Thursday, September 13,1990 Spanos says that U.S. schoolyard bully Hussein flunked out by Christine Spanos Every school has at least one. Every school, in every town, in every state, in every country continues to experience the horrors this individual creates. This person is usually bom in pre-school and flourishes into the greatest being to walk the halls of the high school - sometimes even before reaching the high school. He (or she, for I don't want to seem discriminatory in anyway) generally has an ego three or four times larger than most above average human beings and has this sense of power about him that cripples everyone who he comes in contact with. Although, not very intelligent, he has the uncanny ability to destroy a person's self esteem and confidence in a single blow. This usually takes place in the form of a school yard brawl where the superior being beats Campus Voice photos by Gerry Harrison This week’s question: What is the most important issue happening in the world today? Shortage of short Greeks ruining us Editor's note: We would like to dedicate this column to a local restauranteur, known simply as Pete. by Mike Royko The moment we sat down for lunch, I knew it was a mistake. It was one of those cute new yuppie-poo restaurants with ferns and a menu that listed calories. I knew it was an even bigger mistake when five minutes passed before the busboy dropped the silverware and napkins in front of us. About 10 minutes later, I snared a waitress as she was hurrying by and asked: "Is there any chance we can see a menu?" She flung down a couple of menus and rushed off. About five minutes later, she was back for the orders. "I'm so sorry," she said. "We're short-handed. One of the girls didn't show up today." When she finally brought the food, it wasn't what I had ordered. "There are some problems in the kitchen," she said. "We have a new cook." the living daylights out of some pencil neck geek for accidentally sitting on his lunch. Are we on the same wave length now? The school yard bully has, throughout history, been the cause of manly bloodied noses and many permanent scars that sometimes never heal properly. But how many times have we ever seen the bully receive that long over due beating that not only leaves him scarred for life but ruins his chances for anymore free lunches from the geek contingent? I've seen it - plenty of times. If only those bullies around the world would realize that eventually they will lose their ongoing war in the school yard, the world would be a much more pleasant place to live. Unfortunately, history shows us that the bully never learns. Take for example the era of Hitler. What a great bully he was, swallowing country after "Probably the war in Iraq because I know a lot of people in the Army who are next to go over and I don't want to see my friends get killed." Rhonda Washe Ist semester DUS "Never mind," I said. "I’ll eat it, whatever it is. But what about the beer?" "Oh, I forgot, you wanted a beer,” she said. The beer arrived just in time to wash down the last bite of the sandwich. When she brought the check, which was wrong because she charged me for what I ordered instead of what I got, I asked: "Who runs this place?" "The manager," she said. "He's in the booth having lunch." On the way out, I stopped at the manager's booth. He was a yuppie in a business suit. He and a clone were leisurely sipping their coffee and looking at a computer printout. "Nice place you have here," I lied. "Do you own it?” The young man shook his head. It was owned by one of those big corporations that operate restaurants in far-flung office buildings and health clubs. He also proudly told me that he had recently left college with a degree in restaurant and hotel management That explained it all. His The Collegian has learned from history, country and destroying countless lives without any intervention. The United States had no choice but to finally move from a position of support to a position involving force. And let's not forget his partner Mussolini who took Ethopia and tried to do the same in Greece. I think it's fair to ON THE RIGHT TRACK say that the entire world learned a hard lesson from the actions of those bullies - a lesson we will never forget So why is it that Saddam Hussein feels so confident that his military hold on Kuwait will "Environmental protection is the most important issue because if we don't start to clean up the world we're all going to die." Scott Donahue 3rd semester Biology waitresses were short-handed, his cook was goofing up the orders, the customers were fuming and what was he doing? He was having lunch. Or, as he'd probably say, he was doing lunch. I don't want to be an alarmist, but when this nation collapses, he and those like him will be the MIKE ROYKO First, we had the MBA— especially the Harvard MBA-who came along after World War II and took over American industry. With his bottom-line approach, the MBA did such a brilliant job that the Japanesse might soon buy the country and evict us. But we're told not to worry. Now that we don't manufacture as much as we used to, we'll be saved by the growing service industry. The problem is that the be such a huge success? Does he really think that the U.S. and the rest of the world have "not learned from history" as he was quoted earlier in the week? Think again Hussein. It is clear that President Bush and the US military are making every attempt to keep this crisis under control. We have sent our military troops over and summoned the help of all other nations in the hope that they will deter any further attack from Hussein. Of course there are those that would argue that the presence of the military will only induce more hatred by certain Arab nations towards the US, thus endangering all military and civilian persons who are in the center of the crisis. Not so. The US is simply doing what they should have done years ago when Hitler was the main threat "The rainforests- quit tearing them down and don't buy Coca Cola products." Renee Hanlin sth semester Accounting service industry is being taken over by people like the restaurant manager and his corporation. They go to college and study service. Then they install computers programmed for service. And they have meetings and look at service charts and graphs and talk about service. But what they don't do is provide service. That's because they are not short Greeks. You probably wonder what that means. I'll explain. If that corporation expects the restaurant to succeed, it should fire the young restaurant-hotel degree holder. Or demote him to cleaning washrooms. It should then go to my friend Sam Sianis, who owns Billy Goat's Tavern, and say: "Do you know a short Greek who wants to manage a restaurant?" Sam will say: "Shoo, I send you one my cousins. Jus' got here from the old country." Then he'd go to Greek Town and tell his cousin, who works as a waiter, that his big chance had come. When the next lunch hour Pages to Europe. It is not the US that has failed to leant from history. It is Saddam Hussein that needs to study the history books. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see that the man has no chance at success. It will be quite a relief when he takes off die blindfold and sees that he had made a grave mistake. In some cases, one person's shame is another persons pleasure and it would be a pleasure to see the outcome of this whole crisis be Saddam Hussein's bloodied nose on the front of every newspaper in the world. Every bully gets his comeuppance and I'm confident that Hussein will .be no exception. How does that saying go again - he may have won the battle but he will never win the war. "The major world issue would have to be the war in Kuwait because our nation along with the rest of the world depends on the Middle East's oil." Jason Farbocher Ist semester Undeclared rolled around, and a waitres* failed to show up for work, Sam's cousin would not sit down to do lunch. He would put on an apron and wait tables himself. If the cook goofed up orders, Sam's cousin would go in the kitchen, pick up a cleaver and say, "You want I keel you?” He wouldn't know how to read a computer printout, but he'd get drinks in the glasses, food on the table and money in the cash register. That simple approach is why restaurants run by short Greeks stay in business and make money. And why restaurants that are run by corporations and managed by young men who are educated beyond their intelligence come and go. And mostly go. So if you are ever approached by a stockholder who wants to sell you shares in any of the giant service corporations, tell him not to bother showing you the annual report Just ask him one question. "Is it run by short Greeks?" If he says no, leave your money under the mattress.