Page 6 CHAOS h>> Bnan Shuste: "Well, yes, I DID the homework assignment, but then, urn, well, then I ate it." elf the mark by Mark Parisi w IV£ VoH£ IT/ CR£Kf£o UF£!Q£if At/D EV£V rtORE MfbKIME-V, IVf Ci?£AT/fD AIAX DEDUCTION.' SHOULD I A uwytn OR A DocTpß? The of itfrioctfi/cz. IE’NrTiE’RMM'M'E’NI Jim’s Journal ToAa'/ I «ite X noticed h« X asked Ue saU* *j i*,Ve (vmck witK ban broujkt Sovne uiV»f Ke Mat +W\w