or. MYSTBItY, 1$ yutdiihed every Wedne4day morning by THE PUBLISHING COMMIT TEE, ). MATTA ENV JQN WILLIAMS, PETER 3LACKSON, J. N. TEAtei.Elorq. ilitcmi—Ofie dolb;r ii,yub'e in ad vanc# ; Ono doliac ad twouy one cente Oi roe montilo oAle tioll4r and fitly i,,,;41 tim end ol yvols. 4.7'44 Ur 4 OVtlainT. t vettis e tal 1fal,v0 ; : Ott. itiwwi,tg tutc4 par blogP-toLut tvv,k:ive 014 i;tsVrtit)tl 00. 14 o)unitiv I 00 Two (IQ VI) 411 do t Turco do 00 !lit) sit 7,2 Viva do 00 15 Tvilve do 300 Ail letters or commimitltmus to the oditbrial deruidiwoit eiW ,l 1"*1. Diu 9`] ;drtt , 2cti to tito 4‘toe bt44,:mv, , i meijairinan of the Publit4o,itg Committk:c." Cfisepif,!* of 4 lrift MVST-tAt Y"va tic ob ,4ineil of ~ ,v ti boyt evvry 4140 14i the coooter of tiii,l4o4c Mitt'`W acnve strecl,,o,t)d - ~r m. it, 1.) , 1.ny. 08, Third tit rek,t Iwo Wx }o ,l ,nte s T ,OII I . stre'" , tht , CfPititer cop Allvgheny elty, ststf tit the wvst oid of do Allegheny Bridge. riv?, two centv, itgelutts ror 044.; ystrry PV,N NLYLVAN ! A . Pittsburgh, T. Nwris, it vv. A, 1). ;;'.. 5i.0rt,414,44, v, J. n tot ) , R. arvittle T 11811 1,t.v.5t0 , ,k11, J.htt Mo)sott. L illitatteVtia, it. J. Viiilialvt , ott, 3 N 501 et R01,A7,400) Amo ti 6 1 1 ,1 0(40min, N. apld J. it. ♦ ,oottlity. Mex Ast,ttl. Nfoncwg,.l•,:t , ,lo. ‘Vm. Roip!,l, yehl:l. Pti•r:. ,, : , ' , „ 13; ,, v Al.)rzi Ck 4.0 ., flolliemN - Oaix,:;, - V - Vm, Nii, l ) , “ Am 4 D. N i V;l;af..nogi, 7 , ltAtftville,, Joivi. , 4l_ f ' uftii. COtotisburfr F Li thilAboto and rt. A..ne# If4.7rimblirc, t). J. r)tahltr royuttv r , P. O. Mkt:bony co,„ Cj 1 Lit t l e . &Pitt), Samitillky uity, Johlytki. Cl. 1(4,1, ~ st.,No at Lvig )lovail iu ian i ef'. S: 142io ivi si. ew4rit, .E. flows, COI aft ) 43, Jos ,. 'Dil it t tultt Anti 1 ,3, %V, Stapto;;. irciovitle, 'l', 8 .iS'i ittett, Cbillicotill i li, 11, 1'410,0404r Ittl4 C. !i, I..allgS. rf,( tostigiltb, . ! N ' - ' 4, TY- shor, 1.,, 4,4 ti ow 4 mix r; b .;, i' ' ' Ail ~' vii;l ; - .-431 1 3, " ' *" • Ottubenviilo.7,l, L . *tt, fi , ,, , Moibury 2..nd w, .., , ,• 7 olitior3vittr i :4 PS - : , ,,,. - c , • .. 114:6111 - A1j , W 4,.. 7iiro,Joiii; ;..06intle Sod 'NV, 1), i :* fr cat1,3t4v14,,g4, , :. .:,:,...:q., irm .1, Wmooni, (3. o ovll'w c: , )1 1( 44-,, -: , ''rt ,, 13 , Va Iluti. Gre ' elxtivtd, 0 . ~E :- .. .:_ , - • - 'iio., „ivilay Day, INDIANA, tjpirereowVillit,i , I lv . :' , ' 1-4' , "'110 I**, A Orleans Or 4 ' it*ry 10147` q,, .1911cci CrAwford,o4,4ilb,* ( 11114 N:„ Torpo Hoop , ' 4,7,,1 rn, ev. Iv, ft: 4, •.' I f , .- illp 5t4.1,0 ur lectiit74l. 4,uluyetto, , ,4 - : ,, v , ; 0 co., Vli s ro. irtmihilk MICHIGAN. St. Josephs * D otro t tf 4 ;4k: :At and Re'. V 11AS•ZACIfUSETTS Pittodol4, cANADA. NE W O. 'fiptistkft, Gray. - ctRITORY tR 4LLINOtS thi.l,o7oP , :g*eit Witt fif 4.7.4ittaf.p.0714i3 . , arkieg*CJ 1,,,A,Ut - airy - ul i-iiLtsbui•ti , 3 , 4 1 ' *%l . 1 r - ili 4 . , ,„ , 0 ' 411 " / "/' iel all the wisisom of the 14tUYPTIANS."--'Rible. Th om , of imr city subscribers who ved on tlic Ein of April, will plese give us notice of their now place o f re ,sid ence anti those who hAve b e e n th rust ou t b y the into cahmity, Icve Aug bet ve a soon us it is 1)0.-44 ible for IN to timPhein out o f cotir , se , it wig tAke bogie times to get lociated in anything Liko po-nianent, i Q on3~ 13,, MATTHEW JON'S, Ba r ip.. an d Hair Dresser, request us to iissure his Customers anti the eitizons gtaleray, th tt he hAr3 repaired up his house and is now Carrying On bustue i Ds usual in the old otlnd in Fourth st. between Wood and Alarkei. Mitn „Tom.; Pv,ex, Ornao,entni Aldnufacitavx, beiug anymg those who fortunately the dreadful disassler, is in his oid tm Fourth Wee!! next door t( - } :lie United St:ttes Bank now the Bank of Putsburgh. It has been soutv.wbat correctly repor t(td, that Jost - Th Mahoney resi • din on Co , l I4tne, is now lying in prison for St !en gooder found in his houses ta!