The Collegian, Wednesday February 15 Ask Louanne The Collegian Advice Column by Dr. Louanne Barton, Psychologist Dear Louanne, I'm a basket case. My girlfriend left me after 2 1/2 years. She's seeing someone else and the guy's a real jerk. I can't believe it! I'll be graduating next year, and we were going to get married. Now nothing seems worth it anymore. I can't sleep, and I can't concentrate on studying. It's been two weeks and I still can't get on top of this. If this keeps up I won't even graduate. I'm not the greatest looking guy in the world and not very outgoing. The odds of my finding anyone else are pretty slim. I feel like I'm going crazy! Help! - • Would you believe, half the students I've seen in my office this past month have lost a love? It's like the Saint Valentine's Day massacre. Someone once told me that's why they put St. Valentine's Day in February, to try to shore up relationships. At Pitt they , even have a group for the broken hearted. "My girlfriend left me after 2 1/2 years. She's seeing someone else and the guy's a real jerk." What you're experiencing is a real crisis, one of the hardest we face in life. It's like grieving over the death of a loved one only harder because she's not really gone, seeing her keeps reminding you of the pain, and there's always that shred of hope that maybe she'll come back. We experience grief in stages which include denial, anger, depression, and guilt. Finally we come to a kind of acceptance. At first it does feel like you're losing your mind with inability to concentrate and remember things, a tendency to think obsessively about the situation, and feeling the urge to cry all the time. Even suicidal thoughts can enter our mind. We think such thoughts as "It must have been my fault. What did I do wrong?" or "I'm a worthless person and never find anyone else." This grief process takes time. No, you're not going crazy. What you are experiencing is normal in a situation like this. Allow yourself to experience and express these feelings. Believe it or not, in time the pain will dull and a feeling of acceptance will take over. Don't be too hard on yourself if you can't concentrate on studying. Try studying shorter periods of time and take more breaks if you have to. When you feel better you can catch up. It helps to talk to close friends or family. Keeping busy helps too. Structure your day so you don't have too much time to sit home alone and think. As you begin to heal try treating yourself to some new experiences, taking some risks. Do some of those things you always wanted to do, but didn't because of - your girlfriend, especially those things which will help you meet new people. Maybe we should start a "Broken Hearts Club" here on campus. If you're interested come talk to me. Send letters to: Dr. Louanne Barton, Personal Counseling 213 Glenhill Farmhouse, Behrend College Erie, Pa 16563 FR EE_ HELP Signed, A Broken Heart ~ ' l t~i~~~ i~ ti Get Fit Now by Brian - Nelson Collegian Staff Writer Well it's that time of the year again when everyone anxiously awaits the arrival of spring and warmer weather. The recent surge of above normal temperatures have pushed spring fever to epidemic levels. Almost everywhere we look, there's something to remind us that better days are. coming. At school, there are signs everywhere advertising spring break in Florida. At the mall, the stores are already displaying , spring and: suimrter. fashions. All of these are symbols of hope that spare us from falling victim to the doldrums of an Erie winter, which could closely be compared to living through the "Dark Ages". I've even caught myself lately, counting days in anticipation of baseball season. Just 52 more days. It's also a time of year for most of us to put aside all, of those holiday binges and get ourselves in shape. Starting now could save you the horrifying experience of finding that those clothes that fit so well last summer seem to have shrunk over the winter. I can guarantee that nine times out of ten, mom's washing machine wasn't responsible. Everyone has their own type of summer recreation, whether it be baseball, softball, running, biking, volleyball, sunbathing, or even just being a spectator to all of the above. I'd like to pass along a few health tips that may help you to get a little more enjoyment out of your favorite past-times. For-all of you baseball and softball players, as well as runners. Have you ever wondered how great it would be to have a smoother delivery on a pitch, a better cut at• the bat, and to be able to, run thatextra distance without pain to the joints? All of this is possible. All it takes is a little oil. Cod liver oil that is. That's right. That same old stuff your parents gagged on when they were kids. When you compare our bodies to a machine, a lot of things begin to make sense. The machine needs oil to function properly. Right? Our bodies also need to be oiled in one form' or another in order for its parts to function' properly. Cod liver oil does the job. Its magical ingredient is vitamin D 3, which we receive in another way through slmlight. Living through an Erie winter, it doesn't take much for None to realize that their bodies probably lack this \ essential nutrient. A lack of this vitamin can cause brittle bones, rob your muscles and tendons of erasticity, and can Ab or tion contd. from previous page determine "fetus viability" before being allow to get a private abortion. - Legal scholars say the court could declare the law unconstitutional, thus leaving women's rights to undergo the procedure unchanged. It could also declare the Missouri law constitutional but leave Roe vs. Wade intact. The court could also overturn Roe. If the status quo is changed , activists on both sides of the issue say, life for collegians could change dramatically. "We're not really sure what this all means yet," said Rothman. "The court could chip away at Roe vs. Wade, giving the states more leeway in regulating abortion. The worst case will be that while the rich will always be able to find abortions, the poor won't. Students will be hard hit also cause chronic joint pain. Studies have shown that cod liver oil can ease the pain of arthritis, and can prevent many friction injuries caused to the joints through the wear and tear of various sports and activities. Not only does cod liver oil lubricate the muscles and joints, but it also aids the liver in its cleansing process, improves clarity in vision, and promotes healthy skin. But wait. Before you all run out and grab a bottle, let me warn you of a few things. First of all, it tastes terrible in- its raw form. My suggestion is that you buy-the emulsified cod liver oil. It tastes so good. in this form that you probably want to lick the spoon. In addition, rd like to mention that the cod liver oil won't do a thing for you unless it is taken properly. That i where the catch is. When you first get up in the morning you need to drink two large lukewarm glasses of water, wait ten minutes, take two tablespoons of cod liver oil, wait a half hour, then eat a good breakfast. For a person with a tight schedule, this is a hard ritual to follow, but definitely worth the hassle. I guarantee. For those of you who are sun worshippers, and soak up as much of it as you can during our all too short summers. Why not start now? No, Fm not crazy. I realize it's only February, and probably the closest thing you'll get to a natural tan is windbrm from walking across campus in a bliziiird. What I mean to say is start priming yourself for the tanning season through various safe methods such as canthaxatintablets and sunless tanning lotions. Canthaxathin tablets conOst of beta carotene (the coloring found in carrots and other related vegetables), and food coloring. They permeate and color subcutaneous level just beneath the skin, to give you a gold tint all year round. This also provides an excellent base tan for when tanning season finally does arrive. The consumer should be cautioned howeverthat none of these products provide protection in natural sunlight Everyone should put on a sunscreen lotion before laying, out in the sun. Even those who are blessed with easily tanned, flesh should use some type of protection. Without it, over a prolonged period of time, skin will become dry and scaly, giving you wrinkles and age spots. Those with light, sensitive skin should protect these simple steps can save you from such problems as skuicancerlater in life. Finally for all you spectators. What more can I say? There's only; bout a month left '6l spring. since most don't have a lot of Rothman continued, explaining money. that if Roe is overturned each "A lot of it just depends on state will determine its own where you go to school," abortion statutes. Check out the Super Value of Balfour Class Rings on Feb. 15-16 at the Behrend • I Bookstore Page