Tursday, April 2,1992 Just do it: David Shields, Assistant Dean of Student Services, the top donor in this years annual Sperm Bank Drive Competition , donating a whopping 5 gallons in the first hour alone. "We have never seen anything like it before," said a nurse. "We need more people like him," she continued. "I just gave 'til I could give no more," Classified Roommate Wanted- Must be male, neat, non-smoking, courteous, kind, thoughtful, tall, rich, healthy, wealthy, wise, studious, obsequious, truculent, portly, honest, corteous, corageous, sensitive, stingy, fat-free, salt-free, sugar-free, demure, and witty, For Sale: One of Behrend's most luxurious apts. 2 Bed, 1 bath. Also included 2 smelly, greasy, comic book collecting roommates. Only serious inquiries please. Wanted: Will pay top dollar for small dead cat. First come, first serve. Will pay extra for tire maiks. For Sale: Dean Lilly's car. Going cheap. Meet me in his driveway at 11:45 tonight to finalize. It’s a real steal. A giving man commmented Shields Wanted Wanted: Some one not afraid to answer telephones. Please contact D&M ■ For Sale: 2 Boxes of toumequet condoms. Assorted colors and sizes. Unused . Missing: Roommate; tall, dark hair, goofy-looking, wears dirty clothes, sings off key, likes pregnant women, last seen being attacked by small pregnant mouse. Answers to name Dave "Putz Master" S. For Sale: Silver "Opti-free" automobile. Flintstones memorabilia piece (runs on feet power). Minimal rust and most of the doors open and close. Good gas milage. Best offer. The Collision In a surprise move last week, Senator Jesse Helms announced his candidacy for President. The Senator will be running on the third party ticket with political newcomer Sharon Dale. The ticket will be running on an anti-NEA platform. "It is a real honor for me to be able to run with someone that I admire and respect so much," Dale announced at a press conference. Governor Bill "Slick Willy" Clinton and Governor Jerry "James" Brown recently engaged in a fist fight after a heated press debate. It was discovered later that both were strung out on LSD, PCP, Nyquil, Narvol, and some sort of fish paralyzer. Both candidates had also smoked marijuana beforehand, but since neither one inhaled, everything is okey-dokey. Local rap group Johnny M and The Lilley Whites have crossed over into the more lucrative* grunge indriistrial vein of music. "We switched over," said Krissy Chris, the groups bass guitar player, "because not enough sleazy women attend." According to group leader Johnny M, "What we do is our own f****** business, and if you don't like it, then go hang out in an elevator somewhere and listen all you like!" The Lady Lions of Penn State-Behrend have bpen involved in the first point shaving scandal since the Tulane University incident in 1985. According to Coach Banker, "The money was just too good." Paul Bailey, ICC Supervisor, has recently departed to become photo editor of "Whips and Chains" magazine. "I guess that my experience with visual and media technology attracted them to me," explained a grinning Bailey. Professor John Gamble has recently accepted a position as head of ticket sales for Mid West Airlines. "I just had to get away from the political scene at Behrend, and this has enabled me to do it," explained Gamble. Update: Where are they now? Former theater professor Steve Buckwald is now teaching theater at the Albuquerque Correctional Institution where he does not socialize with any of the actors, if at all possible. He was sent to the Institution after he was found in a back alley screaming, "The media is out to get me, they are out to get me, make them go away!!" Dr. Jeffrey Wicken, "villainously fired" last semester, is now managing a Hard Rock Cafe in Europe. "Wow! This is great," replied Wicken in a phone interview. "And to think that I was teaching Thermonuclear Quantum Mechanics Molecular Science to clueless freshman all those years." Page 3