Page 2 Behrend Briefs Speaker Series Continues: The Division of Humanities and Social Sciences presents Dr. Angharad Valdivia, assistant professor of communications at University Park, at 7:30 p.m. tonight in the Reed Lecture Hall. Miss Saigon Ticket Deadline Arrives: Ticket applications and deposits are due Friday in the Glennhill Farmhouse at the reception desk. A $25 deposit is due to reserve a seat on the bus. The full price for the trip itself is $65 per person for hotel and bus costs. Miss Saigon tickets range from $2O-$9l. The trip is scheduled for March 26 and 27. Flu Shots: are available at the Health and Wellness Center for the 1993-94 flu season. The $6 cost per injection is charged to your student account as a health service charge. The shot is recommended for anyone with chronic health problems and for healthy adults who work or live with people at high risk. Audubon String Quartet: will be performing on October 19 in the Wintergarden at noon. The performance is free and open to the public. It is part of the Logan Wintergarden Series sponsored by Harry A. Logan, Jr. Diehl Tutoring Program: Tutors are still needed for the Diehl fall semester tutorting program. After school tutors are needed any days Tuesday-Thursday fnmi 2:30- 3:30 p.m. Transportation to and from Diehl is provided. Students who can provide their own transportatin can sign up for any day(s) Monday-Friday from 9- 11:30 alti. and noon-2:30 p.m. Applications are available in the Student Activities Office. Contact Leigh Barnes at x 6014 for more ipformation. Caps/Gowns: Undergraduate baccalaureate keepsake cap and gown is $17.60, associate $12.50; graduate rental is $29.05. Orders must be placed at the bookstore no later than October 22. Tutoring Available: at the Learning Assistance Center (2nd floor of library, Room 203) for free in such areas as physics, Spanish, math, psychology, and study skills. For more information, call the Center at x 6014 and ask for Bob Patterson. Study Skills Workshop: A workshop on Improving Memory will be held in Room 57 of the Academic Building from 5-6 p.m. on Monday, October 18. Sweet Daddy's World: On Tuesday, October 26, homosexuality will be discussed on Sweet Daddy's World. It will be held in the Wintergreen Cafe. Be there! Test Taking Workshop: Do you need to brush up on your test taking skills? Do you suffer from "test anxiety"? A test taking/test anxiety workshop will be presented on Tuesday, October 19 at 6p.m. and will be repeated on Thursday, October 21 at 12p.m. Both sessions will be held in the Learning Assistance Center on the second fla" of the library. 00p5.... In the October 7 issue, the survey at the end of "Students speak out on building quality" was left out. The survery results were: 1) Academic 2) Reed 3) Zurn/Hammermill 4) Turnbull 5) Science Scattering Rubbish On Thursday, October 7, a known person deposited trash in the Erie Hall lot at 7:30 p.m Charges are pending. Soliciting Without Permission On Thursday, October 7, three individuals were selling perfume at Perry Hall. The three were brought to the Police and Safety station for identification purposes. They were informed of Penn State Behrend policy against soliciting without permission. All three subjects were asked to leave campus. Criminal Mischief Between Friday, October 8, and Saturday, October 9, the outside door of the Nick Building was kicked in. The incident is under investigation. Harassment On Saturday, October 9, around 1:20 a.m, a male student punched a female student in the stomach. Charges are pending against the male, including disorderly conduct and underage drinking. Criminal Mischief On Sunday, October 10, a student kicked a sign over in the grass next to the sidewalk at K-lot. Charges were filed against the student. Criminal Mischief/Underage Drinking On Sunday, October 10, two students were stopped by Police and Safety in the S-lot after an officer observed an individual drive over the grass. After a brief investigation, officers were informed of a party where minors were being served alcohol. Charges are pending. SGA Report Last weekend the CCSG (Commonwealth Campus Student Government) meeting was held at University Park. Our student leaders are optimistic about our relationship with the other commonwealth campuses this year. The new student activities fee was supported by CCSG in the meeting. The Student Government treasurers have moved into their new offices in the old library. The door to their office is located next to the Pepsi machine in the lower level of the Reed Building. If you need to get in contact with them please go to this new office instead of the SGA office to prevent delays in any communications. Our final commuter senator position was filled on Wednesday when SGA elected James Ruhlman to this final open position. We now have a full senate. The leadership retreat is being held this weekend. planning to attend this retreat and needs more contact the Student Activities office. Jason DeMarte Vice President SGA Police Report Thursday, October 14, 1993 Anyone who is information can
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