Thursday, October 28, 1993 Movin' on down the by Alicia Hartman Co-editor Three weekends ago I had to move out of my house. Not by choice, however. Let me explain. My dad works at General Electric. Enter theme: GE, we bring good things to life. Picture the mother and daughter sittting under GE's soft, white lights, doing what, I don't know. My dad works at GE and has been transferred to Virginia. I had two choices with whom I could move in with: Grandma and Grandpa, or my aunt and uncle and their teenage daughter. I raised my teenage sister so I figured I'd have no problem raising my cousin. I couldn't decide who I wanted to live with so I stayed with Grandma and Grandpa for a week, and then I went to my aunt and uncle's for a week. Somehow I managed to live out of an egg box for two weeks. I don't know how I did it. Economizing isn't • * 4 if ' ' r'• 'O I *(AP-i • 4171 • z , • \ 1. , , ~ a. .Y ys cohi fj tioitordi, NAFTA, _ at *- RERAN' IikALTH CARE boo,. This is an imPen*ntliwe to* - inany Atrithal,* * w e . • to pas one of my specialties. I've been in my new home about two weeks. There are two things I miss about not having my parents around. One: my mom doing my laundry. I've done five loads to date. And may I add, I haven't ruined anything (yet). I needed assistance with the first two loads, but I was capable of finishing the rest by myself. Two: I miss my dad's car. When mine didn't work (which is 99.9% of the time) I could always use his. I'm in some serious trouble without his car. If he would've just given me his car, it'd eliminate all these problems. Just because I'm 19 years old and couldn't do laundry three weeks ago doesn't mean anything. If someone else does it for you free of charge, why worry (or care)? I also can't cook, but I'm an expert at microwave cooking and I make a damn good bowl of cereal. I don't believe in cooking and ; r .......- ....,.. • .z, • what it oust - fad like to. Ito Thaaksipiat kultay. THEN *Om* tat take a "finaki - -- tetearbaalajil.kwa *ad to no mut • iteeply intiii4o6ll Al** ° ~~:.:. tW~C, ~ . our e th 41 the OPIINI,ONS doing laundry because I'm going to be Career Woman. When I grow-up, I'm going to make lots of money and hire someone to come in and cook and do laundry. I also don't want any rug-rats (a.k.a. kids) because I want to spend all my money on me and only me, me, me. The hardest thing about .ieri . .t.! . : 5'::.,. : . ..:.0.. - OE - 1.,:,Q.:i .- .1::"6.5. moving is trying to remember a new address and phone number. The first form I filled out at the registrar I had the right address, the wrong phone number. The second time I had the wrong address, the right phone number. And FINALLY on the last form I had the RIGHT address and the RIGHT phone number. Learning a new address and phone number is so hard. I'm going to miss my house. I've lived there for 15 years. I've sat in the same seat at the kitchen table to do my homework since I was in kindergarten. (I'm a very sentimental person.) The kitchen floor is worn right down to the floorboard because I've sat there so much. In our garage, in the corner by the door is written: My sister and I will always be remembered by whoever buys our house. When I wrote that in the cement three summers ago, my dad yelled at me because it was so 11 ' 1 "7"'s - • 4. : e ..,.. .. ....... a, ._, _ another. For example, the United States could trade North Dakota, Kansas and a state to be named later to believe this would create jobs in the moving industry and guarantee that Canada would never again win the World Series. Leading the support for NAFTA is President Clinton, who favors it because it is a hwnongously hosing government the . that only he understands. Undie „s the opposition is "H." lass Perot, the feisty, popular, 41*in-spoken maverick billionaire space alien, who believes that the real purpose of NAFTA is -- and he can paw() this with charts to disrupt his daughter's wedding. Which side will prevail? That is a question that remains to be answered, unless it already WAS answered, and we missed it. We fnaddY haven't been paying much attention to NAFTA, because we're so excited about MWERNMENT This is a brainsama from Vice M V*" Gore, who, oat July 90 Alicia Amli line I wanted to be remembered though. Doesn't everybody? On Wednesday, October 20 we had to say goodbye to our home. We (my mom and I) went through the house collecting all the "pluggies," those advancements of technology that you plug into the socket and emit a flowery aroma. We checked closets, lights, dripping faucets and running toilets at least 29 times. My mom had to clean the entire house. She swept and dusted every room and scrubbed down the bathrooms. As we made our final exit, we locked the door for the first time, not the last. We trusted our neighbors, and my parents don't believe that psychos exist in small towns, so we never locked our house. My move hasn't been that bad of an experience. And by the way, if you're looking for a house there's a beautful home located in North East... was busy passing laws giving the government new functions to Perform.) As an example of bureaucratic inefficiency, Gore noted that the government agencies go through an absurdly complex procedure simply to purchase ashtrays. "Ws ridicules," he pointed out. "The agencies should just steal them from motels, like everyone else." SO the administration has a bold reform program under which the government would take such radical steps as -- get ready -- REQUIRING FEDERAL AGENCIES TO ANSWER THEIR TELEPHONES. Of course this would require intensive employee re-training programs ("OK, you hear that sound? We call that 'ringing"). Also, there would be some health risk to the thousands of elderly people who have been hanging on the line ever since; many of these people would suffer heart attacks if they were to suddenly hear an actual human voice. Fortunately for them, we will soon have health-care reform, so they can all be treated, regardless lair Meat level, at the basketball • of iheir choice. q • • 41 , - eyediestmei jirohi The Memel Page
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