Page 4 er from the Edi Help wanted For those students returning this semester, welcome back. To those students who are attending B»hrend for the very first time, welcome. I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable holiday season, but now I have some disturbing news: it's over. But before you become entirely distraught, it may not be as bad as it seems. Of course you've already had to stand in ridiculous lines at the registrar's office and the finance office. You've had to pay incredible rates for textbooks at the bookstore, and you've received your course outlines which contain unending lists of papers, quizes and exams. That's the downside of the semester. The upside is that this gives you another chance to get involved in extracurricular activities on campus. Students here at Bchrcnd arc very lucky in the fact that we have over 65 student organizations choose from. Interests in these groups range from scuba diving to psychology. If you are interested in learning more about any organization, get in touch with the Student Organization Council at extension 6452, or stop by their office in the SGA suite across from the mail room in the Reed Union Building. However, there is one student organization that you should look at no matter what your interests are or what your major is. This organization is responsible for reporting the news that occurs on campus, keeping its constituency informed, and providing a medium for the free exchange of ideas and opinions among the student body, faculty staff. This particular organization operates as an independent business, operating in sales and generating more than ten thousand dollars of income each year. Additionally, this organization requires the work of writers, photographers, typists, accountants and editors. You're holding the result of this week's effort by this organization. Hundreds of hours of work have already been put in by The Collegian staff, but it's not too late to become a staff member. We have twelve more issues to put out his semester including our infamous April Fools' Issue. If you think you may be interested in joining The Collegian come to our weekly staff meeting on Thursday at 6:10 p.m. in Turnbull 205. If you are unable to attend the meeting, call The Collegian at extension 6488, or stop by our office on the first floor of the Reed Union Building and ask for Todd J. Irwin, editor. The Collegian Published weekly by the students ot Behrend College, Erie, PA Editor Todd J. Irwin Business Manager Adrienne Shrawder The Collegian’s editorial opinion is determined by the editorial staff, with the editor holding final responsibility. Opinions expressed in The Collegian are not necessarily those of The Collegian or The Pennsylvania State University. Features Editor Robb Frederick News Editor Mark Owens Entertainment Editor Christi Luden Sports Editor Greg Geibel Photo Coordinator Craig Breter Copy Editor Dawn Brenneman Ad Layout & Design Rob Pfendler Distribution Manager Joe Mycka Advisor Dr. Mike Simmons Letter Policy: The Collegian encourages letters on news coverage, editorial content and university affairs. Letters should be typewritten, double-spaced and signed by no more than two persons. Letters should be no longer than 400 words. Letters should include the semester standing and major of the writer. All letters should provide the address and phone number of the writer for verification of the letter. The Collegian reserves the right to edit letters for length and to reject letters. Letters should be submitted to The Collegian office no later than noon on the Tuesday prior to the desired publication date. Postal Information: The Collegian (814 898-6488) is published weekly by the students of The Pennsylvania Slate University at Erie, The Behrend College; First Floor, The J. Elmer Reed Union Building, Station Road, Erie, Pa 16563. Opinion Ticked Off? Turn it around Dear Louanne, Last week I got wind of some bad news from home. I had expected to hear it for a while, but I still was upset when it finally came. At first I just tried to blow it off, but instead I blew up. I started throwing things around including my CDs and part of my stereo. Needless to say, this temper tantrum cost me hundreds of dollars. I'm tried of losing control when I get mad. I'm afraid of what other damage I might do next. What can I do about it? Dear Shortfused, Your story reminds me of the time I raced home after work so I could get my car in our one-car garage first and ended up wiping out my ski rack with the overhead door. Anger can be costly. Anger is not an unhealthy emotion. When expressed in constructive ways it can serve to motivate us to achieve desired goals. It doesn't help to keep anger bottled up inside. It can make us feel depressed and guilty and even cause ulcers and high blood pressure. There are other healthy options. Learn to express your anger toward others by communicating Ask Louanne The Collegian's Advice Column by Dr. Louanne Barton Personal Counselor Shortfused Thursday, January 23, 1992 assertively, using "I" messages (I feel,. I want). Refer to specific behaviors and changes you would like to see. Avoid labeling or name calling. Unfortunately we can not always convince others to change their behavior, but we can change the way we think. It is our thoughts that make us angiy, not external events. One of the common irrational beliefs we hang on to is that other people should be fair and treat us the way we would treat them. Unfortunately, there is not always justice in the world, and we can make ourselves sick when we don't get what we believe we deserve. Other ways to vent our anger are outlets such as physical exertion (running, nautilus); creative activities (pounding clay, painting); watching or participating in sports volleyball); or pounding pillows in the privacy of your room. I'm thinking of offering.a new course called "The Art of Effective Yelling and Screaming". It will meet outback at the Gorge. Send letters to Dr. Louanne Barton, Counseling Center, Reed Union Building. Louannne