Page 5 Editorial... Clarkson University's bookstore on campus was bought out by Barnes & Noble a few years ago. Once the company took over, the entire staff from the former store was either let go or quit. After students witnessed prices increase due new management, they called for The change came in the shape of an alternative bookstore completely out of the controlling grasp of Barnes & Noble. The alternative store received government loans and private funding to get them going. The new bookstore opened with prices around 15% less than the established store. In response, the Barnes & Noble store cut their prices up to 40%. Not only are they doing well financially, but the owner is happy to be helping out the students' pocketbooks. Now, the Penn State system bookstores have been bought out by the very same over-pricing company, Barnes & Noble. When students need books and have only one place to buy them, that store can rape them for every penny the students have. Are we students being controlled that renders us almost powerless? When we want to buy sneakers we can go to several stores and shop comparatively. Why can't we have the same freedom with our books? To gain freedom we need to take action. From the students, we need support. From our alumni, we need help, both with finances and organization. Together, we can make a difference to this campus and future students. Ask The Idiot! New Collegian Feature Ask The Idiot For Answers To Questions That You Have Always Wanted To Know, But Were Afraid To Ask! Drop All Letters Off At The Collegian Office. Please Address Them To The IDIOT! Ilehed eenby two Mucked* The Penreehowle ghee ifniVereity a* Erik The Behmed CoUie Co-Sditori Matthew D. G a me Midi &Min wawr -Ti. coa l owlrsaodiftwial opinion ).241atewinotd tins itillindid staff, with 6 thipotholthollat Ihtol etproottnfibt The•Coliethes , 4 4 walitarar., *we et T 0400041 ThiPp.iiiilvads Se* „ thiloVity• , . to the a change by a monopoly , Nita Dosof •., . • - IWO, ,• ' ~i • . : .t. ' , - • • - , ,k.' '; ;,•, „„ ; 4 - •I'-; '''''",:. 11100,101allaist ' OWN • ':'-' 4, f:li . . ,- ,*4 ~' maw .;•-07° <.,, ...,, liih°111"111111111i b mwt 14 j3 1:1 *4 ::•: - • ' :, , . var tf t Tall s , Ittt: . ; , 2'',4 , 6Y- . . - • . yid : *4•l v c voli . guitr , .i 2 i _ „, D- : - „. - .:.. ,11 1 ! CoP,7 Ad/Only MU.*low hummilVooo4. liUts COoreestor Amor beim OPINIONS IPAM ---- .1. 4 rmeNoronetiuwicaw Editorial Cartoons r ._ Piaui Xefermeilern's 'The Contahes i= v w eig edglx ,m t, the udinusitr etudihts o a f Aris. The end CeSton Flit nom 'Oh L'Ogiff Real Woe WU*, Awl* Riad, Brie. PA 16561. SW fttss Bl4 , .Priarrivi4 . ~.:r. To A PUCE.weE P111 3 741k 1 5 STILL EXIST t.- - - /, ' f 111 -'- ‘ ll ll r-i''' -----;--suu6 SCRSeC ZI.: , 74 , .. 10 - IA _, _ *Mx Kosdatmati, taws itatinna Maria Conadas, Ti. Coddi. Jan t rilMan lteek AMU Kelly. Meg Krisara, Alias Lingo. Elm Logan, Paul ' MOW, Doti Moore, Scott Moore, Joe WWII% Swab Pratt. Mickey Vittint'Stnith, Wails Stank. Jan Tombsloads. Reagan Warner, Kristin Typbt I:lllsokammdt 4 04 4: Thursday, September 23, 1993 Cads Brown, mink* Prieto, Ulan, het Letter Policy: The Collegian met letters on news coverage. editorild =West and university affairs. Letters shbulti be typewritten:. double spaced and stoned by no more than two . persons. Letters should be no longer than 400 womb. Letters should include the semester standing and major of the writer. AR let Was should provide the ' IMP= and phew number of tbe writer for, ve # icathon of the letter, The Callegmatt mares the right to edit leers for length and to reject letters. Letters ShOtdil submitted to The Callegkin office no later than noon on the Tuesday'litior to the desired publication date. Letters submitted to The Collegian become property of the rummer. Mr Collegian is published may mow* dodos the asad e mi c yew GlineridedP!lPlf- ?;