(en at the great Or. 'ibis we are fully au. thorized by his lat,fy to sa , „' is unfounded, and utleriy lake- Mr- 'Mahoney being ~- -,4 oi;the New tvutle, exposeq*ANatiod, and re toroed to Mrs. Anderiiot'4:ittlt her lo(1- grngs, wd Mrs. iViattoney's. roport, I,ve steinformot , WO9 sed by somalreacherons .:'.<:44 3 r01. person, win) infortneti the tivorehin g snot suctikv,,,f - l iere to be foond Mr% not ,cnow4og uu w # latr . arise Vr4ollg, niait L , 41. , j . or tiltlY w,?..ulti not 44141:,:: I Samuel KiP3ceo*fll ;i'''''' ' 1 I" tT . ,- . k 1 /a l i 8 ~ ,l' 7 3 aaikv otQad et 1k5115 li4, , -,- 40i Wkiwr 4 ), 11•' ' ' . woman, Thi rii g 0,,,, Mks etef ' Usttb ,„. I 4* . 40t) dealer ;Olt) rek;itle4in Allegheny e„ it y, und a kiervatit gici of Mr. Kitlgs - ) a, Italie bvoti k)tit in the ittltril,a, -- :1tv, , ,;„, 10,4„ tissay rold otiloreV , z'' • f' 4o 'y 4444 1,3 or 4pik l ia t i4 ' . - lli ~ i have been called 1 . ',,,,:, 4-) say ruvortik,:. T 1 , ,1.) ,, t .... . lip!, ,- ;, portinit, ansututtol ); ,, is 0 good (me t ttrio.l,i - , - ;,,,,,:,ce, liocloty fp : , ~,, vithougiA but kl ni allc., ' ' .::`,,,- ~ - i "',' 11 ‘ show cur wil!i ngtrg:Aigttif' as this iristitution !oy our fi7 . 4 iir‘ei , : , orts. It iliuy be asiied 1)4)4(141 , :i 0 any- thing towartli etov 1it4:4,-;$ Peolilet we cun in anotilet/' ~ ,,,I. novo a ' , ~,, work to do, iiroval.: r * 444,-. 0 .e on-- 4v fi nkow ;is,* whev , ',,,.., •,' ' i ',' or per—, PITTSI I UIW - 11, -- iaIbSTESDAY 111ORNING APRIL 16. 1845 Loca! Szthseribvrs. it' o 4 Let us lily otH' eyes to work, and cultivtite the soil of our minds, our intellects are good but theY need much cohivation; %Ve, most unite as o n o household. the foithful part of our people unite togetiltr in prayer 44,:0 God It ±A _Moses did, N:vhen late was itieacmg for his people, NVe hnow , kve a re an oppressed people, and ir don't use our own means to ietp4, us out of this estate of Mite 'V 01)- H . OSSiOn We never way expect, to b e ;t people, Let us begin now and say svithin inIESCIVeB kVe V i 110t[A..? Sruat'd iniy wore .:i1 the ;Account ol*:---not eoloV, but condition.; eve;twist unite I;,)gether as one family not ho.viug any self or animosity 'with it. And then we 1 oon see the sons and 'dnughters of limn comin ,, up out of the Nvild i , me ,„ , ,,, s , and 115 t h e y, zdong,, I FA tnal t v But before 'ii is done tVC have to reftwp our "w;tik and also rOnVers,atlon % and it bOvonlc.,S US 1.5 leinuies ill! of our deportznents a_ct mdiat profei,s. NVe wust Nvork for ourselvcs?! and t!:it with all our :Ili:410 1 ,, 'we must do it Nvith rneeknes, humility and aabie ty. Not boastutg iOr our c or o peten. CV above other. ,- , but lot. us join h an d and heart wgether, believina that if ‘ve send lip our voices together, flrat the .Loid will say us heald to .AlO. sesi "! have beard the ( "ry peo,- ~,e , wig iro do\vn ar;(: deliver theln frOM bondage." NVc need vot tell von that I:;iitrii and chat its_ is much wantinv: anemgst us judges of our 0w7,1 n .2, and by so dolo we - Nay to " b . , ',—:•.rt.as rienrt tninc-, give, thy :18,ur ;And then the abve w,Ol jolt) bands with hi.,; oppressor arid proclku, /p_9ly %%•itti aii ;mankind. ' For Me filmciery coric,7o4„ Friend 41,/, R, bliany. —Unfit 11Icont. y. I ii;l V 0 not ~ -t,'et) or ktiiiv tu ttef.) or - ' 1 the doini g ,. of the vitiZetl3 of I. l 'itlibtlrgil, . kinti I'6llo tf !flint) iv 33 good