sk Louanne The Collegian Advice Column by Dr. Louanne Barton Personal Counselor D SOMEBODY CALL ME? rolimatolinMsalWa For More Information Contact David Shields in the Office of Student Activities Erie Eastside Access Highway Survey Takers Survey Takers will be paid $4.25/hr. The Collegian Dear Louanne, I'm really angry, but I don't know what to do about it. I'm in a technical program which is traditionally male. The first day of class my professor (who shall go unnamed) remarked that there were several women in his class, something he apparently wasn't used to. That isn't bad, but when he continued by saying it would be interesting to see if of us were still around by the end of the semester, I was offended. That sure isn't encouraging. He is obviously biased, and I wonder if it will affect his grading system. I'd like to report him to his superiors, but then I'm afraid it will really affect my grade. That sort of thing should have gone out with the dark ages. I guess old male chauvinists never die, but I sure wish they'd just fade away. Dear Insulted, This is an example of sexual harassment referred to as the "chilly classroom climate." You don't have to be pinched on the posterior to be a victim of sexual harassment; however, I wouldn't recommend filing a formal complaint with the Office of Equal Opportunity yet. The first step is to speak directly to the professor. Use an assertive statement that describes the situation, tells how you feel, and states how you would like the behavior to change (no name-calling). You would say something like this: "The other day when you suggested the women in our class might not be around long, I was offended. I'm a good student and really motivated to be in this program. I expect to do well in your class. I would appreciate being recognized for my efforts and accomplishments independent to the fact that I'm a woman." If it is too difficult to confront the professor directly, then write him a note. Keep a copy. Record the date, time, place, names of the people involved, witnesses, and who said what to whom. If the harassment does not stop, then it is time to speak to the department chairperson or the division head. It is rarely necessary to file a formal complaint though it might make you feel better. Here at Behrend we have two sexual harassment contacts: Mary Beth Peterson (898-6164, Counseling and Advising Center, Reed First floor) and Dr. Christopher Reber (898-6111, Office of Student Services, Reed Second floor). Feel free to talk with them if you would like further guidance. Tuesday, April 16 Wednesday, April 17 Thursday, April 18 Su vey Times 6:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Shift 1: 6:00 A.M. - Noon Shift 2: Noon - 6:00 P.M. Signed, Insulted Louanne [~2~l tDi Thursday, April 11, 1991
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