The Collegian : the weekly newspaper of Behrend College. (Erie, PA) 1989-1993, December 07, 1989, Image 10
Page 10 Entertainment Briefs Murphy becomes a father Comedian Eddie Murphy became a father on November 18, reports this week's issue of People magazine. The mother of the baby girl is model Nicole Mitchell, 21, who Murphy has been seeing for over a year. Beach Boys object to special An unlicensed ABC production about the Beach Boys is receiving some not-so-good vibrations from the band. "It's not authorized, and we're not getting paid," said the group's manager. "We don't want to help them get any publicity, and we are refusing to.license any of the music we can control." The telemovie is scheduled for a spring airing. Disney to create record label The Walt Disney Co, unable to purchase a record company for a price it considered reasonable, has announced plans to create its own label. The label, titled Hollywood Records, will include rock and roll,movie soundtracks, and other pop formats, and it is set to begin business early next year. Ringing the bells to bring in the season Handbell Soloist: Frank Bowker, one of just four handbell soloists in the nation, appeared last night in the Reed Lecture Hall as part of the Cultural and Performing Arts Series. Mr. Bowker's performance contained a variety of music, ranging from classics such as "Beethoven's Ninth ,Symphony" and "Chariots of Fire" to modern music like "The Pink Panther" and "Linus and Lucy" from Peanuts. Behrend choir ready for Christmas performance by Michael Gettleman Collegian Staff Writer On the heels of a warm-up performance at Diehl Elementary, the Behrend Concert Choir is now preparing for its show on campus, scheduled for December 9 at 8 pm. "We're really excited about the songs that we've assembled this year," says David Stuntz, director of the choir. "The group has worked very hard all semester arid we're looking for the effort to pay off." On some of the pieces, the choir will be joined by the Presque Isle Brass Quintet, a group of five members from the Erie Philharmonic Orchestra. Says Stuntz, "The addition of the brass ensemble adds a wonderful touch to many of our pieces. We're fortunate to have them performing with us." The songs which have been selected vary in languages, places of origin, and time periods. The diverse program includes songs from the 16th century up to traditional American hymns. The brass group will participate on "Christmas Contata," a three-part score by Daniel Pinkham. This is a very involved piece with. three distinct sections, each having its own unique rhythm. The ladies of the choir will ACROSS 1 Heavenly body 5 Edge 9 Drinking vessel 12 Comfort 13 Lampreys .14 Native metal 15 Near . _ 16 Grow genial 18 Sink in middle 20 Reverse: abbr. 22 Periods of time 24 Great quantity 27 Bivalve mollusk 29 Traced 31 Game at cards 32 Repulth 34 Profound 36 Symbol for manganese 37 Reach 39 Mexican shawl 41 Symbol for tantalum COLLEGE PRESS SERVICE The Collegian Thursday, December 7, 1989 sing a traditional piece called "Patapan". This piece features Michelle Gares on the piccolo and Julie Buckler on the bongo. Its catchy tempo has made this one a favorite of the group. The gentlemen also have an exclusive piece. "You Come Too" is from the poem "Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost and was set to music by Randall Thompson. It's a touching ballad and, as Mr. Stuntz said, "If you listen closely throughout, you can almost hear the snow falling." There are some traditional pieces as well which everyone should be familiar with. The program includes four-part divicinng of geaconal favnritec "Deck The Halls" and "The Twelve Days Of Christmas." The concert will utilize the effects of the echo on "While Shepherds Watched." A quartet made up of Lalena Forsgren, Laura Muns, Dan Cedrone and David Starsnic will assist the already astounding sound of the Winter Garden. Another selection, "Whence Is That Goodly Fragrance Flowing?," features a strong soloist role by Whitney Hoffacker., _ . The "Lute-Book Lullaby" by William Ballet is also on the program. On this piece, the choir 42 Journey 44 Playthings 45 Antlered animal 47 Reverberation 49 Barracuda 50 Walk unsteadily 52 Corn plant parts 54 Symbol for samarium 55 Lamprey 57 Go by water 59 Teutonic deity 61 High mountain 63 City in Russia 65 Skin ailment 67 Genus of cattle 68 Foundation 69 Wagers DOWN 1 Ocean 2 Gossip 3 Equally 4 Soak flax 5 Whiskers puts forth a peaceful sound, much like the sound of a lute. Handbells are used on the piece "Come Thou Redeemer." The bells set a serene and seasonal mood for the concert as a whole. The choir will also perform "Stale Nacht," a David Stuntz original arrangement of the traditional favorite "Silent Night" as well as "II Est Ne Le Devin Enfant." Translated, this means "He Is Born The Divine Christ Child." Recently, the choir performed a number of songs at our adopted school, Diehl Elementary. Said choir president David Starsnic, "It was a lot of fun for us as well as for the kids at Diehl. We really enjoyed hearing them sing along on • some of the more familiar tunes." "We even provided some comic relief on the 'Twelve Days Of Christmas.' We did some hand motions with the students and used a few cute props that got some laughs: It was nice to get the practice in a public forum and playing around with the kids was king." . The choir's one and only performance will take place in the Reed Building Winter Garden on December 9 and it starts at 8 pm. Tickets are on sale for $2 from Mr: David Stunt?' at extension 6289 - or from any choir Member. There is limited seating available. The Puzzle Answers on 10 Chaldean city 6 Requite 11 Earth goddess 7 Negative prefix 17 That man 8 Manuscripts: 19 Forenoon abbr. 21 Transported 9 Magnate with delight 23 Observes 25 Ship's crew 26 Free - from fraud 27 Mouth of volcano 28 Flesh 30 Unwanted plant 33 Unit of Italian currency: pl. 35 Those in favor of 38 Keen 40 Mountains of Europe 43 Aspects 46 Retains 48 Pope's scarf 51 French article 53 Spanish for 56 Tennis stroke 58 Experimental room: colloq. 60 Legal matters 61 Hebrew letter 62 Behold! 64 Sun god • 66 Symbol for cerium