Thursday, September 19, 1991 Construction under way And the earth moved: Construction workers prepare the foundation for the new library/academic complex, which should be ready by the fall 0f1992. Never say diet again (continued from page 1) 7. Do you sometimes "lose control" and eat in a way you had wanted to avoid? 8. Are you very aware of your eating and your adiposity (fatness/thinness)? 9. Do you sometimes force yourself to stop eating before you're satisfied? 10. Do you ever feel hungry even though your stomach is full? The constant struggle with diet and weight is not inevitable, nor is it in any way beneficial to you--quite the contrary. SOC retreat makes leaders (continued from page 1) enthusiasm on campus and we're looking forward to working with Pirate pitcher during the season all of the student organizations they won the 1971 World Series this year. We even hope to recruit Championship. new student leaders for next There were 16 different semester's leadership conference." workshops offered, with topics The most poular workshop, ranging from how to run a more according to many students, was efficient meeting to effective the workshop on leadership styles communication techniques. by Dr. Michael Maxwell, The leadership conference had assistant dean of student services a very strong and enthusiastic, turnout of 87 people. Lori Royer, vice president of the Student Organization Council, said there was a good turnout of enthusiastic leaders and hopes to have a repeat next year. "It was an exciting event and we had a great turnout. We feel we have set into motion the concept of bringing Behrend student leaden together in a fun, learning experience," she commented. "The conference, served its purpose of generating' "But I have to struggle to control my eating, otherwise I'll blow up like a balloon." Are you sure? Ironically, many people do not gain, and often even lose weight when they stop dieting. Consider these facts: * Weight-loss dieting ultimately fails 90-98% of the time because diets are based on an incorrect understanding of the physiology of weight loss and gain. The natural and virtually automatic response to dieting is yo-yoing weight rather than permanent weight loss. * Dieting and thinking like a dieter encourages you to deal with hunger and eating in a way which ultimately promotes weight gain rather than loss. Here are a few reasons why: All U Day football tickets Those students who purchased tickets, including those on the waiting list, will be able to pick up their tickets in the SGA office Tuesday September 24, 1991 and Friday September 27 betwen the hours of 9:ooam and 2:oopm. You must bring your receipt to (1) the usual dieter's "bunched up" eating promotes increasing weight; (2) significant reductions in food intake cause your body to lower its metabolism and thereby bum less energy; (3) knowing that you will later deny yourself food increases your desire to eat "now"; (4) yo-yoing weight causes a loss of body protein and muscle and an increase in fat; (5) yo-yoing weight can cause fat cells to multiply, thereby making you fatter. * This struggle can lead to serious, sometimes even fatal, eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa (self-starvation) and bulimia (the binge/purge syndrome). at Allegheny College. "He [Maxwell] shared his experiences with us and showed us how each of us was a leader," said Steve Fuller, president of the Student Organization Council. "But I think the most important thing he said was good leaders are made, not born. That's something we all should try to remember." get your ticket! The Collegian World Zagreb, Yugoslavia -- Major fighting broke out for the first time in the Croatian capital late Tuesday as fighter jets from the Yugoslavian Air Force flew overhead, damaging two schools, a textile factory and an apartment building. City officials said five people were wounded in the air attacks. It is uncertain whether the attack was meant to sabotage the hours-old cease fire agreement, or a last-minute effort to inflict damage on the Croatians. Tokyo -- If you're curious what yo l ur unborn child will look like -- or yourself, for that matter -- Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. has a computer program for you. Using photographs and facial characteristics, Matsushita's software can produce a likely picture of an aged you or your future children. "We've had lots of contacts from wedding halls that are interested in using the system at receptions to show the newlyweds' future children," said Matsushita's Masahiro Hamada . Nation Washington -- The House of Representatives ignored President Bush's veto threat and passed legislation that would give three million unemployed workers up to 20 extra weeks of unemployment benefits. Passed by a 283-125 margin, the bill now moves on to the Senate. Democrats predict they'll have enough votes to defeat a veto by the president, should it come to that. Washington -- Under heavy questioning about his qualifications to head the CIA, Robert Gates confessed to the Senate Intelligence Committee that he concentrated on the Soviet Union's threat and not the "unthinkable" changes happening among the people. Gates also faced another day of scathing questions about his role in the CIA during the Iran- Contra affair of 1985-86. However, observers say many of the committee members have softened their opposition to Gates after his admissions of fault, both in analysis and in the Iran-Contra affair. Washington -- Researchers at the National Cancer Institute have released a new study claiming regular, vigorous exercise may save people from colon cancer. I-Min Lee, co-author of the study, said "Exercise seems to be good for almost everything -- heart disease, diabetes and cancer." However, Lee said the protection against colon cancer seemed to stop when the exercise stopped as well. Page
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