Page 8 Mark on love, marriage, and support hose by Mark Owens It's time we had a talk. I know it's been a while since we had this kind of chat, columnist to reader and all, but you've reached an important stage in your life (aside from learning the secrets of life and how not to spill beer at parties) and I think it's time we brought this up. I'm talking about Love and Marriage. Now I know you've all talked about this before, but I'm afraid it hasn't sunk in. Take this Associated Press story for example. I'm quoting from it very carefully, because I don't think you'd believe me if I told you. "FOLLY BEACH, S.C. (AP) - A man infatuated with another man's bride-to-be was jailed after he interrupted a marriage ceremony armed with a toy gun and wearing a cape and black mask, police said Monday. James M. Jernigan showed up outside Our Lady of Good Counsel Roman Catholic Church just before the wedding on Saturday holding a cap gun and wearing a big cowboy hat, a white poncho and a mask. He threatened the bride, 28- year old Teresa Parker, and her Louanne tackles roommate troubles this week Dear Louanne, We have a problem with our roommate and his girlfriend. Actually, we have several problems. At first, it really bothered us that the two never left the apartment. Wherever he goes, she follows-lilcrally. She was never more than two feet away...behind him. We dealt with that, but when she started to leave her feminine hygiene products exposed in our bathroom wastebasket, we all were sickened by the sight. Now, the last straw has occurred, this is by far the worst part. In our opinion, we believe that he abuses her. It is obvious that he verbally abuses her, we can't help but overhear things like "When I tell you to do something, you'd better do it, Bitch!!!” She has been putting up with this for quite a while. We are really tired of having to hear these things all the time. Additionally, we suspect that he physically abuses her. We have been sitting in our room, and we hear the strangest noises. From the other bedroom there are screams, thumps, crashes, and weird slapping-like noises. We really don't care for her at all, and her consequence matters little to us. All we want is our sanity. What should we do? Dear Roommates, Wow! Where to start? Let's begin with the little problem. Though menstruation is a fact of life, we certainly expect bodily wastes to be disposed of properly in our society. You probably need to be assertive and tell your roommate’s girlfriend you'd appreciate it if she'd bag up her refuse and dispose of groom, David Bennett, and panicked guests fled, Police Chief Steve Sheppard said. 'He pointed a firearm at several people including police,' the chief said. 'He was just trying to disrupt the wedding because he was infatuated with Miss Parker.'" See? Love does strange and deeply warped things to people. Though I'll admit, I think I'd have taken the hint that a girl doesn't like me if she's getting married to someone else. I can picture James sitting on the curb outside of the church saying "Gee, maybe she doesn't want to fo to the movies Saturday night” And I definitely wouldn't dress up like the Anti-Lone Ranger and crash a wedding. A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle maybe, but not the Anti-Lone Ranger. Anyway, I just wanted to point out love is a scary thing, because if you're not careful, you could wind up spending a lot of money on movies, flowers and candy. If you're not careful you could wind up in a serious relationship, spending money on movies, flowers and her support hose (Honest. You’ll know you're seriously involved when she .sends von to Giant Eagle at 2 am The Collegian to buy support hose). If you're not careful, you could wind up in front of a short, balding minister (the kind that looks like James from the Bartles and James wine cooler commercials) in a situation like this: Minister: Do you, Phyllis Rene Schlumphjowl, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband; to love and to cherish; to have and to throttle; to nag and Ask Louanne The Collegian advice column by Dr. Louanne Barton Personal Counselor it regularly. Your roommate and his girlfriend sound like they're into a really unhealthy, dependent relationship. Abusive relationships are more prevalent than we care to admit and happen in all segments of our society. Both partners usually believe in vefy traditional sex-role stereotypes They both suffer from low self-esteem. The woman often feels she deserves the abuse and, because the couple is so exclusive and isolated, the only input she may have to her self image is his criticism. She may have grown up with violence as a child. The man often feels a lack of power or control over other aspects of his life and exercises power where he can to enhance his self esteem. Often he is extremely jealous and blames the woman. I suspect you're not as uncaring as you would have us believe. Certainly no one deserves treatment like that. I would suggest you confront them individually. The girlfriend may be more receptive because she probably blames herself. Suggest in a caring way that she get help. You could even accompany her to my office. I would be glad to work with both of them. You could also suggest she call Family Crisis or Hospitality House for counseling. You could get tough and tell your roommate you object to his behavior, and if it continues you will call Family Crisis or the police. (Family Crisis makes house calls.) I realize you don't own the problem, and there's not a lot that can be done when the abused is unwilling to take action, but you'll sleep better if you feel you've done all you can. Signed, Roommates "When it rains, it pours." Thanks for all your letters. We only have a couple more weeks, but 111 try to answer what I can. If I don't get to yours, please stop by the counseling office, first floor Reed, or call 898-6164 and we'll talk. The Missin Piece to pester; for richer or poorer, in sickness, health or leprosy; until death, or Kevin Costner becomes available, do you part? Bride: I do. Minister: Do you, Billy Bob Raymond Johnah Michael Izzy (snicker) Garglegap, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife; to have and to fondl excuse me- hold; to be nagged by and endure bad cooking; for richer or charge card accounts; in sickness and PMS; till death do you part? Groom: Do I still get to play poker? (sound of groom being beaten with a church pew) In fact, it's quite possible there are those of you considering marriage. You may be asking yourself, "Why? Was I drunk?" That's why I'm introducing you to Mark's Marriage Test. It doesn't require expensive counseling, blood work, Tarrot cards or interesting rituals involving cucumbers. The idea is simple: all you and your prospective life partner have to do is eat breakfast together for a month. It sounds simple, but theres a catch. The two of you have to eat breakfast Wednesday, April 11,1990 together at 8:00 am, without the benefit of a toothbrush or a shower. My reasoning is if the two of you can look at each other - hair snarled up, morning breath, bloodshot eyes and otherwise looking like extras from Night of the Living Dead - and manage to mumble at each other civilly for 31 days, you deserve to get married. After all, people always lode and act their worst at eight in the morning. I bet even Vice President Dan Quayle is that grouc - no wait. He's watching Captain Kangaroo. I meant Pat Sajak. It's hard to tell them apart sometimes. Do you think they're twins separated at birth? What I mean is, most normal people are pretty crabby in the morning. Myself, I tend to sound like a minor demon from hell. I figure if the two of you can get through breakfast together, you might be able to survive the in laws. Hahahahaha. Just kidding. No one survives in-laws. Well, that's all for this week. For those of you seriously considering getting married, I urge you to try the test. Me, I'm going to play poker. Good Luck, Louanne