The Collegian : the weekly newspaper of Behrend College. (Erie, PA) 1989-1993, March 28, 1990, Image 2
Page 2 Behrend briefs The Vet’s Club is sponsoring an Easter Egg Hunt on April 14. They need stuffed animals as prizes for the children. Drop off your stuffed animals in the Office of Student Services, Reed Second Floor. Donations accepted up until event. The Office of Minority Students Programs will sponsor Students United for Success (SUFS). This is a peer support program designed for minority freshmen. An information meeting will be held Wednesday, March 38 at 8 pm in the Reed Conference Room. Several study abroad programs still have room for additional applicants. Interested students should contact Mari Trenkle as soon as possible at the Glennhill Farmhouse or call 898-6160. A scholarship for women is being sponsored by the American Business Women's Association, Presque Isle Chapter. Applications available in the Financial aid office in Glennhill. Deadline is March 31. Dr. Raymond Hutchings, author of seven books and editor of "Abstracts Soviet and East European Series" at 11 am on April 19 in Nick 113. He will discuss recent events in the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia. A scholarship is being presented by the Presque Isle Garden Club to students in agriculture, agronomy, floriculture, horticulture, landscape architecture, plant pathology or forestry majors. Deadline is April 1 and applications are available in the Financial Aid Office. The Joseph Olszewski Scholarship is available to students that are residents of Erie County, possess good scholarship and good character. Scholarships range from $lOO to $lOOO depending on need. Call 455-0303 to obtain an application and information. The Alumni Career Panel for Science, Engineering and Technologist will be held in 117 Reed Building at 4 pm, today. The panel will consist of Behrend Alumni who will discuss their occupations and answer questions regarding future job market trends. TempilS is coming soon. Keep your eyes out for this Behrend Student Literary Magazine. The Matchbox Players announces the opening of The Course Acting Show on Tuesday March 27 - 31 and April 4 - 7 at 8 pm for all evening performances. Special Sunday matinees will be held at 2 pm, April 1 and 8. For ticket information or more details contact Norma Hartner at 898-6331 between 9 and 5. Atention Honors and Awards recipients. Remember to be in the weightroom at Erie Hall on Sunday, April 1 at 1:30 pm. If you can not attend please call die Office of Student Activities at 6171. The Yearbook Committee will meet on Wednesday, March 28 at 7 pm in the SGA suite. Anyone interested please attend. A Canidate's Debate for the presidents and vice-presidents of all SGA positions will be held on Thursday, March 29 at 11:30 am in Wintergarden Cafe. Police Re Candles set off fire alarm in dorm Resident charged for tampering with smoke detector by Carol Mandera Collegian News Writer It was lights out Tuesday night, March 20, when electrical power to the campus was lost because of fire. According to a report issued by Randy Hoffman, manager of Penn Statc-Bchrcnd's Department of Police and Safety, power to the campus was lost at about 9:43 pm. Pennsylvania Electric Company crews and Brooksidc Fire Department responded and extinguished an electrical fire located in a manhole near the Apartments. Power was restored to most of the campus within four hours. Remaining outages were corrected by 6 am, March 21 (sec related article on page 1). Campus police investigated a fire on the first floor of Perry Steinem... (continued from page 1) The only solution to this problem, she felt, is for children to be raised as much by men as by women. Culture was the fourth point Steinem cited. She said that religion has often been used as a way to make politics sacred. The fifth and final point for a true democracy is participation. At present time only about 50 percent of the general American public votes. Conversely, 90 percent of the fundamentalists (the Moral Majority) turn out to vote. This is hurting the movement Steinem said. "Sometimes I think the Moral Majority are the people our European ancestors came here to escape,” said Steinem. On the subject of politics, Steinem said that Bush and Delta Chi becomes a chapter The Behrend colony of Delta Chi recently held a banquet to celebrate their acceptance as a chapter in the international organization. The banquet was attended by over 125 people, including three international officers of Delta Chi, members of the faculty, and brothers and alumni of Delta Chi. Delta Chi was founded in August of 1989 and was being considered for chapter status seven months later. Delta Chi's service program included a bowl-a-thon benefiting a child in need of surgery and a fund raiser for cerebral palsy. The fraternity also emphasizes academics and participates in campus intramural programs. The Collegian Wednesday, March 28,1990 ort: Hall. Hoffman's report indicates that officers responded to a fire alarm at about 9:44 pm, March 21, and detected a strong smoke odor. Their investigation revealed that a candle, being burnt by a resident, had accidently lipped and ignited papers. The resident had successfully extinguished the minor fire before officers arrived. Residents of the room were referred to the Student Disciplinary Board for housing rule violations after officers discovered that the room's smoke detector had been dismantled prior to the incident. Police arc investigating a hit and run accident reported by a commuter student on March 22. The student reported light damage to his vehicle while it was parked in "C" Lot. According to Sanders, there Reagan have not been a help to the women's movement. In fact, they have tried to turn the clock back. However, she said women arc making progress. "Change seems to progress in a can feel like we arc not moving anyplace but in fact we arc going through similar circumstances on ever changing territory, so when we look back, we see how far we've come," said Steinem. For example, she said the terms battered women, sexual harassment, and displaced homemaker didn't exist 15 years ago. In her final remarks, Steinem said, "All of us are on the edge of history. When we look where we have come from we know that there will not be ever a turning back." A question and answer period followed the speech. The Collegian Published weekly by the students of Behrend College, Erie, Pa (814) 898-6488 Member of College Press Service Editor.... Todd J. Irwin Op/Ed Page Editor.... Rob Prindie News Editor.... Tony Olivito News Editor.... Mark Owens Entertainment Editor.... Robb Frederick Sports Editor... John Musser Layout Editor.... Chris Kocott Photo Coordinator.... Rick Brooks Business Manager.... Christie Redmond Advisor.... Dr. Mike Simmons The Collegian is a student-edited newspaper were empty beer cans in the area and that a warning was issued and the group was dispersed. The dance went on as planned and there were no problems inside the building. However, there were some violations in the Reed Parking Lot involving underage drinking and open containers. Police and Safety were there to March 20. Hoffman's report states that his department was involved in the pursuit of a vehicle. The operator of the vehicle was stopped on Shannon Road and arrested by Wcslcyvillc police for driving under the influence. A correction to last week's report: the DUI/Alcohol Awareness Program was sponsored by the Zcta Beta Tau fraternity and not Residential Life. In response to a question about whether women should be in active combat in the military, Steinem said she thinks it is a great idea. "I don't think men's lives are worth less than women's lives,” she said. "I think the right wing just doesn't want us to learn to use guns." Another question was asked about whether Bush and Reagan have helped the movement. "Bush and Reagan have helped the movement by showing what the problem is," Steinem said. When asked to give advice to the young girls in the United States today, Steinem said, "Dream the biggest dream...let that guide you...don't censor yourself." The event was sent by T 1 carrier to University Park and then to 16 other campuses live. It was also broadcast live on WPSE.