The Collegian : the weekly newspaper of Behrend College. (Erie, PA) 1989-1993, December 09, 1993, Image 5
Thursday, December 9, 1993 "A Perfect World." Kevin Costner as the bad seed by Sarah Mekhiorre Cetttgkm Staff Murder, kidnapping and assault are all terrible crimes. “In a perfect world things like this wouldn't happen,” Sally Gierber states in die new movie “A Perfect World.” “A Perfect World” stats Kevin Costner, Clint Eastwood, Laura Dern and the young actor TJ. Lowther. Hie movie is set in the 19605. Kevin Costner plays Butch Haynes. Haynes is an escaped felon. While Butch is on die run he takes a hostage-little Philip (T. J. Lowther). The movie centers around the bond that is formed between the kidnapper and the child. The movie is dramatic and still finds room for comedy. Clint Eastwood mu only plays Red Garnett (the officer trying to capture Butch), but toe also directs the movie. Eastwood does such a good job at both that the dramatics and comedy mesh well. He throws very subtle things Crow Bar: Crow Bar DB: This rocks. Pure aggression that makes me want to smash. Grindcore at its best. Stank: The song “No Quarter’” is an excellent cover of Led Zeppelin. They put this classic song to a slow, melodic, chunking grind. DB: They kick ass. They do “No Quarter” better than Led Zeppelin ever did. “All I Had I Gave” is a killer jam. This disk makes me want to hang my brain. Stank: There is no way this version is better than Led Zeppelin’s, so get a grip on reality and then listen : to it again! DB: lam going to Mick a crowbar up your butt. They kick all! Songs like “Negative Pollution” and “Self-Inflicted” into the movie to make it interesting. Watch the very beginning and very ending carefully! “A Perfect World” has the typical jerk FBI agent who thinks he knows everything, a hard police officer who does know everything, and the female government agent who must prove that she knows something. Red turns to Sally Gerbert (Laura Dern), the government agent, and says “You’ll find having a strong backside and a good sense of humor will get you far.” “A Perfect World” is a good movie because there is a lot of character development and this causes the audience to care what happens. It’s hard to see Costner as a bad seed, but interesting to see how he plays it The whole cast mixes well Is this movie “perfect?” In a perfect world, all movies would be! But for now, I’ll settle for close - I’ll settle for “A Perfect World.” THE WORLD OF MUSIC ACCORDING TO W S®OLIL SCAHi'lfc W V W W W MOTORHEAJ) IP CLOSE TO METALLIC^ W W® SOUNDG ** DEN ; I POISON I &' NpW^lloq|:;S STANK AND DIRTBAG Sinatra's "Duets:" Ol' Blue Eyes' greatest collaboration of hits by Dawn Anderson CoUtgia* Staff All “Saturday Night Live” episodes aside, Frank Sinatra’s latest collaborative effort, “Duets” is a swinging accomplishment. The impressive debut of the album - coming in second only to Pearl Jam’s “VS.” - can be largely attributed to Sinatra’s generational-spanning voice. Recently coming off a nation wide concert tour, Sinatra’s popularity doesjiot seem to be waning. The record sales of “Duels” is proof. For “Duets,” Sinatra has compiled a few of his greatest hits and teamed up with a varied bunch of the music industry’s popular and talented stars. In an odd pairing, Ol’ Blue Eyes croons along with U2’s Bono in a rendition of the Cede porter classic, “I’ve Got You Under my Skin.” The attractive conception about “Duets” lies in its unconventional choices. Other artists include Luther Vandross, Aretha Franklin, Julio Inglesias, Gloria Estefan, Charles Aznavour, Anita Baker, Carly Simon, and Kenny G. Each song becomes an unexpected treasure, slightly different from the original but equally enjoyable. Sinatra also belts out a few tunes with a few of his contemporaries. On a delicate and seductive version of ‘l’ve Got A Crush On You,* the Chairman shares the notes with Barbra Streisand whose range compensates for Sinatra’s scratchy delivery. Tony Bennett joins Sinatra on a surprisingly swinging version of the infamous “New York, New York.” In the spirit of mutual respect, neither monopolizes the tune but shares the song that has make me want to slam dance and hurt myself. That would be cool. Stank: This is definitely up for Album of the Year. White Zombie: LA Sexorcisto Devil Music Volume 1 Stank: White Zombie kicks ass. They put all they have into the music. This is meant to be loud and hard. DB: “Highway 65” is a killer mosh tune. They have a “No Good” in the band which rocks. That “No Good” could probably kick your butt Stank: They are the heaviest commercial band I have heard in a long time LA Sexorcisto is an become a staple in their concerts. In a particularly touching versin of Gershwin’s, ‘They Can’t Take That Away From Me,” Natalie Cole reminiscent of her ‘duet” with her father, Nat King Cole on “Unforgettable” - graces the song with Sinatra. The only disappointment is the reteaming with Liza Mmnelli. Both stars quit on the boisterous, ‘l’ve Got The World On A String,” making a vocal mess of the 1953 hit Sinatra admittedly does not have the lung capacity or the chords to hit the drawn out, simple melodies that made him famous, but no one can doubt his stamina. At seventy-eight, Sinatra has proved that grunge, rap, and pop rock still have some competition. excellent disk. DB: This really rips. White Zombie takes metal to a new level without compromising the band’s attitude. Rob Zombie has killer vocals. Jim Morrison sucks compared to him. Hell, Morrison sucks period. White Zombie ananged the songs great The music hypnotizes you and keeps you thrashing proud. Stank: The two bit plays a killer bass. DB: There is not a bad song on Devil Music Vol. 1 It has quickly turned my brain to KY Jelly. They blow bands like the Dead, Belly, and U 2 away. Get real jobs boys. Stank: Even the artwork on the cover would bum the eyes of those stupid tree buggers. “Welcome to Hell Boys and Girls.” DB: “Devil Music Vol. 1” will turn peace freaks, deadheads and maybe even you. Stank, into Real Men. Definitely get this CD. Page