The Collegian : the weekly newspaper of Behrend College. (Erie, PA) 1989-1993, January 28, 1993, Image 3

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    Thursday, January 28, 1993
Arnel Balcita/ photographer
Mr. Penn State-Erie: Seated: Julian Hing. Standing: (left to right) Jet-FM personality Jay
Bohannon, 2nd runner-up Marcus Rodriguez, pageant coordinator Leah Daw, Ist runner-up
David Small, Jet-FM personality Neal R. Sharpe. The second annual pageant was sponsored by
Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority.
Housing fair held at UP
by Christine McCammon
Public Relations-Behrend
Penn State's eighth annual
Housing Fair for new students is
planned for Friday, January 29
and Saturday, January 30, at Penn
State's University Park campus,
State College, PA.
The fair will be held from 9
.a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the HUB
Ballroom and Fishbowl.
Those interested in off-campus
housing may meet with
apartment owners and managers
At A Glance. . .
(AP)--IBM, McDonnell Douglas, United Technologies
Corporation, and Boeing plan cutbacks including lower
dividends, slower production schedules, and job eliminations.
(AP)--Barbars Streisand will not run for a Senate seat in either
California or New York, the states where she owns houses, as
rumored last week. "I am a filmmaker and one of the films
I'm making can problably do more to affect positive change
than running for office."
(AP)--President Clinton reasserted the right to revoke the ban
on homosexuals in the military without the consent of
(AP)--The late Jazz great Dizzy Gillespie was honored Tuesday
as the co-recipient of the 1993 Polar Music Prize in
Stockholm, Sweden.
The Erie Municipal Airport Authority on Tuesday agreed to
give Erie International's maintenance workers a 3.5% pay
increase this year. The vote was unanimous.
Teachers in Erie schools have added their support to a proposal
for random searches of middle school and high schol students
for weapons.
gatiaoil began a project to stiengthen teaching, termed the
Teaching Enhancement Project (TEP). TEP is designed to
strengthen classroom teaching and form direct links between
faculty and students as partners in learning.
Kershaun So*, kinunr leader of' the Los Angaies gang the
Eight Tray Crips, spoke of his life experiences 4 .A Mercyhurst
College. He was instrumental in uniting the Hoods and the
Crips after the late-April riots in South-central Los Angeles.
He said the reason for the union is "to give something back to
the community."
from the State College area and
take bus tours of off-campus
Student who would like to live
on campus will be able to talk
with representatives from
University Housing and Food
Services and take walking tours
of residence halls. Members of
the Association of Residence Hall
Students will distribute coupons
for reduced-price meals in the
dining halls.
More than 50 exhibitors,
including local merchants, will
attend. In addition to housing
The Collegian
options, new students will have
the opportunity to meet
representatives from Academic
Advising, Career Development,
Financial Aid, Academic
Computing, child care agencies,
and other services.
For more information about
the Housing Fair, call (814) 863-
**** **** *
You are Cor&affy Invited to
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Student Government
would like to congratulate
one of our top senators
1993 Mr. Mr. Penn State-Behrend
'Z - fife 1993 Snowbad
Stairwau to the Stars
catu - riazi, Febrz.larti 6
The ReedeTC::ntergarden
Lifim lam
Tukets are an Sale Now
(Wintergreen Cafe Lobby
10am - 4Fm thru 2-5
(All A CAB
Be-fore the dance
$ 7 per single
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At the door:
$ 9 per single
$l4 per couple
Page 3
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