The Collegian : the weekly newspaper of Behrend College. (Erie, PA) 1989-1993, October 28, 1993, Image 12
Page 12 THREE WEEK SESSION May 11 - lune 1, 1994 Finals - June 2 ACCTG 200 BIOBD 380 BI SC 004 ECON 004 ECNS 470 ENGL 202 C ESACT 138 ESACT 342 FRNCH 139* HIST 020 PHIL 012 PSYCH 427 SPAN 003•• SPCOM 100 A THEA 100 *Diversity Focused •*4 weeks +Other Cultures lakpendeot Study for variable audit may be arraogcd for lbe 10• Week SCSIIiOII. SUOMICf 011-CIIIMIXLI housing is available is the sodas varintealts. Call the Office of tkiusiog mod Food a 11911-6161 for further information. A complete scbotole of classes for Summer Session 1994 will soon be available in the College Registrar's Office The (havers* reserves the right to caned classes due to insufliciewt aindlutent or umforseen circurnsuoces. PENN STATE-BEHREND SUMMER SESSION 1994 TENTATIVE UNDERGRADUATE COURSE LISTING ih ilt . d.chbox Magyars - Prasvrit ~=9 ~"+3 • • Payurif I);CCC Oesobar-1430 Oczar3l 11 4 .Wansor. CP= Maid • , AO/ slalrus \__c•r7/0/( Y/\_V c 600\ ),()* \ . 22dki / EIGHT WEEK SESSION June 13 - August 4, 1994 Finals - August 4-5 AMST 105* ARTS 001 ACCTG 204 BIOL 011 BIOL 012 (lab) BLAW 243 CHEM 001 CHEM 012 CHEM 014 CHEM 015 CMPBD 100 CMPBD 297 A (C++ language) CMPSC 101 CMPSC 140 CN ED 403 CN ED 497 F ECON 002 ECON 302 ENGL 004 ENGL 015 ENGL 202 D ESACT 031 FIN 301 ~, 1 ov'' ; .etits. ruz p 8:21par ;77.01 pm , - 1 - i tr GEOSC 020 HIST 010*+ IE T 212 KEYRD 1003 L 1 R 100 MANGT 340 MANGT 470 MATH 004 MATH 021 MATH 040 MATH 110 MATH 140 MATH 141 MATH 251 MISBD 321 MKTG 301 MUSIC 005 OPMGT 301 PHYS 201 PSY 002 QBA 200 RUS 100• SPCOM 1008 Intramurals half by Joe Mottillo Collegian Staff With five events already completed, intramurals are half way over for the fall semester. The last remaining tennis match was held in men's singles "B". Ilia Belkin of Kappa Delta Rho took on Rusty Brown of Delta Chi. Belkin defeated Brown, 2 sets to 1. Last week was Fitness Week, The main events were the Timex Fittest Man and Woman competitions. The tests included the number of sit-ups in one minute, number of push-ups in one minute, 20- yard shuttle run, and a one mile run. The top three finishers in the women's competition were Krista Hershner, Marie Boyer and Wendy Ebinger. In men's competition, Orne Bey came in first by placing sixth in the shuttle (7.4 sec.), first in push-ups (85), second in sit-ups (60) and 20th in the mile. Matt Virtue finished second and Roginella Mariusc finished third. Thursday, October 28, 1993 TEN WEEK SESSION May 14 - July 30, 1994 Finals - August 6 Undergraduate Independent Study, Internships, Practicums and Projects MBA Courses over First place finishers in the other events were: Virtue in the mile, Bryan Topnick in the shuttle run (7.19 sec.) and Sean Tucker in sit-ups (62). Some of the other events were the World's Largest Aerobics Class (25 participants, most from Behrend), the Health and Wellness Carnival, fitness testing, and a speech on "Weight management, nutrition and exercise for a healthier you." Flag football is also under way. The 39 teams that are entered represent the largest total ever. The regular season finishes on November 7 with playoffs starting the following week. Kappa Delta Rho is the leader in the fraternity point system with 603 points. Nasty Assassins of Love lead the independents with 315 points. Lawrence-Ist East leads the residence halls with 423. Weimer's Women lead the women's division with 360. This is the first year for a women's point system. Upcoming events include billiards (deadline is October 29), bowling, and 3 on 3 basketball.