Page 6 Opinion Students have silent for too Students want. We want more books, a better education, lower tuition, more financial aid, diversity, a prestigious degree.. .the list is endless. We want, we want. But so few students are willing to give anything back to their college. The prevaliant feeling on this campus is apathy. Not enough students really care about what happens here. At least they don't care enough to act. Sure, everyone is willing to complain, but when it comes down to it, very few students are willing to contribute their time and effort to improve life here. This is not a new problem. Students have been apathetic for a long time. The reason is simple and obvious. . .fear. That's right, fear. Students are afraid of failure. We are afraid to take a chance and try something new. Or challenging. Or risky. Student Government elections are a prime example, Of the five different presidential positions available, only two of these positions are being sought by more than one candidate. That means three students will be elected to student presidential positions without any opposition. It would seem for all of the complaining that goes on around campus, there should be more than only a handful of candidates running for student government positions; positions from which students could make improvements and have an impact on the system that seems so monstrous at times. It may be too late to run for a position this year, but there is something of great importance that you can do now. Even if you have never been directly involved with student government, you can have a say in how things are run next year. Today and tomorrow from 9 am to 4 pm, SGA elections are being held on the first floor of the Reed Union Building near the student mailboxes. Let your voice be heard by voting for the candidate of your choice. Even if those choices are rather limited. The Collegian Published weekly by the students of Behrend College, Erie, PA (814) Editor Todd J. Irwin Op./Ed. Page Editor Rob Prindle News Editor Tony Olivito News Editor Mark Owens Entertainment Editor Robb Frederick Sports Editor John Musser Layout Editor Chris Kocott Photo Coordinator Rick Brooks Business Manager Christie Redmond Advisor Dr. Mike Simmons Editorial 898-6488 The Collegian's editorial opinion is determined by the editorial staff, with the editor holding final responsibility. Opinions expressed in The Collegian are not necessarily those of The Collegian or the Pennsylvania State University. Letter Policy: The Collegian encourages letters on news coverage, editorial content and university affairs. Letters should be typewritten, double-spaced and signed by no more than two persons. Letters should be no longer than 400 words. Letters should include the semester and major of the writer. AH letters should provide the address and phone number of the writer for verification of the letter. The Collegian reserves the right to edit letters for length and to reject letters if they are libelous or do not conform to standards of good taste. Letters should be submitted to The Collegian office no latter than noon on Monday prior to the desired publication date. been long The Collegian Mike Royko Antsy closet crowd should think twice by Mike Royko Some militant homosexuals have come up with a new idea for improving their self-esteem, increasing political power, exaggerating their importance and getting themselves invited on TV shows that are in need of addle-brained guests. These militants claim to know the identity of many homosexuals who go through life posing as heterosexuals. In other words, those who choose to stay in the closet. But the militants want them to come out of the closet, whether they want to or not, and become visible members of what is known as the "gay community." At this point, I have to say that I've never really understood the definition of the "gay community." Presumably, some unemployed gay drug addict would be a member of this community. So would a wealthy gay polo playing socialite. But other than how they choose to use their sexual appendages, I don't see that they have much in common, and it's unlikely the socialite would invite the gay drug addict to cocktails. So how close-knit a community can it be? That question aside, the homosexual militants are now using something called "outing.” This means that if they have reason to believe, or even strongly suspect, that someone is a homosexual, they reveal it in one of their newspapers, picket his residence and make his sexual preferences public. That's where the word "outing" comes from. They drag him out of the closet. This has created a controversy, which delights the militant homosexuals. With bumbling Andy Rooney off the hook, things have been quiet on the gay front. There is always AIDS, of course. But it has slowly sunk into the consciousness of most Americans that far more people die of cancer, heart disease and other afflictions. And that few non-homosexuals or drug-needle users are in danger. But when the president makes a speech, you don't sec many cancer victims showing up to screech that he is insensitive to their needs. Those who practice or favor "outing” provide two motives. One group says it wants to punish secret homosexual politicians who are not sympathetic enough to homosexual causes. The other says it wants to expose prominent successful homosexuals to provide ordinary homosexuals with "role models." The opposing view is that under our system of law, an American's home is his castle. Even a cop has to obtain a search warrant before barging in. So if a secret homosexual's home is his castle, his closet is a nook in his castle, and if he doesn't want to be dragged out of his closet, that's his right. But the "outing" practitioners say that closet homosexuals politicians arc hypocritical and have no right to privacy. And it is the duty of prominent gays to serve as "role models." In other words, what they do might appear to be an invasion of privacy, but as the saying goes, you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet. Or, as Slats Grobnik might put it, you have to peel a few fruits to make a fruit salad. (Look, don't accuse me of being insensitive. You're the ones who arc poking into someone's closet.) This controversy is stirring strong feelings and growing debate, but I can't make up my mind. On the one hand, I believe that what a couple of consenting males choose to do with their Wednesday, April 11,1990 Mike Royko genitalia is their own concern, so long as they don't do it on my front porch, in the company lunchroom, in the middle of Michigan Avenue or at home plate during the singing of the National Anthem. In other words, they should be discreet and respect the sensibilities of those who are indifferent to their leering, panting and moaning. After all, the rest of the nation doesn't hold parades and cry: "Impotent pride" or "Premature ejaculation power." On the other hand, it might be interesting - at least for Gcraldo and Oprah to see what happens if the militants pursue their policy of "outing." I would guess that what we'll sec is a show in which the proud militants arc sitting there with a few of those who have been dragged from their closets, and the conversation will go something like this: "Bill, you were a successful corporate executive and a pillar of your community and had a wife and three kids before it was disclosed in the Boys Will Be Boys News that you secretly stopped for drinks and other activities at the Swell Guys Lounge. How has your life been affected by being dragged out of the closet?" "Well, my wife was very understanding and said she would have her lawyer take only the house, the summer house, the cars and 90 percent of our savings, as well as full custody of my children. "The CEO at my company said he is very understanding and said he would write a glowing reference letter to the school of hair styling of my choice. "All three of my children are now in therapy. The last time I saw them, they said that I have been replaced as their role model by Chuck Norris. "Other than that, things are going OK. I’m still a member of my golf club, although there is a debate whether my locker should be in the men’s or women’s locker rx>m." "But are you more at peace with yourself now that you are no longer living a life of deceit, duplicity and sham?" "Not quite. But I'm approaching a feeling of tranquility and will be there after I make one more move." "What's that?" When I shoot that little sumbilch that opened my closet door."