Thursday, 'September 12. 1991 Retreat teaches senators leadership Pop goes the weasel: J. J. Scribner, Commuter Council president, looks on as Student Government Association senators revel in a game of "balloon football." Take the law into your own hands. Register with when 11 . you're a ►uan about to turn 18. the law says you've got to register with Selective Service Sc► take five minutes to fill out this siml►le card at the post office. r . ~r• )N lieukter %%Ai Selecti‘t. Sew!' I , Itsmst .\wl its the law The Collegi a n 43 64te 0 40 •4 e 11P-09.09- al, 40 .0 6. Stevie Ray 4 # Voe 94 e e c , i t Fromstein di rr_ 4, 9 44_. A v 14 1. 1 V ) I 4 . . t. ' • fir --, 1111 MY,iGUSIIS TWINES Kilif#o.-F 0' Llf AND'SORE. ..„ . . 4,,_ .., , ..• . THES'ltiti , . ~ .... , ..,, ... ... .., E DIPPING IS FOR DIPS. ii CANCER DON'T USE SNUFF OR CHEWING TOBACCO (continued from page 3) participants a chance to work on idea-generating skills. "They came up with a lot of great ideas for SGA this year," said David Mahoney, SGA president. "We're very hopeful about putting some of these ideas to work." "We learned that students have a lot more influence and power in the university than they realize. The is getting students to use it." The final session of the day was presented by Lori Royer, Student Organization Council vice president. "Action," originally intended to discuss goal setting and planning, turned into an actual planning session for SGA. "It wasn't what I expected," said Scribner, "but it turned into a great session, something we really needed to do." After the last session Cathy Mester, Communications instructor and Faculty Council Chairperson at Behrend, gave a short talk on faculty and student councils in the Penn State system, - J. J. Scribner, Commuter Council president "It was really exciting," said Scribner, "because we learned that students have a lot more influence and power in the university than they realize. The trick is getting students to use it." The retreat was capped off by dinner and a bonfire. Page 7 trick
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