Diplomat chastises Bush Ambassador reflects on Gulf war consequences b Flo d . Csir The Collegian "Bush didn't give diplomacy a chance," said former United States Ambassador Talcott Seelye, addressing a crowd of students, faculty and local citizens in the Reed Lecture Hall Tuesday night. The ambassador discussed decisions leading to the Gulf Abr and possible post-war consequences. Seelye rated President Bush's handling of the Gulf V, r, on a scale of one to ten, "a seven." The President's harsh statements toward Hussein last October, the rejection of long term economic sanctions and the early deployment of troops to the Persian Gulf were reasons for Seelye's criticism. "My guess is George Bush decided to go to war in October ... we don't know if diplomacy would have worked," said Seelye. "History will be the judge, but maybe it can't because we will never know what could have happened," said Seelye. But he also mentioned Bush's only effective response against Hussein may have been military force. Drawing upon decades of experience, the ambassador said that in spite of the loyal Republican Guards protecting Hussein, "someday, somebody will get to him." Although the "next Iraqi leader Tuition, housing increases are imminent Rising costs blamed on poor state funding b Bill Goodman The Collegian Tuition and housing prices are on the rise as Penn State continues to feel the pinch of Governor Robert Qwey's budget cuts. On Saturday, March 16, the Board of Trustees voted to increase Housing and Food Service costs as much as 5.1 percent. A tuition hike may not be far 'behind. This year, Penn State is not participating in the Tuition Challenge Grant Program, which provides state grants to higher educational institutions that keep tuition increases under six percent. Behrend Provost and Dean John LiHey was hesitant to speculate on the tuition increases, but did say that the increase probably would not reach ten percent. Behrend Housing and Food Services Director James Bowen considered the increases to be important, as a measure to keep up with the rising costs of replacing and maintaining buildings and equipment. Housing and Food Services is completely self-supporting, and generates most of its income through housing contracts and cafeteria and stack bar sales. Penn State is double-burdened: Pennsylvania ranks 47th out of g‘whmtenveir. 3) might be a member of the ruling Baath party," Seelye continued, "he would be forced to make peace with their Arab neighbors." Because the U.S.-led coalition established a temporary cease-fire after defeating the Iraqi military, the ambassador said "It's good the U.S. did not get involved in the internal affairs of Iraq by trying to overthrow Saddam Hussein. "This would have greatly increased the Anti-American sentiment in some Arab countries," said Seelye. "Early withdrawal of U.S. forces from the Middle East will help disprove Arab myths about U.S. intentions to (continued on page 3) McCarthy promoted to major Officer to transfer to San Juan next Major fromotion: - Recently promoted Major James ll:McCarthy, Jr. is elicited at the prospect of taking on a higher level of responsibility. "Bush"whacking: Former U.S. Ambassador Talcott Seelye criticized President Bush's role in the Gulf War during his discussion Tuesday. by Todd J. Irwin Tke Collin James E. McCarthy Jr.was plusantly surprised earlier this moo& McCarthy, the officer in ROhrge (OIC) of Behfted's TC program, wasn't surprised. that he was being promoted from captain to major, but that it was happening now. I've been' on the (prommXion) list since Immary of 1989, so actually it's amidimaatie, .lout 4 iman't expecting to be promoted until June or July," said Maio! Waal* The promotion from captain to isnjor makes McCarthy a fie* grade officer. as optioott to * companygrade officer. "It's nice to move to a new level," said McCarthy. "It's ofalro a big caw" in the levels responsibility. Major McCarthy was into the Army in May 1979. and has pr to the rank of TAlllitlntbit *ler 12 years, the mirnal'llOM span taken to reach that mom. McCarthy come to Beinnd in kaput of 1988 and has been the OIC of the ROTC program here since June of (Costissedak 2
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