The Collegian : the weekly newspaper of Behrend College. (Erie, PA) 1989-1993, April 12, 1989, Image 8

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    Page 8
Bod buildin
by Brian Nelson
Collegian Staff Writer
Last November, I decided to set a - goal for the simple purpose of
proving to myself that I could reach it. Everything that I have done
since, has targeted toward March 25, the date of the state regional
bodybuilding contest in New Castle. After much dieting, hard
training, and preparation, that long awaited date has now since
passed. How did I do? Let's just say I didn't win, but I didn't do too
bad either, considering it was my first contest. Above all that, and
more importantly, I emerged feeling like a winner. To me, that's
all that matters. The whole experience turned out to be one of the
most memorable and rewarding times of my life.
When I decided to enter this contest, I had no idea of what to
expect. I heard a lot of other bodybuilders talk about how great it
was to compete, but I was still somewhat skeptical. Even though I
actively participated in bodybuilding, I still adopted the views that
many outsiders generally take. I figured that these contests were
probably riddled with super-egos, empty brained, muscle heads, and
steroid monsters.
What I found was quite to the contrary. True, there were a few
jerks, but the majority of the competitors were super guys, who
like myself, had set a goal and pursued it vigorously. Instead of the
expected clashing of egos, there was an overall feeling of unity.
Winners were congratulated and losers were encouraged to try again.
All around, it was a great scene that I was proud to be a part of.
The sport of bodybuilding is misunderstood by many. Actually,
it goes beyond being a sport. It is more like a lifestyle. Beyond the
physical aspect of working out and competing, bodybuilding can be
compared to life in general. Nine times out of ten there is going to
be someone that's better at a certain task than you are. Instead of
accepting defeat, you need to pick up the pieces and work toward
becoming better. Unfortunately, this is a lesson that many people
never learn.
As for bodybuilding, not everyone can possess the genetics of
an Arnold Swartzenegger, but they can possess the drive to be the
best that they can be, regardless of the limitations.
For those who are contemplating the challenge of competitive
bodybuilding, there are a few guidelines you must follow to be
successful. Around 80% of your success will depend on your diet.
Believe it or not, this is the hardest part. You have to learn to
regulate how much you eat, what you eat, and when you cat.
Instead of eating three bulging meals a day, you need to reduce and
eat five small meals a day, making sure not to eat four hours prior
to bedtime. You must only eat all natural, low sodium, low sugar
Finally three days prior to your competition, you need to raise
your carbohydrate intake substantially, while depleting your protein
intake. Through dieting you will learn much about the needs of
your body and its functions. In the process you'll also gain much
mental strength and self-discipline. You'll finally learn how to say
no when mom entices you with that fresh baked pecan pie. The rest
of your success depends on the quality of your training program and
the amount of rest that you get between workouts. -
I fully encourage anyone who is into bodybuilding to set a goal
and compete at least once. It won't be an easy goal to reach, but the
challenge will make it all worth while. This' is one sport where
there is never a loser, regardless of the outcome.
Dear. Louanne,
I'm really screwed up. I guess I'm
depressed. I don't have any motivation.
I sleep all the time and cut classes. I
don't feel like eating and I've even lost
interest in sex! It looks: like I'll fail
two class - es even if I could get up and
get going so why bother. This will put
me on academic probation, but I don't
even know if I care except I have to
tell my parents. I've heard about
medication for depression. Do you
think it could help me? Can you get
dependent on it like Valium? Is there
any hope for me?
I sle6p all the time and cut classes. I don't feel
like eating and I've even lost interest in sex! It
looks like I'll fail two classes even if I could' get
u s and iet ioin. so wh bother.
Dear Going Crazy,
No, you're not going crazy, but it certainly
sounds like you're suffering from depression from
the symptoms you've described. It sounds pretty
painful. This is a time when counseling could
really help. I urge you to make an appointment
so we can talk.
There are two types of depression. One is
endogenous which is more physiologically
inherent having to do with brain chemistry. The
neurotransmitters in the brain aren't functioning
properly. Often people who suffer from this type
of depression have a history of feeling depressed
since childhood. For no apparent reason at all
Send letters to: Dr. Louanne Barton, Personal Counseling
213 Glennhill Farmhouse, Behrend College. Erie, Pa 16563
The Collegian Wednesday, April 12
Signed, Going Crazy
Ask. Louanne
The Collegian Advice Column
by Dr. Louanne Barton,
This week:
No energy; depression
that black cloud descends over them lasting for as
long as two weeks-or more before it lifts. There
may be other members of the family who also
are depressed. Medication can be very helpful in
this kind of situation, and, no ; it is not habit
There is also depression which is triggered by
external situations. We can respond to losses or
stress in our lives by becoming depressed. In
these situations medication usually isn't very
helpful, but counseling can help to work through
First we should assess the severity of your
depression and your history. If it looks like
medication is indicated you would be referred to a
physician. In addition, cognitive therapy would
be helpful to correct negative thinking patterns
which often result in depression. If medication is
not indicated, counseling could help you to
restructure your pattern of thinking, to set goals,
to structure and manage your time, and to explore
career options.
Maybe college isn't where you really want to
be right now. Maybe you need to consider some
other options. If this is the case practicing some
assertive skills will be helpful when it comes
time to inform Mom and Dad.
Feeling depressed can be worse than any
physical pain we might suffer. I hope you'll drag
yourself out of bed and come over so we can talk.