Thursday, September 6, 1990 Joe Bob grieves over banning of dwarf tossing Governor Cuomo outlaws dwarf games, eliminating wide range of sporting events by Joe Bob Briggs Do you realize that, as of about two weeks ago, it became illegal to throw midgets around a bar in New York State? Governor Cuomo signed a bill making dwarf tossing and dwarf bowling both illegal. He wasn't satisfied with just tossing -- he had to add bowling to the law. I'm surprised he didn't just go ahead and ban dwarf shishkabobbing, too. You know that sport where you run a 12- foot metal rod through the pierced ears of five dwarves, and then you get a guy on each end and spin em around like pin-wheels? Some people are so good at this, they can get the dwarves spinning in opposite directions. I'll tell you one thing, Governor. If this increases alcoholism in the state of New York, don't be surprised. Take away a man's sports, and he doesn't have a whole lot left. Sam's Green Glass Pizzeria in Buffalo had to cancel the big Ruth Westheimer Weekend, where Dr. Ruth was gonna be bowled, tossed and juggled by an African medicine man. Shti itorffto's a,? 5 * J Italian Resturant S) J 3512 Buffalo Rd. L-d-f Wesley ville 899-3423 **WE DELIVER OUR ENTIRE MENU** Large Cheese & Pepperoni Pizza for Only $ 6.99 plus tax pennState ■Pt The Benrend Eg CllC College 1990-91 SPEAKER SERIES "SHAPING THE FUTURE: TAKING RESPONSIBILITY IN THE 1990 V Dr. Martin Nemko Author and Educator "HOW TO GET AN IVY LEAGUE EDUCATION AT PENN STATE-BEHRENP AND OTHER STATE UNIVERSITIES" Thursday, September 13,1990 840PJVL Reed Lecture Hall At the Carrier Dome in Syracuse, more then 300 unemployed dwarves are suing promoters who canceled the "Wizard of Oz Midget Reunion and Jai Alai Tournament," scheduled for Labor Day Weekend. Special jai-alai rackets had been constructed to hold the projectile midgets. Tom Selleck had already agreed to "launch a few flesh balls" for charity. There were rumors that Bruce Willis might show up to try his hand at the game, in which midgets sometimes travel at speeds up to 120 miles per hour before bouncing off polyurethane walls. The 300 out-of-work dwarves are seeking $2.5 million in lost wages and "human suffering" for being banned from show business. Of course, I understand why Governor Cuomo had to do what he did. Dwarf tossing is not really funny. Dwarf bowling is even less funny. There's nothing funny about watching a fully-grown two-foot six midget in plaid pants slide on his stomach like a goony bird, flip over backwards, make a noise like an elephant crashing through Expires the jungle, and then hang by his suspenders from a hook, waiting for the next frame. There's nothing funny about the famous dwarf shot-putting contests they have in Albany, where fat guys wedge the dwarf into the space between their shoulder and chin, heave with all their strength, and try to make an indentation in the turf with the flailing dwarfs buttocks. Joe Bob goes to the drive-in There's nothing funny about being a Little Person. We should remember this. The next time you see one of these guys on the street, show them you care. Paint a happy face on your kneecap. Dear Joe Bob: The Communist High Marshall censors are striking again. I am enclosing a newspaper review of "Die Hard 2" (by Ryan Murphy of Knight- Ridder News Service). This 9-12-90 There Club Monday, 5:30 If you have any questions please contact David Mahoney @ 898-6452 The Collegian Attention: 411 Studenf Organization Presidents and Treasurers is a mandatory meeting for Presidents and Treasurers Advisors are strongly encouraged to attend! review claims this flick has a body count of over 320. Naturally, I went to see it, as any movie with over two deaths a minute has to be good. If this movie has 320 deaths, then I will claim to be a father of Ugly-on-a- Stick's baby and will marry Miss Ugly at a time and place of her choosing (providing it is a double bag ceremony). As I am not totally insane, there is no way on God's Green Earth that any one can count 320 dead bodies in this picture. Only thing I can figure out is a dead airplane is apparently worth 300 bodies, but the bodies aren't shown in the wreckage. No blood, no guts, not even a severed limb. I only counted 15 bodies, which is not even one twentieth the number the review claims. Not only are the Commies inflating the count, they use this lie to prove that movies are too violent. If they have their way, the only movies being released will be "Heidi" remakes. What can we do to stop these Commies? Sincerely, Bob Horn Welch, Okla September 10, 1990 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Reed 117 Page 11 Dear Bob: I saw that lame claim, too. They’re out to get us, son. They're out to get us. They're going after our records first, and then they're going after our movies. What they don't know is that Joe Bob is ready. Joe Bob, You know all the answers to everything - right? Is it true that when cows laugh, milk comes out of their nose? And, do you sweat when you swim? If so, how do you know? Courtney Cane Manlius, N.Y. Dear Courtney: It's a myth that cows spurt milk through their noses. Actually, a laughing cow emits milk from the eyeball socket And as to sweating swimmers, why do you think the water keeps splashing out of the pool, but the pool never runs out of water ? Good questions. Keep studying.