Thursday, November 4, 1993 by Paul Lorio Collegian Columnist "Shades of grey are all that I find when I look to the enemy lines. Black and white were so easy for me but shades of grey are the colors I see." (Billy Joel) One of my passions is in regard to the military. I’ll be the first one to admit to being a “dove" when it comes to war. I have never seen the “point” of war besides in cases which the United States is directly being, attacked like during the War of 1812 and World War 11. If that was ever the case, I would be one of the first people to grab a rifle and fight. What I’m trying to say is that I can’t see the rationale in building more defense weapons when we have enough to destroy all the living organisms on the planet at least nine times over. Call me crazy, but I think one time will be plenty, two at the most!! I also feel that the United States no longer has an enemy capable of invading its shores. The nuclear threat with the Soviet Union has almost been completely dissolved and even then, what could we have done in that situation? It would have been a no-win situation with the victor having the least human mutations when the war ended. All the airplanes and troops would have meant nothing if the bombs ever left their silos. Thanks to the technology that we already possess we were able to destroy the fourth largest army on this planet in less than a week!! We have brought war to the level of Ms. Pac Man with the majority of the war fought with buttons and knobs instead of blood and sweat, like Vietnam was fought. The soldiers of today arc the young technically advanced people who shouldn’t be wasting their time (and lives) on war, but rather spending it on trying to find a lasting peace. Better yet, maybe they should teach others what they have learned to help belter the lives of everyone in this country, instead of finding new ways to kill the “enemy." This might be just the “dove” in me speaking again, but who is the enemy? In the eighties the Soviet Union was the “Evil Empire” and as the nineties came around the evil empire fell. Thank god Iraq came around to fill the void for us. We had the Gulf War to get Saddam Hussein and teach those Iraqis a lesson. This was the war we all got to see in the comfort of our living rooms. Tlianks to the technology we have, the losses on our side were minimal (but still too many) while on the other side the losses were great. At that time in my life, everything was in black and white. They were the enemy and wc were the good guys (like in all the movies). Today everything is just shades of grey. The mission of the Gulf War was to liberate Kuwait (which wc accomplished with great case) and to put Saddam’s reign to an end. Two years later, Saddam is still in power but we have a lot of dead Iraqis. Looking at everything now, those soliders and civilians who were killed could have very easily been us. We are not much different than those people who were fighting for their country. To them it was just part of their lives and it was their duty to serve in Iraq’s military, eyen a requirement. I bet many of them had wives, girlfriends, and mothers like our soliders do. The only difference between them and us is that wc were more powerful than they. Do we really need to have the power to determine the fate of other people who aren’t even on our side of the hemisphere? The only connection we have with that area of the world is the oil under their land. Is a flammable liquid really worth the lives of others? Who are we to decide? I believe it was Abraham Lincoln who said, “This country will never be invaded by an outside foe, its destruction will be from within its own borders." Isn’t that the same thing that happened to the indestructible Roman Empire too? Coming from the fourth largest city in this country, (Philadelphia) I have seen the foe from within. Social problems are running rampant Crime, drugs and other forms of social turmoil are everywhere. Children bom with drug addictions, women raped almost every minute, and murders are in every paper daily. Don’t we need to try to solve these problems instead of having another bomb made to kill others in some distant land? Look at Japan. It’s safe to walk down the streets at night and drugs arc an unheard of issue. How is this possible you ask? One reason is because of their culture, but another reason is because they have a military for their own protection, instead of the world's protection. I’m not saying to cut back dramaticly, but rather just stop the growth in the industry and funnel the money into a different direction. A direction of future and peace instead of one like the Roman Empire (destruction). I’ll leave you with the words of one of the great, visionaries of our time: "Imagine there’s no countries. It isn’t hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too. Imagine all the people living life in peace." (John Lennon) T h * > '' ~ fj ' '■ if ‘»S . s * ' A •yiV * ,v f>" U . - •**; by John Rossomando Collegian Columnist The Cold War may be over, and the Soviet Empire has fallen, but tensions have increased. The Middle East is as volatile as ever with continued terrorist attacks. Iran is building nuclear weapons and is undertaking a fast paced aims buildup, and Iraq has begun to rearm. Elsewhere, such as in the Commonwealth of Independent States, instability reigns. We have seen the infighting going "onin "Russia between Yeltsin’s forces and communist and fascist diehards. The military came to Yeltsin’s aid only after intensive bargaining. Russia is a nation which has been ruled by often repressive despots and it lacks a democratic tradition. Nationalists and communists offer Russians “stability,” power, and glory, and accuse Yeltsin's government of squandering Russia’s status as a great power. Russia is heading toward facism. The situation in Russia today is roughly equivalent to that of Weimar Germany prior to Hitler’s rise to power. In Weimar Germany inflation was around 1000%, unemployment was around 50%. Both Russia and Germany had a proud imperial tradition and were vanquished in war. If history proves correct, we will be in big trouble. We w il see a nuclear armcgl dictator who has no respect for logic as had the communists (this is why we never went to war). As a rule, fascists are boldly nationalistic and run solely by their emotions, so a Russian fascist would most likely not hesitate to use nuclear weapons should it decide to make war. Do not forget that the Russians still have 20,000 nuclear warheads pointed at the United States, and if Yeltsin falls, we could be pushed back into the potential nuclear nightmare. Many of you think the Cold War is over so now we do not need to have a strong military. The last few times when we have not had a battle-ready military, our forces were badly defeated. The main reason we were able to destroy the Iraqi army was that our armed forces were combat ready, and they were the best equipped armed force ever fielded by the United States. Mr. Clinton seems to think that weakening out military power will solve our problems. Well all it will do is compromise the training and equipping of our military. The military must be ready to go to war and win at a moment’s notice. The last time this was tried was by good 'ole Jimmy Carter. As a result, our soldiers were ill equipped and active duty combat units hardly had enough ammunition to arm themselves. Should the Warsaw Pact have decided then and there that they wanted to invade Central Europe, our troops would not have been able to resist. Furthermore, there were not enough spare parts and mechanics to maintain helicopters, planes and other vehicles. The result was the botched hostage rescue attempt in 1980, which resulted in the crash of a chopper and a transport plane. We have already seen what happens when troops lack the equipment that they need as a result of Mr. Clinton’s plan. Namely, when the Rangers and Delta Force, both elite units of the U.S. army, got mauled by Somali rabble. Clinton said he loathed the military. It is quite obvious he and his Left-Wing administration are getting their wish at the expense of young Gls. If these cuts continue, the U.S. will not be able to handle these problems should they arise and war breaks out. For those of you who think that the entire deficit is accountable to President Reagan’s build up of defense weapons, you are wrong. Only 20-25% of the deficit incurred under Ronald Reagan was out of the defense budget. The rest came out of social spending. If it were not for Mr. Reagan, American troops would not have been able to win as easily as they did in the Persian Gulf. Just because we beat Saddam Hussein’s rabble army at a time when we were still well equipped, doesn't mean we could do so again with fewer less trained and equipped troops. There is an old saying, "never underestimate your enemy or delight in fate you shall." Don’t think that no one can beat us. If Mr. Clinton continues to have his way, our military will not be able to take the field of battle and be victorious. We must be prepared to fight should war break out and our strategic interests be threatened. I do not feel the U.S. should involve itself militarily in areas in which it does not hold a vital interest (Bosnia and Somalia). Face it, this planet throughout history has been ruled by armed force, and unfortunately always will. Man is a creature who by nature is aggresive and brutal. Since 3000 B.C. there have only been 256 years which there has not been any war, and since 1945 we have only seen 26 days of peace (source: "International Relations and World Affairs," 1992). So don't think if we love our enemies they will share our affection. There was a saying back in the '6os: "Love your enemies don't shoot them." Your enemies do not love you and now you are dead Page