enotTli 1 In popply too Ivith the Myst( ry., 1 lizivo , z 4 'i I)VVi) pivv,sed from the f't'i tlrih , ;, - o,'o 4 ; ,- t' , I goodly intower -,), occputnt...mcf,....,, m ‘ our i ;ty, trnd It n) twily Pt.rtry that our peo, i V i o lire, pot more acquaiated with each l, otTifir it) things that pertain ‘,4) our place.', ilonti wchr , lte. l‘tr.: , . ore. living in a strange . To vi o.',e world's history, and ;.dthough, 1 urrutzltdvd witilltil .tho iostructitAls that 1 mall calk give. yet, how httle of ourselVeS I . We tseem to know. While we iir,, in 1 / enosyivania enjoying 7 4 nominal free- Aoin, bow little do we know t)r seem t() care for the t)i)presse(3 brother, or the 01)- 1 Pref'bed sititr t WhO ie ktboring under the ityraw s whip Sotzt.i) of rd',,Akgm 4: Diektioh's) . . kno. Yev, white thev aro laboring and 1 I. .I. voiong nrwer tHeir scourpe, .i!o - , -. .: - ,.1:11*78‘. 1 i (for tics call them) are spreading *nd I ishowlng themselves off on their 'F'.' .: !jit,) -- .),, „ will ever think or alvtiv, ihingst Are out I wittivs interckv:set, to ,:o ox to we condition of the *);sz 7erng '`a ver , Vi-P 4 - .0 .,. (.,.:::;:‘,,,, !vitro 1 re4oota tf,? be glad o the privileges that we enjoy; when we contrast theirs with ours, we have reason to rejoice for heav en's blo.tsings so ahundeotly bestowed up. on us. r our people would °Ili) , consid er their ,situation and use :cry exertion to elevaw themselves, there would be adif fere statent of things in our midst. 'Where wu now see misery, we vhould see happiness, comfort and peace. Philadelphia we havo had. /Imre reading upon the subject of slavery of !ate among our people, than we ever had before in problability, Tbe qlrotherhood of • thieves,' and the 4testimony of a thousand witnesses' sold by our E 3 stern ieeture . a. ha bi? veen read very extensively - , and 1 hope to a good purpose, for it titu,it be ac. knowlolgeti that we leao our uctions toc mnlA to saficti e on the colonization tlcheirle Only a few years ago I ti 4q in la New York ryiper a thogriinhical sk-teh of ono oroar most distinguislied minislers in city, and the writerhas tatfcn trupb pa:ins lc ,tut' that be • tbOugh c&,,,ored razz), wa tut an abolitionest, but rather favorAtj the colonization ,scheme! this wls earl sidered one of hi.s go-od mong otneri then. expoct elewtte ourseives while , WQ COWIteIIACO L)),* support that accursed *chew It 1 1:,3 Ingh time that our actions shouki spunk Abolitifm, without works b$ dead!' 'filo most of us zre Abo.!;,:iQueckfs but no: ia netton., I see 1y the Impers. w,.;lt the flieP4iit human rights in Oi cr suppnr!, syse,4l44 Fl. ) ,r Jive ilari;ter!) ittsburgh, P.o. April lOtli, yoqr pfrmisiOin, the ii3mierilgel,l (mid rcspeolvilly ob*cribtql to 11)1 . ! Alanuill I,4b(ir Zichoo, 1))3t tilt) land pooiraetkd ik)r as now fit on. 1 ,` 0« I , olsioo t and 'rented tsut. 11,415. Ltiwtenco inform* me hut lotei datesi 01,)it), Aped . , 3th-.-- a WP tia t VO 41 rUgg , eU ,t4Arougor oi,kr tirt payinunts &'. Yoartl rentet'cully, cold *trent co*. thp. aoovv, All perons tXCC a W..r.asters who have been standlog for lengtit 0$ ou r agents, 1 , 5,110 , have neither stlot.:Avr, motley or subscribers, the sarno removed after two months notice "'And ()tiler§ put In their places exogpt some thing. bf; coming in. uhe tneamirigteti— Cannot agents do triote—stme jitrow are doing very well by sending us iltith eubsnribers and. money-, and some do twthing. Any perzion soiling us 6 ,- nor subsoibees with the money, *ail Om sixth copT Fa Ky. now what te,lan doll, We knows, every 9al *0010343g. PRICE TWO CENTS. Yours 41:c. Y. . Viiii-iort.PlziA ) Mama 410, M. J. WLKINSON, AgeN , Xs.