The Collegian Thursday, December 7, 1989 Opinion Parting Shots Jim Says : "I'm Outta Here." by James_Martin Collegian Editor As I sit down to write this, it's hard for me to believe that after two years its almost over. Provided I manage to pass bowling 58 and complete the work for a few other classes that hang in the balance, I'll soon be out of here. Since the spring of 1988, I've had the privilege of being editor of The Collegian, a position that has given me a lot of good opportunities. It also has forced me to focus on what's going on at Behrend and I've formed a few opinions. Here are a few thoughts and observations: • The Collegian has grown from a twice-monthly to a weekly newspaper during the past two years. I like to think we've made some improvements during that time. The credit for those improvements belongs to a number of people, perhaps too many to name. Some of them - include-former Editor Steve Aller and my - two assistant editors, Rick Cain and Todd Irwin. Stan Lefes, the paper's business manager and a departing senior has also been instrumental in keeping The Collegian on solid financial ground. • With Todd Irwin taking over as editor in January, I know Fm leaving the paper in capable hands and that the paper will continue to improve. • WPSE, Behrend's new radio station has a lot of possibilities. Both Station Manager Fred Anzivino and Student Station Manager Ken Bunting bring considerable experience with them. But I fear growth and innovation will be slow in coming as long as the university administration keeps the station on a leash. In most cases, The Collegian has been left alone and free of restrictions; and I think the results have been positive. But there still seems to be a fear in the administration that the radio station might somehow make Behrend look bad. I hope the school can stop worrying about looking bad and let the radio station live up to its consideratire potential. • If The Collegian had been subject' to the same restraints as the radio station, one of our most memorable features might — never have seen print. During the past two years, Love Rob has been unquestionably the most widely read part of The _Collegian. Good things can happen when you don't spend all your time worrying about offending people. Now, Rob says he's through writing his column. Hopefully for Behrend, he'll change his mind. • On balance, Behrend has a lot going for it. Straight-faced comparisons to Dartmouth are still a ways- off but there are many top-notch professors here. I was fortunate to learn from many of them in the English department, some of whom are well known writers with national reputations. But we're missing some of the basics here at Behrend. We're supposedly building a $lO million life fitness center, but our library still has less than 70,000 volumes. Sure, we're getting a new , one - one that eventually could hold up to 150,000 books. Still, a pretty lame total. I can't blame the people running the library. You can't buy books without money. • During the past two years, The Collegian has been threatened with legal action-at least three times. Now it seems we've upset the good people at the Pregnancy Aid Center. You can find their letter and side of the-story in this issue We stand by what Dr. Barton wrote in her column and hope the administration will too. • As I sit here writing this, The Collegian is less than two hours from deadline. Our small, windowless office is crowded and filled with the sounds of fingers on keyboards, and people fighting for space at the layout tables. The phone is ringing and theit is just no way we're going to get out on time - I'm really going to miss this LOVE ROB Power to the Students Gorge Coup Imminent by Rob Prindie Everyone knows that in a few days the 'Bos will be over and everyone is busy making predictions and resolutions or recapping the decade. I think that even with all of the problems in the world, the 1980's may well have been the finest period in human history. For the First time in history, peace talk really works and weapons are being reduced instead of increased. And peaceful demonstrations are working. Even after the tragedy at Tiananmen Square, Eastern Europeans still have the guts to march for better representation, We are living through a time that will warrant its own section in every history book. But Fm not here to lecture, I'm here to lead. Student government may not be willing to. I am. When we return to campus in January it will be a new decade and we should start it off on the right testicle. If you've been watching the news you've seen the protest marches and the strikes I'm talking about. You have also seen just how successful most of them have been. Now here is my plan: We throw a coup. Under my leadership we band together and overthrow the Gorge Strongman, Al Vogan. I know that Al has really been taking a lot of flak this year, but even with all of the hoots and hollers nothing his changed. _I am not being flip when I say that it is time for Behrend students to unite and change things that the administration has - simply chosen fci ignore. Apparently they aren't taking us seriously. My plan is clear and easy. We boycott. The food is barely worth eating anyway (We can get some sort of car pools together to take people into Wesleyville to get food). I know that some of you already have points and that might be a problem, but hopefully the strike won't last too long and you won't take a loss. Once Al is out on his apron, I have the perfect replacement in mind. I'm not sure, but I think his name is Pete and he owns a place called Pete's Restaurant at 3517 Buffalo Road. Pete's place serves basic food along with some Greek specialties and the food is fantastic. The prices are more than comparable: In most cases Pete's pummels the Gorge. At Pete's you can get home fries, two eggs (any style), and two pieces of toast for 99 cents. Meanwhile, here at the Behrend Monopoly Cafeteria you can get an egg muffin creation for $2. I think you are beginning to see my point. Oh, by the way, if you are really hungry you might try Pete's really serious breakfast. For $2.95 you get a large steak, a pile of home fries, two eggs, and two pieces of toast. All, that for less than the price of two egg things at our Gorge. Another, comparison: Pete's- 3 chili dogs for SA9. Gorge - 3 chili dogs for $3. I could c\ .c. tine, but why bother? Even if Pete's were mo expensive it would still blow the Gorge right the hell out of the water. Here at the Gorge we get industrialized food. A small selection of mass-produced food. At Pete's you get anything you want. Here at the Gorge you wait in line and carry trays. At Pete's they take your order, bring your food, refill your coffee and say "thank you" as you leave. How does Pete do it? I would be willing to bet that this guy has a lot more overhead than Al and the Gorge. How can Pete beat the Gorge on quality, service, and price? What could be the problem with the Gorge? Now I'm not saying anything for sure but might anyone guess...oh, I Rob Prindle don't know...bad management? My lawyers and I certainly wouldn't. But who knows? Maybe the real problem with food service is that it doesn't have to be good. There is no competition. A lot of Behrend students are stuck on campus. So the Gorge offers a few selections made in bulk (say, shouldn't things be cheaper in bulk?), a few fried foods and a truly amazing salad bar. Amazing not for its selection or quality, but for its price. Twenty cents an ounce is insane. Over $3 a pound for lettuce? But I could possibly forgive the Gorge all its sins if only the food, were good. Being a college student, I need sustenance. I do not need fish balls or broccoli-and-cheese-stuffed potatoes. And even the things that should be good just come out as boring and bland and I will tell you the truth: I think that my old high school cafeteria could kick the Gorge's butt. Now I'm being serious, people. This mediocre management has got to stop. If it is not Al Vegan's fault then he should start blowing the whistle on someone. Shouldn't someone put a little energy into this problem? Obviously the Gorge management is too busy banning Jolt Cola, so it is time for real action. Oh, by the way, I think that it would be dangerous for the Gorge/school administration to take all this as a joke. Just remember what's been happening to the ruling powers in Eastern Europe. How does house arrest sound, Al? , 11 /./ 4,„ Page
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