The Collegian : the weekly newspaper of Behrend College. (Erie, PA) 1989-1993, January 23, 1992, Image 2

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    Page 2
Behrend Briefs
Scholarship News for Sophomores:
There will be a Truman Scholarship
Information Meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 4 in the
Reed Conference Room from 4-5:30 p.m. For
advice on how to prepare now to become a
candidate for next year's Truman Scholarship
(awards are $30,000), plan to attend. For more
information, please call Mari Trenkle at 898-
Tutors Needed: The Penn Statc-Bchrcnd
Elementary School Volunteer Tutoring
Program begins Feb. 4 and 5. No previous
experience required as training and
transportation is provided. Applications arc
available in the Office of Student Activities,
Ist floor Reed. Deadline for applications is
Jan. 30. For more information call Mari
Trenkle at 898-6160.
Personal Growth Group; Six sessions
are scheduled starting next Monday from
12:30 to 2 p.m. If you are interested please
contact Louanne Barton at 898-6164.
Education on Eating Disorders:
There will be a discussion about this disease
next Tuesday at 2:25 p.m. in the Reed Seminar
Room. Anita Sinicrope, director of the
Pennsylvania Educational Network for Eating
Disorders, will lead the discussion. All
members of the college community are
Free Tutoring Available: All Behrend
students are welcome to utilize the Learning
Assistance Center’s services. Student and
faculty tutors are on duty daily offering help <
with many subjects. For more information
call 898-6014 or drop by the Center located in
the South Cottage.
Com mu Majors: Lambda Pi Eta Honor
Society in Communications will meet every
Monday at 6:30 p.m. in Reed 116. Anyone
interested in working with the society is
encouraged to attend.
Number Change: The new phone
number for Carol Theuret, secretary,
Humanities and Social Sciences, is 898-6152.
Wanna Brief? If your organization has
information you would, like to see run in the
behrend Briefs, write it down and bring it to
The Collegian office.
All Commu 001 Students: Students are
reminded that The Collegian's weekly
meetings are held on Thursdays in Turnbull
205 at 6:10 p.m. Anyone Interested in working
for The Collegian is encouraged to attend. All
Commu 001 students are required to attend.
The Collegian
Sorority growth
halted by SGA vote
(continued from page 1)
for the sorority interest group.
"Out of 1,075 girls on campus,
only eight percent are currently
involved in Greek life. 1 think
that shows there is room for
another sorority.
"We have been trying to form
a new sorority since the fall of
1990, and arc excited and want to
be part of the Behrend System.
Unfortunately, when we let it be
known at times, we have been
received negatively."
Earn $2OO-5500 weekly mailing 1992
travel brochures. For more informatioi
send a addressed stamped envelope to:
ATW Travel, P.O. Box 430750, Miami,
FL 33143
Wanted: guiet, clean,
studious person to share
house wA wo males. $135
month + util. 3mi.from
campus. 899-7848.
SPRING BREAK from $199
tiMsiM City. Inelu&es 7 nights
tree leach.}arty. Book wilMJu
hest-ion’t settle for less
1(8001 724-1555.
Student Organization Council
Office of Student Activities/Union
Featuring: Four Different Leadership Tracks
• Emerging Leader Track
•Developing Leader Track
•Greek Leader Track
• Super Senior Track
*Free to all Penn State-Behrend Students!!
In the Office of Student Activities/Union (898-6171)
or in the
Student Organization Council office (898-6452).
Panhellenic Council advisor
Maureen Finn says the cap is a
"The National Panhellenic
Conference has guidelines which
slate that if a group is chartering
on campus, then that group must
be given enough members to get
up to speed with other groups,"
she said.
According to David Shields,
IFC advisor, the two-year-old cap
was extended in order to build the
PSU stops selling Playboy
STATE COLLEGE, PA - Penn State University
has stopped selling Playboy magazine at its University
Park campus bookstore, only four months after nine of its
students appeared in a photographic essay of "The girts of
the Big Ten.”
University business officials said the decision was a
business move not related to a woman's group protest
outside the bookstore last fall.
"We looked at the question of whether it was really
selling," said James Wagner, the university's vice
president for business and operations "I wouldn’t see it
coming back unless we get some huge demand."
Two of the nine students were partially dressed in the
essay, while tire other seven were nude.
ring Leadershi
Saturday, February 1,1992
10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Reed Union Building
and T-Shirts Provided
Thursday, January 23, 1992
structures of the existing
fraternities. "The infrastructure
for the fraternities is still not
there yet; they still have a lot of
internal building to do."
This "internal building"
consists of developing new
leadership programs and a better
governing council for the
A 1989 report, written by
Shields and assessing the Greek
(continued on page 3)