out oi ten, exposed to
the i4e, in the butidings, saved anything
in them. IVe no a large number
:iompletely destroyed wtth ail their e± 4-
A numbvr of sick persons were remo
ved, um! MIL ICNY of Olemladies, in very
debt:ate twilations.
Wm. J. Mrrettgil. living in Front
street, next dock to Fenlon's Livery Sta.
isle, was coming out of his house past the
stable, when a gust of wind blew an enor
mous flame of fire with such force as to
knovk hit» down, burning his face, hands
and hack very severely.
A fireman hail his face burned so raw,
the blood run from it.
MALculAl LnECIT MIS on the top
of hia Warehouse looking tt the fire, and
when coming was injured pretty
4everoly by a fa
'filo only life lest, that we heard of,
was a poor woingn Third Ftrtet.
Amidst all the distress, ti' re weva
thmie ;around who added tn
su-!aling, Among others, the Rev.
t'4o, S, it; , d about 300 stolen,
which lid had : ,,; - .44,lered op; by gi eCC"
ninny, on a Mdlhodi , t preaehet'o: salary.
Ile also lost a large number o valuable
manus , rpts, the labor oi tAventy years.
To show the rapidity of tiw fire we
may mention that it gentleman of our ac
quaintance airived air the Anivrivan Hotel,
a bout one o'clock, and leaving his trunk,
warticd out to sce the fire., miliich war
then nearly a inatter of a mile LII. In a
short time he returned and found the hotel
111 ilmnes, Ile lo,t lta. trunk, with near
ly up hi, cloth - me, and papers, and a con
flider;l!)lc, stm of money,
1 cl eei . ° l'. `',l II •
1 t.ilic reason of the r.lrnutiy v' *>) svole,l
the iirQ t;pread is to ht: rotnid in extraor
, tiimiry kirpies of L Nv v;I tiler it)r tsvo
I sveeki :Ast, NVe imve ilot, hat! a shower
Int' rain io tigit time with ()lie triOitig ex ,
Iceptiem. EsTry particitt (..)f wooti iii the
1 lic)uses of the ctty, '4;' is as, ,11..5! as tinder.
1 t ~ , hot all tht, horror, tlitfiraction ::,r lt )
1 ootift:itnt ')t - Pv.iiit ,, Y throt , ohw the eity,
1 ,, i ,kk,, ~, 4
!here. was tio unmanly fear or vulti repi ,
flings loaniftsted, 'rho sttircrcrs bore
1 their Qalainities x' 111 manly tirordess, :ind
3s soon as tilf , y - hly.l tin;tvailingly trie(
avf,..l their flwn property, ;bey Iii!! forth
their exertions to save I,heir vieigi,lbOr:4.
At one tirile, when it 'sr ;AS thought Oiti
whole city twist go, ;here ..,vzs 110 wild
' I l iw ie ;; ili s ; P , 4 1 4 , 4 ' 1 41 , f
u en i i ter ,:l, H e ; r : ,. e „, r . 't ci f ,a,:',7:,=','„ 3 .:(.';'
0 - ivf,ll indietiola , :, I ''. f '; .- '-.,' tiletr itiantnitable
.. ,:.. . 8; ,
energies aro ma fj , ;?..i„ ' - 1004i ,
'hi' rifest i ' s' SlVesi NV:4rd,
The by s iness part of this \Yard, Is al
mobl entirely destroyvd. "rke deslrue.
flan in this \Yard extends irow the cornet.
of Wood and NV..ll,cr streets, uP Wood
strcet to Diamond alicv, frow thence
across to Fourth street, at I3nited
States li•ank , across Fourth strvet uP 10
the Nlayor's ()M o e across to 'Phird,
street, and tlown the .iouth e4dt3 of Third,
strtT I,
10 r I I;'etry to Front
6treet, tiorth side of Front to Matlito,
down ea-t bide of iklinket to Wacr, anti
op \Nrocr to W o od the place of begin
ning. lo till thi s vast sp,lce, the only
buildings left biattdin!: are the Third
Pret.byt,crilto Church, (Allison SZ ., SlOCk•
'and the Anwrietto painting Laces,
•ontl the w;lrehout.p of the Globe - thAti)r
hvitsjoalos) ,
fii tiouri*hing adjunct of the city le
wcil nigh annihilated. The coun.e of the
tiro was exe,raordin3rv. The, last largi
building' in the city titis of it, wes
the Iva, new Stigll Works 01 •Nies , irls.
JoNvs w
Quv, no id(!(.. .ti in another lace.
When Ow fire vouched and dipped down
wt.!) hank into the Canal and consumed
the 1..0ck tenkkni howie and then riming
it went completely err a number of
frame buildings tot the opposite I , ana,
eluding tiro workshops of Mr. Tomiinvon
the contractor or the iron steam Shp on
the stocks, Parry d Scott's FoundrYs tmr
(I %Yorks, Nlessrs rbitlip's Glass liotge
and ligloina on the Glas* Workti Of
Nlessrs. hhitter & Co. comun , neell anew
with the utmoet fury It took every
thing from thence up on th:it tied e of the
road. About ball-way up it cros s ed the
road I.tnti made a clean sweep of all be
t,ween Ott , kill and thv river to the trisnosl.