Thursday, November 18, 1993 Come out and support the Lions... winter sports schedules on page 12 Sports Quiz by Larry Duncan 1. In what sport does a player use a cesta to hurl a pelota? 2. What sport uses the term, double axel? 3. What modem competition was founded by Baron Pierre de Couber tin? 4. What NFL team was named for its first coach? 3. What is the most common nick name for college football teams in the United States? 6. In what weight classification does a 159-pound boxer belong? The Sullivan Sheet by Rick Sullivan Houston ... Buffalo 11 over In dianapolis ... L.A. Raiders 2 over San Diego ... Miami 13 over New NATIONAL FOOTBALL 1 T LEAGUE Philadelphia ... Denver 3 over Pit- SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21,1993 L »i* HOME TEAMS IN BOLD Washington... Minnesota 121/i over MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22. over Detroit "xieveblnd” ovel Fr " ci ” o 3 OVCT N ' w O'- "It was one of those nights to make a coach wander the streets and become a homeless person.” -76e/s coach Fred Carter after his team shot 2-for -15 in the fourth quarter Monday and lost 88-84 to the Rockets. ■ «... fljQnfc fHpjlt ~ ' ' This Friday the Lady tfonaopen their season against Centenary College. There wW be prizes for the best Greek banner and lor die best support (organization with most members at tfte game). Come out and root haury rentals OFF-CAMPUS APARTMENTS FURNISHED PAmUXIUTIES COIN LAUNDRY CABLE READY PARKING ON BUS LINE WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE 899-9784 : 7. What is the point scored imme diately following the deuce in ten nis? 8. Who was the first player in ducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame? •puXs samjee j turji jtq £B6lO qq°D "8 -pg i ‘)mBi3/w9|PP!UI 9 tsjaBix £ ISUMOjg pUB|9A3[3 9I() f IsoiduiXio sip £ ;Bui)m|s-3jnBij z -!®l®-! B f ’I sjo/wsuv zinQ spods ~ 'twt ‘Now that you mention it. I have no idea whether it was in season or not.* wpse **■ am 1450 Business News and Sports The Lion Hotline: 6:05 p.m. Friday Behrend Basketball Women's Tournament 8:00 p.m. Monday Night NFL Action New Orleans 9 San Francisco Tuesday Night Special Edition The Lion Hotline 6:05 p.m. IN THE BLEACHERS Steve Moore Thursday Saturday Penn State • Northwestern 12:30 p.m. Sunday NFL Action Minnesota * Tampa Bay 7:45 p.m. 8:45 p.m. HAPPY THANKSGIVING from the staff of WPSE Radio '; \ I a V. <0 p^ *=*« Poatry in the blaacnera
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers